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<masked> hi all. i came here looking for sarg to talk to in regards to the bootloader, but perhaps someone else can help me out here
<masked> i'm making linux, freebsd and netbsd images for the rikomagic mk802iiis
<masked> now i'm not quite clear on a couple of things
<masked> my understanding is the bootloader is on the boot partition
<masked> i'm assuming it's using the rockchip one, as it does use the rockchip batch tool for the disk
<masked> and that the rockchip bootloader supports UFS
<masked> my understanding is i dont need a bootloader or kernel in the rootfs image
<masked> i should be able to just flash the kernel image to the kernel partition and the rootfs to the root partition
<masked> and power it up and it should boot
<masked> or is there a way i can create a disk image file with multiple disk images in it, one for each the kernel and the rootfs and if so, how?
<masked> i guess this is the answer here: mkbootimg --kernel linux-rockchip/arch/arm/boot/Image --ramdisk initrd.img -o boot.img
<masked> oh
<masked> that isn't the answer
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<sjoerd> Found the cause of my audio issue \o/
<sjoerd> There is a tiny race in the accounting of the pl330 driver...
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<mmind00> sjoerd: interesting ... with something as common as the pl330, it's a wonder nobody stumbled over this before
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<sjoerd> mmind00: it's an incredibly tiny window in which it can occur
<sjoerd> I'm somewhat surprised i'm hitting it
<sjoerd> that and it's spurious, the transfer progress in one segment gets misreported when it's finishing
<sjoerd> I'm only hitting it with using vlc + pulse as that seems to query the hw pointer progress almost continously
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<mmind00> sjoerd: I remember you mentioning jumpy audio with only one specific player
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<sjoerd> Yeah for some reason vlc triggers pulse to query the hw pointer far more often then with e.g. gstreamer
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