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<naobsd> hm, reverting drm probe patch is in linux-next 20151115 now, but sjored's patch for module is not available yet
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<pulser> mmind00: do you know if anyone has reported intermittent "sleep causes freeze" issues? Mostly when using a DE, I find after a few sleeps, it will wake itself from sleep and be "frozen" - mouse/kb don't respond, nothing over the network either. Not managed to catch a dmesg though of it (might need to do UART-over-USB) - just wondered if you had heard of anything like this?
<pulser> educated-guess is that it's maybe related to the GPU, since I did systemctl suspend maybe 20 times in VT1, without issue (while watching dmesg in another VT), but from the DE I got it to happen fairly often when using sleep a few times
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<mmind00> pulser: nope ... but I guess nobody actually used them productively (aka this long and with multiple suspends) yet
<mmind00> pulser: I guess one thing to try is simply disabling the gpu node in the devicetree ... because similar to you, I think the gpu is a good candidate
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<pulser> yes, I am running with that just now :)
<pulser> it was an issue before and after (maybe anecdotally I'd say it is slightly better after)
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<mmind00> pulser: hmm, if it still happens, then it's not directly the gpu's fault ... serial output would of course help a lot, because I guess there will be a nice kernel_dump waiting there
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