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<ezequielg> sjoerd: Hi!
<ezequielg> I'm trying to get u-boot mainline to work on rk3288
<ezequielg> is it possible to prepare an sdcard and be able to boot the soc?
<ezequielg> or do i need to run the rkflashtool step each time?
<sjoerd> hey
<sjoerd> no you can prep an SD card and boot from that
<sjoerd> but it will always first try the eMMC
<sjoerd> This is assume you have a board with eMMC
<sjoerd> which board is it ? :)
<ezequielg> good ol firefly
<sjoerd> I don't know if that has poitns or a jumper to disable eMMC
<ezequielg> so... i'll just wipe emmc and the bootrom is smart enough to try sd card?
<sjoerd> but you can do rkflashtool b 3 in recovery mode to maek it skip the eMMC
<sjoerd> indeed
* ezequielg tries that
<ezequielg> btw, the README.rockchip is confusing me: the u-boot-spl-dtb.bin is 36 KiB, but supposedly the bootROM can't load more than 32 KiB... how come?
<sjoerd> there is a 4k header iirc
<sjoerd> oh wait
<sjoerd> you mean before or *after* you ran mkimage ?
<sjoerd> the SPL is very very much on the edge
<sjoerd> it's too big if i build it with gcc 4.x and just the right size with gcc 5.x for me
<sjoerd> mkimage will complain if it's too big
<ezequielg> afaiu, before
<ezequielg> i'm just doing make something_defconfig && make
<ezequielg> and u-boot-spl-dtb.bin is 33037 bytes
<ezequielg> maybe i need a better toolchain then?
<sjoerd> well try mkimage and see if it complains :P
<sjoerd> I actually have a todo item to see if i can cut something out because ti's causing problems for me as well :/
<sjoerd> ezequielg: on my gcc 5 build it's 32657 bytes
<ezequielg> what toolchain are you using?
<sjoerd> so yeah it's rather cutting it close
<sjoerd> ezequielg: cross-compliers from debian unstable
<ezequielg> ok
<sjoerd> iirc sjg mentioned he had a hacked up gcc
<ezequielg> yeah, mkimage is complaining
<ezequielg> :/
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<sjoerd> I bet ther eis something in the SPL that can still be turned of
<naobsd> let's follow rk3036 way...
<naobsd> btw my spl bin is 28708 bytes
<naobsd> oh strange
<naobsd> ah
<naobsd> spl-dtb.bin is 32513
<ezequielg> sjoerd: i'm trying to remove some stuff, but i'm unable to get anything quick and dirty to work... guess it needs some closer inspection
<sjoerd> naobsd: yeah i think sjg might have been overly keen in going for the full fdt usage in the SPL :)
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<pulser> mmind00: quick question - nothing in the kernel should have changed sound, should it? (trying to get audio to work, and not having much luck getting it to go, so just checking this before I go try to figure out these UCM files)
<mmind00> pulser: right, but I also don't know if anyone got that working on mainline at all yet
<pulser> ah OK - good point
<mmind00> pulser: last time I tried, my speakers smelled awful after that
<pulser> I didn't see any device nodes, so that may well be something not yet working
<pulser> there is also powerdomain stuff set for it, which could potentially be relevant (audio-supply appears to be set)
<mmind00> io-domains != power-domains :-)
<pulser> ofc; what I was thinking was we could have a repeat of mali, where it was there, and "off" or something :)
<pulser> I see caesar has a few things about I2S on the list - so it looks like it's still wip
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<sjoerd> mmind00: can the rockchip chromebooks overpower their speakers again?
<mmind00> sjoerd: it looks like it .... when I tried to play with alsa-options the last time, it started to smell at some point
<mmind00> sjoerd: again? ... did earlies Chromebooks do that as well?
<sjoerd> yeah it's a known issue on the snow (first arm chromebook) that it can fry its speakers
<mmind00> a least now it stopped to actually smell up my flat ;-)
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