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<topi`> edolnx: does the RKM MK68 have SATA port?
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<topi`> this is very odd. The RK3288 is just as fast as my Tegra K1 2.3 GHz board in some simplistic python benchmarks
<topi`> I ran "pystone.main(500000)" on the default python3 interpreters of both the Rock2 and the Jetson board
<topi`> and very same results, despite the fact that Rock2 runs at 1.8 GHz (I think) and the K1 at 2.3 GHz
<topi`> is the Cortex-A17 just better optimized for higher-level languages?
<topi`> for reference, my old Macbook Air with 1.7 GHz Sandy Bridge Core i5 gets just 55k
<maz_> topi`: how about memory bandwidth, cache size, and stuff like this?
<topi`> maz_: oh, the Tegra K1 machine has excellent memory bandwidth
<topi`> 524288000 bytes (524 MB) copied, 0.429405 s, 1.2 GB/s
<topi`> (copying from dev/zero to /dev/shm/
<topi`> the same thing on the ROck2 gives only 600M/s
<topi`> maybe there are better benchmarks out there than simple "pystone"
<topi`> but it's convenient since it ships with debian's python interpreters by default :)
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<karlp> synthetic benchmarks are synthetic?
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<edolnx> topi`, No the MK68 does not but the gookbox does. I'm trying to use a Linux rootfs off a 128GB USB drive on the MK68
<edolnx> naobsd, I've tried the holes in the board and can't get anything useful out of them for UART. What is the SD breakout board? I can easily tack onto the unused SD pins if I knew which ones (the MK68 uses a microsd card so the SD card pads are exposed)
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<mmind00> edolnx: data0 and data1 ... d0 is uart2_tx and d1 is uart2_rx ... not depending on the board but just one the pinmuxing
<mmind00> edolnx: you'll probably just need to find a ground somewhere
<edolnx> mmind00, I've found ground on the holes, here is a picture of the board in question:
<edolnx> The four holes on the left hand side of that photo I were hoping were the UART but don't seem to be (at least not at 9600n81, 19200n81, 115200n81)
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<mmind00> edolnx: I would assume there should be uart "testpoints" on the backside near the sd slot
<aep> edolnx: the obvious 4 pin header isnt uart?
<aep> checkout the unpopulated 6pin package thing under the crystal on the top middle.
<aep> that thing was the uart on mine
<aep> rx/tx on the middle pins, no ground on any for me. completely nonsensical
<edolnx> Found the RX at least. It's the 5th pad from the bottom of that image where the normal size SD card would go. I'm assuming the TX pad is second from the top, but haven't tried yet.
<edolnx> The six pads in the top middle don't seem to be connected to the same serial port. Maybe a different one? Will do some testing
<edolnx> The four obvious pins on the left side of the board are ground closest to the edge of the board, and 3.3V closest to the CPU. No idea what the stuff in the middle is (SPI? I2C?)
<karlp> curious, those look like classic debug console port headers
<mmind00> maybe one of the other uarts
<edolnx> they make signals during boot, enough to put crap on serial terminal when I attach my Serial RX pin
<edolnx> but nothing I could figure out
<edolnx> I can see the boot messages now. I just need to figure out how to make a nice kernel image that will point at my USB drive :D
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<naobsd> 6pads? below crystal for wifi? it should be for some optional ic for wifi chip, not for SoC
<naobsd> if you need sata, just use usb-sata converter. it's exactly same as geekbox ;)
<naobsd> edolnx: you can use any userland by replacing ramdisk and/or modify cmdline in parameter
<naobsd> latest RK proprietary u-boot should support USB mass storage for partition images