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<edolnx> For the interested, I got my hands on an RKM MK68 a couple of days ago and started hacking on it. Looks much more promising than the Uppel CX-R8. Comes pre-rooted and has a bootloader that doesn't require signing. Photos and data here:
<edolnx> My goal is to get Debian 8 on some RK3368 based device
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<sandy_> Hi, I'm attempting to boot a rk3288 from an SDcard into u-boot. Does anyone know if this is possible?
<sjoerd> it is
<sandy_> I've read through and I have a sd card that boots a kernel using the combined kernel-ramdisk image, how do I convert my u-boot image and where do I copy it to the sdcard?
<sjoerd> which u-boot are you referring to is question one
<sjoerd> one of the vendor branches or upstreams
<sandy_> I'd be happy with any, i'm currently using the radxa one from their bsp
<sjoerd> no clue about that one ;)
<sandy_> do you know how to get a different one to work? I haven't been able to get the 3288 to actually start the uboot at all though
<sjoerd> I assume you havea rock2 given you're using the radxa bsp ?
<sandy_> right
<sjoerd> last u-boot release should mostly work on that
<sandy_> i have access to a firefly too
<sandy_> thanks I'll give this a shot.
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