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nazcafan: I believe the bus is there, if that's what you're asking
Turl, my question is what is SPI, among tons of other questions like "how come ifconfig on my debian seems so ancient compared to the cubietruck's net-tools
nazcafan: the bus is there, but there is no flash chip on it that stores a MAC address
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I think I retrieved the mac address from the cubietruck ifconfig
what do you guys mean by "the bus is there"?
meaning the A20 has an SPI controller
if you're using 3.4 kernel, the gmac driver generates a random MAC address if one wasn't provided in the fex file
is this somehow problematic?
at a hardware level, I mean
no. it just means the MAC address you got with ifconfig is likely bogus :/
(I understanding that a random MAC adress can be problematic if you want to configure a dhcp server)
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wens, bogus like arbitrary, or rather random? Right now I am using the Fedora 20 image that was provided by cubietruck (I just received an sdcard yesterday, so I am slowly following wiki steps)
basically, do you mean that if I restart the cubietruck, I should get a totally different mac address? or is it always the same one, allbeit a random one?
nazcafan: if it's not written in the fex file, you get a totally (meaning the prefix is random, can be unicast or multicast) random MAC address each time you boot
and it's more than likely to be different each time.
ok, so does it mean that the hardware has not intrinsic mac address?
or just that the driver doesn't have a way to retrieve it ... yet?
the hardware does not have any mac address burned in.
and AFAIK allwinner hasn't registered an OUI (mac prefix), so unlikely they will ever provide one
it's up to the vendors
ok, thanks for the info, wens, I'll definitely set a fixed address, so I can configure my dhcp server and polling local ip addresses to ssh
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mhh, I don't know whethe it's Fedora or the hardware, but the halt process doesn't seem to work so well
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I think this; dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/${card} bs=1024 seek=8 is TOTALLY confounding the kernel from having a chance of finding and loading the .dtb file
It's there but never found and/or read
idella4: this command just installs u-boot to sd card
you need load dtb to memory in u-boot for kernel
I don't remember if default commands have support of it out of box (I'm happy user of 3.4 kernel)
and also stale enviroment on sd card could override new default commands for booting
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idella4: as Nyuutwo said, that just installs uboot
it could be some problem with long names in u-boot
i just avoid fat when i can
hmm ok well I can convert it 2 ext2 3 or 4 easily enough
idella4: and use extload than fatload
'yes, extnload
afair there is extload that resolves which ext it is
oh so just extload will do then...
if in doubt just use u-boot help
thx Nyuutwo appreciate your effort
and the joke
heh, just translating from my native language
well that kind of helps. I speak a second but 99% sure not yours
heh, Polish is my native language
btw I use gentoo too
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ah nice
I thought it was Polish or Xzek
Polish or Czek rather
but on arm I am using arch (compiling takes too long)
well makes perfect sense
heh, Czech language for polish people is sometime funny
man years ago a housemate was Czek, and I recall Polish and Czek could be undderstood by one another
for example both in Czech and Polish there is a word dywan, but in Polish means carpet, and in Czech means couch
Nyuutwo why you din't try gentoo?
pirea: I remember when I installed gentoo on Celeron@300 and forgot to update it regularry
small home file server
and it was true introduction to linux (beforehand I toyed with mandrake few years before and at gentoo server time I also had on laptop installed mandriva alongside windows but I didn't used it)
but then I removed windows and installed gentoo as only system (I don't remember if i used mandriva for some time)
gentoo is the most flexible linux
and usable
and this install of gentoo survived emerge -C world (was very sleepy and didn't know what I was doing), change of disk, change of laptop
pirea: but when you know it you have hard time what choose for server
and ubuntu release cycle starts to look brainfarted
nyuutwo for servers my choice always will be gentoo :)
because i cand do everything as i want
hmm, and now I have bigger problem which distro to use for router (+ lan management scripts/webapp)
now I have debian squeeze and its support ends
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meybe, gentoo hardened? is there other distro that hardens themself?
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Nyuutwo x86 or arm?
is about router
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and it has load average of 0.00
Nyuutwo IPFire?
pirea: has it static mac-ip mapping?
enforced by inserting static ARP + sending dhcp leases based on this thing (~500 users to manage)
Nyuutwo idk
arpwatch is a must + I am thinking of starting usage of SNMP in some switches that I have
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there is but I don't know how it will apply to my usage
hmm well there we have it;
Unknown command 'extload'
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idella4: it can be not compiled in default config of u-boot
must be
idella4: checked in sources, there is ext2 and ext4
just use command help to list avalible commands
I could mix extload with other bootloader, or something like ext2load didn't care which ext was provided
Loading Device Tree to 40ff9000, end 40fffcee ... O yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
just too much pararell developing
seems so
and sunxi i use as user, on others I make it work
I wait for patch for good axp support (tablet)
and meantime I try to hack my oscilloscope (s3c2440 based)
If I wanted to detect if the power off button on an allwinner tablet has been pushed, (the one that powers off after X amount of seconds held down). Where should I be looking? I thought /sys/power but alas not.