tsizz: the goal of a teacher is to maximize the teaching of what he has to teach, while minimizing his work (eg. answering to questions accessory to the teaching).
my slide basically says no side effects, no iteration and no need for global state
tsizz: so he will choose a simplier language that may demonstrate more clearly the things he has to teach you, but which is not necessarily the language you would use to develop a real program.
tsizz: hence languages such as basic, pascal, scheme, python.
no explicit assignments and values are only parameters from functions
pjb: yeah i got you
tsizz: they're languages that have been simplified so that whole classes of questions don't occur, so the teachers can concentrate on what he wants to teach.
Common Lisp is not like that. Even Scheme is not.
tsizz: Pure functional programming concepts are an important topic. But neither Scheme nor Common Lisp force you to stick to it. It is just a teaching tool for your class in this case. Don't be fooled.
gilberth: perhaps that is how it was originally made?
my only functional programming knowledge is from javascript
"lisp is used in AI" interesting. never knew that
Yes and no.
tsizz: if you aren’t gonna to study Godël’s type system then that’s all u need to know about functional programming
tsizz: Purely functional programming is literally impossible in any useful program because of I/O. Newer languages like Haskell solve this problem with monads. If you want to know what a monad is... well, this isn't the place to ask, I certainly don't know.
I'm assuming it's about contained side effects, though.
LdBeth: seems confusing lol
Scheme's older solution is to just mark side effects with !, such as set-cdr!
haskell is next actually lol
Common Lisp's solution is that it has no solution
aeth: I never got monads that either.
tsizz: Have a look at "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp".
I believe the most important think is, that functions are first class objects in Lisp. But then there are also in JavaScript, which is a Lisp with a very funny syntax.
thing, even. It's getting late, sorry.
thats basically all i know lol
pjb: interesting
Monad is actually about an interface modify complex structures, in Haskell side effects are warped in those kinds of structures and that’s all
That book is a very good read.
im not sure if im going to learn lisp for real so im skeptical ill read it
Yes, they already brain-washed you. See.
<gilberth "Yes, they already brain-washed y"> brain washers
You puzzle me.
i mean that article i linked before did intrigue me
LdBeth: Well, this is the classical story. Students are exposed to Scheme called a Lisp and are teached pure functional programming, which in general is hard to grasp. And then they think: "What a shitty language!"
tsizz: give PAIP a shot. it's one of my favorite cs books of all time. peter norvig (the author) has some very enjoyable videos on youtube, as well.
moldybits: sounds good ill check it out then
Scheme’s not bad. Just a matter to personal taste to me.
gilberth: haha thats why my teacher gave us that article. the author explains his thoughts on that
tsizz: You will not regret it, believe me.
does vim run lisp/scheme/haskell if anyone knows
Although Emacs’s better
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You can get Spacemacs and they’re provide CL/Scheme/Haskell config out of the box with Vim like key bindings
I switched to Emacs 3 weeks after just learned how to use Vim
So not too late.
Long, long time ago I got my first Unix, which was Xenix [sic!]. First thing, I did was to unplug the speaker because of all the BELs. Next thing was to port uemacs to it.
I always thought it was kind of sad that emacs.dev and vim.dev both redirect to vim's website
originally vim.dev redirected to emacs website
(and I say that as a religious vim-user)
if they'd reimplement vim in vimlisp that'd probably kill emacs eventually.
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then again, given the choices made thus far they'd probably make it even more primitive than elisp, so i guess not.
Vi sucks because they want vi key bindings on their car, rather than the choice of config lang
For me I’m not comfortable writing elisp
Me neither.
what little elisp i've managed to learn has been well worth the effort.
How does CL handle conflicts in asnyc?
Good question, you get locks
Although there’s not standard way
So if different processes try to access the same variable on an unlucky occasion, one will get an error?
But to catch the fashion there’s Actor models and process calculus abstract the low level
There will be no error.
CL will automatically wait until the variable is available?
One function just won't be processed then?
What will happen?
What is the concept of "a variable being available"?
2 different processes writes to same variable (+ a 1) (+ a 2)
will the result always be (+ a 3)?
Is this guaranteed?
So one will not be executed
Usually you have local variables per thread
Both will be executed, but on unlucky circumstances one thread will have a "stale" value for 'a'.
* gilberth
assumes that 'a' is global and shared.
What is the workaround?
Could you elaborate please?
Can we manually force a thread to wait for lock to be released?
Well, when I understand the problem correctly. You want that if one thread tries to increment by 1 and the other by 2 you want a guarantee (sp?) that 'a' is incremented by 3, right?
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This has nothing to with Lisp. This happens in any language. The problem is: To increment a variable, you read its value, do the addition and write back the result. While you do the addition the value could be changed by another thread.
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i don't really understand the difference is between static type checking from compiler vs. runtime
So you need to guard access to the 'a' variable. For that you use a lock. You have a lock for that variable. Before entering the increment operation (reading, incrementing, write-back), you aquire the lock and get exclusive access.
idk where to ask that :(
The compiler cannot read your mind on this.
>> Slimv is a SWANK client for Vim, what a SWANK client ?
apologies for missing characters, dust under keys eternally trapped
cryptopsy: Swank is a way to communicate with a Common Lisp server over TCP, for interactive debugging development.
Almost always locally. If you need to do it remotely, use an ssh tunnel
don't automatically assume i know what a SHOUT is, afterall i barely understand function
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cryptopsy: So for historical reasons Common Lisp is "case insensitive" by default in that it upper cases everything it reads, so foo becomes FOO. This means that Lispers are usually used to entering 'foo and getting FOO back. So a lot of Lispers randomly upcase things, including some who say LISP, randomly upcasing Lisp itself.
It looks like shouting, that's why I said shouting.
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It's actually sometimes useful to refer to functions (or macros) in upper case in prose, such as CAR and CDR and CONS, even though we always by convention write source code in lower case these days
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aeth, lisp is old and hard of hearing and has a noticeable speech impediment, so it THOUTH.
what a funny word
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Its used to being shouted at through a gramophone
cryptopsy: Every ugly part of software (and programming languages are just software) basically has to have a mini-history lesson because if it's ugly and everyone immediately notices it "historical compatibility" is probably the reason why it is the way it is.
is this what you meant by advanced in the other channel
The only thing worse than a mildly ugly feature is writing something that worked 10 years ago and no longer works today. Except a lot of people no longer hold that attitude, which is why in some ecosystems you have to rewrite your software every few years. What a mess.
does anyone have slimv emerging in gentoo?
No I have Emacs in Gentoo :P
So used Sly
cryptopsy: Well, Scheme is more consistent because it broke backwards compatibility with early Schemes
(and Racket itself broke backwards compatibility with Schemes a while back by making cons cells immutable)
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cryptopsy: With Common Lisp, you can run LISP 1.5 (in this case LISP because they had no lower case on computers back then!) programs with minimal changes. It values backwards compatibility, so it has some rough edges that you either just have to accept or learn why it is the way it is
This also means it has some macros and functions that (almost) no one uses like PROG and RPLACA
i wonder if the swank from the simpsons is the same swank as in lisp, the show wad some writers which were math grad students
cryptopsy: To understand SLIME (Emacs) or Slimv (vim) you have to understand the Common Lisp workflow, which is fairly unique. Really, only one other language that I know of (Smalltalk) really thinks like this. It's about running things in an interactive image. It is basically like the REPL you might have seen in Python or JavaScript, except considerably more advanced.
Lisp actually invented the REPL (read-eval-print-loop) and you can sort of get a primitive REPL just by doing (loop (print (eval (read))))
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cryptopsy: Most programming languages think in the Unix way (usually because most programming languages are made for Unix and then later get ported to the other OSes) of having a text program that is compiled or interpreted, but essentially working at the file level.
Common Lisp doesn't really necessarily care about files. You use something like ASDF (and Quicklisp on top of ASDF) to make it care.
FORTH has a somewhat similar workflow to Lisp, except that there are more ordering issues on definitions
or, on redefinitions specifically
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cryptopsy: There are implementation specific ways to get an implementation like SBCL to load a file and treat it like it's a Unix scripting language (except implementations like SBCL are natively compiled! so the compiler will have to run first!), but what people commonly do when developing is just work directly in the interactive image, usually through something like SLIME or Slimv to make the REPL friendlier to work with.
And if you're doing an advanced program the way to do an executable is to actually get an image and then save the image! In SBCL it's save-lisp-and-die.
The distinction is the latter approach will bundle the language runtime with the executable, and the former approach requires you to have the implementation installed locally.
But either approach is normally seen as the last step... what you do when you're done.
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When developing you just keep the interactive image running in the background, perhaps restarting it every now and then if things break or to make sure your program will work with a fresh image.
This "in the background" Lisp has to run a swank server so your IDE (or whatever else) can talk to it.
(It doesn't have to be swank, but if it's not swank, you'll probably have to write the server protocol yourself.)
cryptopsy: All of that gigantic wall of text explains the design, but if you want you can just see how someone interactively codes Lisp live for a web stream (in this case, using Emacs). https://youtu.be/aiJxkaxMBVE?t=555
oh, hmm, I didn't link far enough into the video, that's about a minute too early
Don't be intimidated by that video, though. He's more efficient at that sort of thing than most of us are because he does it for livestreams.
I think cryptopsy gave up
but I appreciated the wall of text
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tsizz: the thing to understand in static type vs. dynamic type, is that in the case of static typing, the type is associated with the variable: any bit pattern stored in a variable of type T is interpreted according to the type T.
tsizz: on the other hand, with dynamic typing, the type is associated with the value. The value can be stored in any variable, it brings with it its type. So you can never make a typing error with dynamic typing, because you always know the type of the value you have.
does anyone have the lisp ying yang svg?
tsizz: so when the variable is typed, you can blindly use the bit patterns stored as if they were of the type of the variable: this is fast, but if the bit pattern is invalid, this is catastrophic: you get crashes or worse like in C programs. The solution is to let the compiler prove that the bit pattern stored in typed variable are always valid, but this implies strong constraints on what you can do. cf. Haskell.
pjb, tsizz: And you can have both at the same time, such as how SBCL typically interprets type declarations (which can be given meaning by implementations)
It avoids the mess of something like Haskell or Java by... not really having the ability to get too elaborate in the types held by data structures, though. For the most part, you're holding T.
tsizz: on the other hand, when the values are typed, you can check their type at run-time and perform checks or select your behavior according to it. This is slower, but much safer!
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tsizz: this extends to I/O too. For example, in C you can scanf("%d",&int_var); if you enter abc, or "hello" it breaks. (returns a status code). On the other hand, in lisp, you do (read), and the parser determines the type of the value in function of the syntax: 123 is an integer, 1.23 is a float, abc is a symbol, "hello" is a string, #(1 2 3) is a vector (a b c) is a list, etc.
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tsizz: so you can read values of any type. Then you can check or dispatch at run-time. It's safer.
in OO languages, it's possible to use run-time dispatch, since object are dynamically typed. But some OO languages such as C++ allow for objects that are statically typed, and compilation-time dispatch. This has a lot of problems! You can assign an object to a variable typed by a superclass,and lose information! It's crazy.
Yes, CL is a meta-programming programming language.
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The difference, how you don't lose information, is that the tag is always there unless it's certainly safe to remove, e.g. double-floats in an array that holds the element-type double-float
the tag is still there, in the array, factorized for all the elements.
And that's why you only see it for something like double-float. If it worked for your class (or even struct!) foo it could have a distinct subclass. double-float is just double-float.
would be an interesting problem to solve, though
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even with subclasses, if the entire instance struct was inlined in the array space it could be done
without removing the headers
Does clack require libev? getting errors trying to load it on windows portacle
well clack uses woo by default i think, which uses libev
nevermind! got it running with hunchentoot
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seok: are you using quicklisp?
should solve most your issues
Yes I am using quicklisp, but Ive never been able to run woo or wookie on my setup
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portacle on windows
Same issue, don't know how to install libev
White_Flame: I was told that the problem with having proper array-of-structs in CL *was* subclassing, but I can see two solutions. (1) don't inline the child structure-class's fields but leave room for them somehow or (2) don't allow child structure-classes to work in those arrays
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Not a problem though, I can use hunchentoot for development, then use woo on production linux server
s/don't allow/don't allow instances of/
aeth: actualy, yeah, you're right.
can't find the logs so I don't know what cryptopsy said but I'm just using #!/usr/bin/env sbcl --script at the top of a small (1KLOC) lisp file I have
White_Flame: The other problem you get is the semantics of aref, though. CL is not a language where copying really is a focus, and you wouldn't even want the copy-foo of a struct, you'd want a custom copy-foo-into.
I'm using it for a build step.
White_Flame: So to solve the latter you couldn't just use element-type, you'd have to use a different data structure
aeth: it would basically require locatives
Some code generation and preprocessing. The usual
White_Flame: Can you define locatives? They're not on Wikipedia and it doesn't seem to be search-engine-friendly. (The modern search engine decides to show you completely irrelevant results instead of too-unpopular results or no results.)
it's a proxy to an object
technically a locative can simply be a pair of lambdas, a getter & setter
but ideally it would be handled in the underlying runtime to be more transparent
but, while that would work for reading such an inlined object in an array, it wouldn't work for placing an object into the array, as you mention above
White_Flame: Well, it's easy to say that if you did (foo-ref your-data-structure 42) you'd just point to there with any reference. Setting is harder. I don't think setting really should be done at all. Just make the array-like data structure itself immutable, but its contents could potentially be mutable.
since that would be a copy and would have to involve updating all references or create a new object instance
What you'd want is a special kind of array that is adjustable, but also of a fixed size (so basically fill-pointer on a non-adjustable vector kind of logic), and a way to copy out and copy in.
The contents would be immutable, but the contents of the contents could be mutable.
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So if it's an array of foobars, they will forever be foobars, not even a subclass of foobars. And if you wanted to remove element #42 you could do something like copy the last element into the 42nd position and shrink the array down by one. That could even be built in since that's probably the most straightforward way to do arbitrary removal here.
You would also be able to take a reference, since any helper functions would probably best work on that, such as functions that expect one argument, a foobar. No need to copy for that sort of thing.
But since it's immutable (foo-ref foo 42) works but (setf (foo-ref foo 42) (make-subclass-of-foo ...)) would not.
Now, there's immediately a difficulty here, though. If you delete 42 using the described deletion scheme, the index 42 now refers to a different element, which was previously the last element.
(And similarly if you have a live reference to the 42nd offset into the data structure)
I think that's the only remaining problem with this.
You'd probably want to double index in practice (also makes it immune to sorting), but would you want this sort of double index thing to be built in or have to be managed manually?
I can see why they didn't bother implementing something like this in the standard.
It certainly *would* have to be done at the level of implementations, though, or at least partially.
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Oh, I overlooked that if 42 is the last element, then a stale reference to 42 is even worse because it's now (potentially) invalid instead of just the wrong valid option you get from if you deleted 42 from the middle or if you sorted.
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So I guess (aref foo 42) would have to use something locative(ish) if that's what a locative is. It'd have to know if foo got removed or moved, so the remove/move logic would have to be built into the data structure, too.
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CL-WHO vs Spinneret?
morning beach
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Which is smaller and what are the licenses, seok?
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There's other criteria. Benchmark? Write a toy program in both and see which API feels better?
The license is definitely a good filter, though, I'll agree with that. I don't use anything LLGPL because it's a custom license not approved by the FSF or the OSI.
And you can't use any license more restrictive than the license you intend on using. AGPL is the (near) universal receiver, MIT/BSD has to be a lot more careful.
CL-WHO is BSD and Spinneret is MIT so essentially any program can use either (* not taking into account the unlikely event of software patents)
aeth: so its just the name of any expression and its parse tree
tsizz: That might be because there are two meanings. One meaning is a Common Lisp data structure in memory made up of CONS cells and atoms. The other meaning is the textual representation of such a data structure.
I think generally the diagram used for s-expressions is box-style instead of that tree-style, though... i.e. [ * | --]->[ 2 | --]->[ 3 | \ ] for (* 2 3) with any additional nesting going on rows below.
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so S expression is any object or function in between paraentheses that can be broken down into cons cells and atoms?
tsizz: You are mixing up the two meanings in that statement.
tsizz: Any Common Lisp data structure is made up of CONS cells and atoms. There is nothing else.
tsizz: Oh sorry I added to the confusion. S-expression is the notation we use to represent the cons cells.
beach: mhm and S expression not related to that?
tsizz: the box notation is an alternative representation, obviously a lot harder to type
s-expressions are easy to type
tsizz: That is one meaning of S-expression.
thats what i said right? that s expression just easier way to write constant cons cells?
aeth: wait so is everything a linked list
tsizz: No, atoms are not linked lists.
beach: i meant instead of writting a lot of const cells u can write an easy s expression kind of
tsizz: the syntax becomes a linked list, which is then processed, which could create anything
what are atoms
tsizz: Anything that is not a CONS cell.
im learning racket... and so idk if cons and atoms are the same. i think they are
tsizz: symbols, numbers, arrays, functions, etc.
beach: i thought all of those are made up of cons cells tho
tsizz: You are in the wrong channel then. This channel is dedicated to Common Lisp, and the terminology may be different.
tsizz: No, those are atoms, distinct from CONS cells.
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tsizz: (make-hash-table) is, at a certain stage of the program `(make-hash-table) which is roughly equivalent to (list 'make-hash-table) or (cons 'make-hash-table nil) but at runtime it's a function call that returns a new empty hash table, not a list.
and some things like #(1 2 3) or "123" are, at all times, never lists... they're atoms.
someone tried to explain to me atoms are numbers, booleans, etc. then S expression are basically atoms or lists of atoms
tsizz: Close.
tsizz: but don't forget literal vectors and literal strings!
aeth: for atoms?
tsizz: That is what I wrote, twice, isn't it?
beach: im just confused as what the point of s expression is. if its a data structure like you said. it seems liek its a datatsructure holding a data structure
tsizz: Sure, most data structures are recursive.
but a cons can hold atoms... right
tsizz: Yes, and other CONS cells too.
beach: is s expression the parentheses...?
tsizz: Now you are confusing the two meanings again.
or thats just evaluating expressions
oh gosh okay
tsizz: There's essentially three stages going on. First you have a stream of characters. These are assigned meanings. Basically atoms or conses. And then this runs and becomes the program. So you can put a macro at either stage (the reader, or the s-expressions) to change the behavior of the earlier stages.
tsizz: the parentheses actually are working at the reader level
If you squint an S has a ( with a ) below it... but the s in s-exp stands for symbolic. It's just a format to represent expressions. In math you might have an expression like f(x, y) for a function call. With m-expressions you might see f[x;y]. With s-expressions, (f x y).
Jachy: wow that was a good explaination
but is it also evaluating it
tsizz: The reason we care about if something is an atom or not is because of the stage when DEFMACRO works. The common kind of Lisp macro. A macro can take `(a b c) and turn it into something like `(setf b (* 2 c))
(in that case, the macro has to have the name a)
That depends on what's looking at the expression and what the expression says.
aeth: sorry im not familiar with macros yet
tsizz: evaluation doesn't have to happen.
im so confused lol
If my text editor has (format t "Hello~%") in it, it's an s-expression, but it's not being evaluated. I can tell Lisp to evaluate it, though.
Jachy: how?
u put it in a function and call it in console? thats how i'd do it lol
tsizz: Most programming languages only have strings or charcter streams to work with. This makes it hard to write programs that write programs, or to add new syntax. By writing (f 1 2) instead of f(1, 2) we have a nice, regular notation that makes it easy to add new syntax.
The regular notation is pretty important because we don't just have (f 1 2) we also have (+ 1 2)
Most languages don't do +(1, 2) they do 1 + 2. And now to extend the language completely you have to teach it both prefix and infix.
mhm.. so an S expression is just any expression that fits the syntax of lisp basically..?
bc lisp is s expressed or something
You can do it that way, but you don't have to wrap it in a function. You can also run Lisp interactively from the console, it will prompt you for expressions to read, then evaluate, print the results, and loop back to the prompt. You'll see the phrase REPL for that behavior. You can also configure many editors to send the file contents directly to an already running Lisp process for evaluation.
so s expression is any expression in lisp bc its anything that contains atoms or list of atoms and that is what everything in lisp is made out of excluding cons
im trying to sum up what i think
sorry its late :(
tsizz: Well, there are other syntax elements to Lisps. In Common Lisp, you get #x42 as a representation of the number 66 in hex. That uses syntax, but not s-expression syntax
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So atoms can have their own syntax, and they can be different in different Lisps (and other Lisp-like languages)
aeth: okay but i mean for the most part the main parts are all atoms or list of atoms
aka s expressions
but isn't a list an atom? but a list is made of cons?
tsizz: s-expression syntax is the (a b c) as shorthand for (a . (b . (c . nil))) as well as that longer (a . b) etc. syntax
parentheses, dots, spaces.
aeth: mhm and thats cons cells right
3 of them
lists are cons cells, yes. (a . (b . c)) is also legal and that can be shortened to (a b . c)
aeth: mhm but if atom is defined as anything not a cons cell, then a list shouldn't be an atom?
In Scheme, lists must end with '() which is their nil. In Common Lisp, dotted lists are lists, and the ones that end in nil are called proper lists. (This is a Common Lisp channel.) So in Common Lisp, lists and conses are essentially synonymous
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aeth: ah okay racket documentation says list isn't a atom so that makes sense
'(a b c) is a proper list whose cdr is '(b c) whose cdr is '(c) whose cdr is '() or nil (both are valid representations of nil)
oh sorry, lists are either conses or nil in Common Lisp
all of those are lists, only the first three are conses.
In Common Lisp, you could define listp like this: (defun listp (object) (or (consp object) (null object)))
well lists are conses too right
except for '() the empty list
why is it called cons
instead of pair
if they are the samething i think
tsizz: For historical reasons.
Note that in Scheme/Racket list? uses the Scheme definition of list, which is proper list in Common Lisp. So (listp '(1 2 . 3)) is t in Common Lisp but (list? '(1 2 . 3)) is #f in Racket.
So if you're writing list? for your Scheme implemnetation it afaik has to walk the entire list
wait proper list...
whats that
'(1 2 3)
it has to end in '()
tsizz: Look in the glossary, please.
tsizz: You need to get used to doing that.
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tsizz: In modern terminology, the thing created by (cons 1 2) is a cons, a cons cell, a cons pair, or a pair. Interchangably, really. Schemes tend to call them just "pairs" (but still create them with cons) and Common Lisp's glossary just calls them "conses"
aeth: so what does the '() do...?
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Hmm, apparently they can also be called "NATSes", but I've never seen that before. Also, just plain "cells". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cons
tsizz: '() is equivalent with nil in Common Lisp and in some Schemes.
In Common Lisp, () is also equivalent.
When to use which depends on context.
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aeth: is that just a under the hood thing for compiler?
Well they all get parsed into the same object
aeth: You should be more careful with words such as "is" and "equivalent" when you are talking to people who are learning the terminology.
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Generally, you use ()s without quotes only in macros which in reality makes it just '() since the macro's arguments are essentially just quoted.
You'd use '() if you're talking about the empty list and nil in other contexts
aeth: '() is not equivalent to NIL or ().
beach: it's not?
Only when they are evaluated, which you failed to mention.
aeth: mhm, but im confused why the distiniction of having to add '() to end of a list to make a proper list. like what for?
But tsizz is not into evaluation yet, because he/she has not understood what an expression is yet.
tsizz: A proper list ends in '() but you normally don't see it. You only see its absence.
aeth: No, a proper list ends with the atom NIL.
beach: maybe i do haha my knowlede is a bit scattered. few weeks ago i had to do this hw and did it in racket in 2 days.
tsizz: '(a . (b . ())) is '(a b) and not having it, e.g. '(a . (b . c)) would make it '(a b . c)
So it's the last cons that has to end in the () or NIL
im still misisng the point of nil ending a list
or i mean '()
tsizz: beach is right, it's () or NIL not '()
you have to be careful about quotes-in-quoted-forms
in common lisp '(a . (b . '())) is (A B QUOTE NIL) instead of the (A B) you might expect
but im still confused on why u have a properlist structure that is just a list that ends in nil
tsizz: '(a b c) ends in nil, '(a b . c) does not end in nil.
aeth: hm okay and they are both lists...?
tsizz: that's so when you go over a sequence of conses, you can just look at the CAR to get all of the elements and stop when CDR is NIL
or is '(a b . c) a cons
aeth: ah okay
that makes sense
'(a b . c) is the cons whose car is 'a and whose cdr is '(b . c)
aeth: but u just said that '(a b . c) doesnt have nil so its cdr can't be nil?
it's a cons, and it's a list (in Common Lisp, not in Scheme), but it's not a proper list. It's a dotted or improper list.
hm common lisp more abstract than scheme or racket? seems like it with this
nvm idk
aeth: okay i gotcha thanks for all the help i really got to go to bed
thank you beach too
good night!
tsizz: you normally just see proper lists, you can mostly ignore improper lists
tsizz: good night
aeth: hence why racket has lists as just proper lists right
or a reason at least
'(a b . c) normally shows up when you accidentally did something wrong :-)
You usually do want that NIL at the end to terminate things, and having the existence of things that don't end in NIL is sort of a leaky abstraction.
Just remember that '(a b c) is really just syntactic sugar for '(a . (b . (c . ()))) or '(a . (b . (c . nil)))
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aeth: hm i tried to
iterate a list
with recursion
but i can't use base case as nil or '()
that should work
aeth: i tested for null using (number? (list-ref list index)
tsizz: you should ask that question in #racket because it looks like a Racket question
aeth: oh i was just testing for nil wrong
or doing base case wrnog
tsizz: null isn't a number, it's the empty list. It's tested with null? in Racket and null or endp in Common Lisp
aeth: ah gotcha
thats what i was missing haa
aeth: oh but im still getting out of index error
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bc i thought nil would be index of the number of elements in the list
i.e. '(1 2 3 4 '())
so index 4
but guess not..
tsizz: When you iterate through a list, you start with '(a b c) then work on '(b c) then work on '(c) then work on '() updating with the cdr each time
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aeth: ah okay ill try it thanks
The end of a list being NIL is just a sentinel value, tsizz. There are some nice qualities that come about when the empty list is also the ending of a list.
In Common Lisp, it's also the only false value; this is very convenient for manipulating lists.
tsizz: similarly you don't have '(1 2 3 4 '()) you have '(1 2 3 4) but iterating through it gives you '(1 2 3 4) then '(2 3 4) and eventually '() when no elements are left
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and this is because the last cdr is nil
tsizz: you're essentially moving through sublists because every list has a list as its cdr (which wouldn't be the case if lists didn't end in nil, btw)
aeth: do i have to parse list..?
saying '(4) is not a number so i can't sum it
tsizz: when you're iterating through a list, you normally care about the car and the cdr
verisimilitude: hm interesting thanks
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tsizz: you're not iterating through values (unless you use something like map) you're iterating through sublists, so you have to take the car
aeth: oh okay i got it
basically just did (+ (car list) (function (cdr list)))
for recursive call and base case just check for null and return 0
for summing a list together
I think that that will work but it's not tail recursive because the tail call is + not the function itself.
If you wanted it to be tail recursive you would have to build the value in another argument to make sure that the function's tail call is the function itself.
aeth: hm true and i should do tail recursion
should i do tail recursion?
If you do recursion and can do tail recursion, yes, you should try to do tail recursion. In Common Lisp, it's rarer than Scheme because the optimization is not guaranteed.
(It will be optimized in many CL implementations, though)
tsizz: you have to pass it through and build it up through each iteration just like you're doing with the sublist. Except your answer is growing as the sublist is shrinking
tsizz: so (f (cdr list) (+ (car list) result)) and then at the end return result instead of 0
that then (probably) makes f the tail call
yeah i think i did that
if null return sum
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else (doAddition (cdr list) (+ sum (car list)))
so thats better recursion
it can be more efficient.
hmm okay
aeth: alright thanks a lot for the help im gonna go to sleep
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Jachy: alright thanks too
good night
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If you don't want the recursion, the do macro is equivalent to (a subset) of this sort of iteration in Scheme and near-equivalent (the edge case involves making closures) in Common Lisp.
Answering in two languages simultaneously is difficult.
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I love the way search engines correct my searches for 'plump lisp'. Now I want to start a project called Botox.
for me shinmera comes up first... but yes, there's a "did you mean"
oh, the old times... "shall PIRNT be PRINT?"
Search engines are just so bad now.
At least for programming.
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They're better at being Ask Jeeves than Ask Jeeves ever was, but I don't want to ask natural language questions. I want to query specific terms that might be very niche.
it's not that bad for lisp... but try googling for perl operators ;/
Oh, it's not bad, it's just worse than 10 years ago, and worse than 1 year ago.
oh wow, it's not often you see SKILL referenced
I have never heard of it, had to consult a search engine.
talx: no need to be sad. Common Lisp is around today and is a very good language with good, free implementations available.
at least if you use unix ...
costumer want me to use skill though
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I've only worked with it for a bit of debugging, and I'm happy for that.. just the idea of a `]` operator that closes all open braces gives me pain
runejuhl: please tell me that is a joke
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schweers: sadly no
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It seems for every good idea humanity has, 10 more bad ones enter the world :D
In case someone wants to accuse me of arrogance: I’m sure I’ve uttered my fair share of bad ideas.
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schweers: "In the second example, the "super right bracket." This simple device automatically enters enough right parentheses to correctly complete the current expression (in this case the procedure definition)."
jackdaniel: the loop on L43 is just copy-list, isn't it?
phoe: no, messages-tail have one more element
to allow fast append
ooh, I see - this copies without the last element
jackdaniel: s/producent/producer/g
right, thanks
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how can I open slime without it messing with all of my windows?
jmercouris, memo from jasom: don't use csh
lol, nice
jasom: why not?
As a matter of taste: I do not like the business on lines 81 and 82. Why not (min (mailbox-%count mailbox) (or n (mailbox-%count mailbox)))?
And then the ZEROP test could be skipped. When 'n' is zero the LOOP would return NIL as well.
I'd also abstain from modifying the function argument and introduce a new binding instead - again, matter of taste and a little bit of debuggability
thank you, I like it
(regarding min business)
hmm, what's a "locative"?
an object at the end of the list so you can do fast tail-nconcing
When you keep the UNLESS, why not pull it above the WITH-LOCK-HELD?
locatives are first-class pointers, I emulate it with cons
Forget it, stupid idea.
gilberth: in principle count could increase between this call and the lock
Sure. It's late for me.
ah, right, now i remembered stylewarning's cl-locatives
any idea who coined the term?
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not so easy to google it seems
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AFAIK it was used in older Lisp systems where locatives were first-class by default
jackdaniel: (setf (car/cdr ...)) instead of rplaca/rplacd maybe?
first-class pointers???
yes, something like that
first-class places, rather
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what is the best way to concatenate pathnames, or better a pathname and a string? e.g. i want to concat "~/my/path/" "to/this/file"?
where #P"~/my/path/" already is a pathname
As I understood from the example `(foreign-funcall-pointer (foreign-symbol-pointer "abs") () :int -42 :int)` the pointer doesn't mean the function pointer!
what does it mean then?
string pointer!
how did you arrive at this conclusion?
uh,... oh. You are right thanks alot :) I misunderstood "foreign-symbol-pointer"
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If you wanted hygiene, you should have stuck to scheme.
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I hope you recover quickly, phoe!
grewal: that hurt
schweers: thanks. I'll do my best.
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On the topic of csh:
I wonder if this will still crash it.
Perhaps they wanted to fix this bug, but couldn't, because some programs have grown to depend on this useful behavior?
on the topic of CSH, not exactly a fun one is it?
I haven't seen much love for it here, or anywhere really :D
Power tools for power fools.
At my last job, csh (or rather tcsh) was still the "official" shell according to all the documentation. Of course, all actual shell scripts started with #!/usr/bin/bash
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phoe: sad to hear that, but take care and get better :-)
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hi !
hey lionrouge
what is the fastest LISP dialect now? I mean suitable to write a scientific calculation program
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hard to say
because #lisp is for Common Lisp
so answers may be skewed towards that dialect
maybe there are libraries to do the task like NumPy/SciPy/etc. in Python which itself is pretty slow
but, if you want Common Lisp, SBCL is pretty damn fast when it comes to optimizing numeric computation
since it compiles to machine code and optimizes decently
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phoe: I remember SBCL is compiled, is that true?
I see
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lionrouge: yes, it's a compiler
it also has an interpreter, but it isn't used often
Unlike Python, it's common to write Common Lisp libraries in Common Lisp, or at least that's the ideal.
When I heard it's name for the first time I thought there was some Steel Bank and it created a LISP dialect for it's own internal purposes and only recently I discovered true history of the name :)
lionrouge: the story of SBCL name is actually funny
SBCL came from CMU CL which is Carnegie Mellon University CL
at that university, Carnegie was a professor of steelworking and Mellon was a professor of banking
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(if I got some details wrong, somebody please correct me)
so that's how CMU got turned into SB
does it have any repository of libraries similar to pypi, npm?
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That's right by my understanding, phoe.
lionrouge: yes, quicklisp
though quicklisp works across implementations, it is not SBCL-specific
It's important to note that Quicklisp isn't standardized, lionrouge.
That Guy Steele was a co-designer of CL is probably just a coincidence
Common Lisp has no standard package manager, but Quicklisp is an offering.
npm isn't standard either
I think none of such repos are standard
I mean they are not described in language technical docs
quicklisp is the de-facto standard for getting Lisp libraries nowadays.
Rust, however poor, is an example of a language with a rather standard package manager.
phoe: Carnegie and Mellon weren't professors. They made their money in steel and banking, and then founded the university
grewal: thanks!
Well, I'd thought ``professor'' could be used to show support of something, making phoe roughly right despite the phrasing, but that meaning only applies when concerning religion, after checking my dictionary.
lionrouge: ^
So, you can be a Baptist professor, but not a steel professor.
Not in that sense, anyway.
I've never heard the word professor used that way before. good to know
universities are rarely named after academics -- there are exceptions, but then the named academic was already dead by the time the university was founded
no, no. "Professor" is only a teacher in English. "to profess" is a different thing.
professor 1. One who professed, or makes open declaration of, his
sentiments or opinions
"Professor" meaning "someone who professes" is hilariously archaic
i uh, thought phoe was making a funny
So, dlowe?
Perhaps I should start reading more modern books...
Bike: I wasn't, I was making a stupid
because carnegie mellon university as an entity didn't exist until both the actual people died, i think
My Oxford dictionary only uses that meaning for religion, but it does make sense that it would apply to the other meanings, I thought. Which dictionary is that, dlowe?
wiktionary has it, and has a quote about professors of magic, which is sort of not a religion
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That's good to know.
Wicca is a religion. So is Jedi
So, your original phrasing was correct, phoe.
It's confusing unless you already know, but that's an aside.
As an educated native speaker, I would never ever abscribe that meaning unless I was reading something old.
They weren't professors in either sense, though
* dlowe
I'm also a native speaker; you're not a prescriptivist, are you, dlowe?
verisimilitude: if I were I would say the dictionary is always correct, no?
using cognates like that is a pretty common thing for speaking a learned language, there's no especial problem
I am; descriptivism is stupidity.
and here I am saying the dictionary is wrong
well, not wrong.
But in English, descriptivism is the only way to go
overly complete and without nuance
There's no formal body controlling the language.
Don't be misled by such nonsense, grewal.
If people misuse the language and that's allowed without complaint, such cretins destroy the language over time.
Language is a tool. It's only as useful insofar as you understand what I'm saying
Yes, which is why having rigid meanings is important.
i contributed myself, but this is kind of off topic...
verisimilitude: your sarcasm is just making you look inconsistent
I'm not being sarcastic.
right, steel bank
p] lionrouge: Is there any particular reason you want to use lisp for scientific work?
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Tying this to Common Lisp, I expect every implementation to follow the standard, and if it doesn't, then it's broken and I won't ``correct'' my program to work on it, even if it were a trivial change.
Sure, but natural language is more like pseudocode than code. It adheres to a "metalanguage" rather than to a formal spec.
And what about if you had a working lisp program in Lisp 1.5 or Interlisp or something, you wouldn't ``correct'' it to work on Common Lisp?
Those are different dialects, really different languages entirely.
Still, Common Lisp was designed to be the common dialect and so contains many things those others had to ease this.
So, it's more translation than correction, I'd think.
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At what point do we say no more change? Should we go back to Old English or Latin? Should we drop modern languages and program everything in assembly? (N.B. I not making an analogy between Latin and assembly)
I'd certainly prefer to use a singular ``they'' and also ``thou'' instead of the ambiguous ``you''.
If the machine is high-level, why not program in its native language, grewal?
You just need to adopt y'all and all y'all.
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grewal: I'm an FPGA designer and my father is a physicist with some bright ideas on simulating physical processes which he implemented in Fortran in late 80s in his thesis. He wants to continue this work and I want to help. However I don't want to use C for it (I know it well, I do highload programs for PC and embedded and I know how easy it is to mess up and how hard it is to change program architecture once it's even a bit mature)
Also I know Python and Go, trying to study Clojure as I got interested in FP in recent couple of years.
Reading some papers by Sussman just makes me feel LISPs are superior for this kind of work
especially in prototyping stage
Lisp is a particularly good language if you only have a vague idea of what you're doing, lionrouge.
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Another case is when you are willing to invest into making language constructs to express the computation
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And a nice thing with Common Lisp (and possibly other dialects) is that you can optimize only what needs to be optimized
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And don't forget that you can use ffi to communicate with any existing fortran and C libraries that you don't want to reimplement
grewal: that's a plus definitely
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Can we have next ELS in a...flatter city?
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p_l: are you already there?
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and last year's venue wasn't really horizontally all around
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Already there, and yes, last year's wasn't flat either, but Genova is even more hilly
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(setf (terrain-elevation (els 2020)) 0.0)
p_l: done
(flatten '(g e n o (v) a))
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_death: I laughed
phoe: hope to see you next year
_death: will do my best
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phoe: Un professeur is a French teacher too!
phoe: Mais un professeur enseigne, alors qu'un croyant professe!
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p_l: do you mean there's no elevator in the hotel?
No, it's just hilly and I did a lot walking up today
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my test was sorta dumb lol. it was more understanding the language than concepts
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I walked up with my GF from sea level to the mountain forts
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Morning, 8.20am Sunny day in Sydney
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It's already Sunday in Sydney?
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aeth: sunny day /= sunday
though it is only cloudy here, bit of a change
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Why am I able to clackup 2 different applications on a single REPL?
What does clackup mean?
I'd imagine there would be issues running 2 servers on single thread
clack is a web server
Who said there was only a single thread?
not if it has an event loop of sorts or if it is multithreaded
Well clack uses hunchentoot as default
If I clackup twice, does clack use 2 different threads?
clack seems to use a thread for each app
It has a :use-thread key arg that defaults to t if threads are supported, so my guess would be "yes"
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Well, after a day of fiddling with various server and web libraries, I think I am ready to build a simple webgame app
*congratulates self*
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Sorry to hear you're not coming to the ELS, phoe. I hope you get well soon.
I will be wearing the tag you made me last year. :)
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_death, happy you'll be there too!
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Hm.. How do I use multiple files for a single package for a quickproject package?
I put the file in :components (:file "filename")
Just put (in-package "YOUR-PACKAGE") at the start of each file.