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<pjb> (let ((list '()) (cell '())) (declare (dynamic-extend cell)) (loop repeat 10 do (setf cell (cons 'a list)) (setf list cell)) (prin1 list) (values)) #| (a a a a a a a a a a) |#
<pjb> assuming of course, that prin1 doesn't store the list somewhere for later (this would be dragons out of the nose).
<kagevf> pjb: wouldn't asdf:load-system recompile any defuns anyway even if they're in the same file as the defmacros they are using? and even if the macros are in a different system, wouldn't that still be the case? if what I just said is wrong, I'd be very interested in knowing, since that might explain some things I've observed and don't fully understand ...
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<White_Flame> pjb: that CONS call in there heap allocates
<White_Flame> (at least in SBCL, with optimizations on)
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<White_Flame> but, (let ((cell (cons ...))) (declare (dynamic-extent cell)) (push cell list)) might do it, it just leaves the scope of the LET which might make it immediately invalid depending on the compiler
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<White_Flame> which is the weirdness I hit in terms of dynamically consing up stuff on the stack (which may or may not be possible based on the stack discipline of the compiler as well)
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<pjb> kagevf: in the same file yes, but not in other files, if they don't depend on the file where the macros are defined.
<pjb> kagevf: if you modify a system and reload it, this doesn't make asdf reload the systems that depend on it! You need to load a leaf system to have all the dependencies recompiled and reloaded. So if you have N systems in a project, you could define an artifical N+1 bottom system that would depend on all the N system, and that you could reload when you modify any of the N system, to have it and all its dependents be reloaded.
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<pjb> White_Flame: well, dynamic-extend doesn't imply stack. An implemented could use a separate heap, managed similarly to the old Pascal heap, which is basically a parallel, data stack, instead of a garbage collected heap.
<White_Flame> still, my example exits the lexical scope the var is defined in, while it still keeps it alive, be it the process stack or not
<pjb> White_Flame: upon entry in a function the function records the size of this dynamic-extend heap; dynamic-extend objects are allocated there (simply incrementing the size of the heap), and when the function returns, it resets the size of the heap to the saved value.
<pjb> White_Flame: of course, that doesn't work for closures.
<White_Flame> and yours might allocate outside the dynamic-extent
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<pjb> Indeed, if you break the dynamic-extend, dragons out of the nose.
<pjb> It's not a weidness, it's a dire non-conformity.
<pjb> +r
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<saturn2> my impression was that in sbcl, dynamic-extent doesn't affect setf assignments at all
<pjb> White_Flame: and remember all declarations but special declarations can be ignored by the implementation.
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<White_Flame> sure, but the actual expressibility is in question
<saturn2> you have to do some sort of continuation-passing kind of thing if you want to build a dynamic-extent list a little at a time
<White_Flame> but with CPS, dynamic-extend prevents tail-calling :)
<White_Flame> *extent
<pjb> saturn2: not needed. Any new object that is stored in the declared variable is dynamic-extend, you say to the compiler. What you do with this object later is not the problem of the compiler anymore. It's your problem. My code is conforming and produce in list, a variable not declared, a list of cons cells that are dynamic-extent.
<White_Flame> (now, it doesn't have to, but at least SBCL doesn't include the stack magic to dynamic-extent + tco)
<White_Flame> pjb: the stack says that the declaration declares that the values become inaccessible outside the form
<pjb> White_Flame: for an object to be dynamic-extend doesn't imply anything!!! It's up to the implementation to allocate it wherever it wants, and to free it sooner than later!
<White_Flame> *the spec says
<saturn2> White_Flame: yeah, it's not ideal either way
<pjb> Which is indeed all that conforming programs need to know: the fuck don't access the fucking objects outside of the form!
<White_Flame> inaccesible is not "don't", it's "can't"
<pjb> Not only don't access, but don't keep a reference.
<pjb> White_Flame: yes, because the implementation can ignore dynamic extent so it is possible that we may!
<pjb> But we must not!
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<White_Flame> when I said "expressibility", that is creating the assertions for this situation. The declarations assert things which may or may not be checked or used by the implementation
<White_Flame> it's hard for me to see how to even express this using the declarations
<White_Flame> however, dynamic-extent does say "for each value ... that vari takes on", which is quite broader
<White_Flame> especially since data that has a larger extent than the current form might be placed in there, too, without practical issue
<White_Flame> but I guess inaccessibility covers that
<White_Flame> so really, this does get into "sufficiently advanced compiler" territory
<White_Flame> in terms of fully taking advantage of it
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<kagevf> good morning, beach
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<kagevf> pjb: what you described is pretty much how I expected asdf:loadsystem to work
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<pjb> kagevf: yes. Just remmember to write the right dependencies in the asd file.
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<edgar-rft> sure, there should be no dependencies left :-)
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<kagevf> pjb: for sure
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<dieggsy> is there a standard way to "dispatch" on platform? like (os-dispatch (linux do-this) (macos do-that))
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<moon-child> #+linux do-this #+macos do-that #+(not (or macos linux)) something-else
<moon-child> (except I think 'macos' is called something else; check *features*)
<moon-child> err, can replace last with #-(or macos linux) something-else
<White_Flame> needs #+case((linux ...) (macos ...) (otherwise ...))
<White_Flame> that's always bothered me
<moon-child> yeah, me too
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<moon-child> I mean, you can face it without too much trouble, but still
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<moon-child> *fake
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<lukego> I'm feeling the urge to make a github fork of every dependency so that I can easily read/write them somewhere other than my own home directory. this way I could fix things and send changes upstream instead of just quietly working-around locally. does anyone do this? any workflow tips?
<dieggsy> moon-child: ah, thanks
<beach> lukego: Isn't that the standard way of preparing pull requests?
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<lukego> beach: yes, once you have a fork already established, but I don't have that and in the moment it's always too much hassle to create one. Ideally I'd preemptively fork everything and also keep my forks up to date e.g. with latest quicklisp versions.
<beach> I see.
<lukego> maintaining one repo containing patch files might be easier but can't send pull requests from that
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<Nilby> lukego: I just fork, clone, and link into ~/quicklisp/local-projects. Then I can swtich back and forth between the local hacked one and the quicklisp one, by adding and removing the link. It's convenient to have a command to it for you.
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<lukego> Nilby: hard to install your application on another computer if it depends on the contents of ~/quicklisp/local-projects though?
<kagevf> I tried to do touch ./new-directory/new-sub-directory/new-directory but bash complained because the parent directories didn't exist, so I just wrapped ensure-directories-exist in a very tiny app with sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die since it did what I wanted ...
<Nilby> You can just copy your local repo directory and have a command to populate the links.
<dieggsy> Woah - cl-tui seems really nice
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<Nilby> Or just have a list of your patched dependencies and re-create the fork directory from github, then have it populate local-projects.
<splittist> lukego: would a separate lukego-forks github account do what you want?
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<lukego> splittist: I think so and what I'd need is a script that syncs it from quicklisp so that it doesn't go stale
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<splittist> how many of your ql dependencies don't come from gh anyway?
<lukego> few to none
<lukego> Nilby: sounds messy for me, going to bite me if I want to e.g. hook up a CI that tests the same code as I'm developing, etc.
<Nilby> Yes. I agree. I guess another alternative is to have your own quicklisp dist.
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<lukego> hm, thanks, have to think about that option
<Nilby> It seems only the most industrious people like Shinmera have to go that far.
<Nilby> But I guess some Lisp companies do that too.
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<Nilby> Also there's ultralisp and CLPM but I haven't tried them.
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<White_Flame> I always end up M-.'ing into QL dependencies to tweak stuff and then stare at it wondering what to do with that :-P
<White_Flame> *with those changes
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<Nilby> I find it helpful to have a command to _potentially_ git clone a quicklisp system.
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<splittist> a quickpr command would be nice
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<saturn2> kagevf: that's a good solution but there's also mkdir -p
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<lukego> splittist: Yeah PRs are a whole other dimension. In the olden days of patch files you could manage your sources any way you wanted but nowadays you really need to maintain a whole github repo to participate in code sharing
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<lukego> borodust also does a quicklisp distro for the gaming stuff and that seems to work well
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<easye> Mornin' all.
<beach> Hello easye.
<easye> What would be the mimimal-non-CL dependencies way of styling org files under Hunchentoot?
* easye nods to beach.
<easye> I suppose I could just script Emacs org-export elisp executions...
* easye wonders about executing elisp in semi-portable ANSI CL for the second time this week.
* splittist notes the gh cli has `gh pr create`
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<kagevf> saturn2: I know about mkdir -p, but I have a list of file names from which I want to generate the directories ... if I use mkdir -p, it will turn the entire file path into a directory ... if I try to turn that into a file bash displays an error
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<kagevf> if I do mkdir -p directory/filename.txt even filename.txt becomes a directory, and I can't do echo "abc123" > directory/filename.txt
<kagevf> maybe I could have done something with awk, but just wrapping ensure-directories-exist into a mini-app was faster
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<loke[m]> kagevf: You might want to do `mkdir -p \`dirname "$filenamewithpath\``.
<loke[m]> * kagevf: You might want to do `mkdir -p $(dirname "$filenamewithpath)`.
<loke[m]> * kagevf: You might want to do `mkdir -p $(dirname "$name_with_path)`.
<loke[m]> * kagevf: You might want to do `mkdir -p $(dirname "$name_with_path")`.
<saturn2> unix is so cool
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<loke[m]> * kagevf: You might want to do mkdir -p $(dirname "$name_with_path")
<loke[m]> * kagevf: You might want to do: mkdir -p $(dirname "$name_with_path")
<loke[m]> Sorry, I didn't notice that I'm on an IRC-backed channel. This must have looked horrible in an IRC client.
<loke[m]> I'll pay more attention next time.
* Nilby doesn't like unix, which makes crazytown more crazy (let ((file "~/tmp/gralt/baz/moo.txt")) (!= "mkdir" "-p" (nos:dirname file)) (! "echo foo > " file))
<nij> Did anyone (intend to) annotate CLHS and make it more friendly, say, with more examples?
<contrapunctus> nij: I think phoe was working on something like that
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<nij> \o/ any link?
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<beach> nij: The Common Lisp HyperSpec can not be annotated as is. It has a very restrictive copyright.
<nij> Ah.. but can we annotate separately, and point it to specific pages of CLHS?
<nij> (When will its copyright expire? I won't die before then.)
<beach> I may not be remembering this right, but I think the ANSI standards document can not be legally copied, but the dpANS can. And I think the Common Lisp HyperSpec was created from the dpANS. However, the HTML markup is also protected by copyright. I may be wrong, and ANSI may have given permission to LispWorks to create the Common Lisp HyperSpec from the standards document.
<beach> I think it is 75 years after the death of the creator, or something like that.
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<beach> It tends to follow the age of Mickey Mouse.
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<beach> nij: I think the right solution is to create a new document from dpANS, and I am pretty sure that is what phoe did.
<nij> :-( I'll probably be dead then. Anyway.
<nij> phoe: is it released?!
<beach> What we do need is a version of the dpANS in the form of one single LaTeX document, rather than as one TeX document per chapter.
<TMA> it depends on the jurisdiction of the birth/citizenship/residence/death of the creator at the time of the work being first published, of the publisher if posthumously and it is generally at least 70 years after the event, even 100 in some cases
<ChoHag> beach: cat(1).
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<beach> TMA: Thanks.
<beach> ChoHag: Nope, won't work.
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<Nilby> If I didn't dislike both HTML and TeX so much I would try to do it. I've been fixing a a texinfo copy for years and it's still messed up.
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<phoe> nij: is what released?
<beach> CLUS.
<phoe> not officially, it's in a very unfinished state
<theothornhill> How unfinished, and is there any way we can help?
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<nij> yeah maybe people can help
<theothornhill> I'll volunteer to help out, if I could be pointed somewhere to look
<beach> Again, I think the best thing to do would be to create a single LaTeX document (with multiple files obviously) from the per-chapter TeX files of the dpANS.
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<beach> Then we could use it for the Common Lisp UltraSpec, but also as a basis for a Common Lisp reference manual, and for the WSCL specification.
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<scymtym> beach: is there more information on this idea of reformatting the dpANS sources anywhere? like previous attempts, necessary steps, expected outcome, etc?
<Nilby> Unless I've missed something it doesn't seem like LaTeX is an adequate format.
<beach> scymtym: Not really. I tried doing it semi-manually, but it was a disaster.
<beach> Nilby: If it is correctly structured, it could be parsed. But that's not the case for the dpANS.
<beach> Nilby: The dpANS is pure TeX with lots of custom macros, many of which are for aesthetic purposes only.
<Nilby> Yes. That's one reason I wish it were in a more abstract format.
<beach> Nilby: I totally agree, but that's just making the task even more complicated up front.
<White_Flame> need Common Lisp Spexpr
<White_Flame> one day I'll do it
<White_Flame> just blast through it monk-copy style
<scymtym> beach: i see. i meant information that would be useful for making another attempt. that would also include how to get the sources and an explanation of the legal situation, i guess
<Nilby> I actually have some fondness for sexp formats like ccldoc.
<beach> scymtym: I remember it was tricky to find the sources. But I have them, so in the worst case, I can make them available.
<beach> scymtym: We *think* it is free for everyone to use.
<beach> Nilby: Sure, if you want to try that, that would be fantastic.
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<scymtym> beach: that's good to hear
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<theothornhill> beach: But if it's mostly hindered by the hassle of manually doing things, more hands would surely help?
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<beach> theothornhill: Absolutely!
<scymtym> i think making the sources available along with a little explanation of the situation would make the project more approachable if that makes sense
<beach> theothornhill: All we need then is someone to organize the effort.
<beach> scymtym: Don't you think we also need some kind of action plan?
<beach> I was aiming for LaTeX to avoid having to translate all the macros, and so that we could use cross references, bibliography references, etc.
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<beach> I wish gilberth were here. He is the expert in recycling stuff like this. He created the "annotatable" CLIM spec from the LaTeX source.
<scymtym> beach: not sure. people chipping away at the problem in private and a coordinated effort don't seem to be mutually exclusive since
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<theothornhill> phoe: Is your effort available somewhere? If not, could you make it available? Otherwise I can try to set up something
<White_Flame> beach: poke him in lispcafe if you want
<scymtym> beach: yeah, seeing the CLIM spec "parser", i wondered how different the CLHS and CLIM are in that regard
<beach> scymtym: Fair enough.
<Nilby> Profusion of macros seems like what you get when you have super-lisp-hackers writing in TeX.
<beach> White_Flame: Aww! Another channel! *sigh*
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<White_Flame> or PM I guess?
<beach> Nilby: I tend to agree.
<beach> Nilby: Yes, that's better.
<Duuqnd> It would be nice if there was a free software clone of Symbolics Concordia and the document examiner. Not sure if it would be at all useful for this though.
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<Nilby> Concordia was resting on quite a highly evolved stack of things that I don't think we have free versions of yet.
<Duuqnd> Concordia itself can't be salvaged, I was more thinking something like a clone written on CLIM or something.
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<no-defun-allowed> I could swear I saw a portable version of Joshua still.
<Duuqnd> Joshua seems like it would be easier to make portable
<beach> Duuqnd: I think jackdaniel is working on some kind of CLIM-based documentation system.
<no-defun-allowed> Best case would be that you replace dw: with clim: and call if a day.
<no-defun-allowed> *it a day
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<beach> I honestly think the best action would be for each person to take a section or a chapter, whipping up the PDF of the standards document, and then copy-paste from dpANS into a LaTeX document or some other kind of document.
<beach> I am convinced that any attempt at automating the translation would be much harder.
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<loke[m]> beach: I believe any transformation of the spec should be made into some kind of machine-readable form. LaTeX is fine, as long as the content is parseable without LaTeX itself. Storing the information in sexp form would be ideal.
<loke[m]> That way you can render it any way you want.
<beach> loke[m]: Oh, yes, absolutely.
<phoe> theothornhill: https://phoe.tymoon.eu/clus/doku.php and on github
<phoe> but I'll need to restart this from scratch someday because my methodology sucked at the time
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<phoe> if I ever restart CLUS, I'll want to do it in a reproducible way that starts with dpANS sources and mechanically and reproducibly converts them into whatever format is required
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<phoe> the most important is *reproducible* because the standard really needs to be copied verbatim, as all holy scriptures must be
<beach> loke[m]: But then we have the eternal problem of choosing a format. We never seem to be able to agree upon such a thing.
<beach> loke[m]: The reason is simple. There are so many formats to choose from, each one is going to have only a small minority of proponents.
<loke[m]> If it's in some sexp form, transforming it to HTML, LaTeX, org-mode or whatever would be trivial.
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<beach> loke[m]: But "sexp form" is not specific enough.
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<beach> How does a table look? An itemized list? Code vs text?
<loke[m]> Well, the details doesn't matter. It could be something like '("Some text " (:bold "bold text here"))
<Duuqnd> The details do matter
<splittist> a specified clos form. let N input and M output formats bloom.
<beach> loke[m]: And that's enough to create a failure of consensus.
<loke[m]> I dunno, point is that I don't think most people would complain, since it's not any specific format, and every proponent of some other format knows they can easily convert it to their favourite style.
<beach> loke[m]: But if we need to collaborate on this effort, then we can't have each person choose a different format.
<no-defun-allowed> Frob it, just make the format #<CLHS {12345678}> - no one will know what it is without a nice print-object method and thus no one can complain.
<loke[m]> True. But you'll have the dictator choose the base sexp format. My example above is what I use for my transformed version of the Maxima documentation, and it works fine.
<loke[m]> I have written a documentation browser as part of Climaxima that displays the content in a much nicer way than the official HTML docs, and has better search, so I think it's a success.
<splittist> But :bold is an output specification, not a semantic signifier
<loke[m]> splittist: sure, it was an example.
<loke[m]> The Climaxima format contains both visual and semantic specifications.
<Nilby> The trouble is, we can see how well separation of semantics from presentaion is going for the web.
<loke[m]> You'll just take the specifiers directly from the LaTeX dpans source,
<loke[m]> I was working on an automatic converter for the dpand documents that created precisely this.
<nij> I wonder why PG doesn't fund common lisp.
<loke[m]> Nilby: My apologies for making assumptions, but did you take a look at the dpans source? It already contains that information directly in the LaTeX source.
<nij> Maybe it's a good idea to ask him for some.
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<Nilby> loke[m]: Yes, and I know they did a pretty good job with TeX, but it's certainly not perfect, and they we're exactly focusing on the hyperspec aspects.
<Nilby> s/we're/weren't/
<TMA> Nilby: https://github.com/xach/dpans if you hadn't found the dpANS sources already
<TMA> ah, you have, I reckon
<Nilby> TMA: Thanks. I think I started with one from GCL, but Xach's is probably in better shape.
<no-defun-allowed> nij: I would prefer to not be funded by Paul Graham honestly.
<no-defun-allowed> If you can stomach him, sure why not, but that's not my cup of tea. I dunno.
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<Nilby> nij: PG want to replace CL with his thing, so he probably doesn't want to fund us.
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<no-defun-allowed> For one not borderline "political" example, his two hundred (thousand?) year languages are very terse, but I write verbose code, because that is what I can read.
<nij> Nilby: Oh really :-( ?
* splittist would be wary of anything funded, as funding implies official, and constitutional conventions are unpredictable see e.g. French revolution, Russian revolution etc. (:
<nij> But it's also how CLHS was written, no?
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<beach> nij: Why did you bring up Paul Graham?
<White_Flame> funding was also why CLHS wasn't completed to the desired state
<nij> beach: Because he did seem to like CL and might be able to help out.
<nij> White_Flame: That's right.
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<beach> nij: Like I said, the Common Lisp HyperSpec was created either from the dpANS or perhaps from the standards document with special permission. I forget who did it. Maybe Kent Pitman?
<no-defun-allowed> Yes, Pitman put it together.
<beach> nij: How did you think it was created?
<no-defun-allowed> What I would do is start a venture commune to get common property for any CL work. This has the pleasant side effect of competing with PG.
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<nij> beach: damn I didn't know what dpANS was, and now it makes sense.
<nij> I thought someone wrote CLHS by his/her own.
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<beach> nij: Not at all, it was derived from the standardization documents. And those documents took dozens of people to create.
<nij> So with dpANS, we don't have to write CLUS from scratch?
<beach> That's the idea, yes.
<beach> nij: But, if you followed the discussion the dpANS is in a format that is not easy to exploit.
<nij> Now xach has a copy on github. Is there any compiled version (in pdf, say)?
<Nilby> Funny that arc people started using sbcl, https://github.com/arclanguage/Clamp
<nij> Nilby: he has a new lang spec recently too
<theothornhill> beach: what would be the best format, then? Markdown?
<no-defun-allowed> Great, now I know what libraries to avoid.
<beach> theothornhill: I am not going to attempt to answer that, because, like I said, any particular format would be defended by only a small minority of us.
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<beach> theothornhill: And, as I often say, I would like for the entire thing to be encoded as standard objects, with a well defined protocol.
<beach> That way, we can't possibly disagree on some surface syntax, because the surface syntax would not be what defines the format.
<theothornhill> beach: yeah, but now it looks pretty gnarly, so maybe converting it to a cleaner (as in human readable) format first could be a smart first step?
<Nilby> beach: I quite agree with a standard object encoding.
<contrapunctus> beach: I remember CommonDoc being brought up as such a protocol, last time
<beach> Yes, and I have suggested creating a single coherent LaTeX document.
<beach> theothornhill: ^
<beach> contrapunctus: Let me check the logs for that...
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<Nilby> I also agree with phoe, that it would be good for it to be reproducible to go rom dpANS to an object encoding.
<beach> contrapunctus: I must have completely forgotten about this. Who wrote that?
<beach> Aha! It slowly comes back.
<beach> I forget the IRC handle of Fernando Borretti.
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<beach> contrapunctus: Thanks for reminding me. Then CommonDoc might be the best recommendation. Let me see how it can be used.
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<splittist> The problem is that documents (for human consumption) are not trees. At least, not at any reasonable level of abstraction.
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<nij> splittist: why would that be a problem?
<beach> splittist: That's why I would like to see documentation split into (say) "chunks" where each "chunk" has a unique label and can be inserted into documents in different ways.
<nij> yes yes
<contrapunctus> splittist: reeeeaaally? o.O HTML, XML, and anything that targets them like Org, Markdown, etc, as well as XML schemas like ODF...aren't they all trees?
<Nilby> I don't know specificlly about CommonDoc, but an object representation is really a graph, and can have circularity, etc.
<beach> CommonDoc seems to do that already.
<splittist> contrapunctus: yes. and a tiny subset of documents.
<splittist> There's a reason wordprocessing formats are insanely complicated.
<Nilby> XML things are only textually a tree, but in objects a node graph e.g. SVG.
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<beach> It looks like CommonDoc may be an excellent starting point.
<splittist> headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes, call-outs, tables, pictures; sections of text that don't map to textual content, but to its presentation; annotations that span units of text; styles that do - or don't - compose.
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<nij> beach: sounds like it
<nij> But I wonder why don't it uses s-exprs as formats
<splittist> title pages, front matter, colophons, appendices, schedules, annexes, indexes, tables of contents, tables of authorities, bibliographies, watermarks, borders for paragraphs, borders for pages, ...
<Nilby> splittist <- this person documents :)
<nij> So instead of @begin(enum) @item(This is the first item) @item(And this the second) @end(enum), we can just write
<nij> (enum "This is the first item" "And this is the second")
<beach> nij: Because, again, the main idea is to have the internal CLOS protocol be the main definition of the format. Not the surface syntax.
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<nij> Yeah.. that's the point.
<nij> I'm just obsessed with using s-exprs as formats of everything.
<Duuqnd> I like them too but it's important to know when not to use them
<nij> It seems to be perfectly fine when it comes to latex-like stuff..
<nij> (eqn "line1" "line2" "line3"), instead of lots of begin.. end.. and indentation
<nij> with emacs you get helpers for indenting as well
<nij> But anyway, that's not really the point here, as beach said.
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<splittist> CommonDoc seems to be basically the markdown subset of html with nestable sections
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<nij> I do I make file of this (https://github.com/xach/dpans) and get a readable pdf file?
<nij> s/I do I/ How do I/
<TMA> nij: I have had success with running: for i in chap-{1..26}.tex chap-a.tex ; do pdftex $i ; done
<TMA> nij: chap-0 contains table of contents, index, list of figures and also some problems that prevent it from finishing pdftex chap-0 successfully without modification
<theothornhill> TMA: thanks :)
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<nij> Wow indeed, thanks TMA!
<nij> beach , did CLHS add/remove things from dpANS?
<TMA> for the table of contents: replace ".tc" with ".toc" in chap-0.tex ; for the index: run: sort -t: -k2 chap-*.idx > index.idx
<beach> nij: No, it should be a very faithful HTML-ized version of it.
<TMA> and then pdftex chap-0 finishes successfully
<White_Flame> nij: CLHS added formatting & links to what might have been plain text in the tex
<nij> What makes it hard to convert dpans into a commondoc?
<edgar-rft> nij: the code examples in the CLHS and the "issues" pages were added by Kent Pitman, they are not part of the dPANS Tex version.
<beach> nij: All the TeX macros they used.
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<Duuqnd> The \input stuff there reminds me a bit of how in Concordia most records were just links to other records. (screenshot for reference: https://i.imgur.com/J9ZWbrC.png)
<Nilby> nij: TeX is hard to convert by anything that isn't TeX or TeX-based. PDF and DVI are pre-rendered formats that lose much of semantic content. And all of those formats are designed to be smushed onto dead trees, not clicky-pixels.
<Nilby> Of course one of the cool things about Concordia is it's kind of a Zmacs mode and have live objects in it.
<Duuqnd> Just like most things in Genera
<Duuqnd> I should probably stop playing around with it because it's making me dislike Unix-likes and Windows more than I already did.
<Nilby> Duuqnd: Yup. I've been stuck like that ever since using a Lisp machine.
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<Nilby> That specific screenshot shows org-mode-ish and non-tree-like features.
<Duuqnd> There also this stuff which I think is really cool: https://i.imgur.com/SUpdoQn.png
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<pjb> dieggsy: have a look at: (com.informatimago.tools.manifest:distribution) https://github.com/informatimago/lisp/blob/master/tools/manifest.lisp#L144 ; of course, totally ad-hoc.
<Nilby> At least that CLIM can do now :)
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<Duuqnd> Being able to click on an example and having it run is also pretty neat: https://i.imgur.com/h1pAQI1.png
<nij> I envy this. Dunno if there's any easy way to start.
<pjb> nij: I guess PG doesn't fund Common Lisp, because he wasn't billionaires after selling viaweb. So instead he founded Y-combinator VC to fund startups to make him eventually a billionaire. Note that if you can pitch a good startup with y-combinator (and use Common Lisp to implement it), then PG would fund CL, indirectly.
<nij> pjb that sounds like a good plan ;)
<pjb> nij: oh, you meant a standization process? But once your startup will have made it, you will be able to do that yourself, which would be logical, since you will have used CL to build your products!
<pjb> PG sold viaweb to yahoo! who hurried to rewrite it in C++… So there's some lost interst in CL there.
<pjb> PG was a 2-comma, not a 3-comma from it ;-)
<Nilby> I think foundational Lisp is thing that's above the normal economy, like other technologies say, e.g. GPS, you can't just throw money to make it happen, and it doesn't produce profit directly, but it's super useful and enables whole classes of other profitable endeavors.
<no-defun-allowed> Not the case for any programming language?
<nij> and gps is based on gr, which is based on Riemannian geometry
<nij> no-defun-allowed: dunno. I a noob believe that CL is superior.
<Nilby> Maybe some. It seems like programming languages can't be sold now.
<no-defun-allowed> It does not transcend reality. No other programming languages make money on their own, other than creating a net loss for everyone dumb enough to use some.
<no-defun-allowed> But after all, we're only ordinary men...
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<daphnis> to remove the end of a string, is there something more straightforward than (subseq str 0 (1- (length str))) ?
<Nilby> That's pretty strightforward, but if you know it was specific characters you could use trim.
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<daphnis> yeah, i suppose it is
<jackdaniel> if your string has a fill pointer, then you may decrement it
<jackdaniel> but this will be an operation that affects the string itself
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<pjb> daphnis: if you took the precaution of storing your string in a vector with a fill-pointer: (decf (fill-pointer str))
<pjb> (let ((str (make-array 32 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer t)) (src "Hello World")) (replace str src) (setf (fill-pointer str) (length src)) (print str) (decf (fill-pointer str)) str) #| "Hello World" --> "Hello Worl" |#
<pjb> daphnis: now, if your string is a tad long, you may want to avoid copying it: (let ((str "Hello World")) (make-array (1- (length str)) :displaced-to str)) #| --> "Hello Worl" |#
<pjb> daphnis: have a look at com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum.utility:nsubseq
<pjb> daphnis: note, for most strings (length < 24 or 32), subseq will be more efficient, on 64-bit hardware.
<daphnis> pjb: thanks!
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<beach> AHA! The handle of Fernando Borretti is eudoxia, who apparently was here last around 5 years ago.
<Shinmera> Yeah, he's still alive, but hasn't been doing any lisp in years.
<Shinmera> I chat to him occasionally on streams.
<beach> Right.
<beach> Oh, OK.
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<flip214> https://github.com/eudoxia0?tab=overview shows still alive and kicking
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<dieggsy> pjb: oh cool, thanks. is the or there encompassing the os cases really necessary
<pjb> dieggsy: note that: (or) #| --> nil |# So it serves two purposes; 1- protection in case we miss a case; 2- ease of editing the bunch of #+ in a single form.
<pjb> dieggsy: with paredit, you can easily manipulate list sexps, so sometimes adding a PROGN, AND or OR can help editing.
<dieggsy> oh, fair
<dieggsy> i was just talking about how i gave up parens editing frameworks in favor of manual editing because they all felt like they got in my way lol
<dieggsy> but i'll try them out again, it's been like a couple years
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<pjb> Oh, and in the case #+(or unix) it's entirely useless, probably a left over from copy-pasting; but also a hint that we'd like to get a future feature to or unix with for nextstep. note that OpenStep worked on unices (sunos and hp/ux), Mach-OS, and Windows-NT.
<pjb> dieggsy: I like paredit.
<dieggsy> pjb: i think part of the fuss is i'm also using evil-mode and none of them quite click with that, you have to use some kind of sub-par adapter package
<pjb> Yes, that may mess things up.
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<pyc> While typing code into a .lisp file, is there a way to autocomplete known symbols? For example, form<key-sequence> should autocomplete it to format. Is it available? I tried <tab> but it does not seem to autcomplete. I have SLIME running in Emacs.
<beach> C-c TAB or C-c C-i.
<pyc> thanks beach
<beach> Pleasure.
<jfb4> thanks beach
<pyc> M-TAB also seems to work for autocompletion.
<beach> jfb4: What did I help you with?
<jfb4> beach: useful answer on autocompletion
<beach> Oh, OK.
<beach> pyc: I almost never use the Meta key, so I would have to type C-[ C-i instead, and the [ and the i are on the same hand, so slower to type.
<jfb4> beach:curious why not use meta key, eg C-M-x
<splittist> ESC Tab
<beach> jfb4: Because it is in an awkward position.
* beach also never uses the ESC key for that reason.
<jfb4> ok but you can remap in a line super-meta-control the way of the Lisp machine keyboards
<splittist> It is useful if you are using a terminal in a browser that eats lots of M-... chords
<beach> I would need one of those Japanese keyboards with a very narrow space key.
<pyc> (sort '("foo" "bar" "baz" "qux") 'string-lessp) or (sort '("foo" "bar" "baz" "qux") #'string-lessp)? Does it matter if I use 'string-lessp or #'string-lessp? Is one better style than the other?
<beach> For standard functions, I recommend you always use #'
<pyc> beach: Would you please elaborate the reason behind your recommendation? Trying to understand why one is better than the other.
<beach> SORT will then be called with a function object, so no further indirection needs to be resolved, whereas if you call it with a symbol, some kind of lookup is required.
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<pyc> beach: thanks.
<beach> I occasionally use a symbol for the :DISPLAY-FUNCTION pane option in CLIM, so that when the function is redefined, I don't have to re-evaluate my DEFINE-APPLICATION-FRAME form.
<pyc> Is #' a result of Lisp-2 languages? Do Lisp-1 languages also have the #' syntax?
<edgar-rft> pyc: 'string-lessp doesn't work with FLETs or LABELs, it will *always* use the global function even if a lexical local function exists
<beach> pyc: The former. It is a way to take a value in the function namespace and turn it into a value in the variable namespace.
<Bike> in racket #' actually means something completely different! isn't that exciting?
<pyc> Okay. Thanks.
<beach> Bike: Oh, wow.
<edgar-rft> may I come up with "Scheme is no Lisp"? :-)
<pyc> (sort (directory "*.txt") #'string-lessp) ; This fails with: The value #P"/Users/pyc/learning/a.txt" is not of type (OR (VECTOR CHARACTER) BASE-STRING SYMBOL CHARACTER) when binding SB-IMPL:STRING1. I understand the error. I am passing a list of pathnames to sort but using a predicate meant for string. What is the right way to solve this problem?
<Bike> do you want to sort by the entire pathname, or the filename, or what
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<Bike> you can pass a :key to sort, e.g. #'namestring
<edgar-rft> pyc: there's NAMESTRING to convert pathnames into strings
<pyc> Bike: In my case, I will get the same result whether I sort by entire pathname or only by the filename because all my pathnames would start with #P"/Users/pyc/learning/" I am looking for files in a single directory only.
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<pyc> Bike, edgar-rft: Thanks. let me try that
<edgar-rft> alternatively you could write PATHNAME-LESSP :-)
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<pyc> (sort (directory "*.txt") #'string-lessp :key #'namestring) ; This worked fine. Really enjoyed learning about this. The CLHS document also describes the sort arguments very nicely. Thank you all for your help.
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<Josh_2> Hello
<beach> Hello Josh_2.
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<pjb> pyc: the funny thing however, is that directory returns truenames.
<pjb> pyc: ie. it resolves symlinks.
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<pjb> pyc: (sort '("foo" "bar" "baz" "qux") 'string-lessp) cannot work, because SORT is destructive, and '("foo" "bar" "baz" "qux") is immutable.
<pjb> pyc: what do you think happens when infinite force meets infinite innertia?
<pjb> pyc: dragons out of the nose!
<pjb> pyc: try: (sort (copy-list '("foo" "bar" "baz" "qux")) 'string-lessp) #| --> ("bar" "baz" "foo" "qux") |#
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<pyc> pjb: With SBCL, (sort '("foo" "bar" "baz" "qux") 'string-lessp) returns me ("bar" "baz" "foo" "qux"). Seems to do the right thing.
<pyc> pjb: but you are right, CLHS spec says sort is destructive. so is my code undefined behavior?
<dieggsy> i was just gonna say, works with SBCL
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<dieggsy> pyc: it *is* destructive though, it's modifying the actual list. if you store it in a variable, you can see the original list order is changed
<dieggsy> as opposed to just returning a new list
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<kiwichap> hello
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<pjb> dieggsy: (let ((list '("foo" "bar" "baz" "qux"))) (print (sort list 'string-lessp)) list) #| ("bar" "baz" "foo" "qux") --> ("foo" "qux") |# does it really work?
<pjb> s/dieggsy/pyc/
<beach> Hello kiwichap.
<dieggsy> pjb: it warns "Destructive function SORT called on constant data: ("foo" "bar" "baz" "qux")" but it does work
<kiwichap> how are you beach?
<beach> Very well thank you. You?
<pjb> dieggsy: are you familiar with the concept of nasal daemons?
<beach> kiwichap: Are you new here? I don't recognize your nick.
<kiwichap> yes I am new
<beach> Great! Welcome! What brings you to #lisp?
<dieggsy> pjb: lol, saves everyone time to say "undefined behavior"
<dieggsy> but yes, i'm familiar
<pjb> should we assume kiwichap lives in the antipodes?
<kiwichap> I was interested in making a website or developing computer equipment and was told that LISP is the best for that
<pjb> dieggsy: undefined behavior is not frightening enough.
<beach> pjb: .de suggests otherwise, but who knows.
<pjb> kiwichap: well, at least one guy earned 8-digits selling a web program written in Common Lisp, so it's possible.
<beach> kiwichap: Yeah, well, sort of. For one thing, we haven't written in LISP for decades, so if you use LISP, we think you are using decades-old dialects.
<duuqnd> We usually write it "Lisp" these days
<beach> kiwichap: Furthermore, this channel is dedicated to Common Lisp, which is probably fine for what you want.
<pjb> probably the best choice for that indeed.
<beach> kiwichap: Then, Common Lisp is the best choice for lots of stuff, you websites would represent no exception. :)
<kiwichap> sounds good
<kiwichap> I don't really want to use ubuntu even though I set it up
<kiwichap> is freebsd good?
<duuqnd> You can write Common Lisp code in just about any modern OS
<duuqnd> I've used both Linux and Windows so BSD should work fine
<beach> kiwichap: When you use a Common Lisp system, you work more inside the system itself than in the host operating system, so you won't notice much difference.
<kiwichap> ok sounds good, I am using FreeBSD, Debian and Open Suse for my websites at the moment
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<dieggsy> kiwichap: define "good" - for a server ?
<dieggsy> BSDs are excellent for servers. for daily use, much worse hardware support than Linux IME
<dieggsy> or just general maturity i guess
<kiwichap> yes, I prefer to write my own hardware drivers I guess
<dieggsy> lol, that's one way to go about it
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<dieggsy> dunno if i'd call it practical for productive use, but if you have the time, absolutely. contribute them upstream, even
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<kagevf> loke[m]: thank you - I didn't know about dirname ... yes, that would have done what I wanted ...
<pjb> kiwichap: a lot of lisper use macOS to write lisp code on (even if deploying on MS-Windows or Linux).
<kiwichap> interesting
<dieggsy> pjb: why would lispers prefer macOS over e.g. Linux ?
<kiwichap> why would they get a mac for that?
<jackdaniel> there is some historical overlap between lisp and early osx
<kiwichap> interesting
<dieggsy> jackdaniel: ok, what about current day though
<jackdaniel> plenty of lispers lived then and live now :)
<dieggsy> is there anything that makes macOS better fit for lisp nowadays or is it just... historical vestiges kind o f
<jackdaniel> I can't say much about osx, but I'm sure that historical vestiges play a role in some lispers preferring macos over linux
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<jackdaniel> also osx application market is bigger than linux's (if you want to sell software)
<dieggsy> i mean surer, but that's getting at preferring macos over linux in general as opposed to for lisp specifically
<kiwichap> makes sense but you need to own a mac to develop with a mac
<kiwichap> I have IoS devices but I don't own a mac
<jackdaniel> kiwichap: sure; I don't own a mac so I don't develop with a mac ,)
<pjb> dieggsy: I don't know, but there are some pictures of lisp conference assistance where there's about 90% mac laptops vs 10% PC laptops which probably run 90% Linux and 10% Windows.
<jackdaniel> dieggsy: if some person prefers macos over linux and they happen to be a lisper, what do you think they will prefer for lisp?
<Josh_2> Is there a library that makes storing data in files easier? Basically I'm thinking something like subclass of one class would store in one directory, subclasses of that in a directory inside of that. Not sure
<kiwichap> they aren't necessarily well designed and they are expensive
<pjb> kiwichap: it's iOS. IoS would be Internet of Service
<Josh_2> with a way of customizing serialization obv
<kiwichap> interesting
<kiwichap> I was more referring to the mac like I prefer my cpu to be water cooled
<dieggsy> jackdaniel: my question was, is there a particular reason to prefer macos over linux *for lisp*
<jackdaniel> either way this drifts toward offtopic, so as a moderator I feel obligued to moderate you :)
<pjb> dieggsy: AFAIK, nope.
<kiwichap> thank you , sorry, I am tempted for a mac for IoS development and was interesting to realize Internet of Service
<jackdaniel> Josh_2: this sounds like an orm with extra steps
<pjb> dieggsy: the only thing you have on macOS you don't have on Linux, is Clozure CL.app with a nice Hemlock editor, if you don't want to use emacs/slime.
<Josh_2> jackdaniel: sure but I dont want to use a database
<dieggsy> jackdaniel: fair , though i didn't start the conversation heh
<kiwichap> I paid for a 1 month subscription of a rent a mac service also
<pjb> dieggsy: on Linux you can run a PortableHemlock with a X11 backend, but it's not as nice.
<Josh_2> I'm trying to avoid using something like postgres
<kiwichap> this month that is
<pjb> kiwichap: try iOS instead.
<dieggsy> pjb: ah, well, i live and die by emacs so
<jackdaniel> kiwichap: this channel is known for strict on-topicness rules, discussing other topic unrelated to common lisp is allowed on #lispcafe
<pjb> dieggsy: but indeed, linux\X11\ratpoison\emacs is great.
<jackdaniel> Josh_2: consider sqlite
<jackdaniel> there is a library with bindings cl-sqlite
<pjb> the keyboard is more responsive on Linux\X11 than on macOS (and on Windows it's horrible).
<jackdaniel> pjb: this also applies to you, please move with this to #lispcafe
<pjb> and you've got more keys and modifiers in X11 than in macOS, which is nice for lisp or emacs.
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<kiwichap> I am using Windows Professional desktop and Windows 10 regular laptop
<kiwichap> and have emulation software running
<dieggsy> oof
<Josh_2> databases suck
<Josh_2> They are anti lisp imo
<jackdaniel> I've heard many good things about allegrograph which is a common lisp database
<kiwichap> the gnu clisp is good?
<dieggsy> Josh_2: they kinda suck to work with, but they can be mighty fast compared to other storage methods.
<jackdaniel> kiwichap: it has very slow pace of development
<Josh_2> dieggsy: like what? the filesystem is speeeeeedy
<dieggsy> kiwichap: some people here swear by it, others dislike it, i don't have enough info
<jackdaniel> people usually recommend sbcl and then ccl
<jackdaniel> (for specific needs also ecl [c embedding] and abcl [jvm embedding])
<dieggsy> Josh_2: you're not wrong, but then you get into things like disk space and compression i suppose. TBH i'm no expert on the subject
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<kiwichap> I installed all 3 now
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<kiwichap> thank you
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<shka_> fun fact: you can embed two ways with ECL
<shka_> depending on your need
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<stylewarning> I really wish there was a tiny no frills Common Lisp implementation
<stylewarning> kind of like the no frills Schemes out there
<stylewarning> But I guess it’s such an investment to build an implementation you might as well do fun stuff too
<_death> you can take an implementation and start removing stuff
<stylewarning> I think that’s possible but there’s also a certain way people write minimal software
<stylewarning> namely a very direct style of coding without hooks, lots of indirection, etc
<Josh_2> Why write minimal software when you can write software that works?
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<Josh_2> CL is basically the opposite of the unix philosophy
<_death> I remember lisp500 had an impressive .lisp file along with it.. although with some prettification the .c file was some 2kloc after all?
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<Josh_2> I read 'The rise of Worse is Better' in The Unix Haters Handbook very recently, interesting stuff and relevant to what you said stylewarning
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<pyc> http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/f_search.htm says this: "For example, when start-end is true, the ..." but I don't see start-end specified anywhere else on this page. what is start-end referring to here?
<_death> heh, trying to compile lisp500.c makes my gcc segfault :D
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<Bike> pyc: typo for from-end.
<pyc> Bike: _death: thanks
<nij> what's no-frills @_@?
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<stylewarning> nij: a compiler, author’s personal things
<stylewarning> (those are frills)
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<stylewarning> Josh_2: I’m not suggesting hyper-minimalism. I’m just saying that I think there’s room for a Common Lisp implementation that is small and straightforward, and especially easy for a reader to understand
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<remby> stylewarning: scheme? :P
<shka_> well, CL is not a minimalistc language to begin with
<Josh_2> Yeh, sounds like a scheme to me
<stylewarning> How does this sound like a scheme
<stylewarning> I’m talking about an implementation approach
<stylewarning> Not a language design
<shka_> i understand
<_death> there is also ThinLisp
<shka_> problem is, that standard conforming CL is supposed to have shitload of features
<shka_> including MOP
<shka_> and a debugger
<stylewarning> shka_: so that just puts a lower bound on what can be achieved
<jackdaniel> stripping away interrupt handling, threads, sticking to bytecode compiler (without linking sheningans) and bolting first "standard library" then "clos" should bring you 3/4 way there
<stylewarning> But the point is to sit close to that lower bound
<stylewarning> not to have some fabled 100 line C file implementing CL
<stylewarning> jackdaniel: agreed
<jackdaniel> another things that could be shaved are tcp, sse and posix funcionalities
<jackdaniel> unicode is another possible victim
<jackdaniel> s/possible/plausible/
<jackdaniel> one could go a few steps further and: implement non-conforming format and non-conforming loop which cover >98% of use cases
<jackdaniel> unix file system interface could be stubbed with a silly vfs
<jackdaniel> minimal ffi utilities could be retained to be able to do anything useful
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<jackdaniel> that would give you an ad hoc, bug-ridden, slow implementation of 100% of common lisp :)
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<stylewarning> :)))
<shka_> jackdaniel: that would be few step backwards, not further :D
<shka_> honestly though, i think that for educational purposes some other lisp implementation makes more sense to study
<jackdaniel> smaller modules are easier to maintain ;) but sure, given that we have a standard that would be a regression
<shka_> perhaps even the lisp1.5 with few extensions
<shka_> like the lexical variables
<stylewarning> shka_: disagree
<stylewarning> Scheme-ish is fine to study the structure of EVAL and APPLY
<shka_> well then scheme
<shka_> it is much nicer language for the education
<stylewarning> Depends what you’re educating on
<stylewarning> It doesn’t educate you about much of Common Lisp
<shka_> yeah, i agree
<stylewarning> It just educates you about the *gestures broadly toward the sky* “Lisp”
<dieggsy> lol, i think they meant more abstractly like algorithms and shit. i might disagree wit that too though. I dunno, I love scheme and I love CL. you can learn from either and make great practical use of either
<shka_> i guess SICL is the cleanest lisp implementation i know
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<shka_> but still, it is not that easy to understand
<shka_> and certainly not "basic"
<stylewarning> dieggsy: but learning either doesn’t really provide insight into implementation
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<dieggsy> stylewarning: not at all, agreed
<stylewarning> dieggsy: and currently in Common Lisp it’s hard to answer the question “what if Common Lisp had XYZ?”
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<dieggsy> stylewarning: what do you mean by that
<stylewarning> For instance I would love to know what a computed goto special operator would be like in Lisp
<stylewarning> Unless you’re a genius compiler hacker like Paul K, you can’t just simply add this to something like SBCL
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<stylewarning> If we had a COMPUTED-GO special operator, then we could hack something like cheap coroutines in Lisp
<stylewarning> Or fast interpreters
<stylewarning> That would be fun to play with, but necessitates a substrate for easily modifying a CL implementation
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<raeda_> On that topic, I've been playing with Graal/Truffle lately, which is a compiler toolkit. If there was a Truffle based CL, it would be easy to modify it for experiments
<raeda_> The downside is that you have to write it in Java :p
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<stylewarning> As discussed, a COMPUTED-GO, or even simpler, a jump table, are not something you can implement in CL as a macro without huge caveats
<stylewarning> (As discussed ad nauseum in the past)
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<Bike> can't you? if the implementation optimizes CASE (as sbcl does for example) it doesn't seem to me like you'd be doing much worse than direct support
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<stylewarning> Bike: well if an implementation supports CASE as a jump table then of course we are Golden
<stylewarning> But SBCL has had that for like 2 weeks now
<stylewarning> (I’m exaggerating, but it’s super recent)
<_death> so are you just talking about performance? or something else?
<Bike> i don't understand how the simple implementation helps here, if you want to worry about performance
<stylewarning> Bike: I gave an example of a control structure that is difficult to implement; maybe there are better examples than what I provided
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<pyc> Pastebin link please for this channel? I forgot it. Someone should add the pastebin link to the topic.
<pyc> ,paste
<Bike> i don't think we have a specific pastebin any more
<stylewarning> Optimized CASE still doesn’t give computed goto; tags would need be able to appear anywhere in the lexical scope
<stylewarning> AFAIK tags have to show up only in the immediate body of a TAGBODY
<Bike> not sure what you mean. do you want to jump into the middle of an IF or something?
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<Bike> C can do that but it makes the semantics pretty messy
<stylewarning> Bike: sure, that would be what you want if you wanted to implement coroutines
<_death> the next step after macros is a walker..
<stylewarning> Coroutines as a static variable (aka L-T-V + mutable cell) + computed goto
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<Bike> for a coroutine wouldn't you have to jump "into" a tagbody, essentially? tagbody only has dynamic extent so you can't do that
<Bike> if i wanted to implement coroutines i'd probably start with continuations and go from there
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<stylewarning> I think the DEFUN would be something like: LET jump-point = LTV(mutable-cell); (TAGBODY (go jump-point) ...)
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<Bike> well, i mean, so you'd have the tagbody in the coroutine, and when you yield you communicate the jump point back to the caller, right?
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<Bike> but then you're exiting the tagbody, and you can't re-enter it.
<stylewarning> I wasn’t even thinking about yielding from called functions
<Bike> that's not what i mean
<Bike> just yielding from the coroutine is what i'm talking about
<stylewarning> (Yield x) = (setf jump-point (incf next-number)) (return x) (tag next-number)
<stylewarning> something like that
<Bike> right, but you can't do that
<stylewarning> Why not
<Bike> once you return, you've exited the extent of the tagbody
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<stylewarning> Okay, and when you enter the function, the TAGBODY is entered again
<Bike> lisp doesn't let you do that. if you want to do that, you'd have to take care of things like storing the stack frame to put it back when you enter
<Bike> e.g. if you had some dynamic-extent thing in play at the yield point, you'd need to be able to put that back when you resume
<Bike> it's not impossible, but it would be pretty involved
<stylewarning> Where am I proposing re-entering an exited tagbody?
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<Bike> the (return x) is the yield, right?
<Bike> where are you returning to? outside the tagbody, right?
<stylewarning> RETURN is a normal RETURN-FROM, a DEFUN
<jcowan> stylewarning: CLHS 1.7 http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/01_g.htm tells you what the requirements are to call your implementation "a subset of CL".
<Bike> yeah, and your body is something like (defun coroutine ... (tagbody ...)) and you're doing (return-from coroutine), yeah?
<stylewarning> (defun f () (let ((cell ...)) (tagbody (go cell) ... (setf cell 1) (return-from f x) (tag 1) ...)))
<Bike> so when you return-from f, you're exiting the tagbody
<stylewarning> Yes
<stylewarning> I’m never jumping “back in” the exited tagbody
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<Bike> okay, so your cell doesn't just have the jump point, it also has the entire stack frame?
<Bike> or at least anything that's used after the 1 tag
<stylewarning> In this case it just has the jump point; which isn’t 100% what’s required for a full “Just Works” coroutine with previously established lexical scope
<stylewarning> (ie restoring the frame as you mentioned)
<Bike> are there uses for coroutines with no state besides the control point? i've never really usd them but i assumed the state was a large part of the appeal
<stylewarning> But that’s a deficiency in our definition of computed goto, not necessarily in what we are trying to do with coroutines
<stylewarning> If you have a computed goto, you’ll have to decide what lexical variables mean if you’re jumping into a lexical context
<_death> there are also the "off the beaten path" CL implementations like Corman, Eclipse, Scieneer..
<stylewarning> And hence why it would be nice to have a simplistic implementation that removes barriers to trying these things out
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<Bike> i don't know how much a simple implementation would help with that. like you could do a fairly small interpreter-based one, but then adding this kind of extension would be pretty involved
<Bike> and implementing this with an interpreter would be vastly different from doing it with a compiler to the extent it would be hard to transfer what you'd learned
<stylewarning> But I would contend it’s likely an order of magnitude less involved than trying to hack it into SBCL
<Bike> (source: i wrote up a scheme with delimited continuations once. when i tried to write a compiler problems happened)
<stylewarning> Yes interpreter vs compiler vs bytecode vs .... are real implementation issues and written about extensively
<Bike> i guess the other thing i'd do is use sicl, which isn't exactly "simple", but it's modular enough to let you swap some stuff out
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<Bike> i just don't understand what you'd do with the simple prototype exactly. you couldn't use it with production code sicne it's not efficient. you couldn't use it as much of a jumping off point for modding a more efficient lisp.
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<stylewarning> Do any lisp implementations survive that use green threads?
<Bike> i think ecl was gonna add them back
<stylewarning> I implemented this but it would be cooler with green threads https://github.com/stylewarning/lisp-random/blob/master/generators.lisp#L62
<stylewarning> easy to hit the OS limit on # threads
<stylewarning> But it’s a cool thing to have in Lisp (generators)
<Bike> coroutines are neat
<theothor`> FWIW, https://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ can parse the dpans repos with some tweaks. Returns xml, and can parse directly to html. It struggles with the table macros, but I think workarounds are possible. The xml could be parsed to a clos thing also, I guess?
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<_death> I used that in a many-turtled logo thing
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<stylewarning> _death: it’s cool but to me it’s a toy only in the sense that it doesn’t provide an orthogonal feature
<stylewarning> IOW you need to write Lisp differently if you want this kind of feature using that technique
<stylewarning> Same issue with CL-CONT-based continuations, where it can’t CPS the standard library like MAPCAR
<stylewarning> (This is the CL-CONT version of coroutines: https://github.com/stylewarning/lisp-random/blob/master/coroutine.lisp )
<stylewarning> (It appears like it’s a nice orthogonal feature but it doesn’t work in certain circumstances, whereas the thread version does)
<_death> yeah, I have some snippets for coroutines using arnesi.. at one time I switched to cl-cont, but decided I liked arnesi better
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<stylewarning> I haven’t tried it
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<pjb> stylewarning: IIRC, CMUCL is the only one that still has green threads.
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<stylewarning> I see
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<pjb> stylewarning: you can check it in the sources https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl search for process-yield and idle-loop
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<phoe> theothor`: TIL, thank you
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<opcode> i need some help understanding car and cdr: why does (append (cdr '(1 2 3 4)) (car '(a b c d))) return (2 3 4 . A) and not (2 3 4 A)?
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<edgar-rft> try (append '(2 3 4 . A) nil)
<opcode> ah.
<opcode> is there an easier way than reversing a list and using (push)?
<moon-child> (append '(1 2 3 4) (list 'a)) ; -> (1 2 3 4 A)
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<edgar-rft> APPENDing elements at the end of a list is not fast in Lisp, if you must add several elements one after the other it's often faster to PUSH to the reversed list and reverse again if finished. Alternatively you can keep a pointer to the last cell in a variable, but this only makes sense if you have really *many* of those APPEND operations on the same list.
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<saturn2> you can simplify the latter approach with a macro such as uiop:while-collecting
<moon-child> alternately you can use arrays
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<phoe> sure, as long as you can avoid reallocating them often
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<irc_user> Is it easy to call external binaries such as `ffmpeg` in common lisp?
<moon-child> (uiop:wait-process (uiop:launch-program "ffmpeg whatever whatever"))
<irc_user> thank you :)
<moon-child> wait-process returns an exit code. I think launch-program might also do something if it can't start the command
<irc_user> Got it, thank you. I haven't actually downloaded lisp yet but it looked interesting so I wanted to try rewriting some scripts in it. Looks like UOIP comes with it and isn't a separate lib?
<moon-child> uiop is a general portability library. It is not part of common lisp, but many implementations ship an implementation of it
<irc_user> Oh okay, I understand, thank you!
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