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<sm2n> moon-child: what about a language like idris where all well-formed programs are guaranteed to halt?
<sm2n> that doesn't seem right
<moon-child> sm2n: then idris is not turing-complete?
<sm2n> strictly speaking, I believe so
<moon-child> I don't think that definition is usually applied to non turing-complete languages
<Bike> i don't understand this definition even without fancy schmancy programmin' languages
<Bike> er, wait
<sm2n> you have to prove all the bounds on your computations statically in idris
<Bike> are you saying do this for all possible programs?
<sm2n> yeah
<Bike> oh, well then that works.
<Bike> you're including programs like (unless (= _ 4) (loop)) after all
<moon-child> right
<moon-child> the advantage of that definition is that it works for all turing-complete languages without needing to have any knowledge of their semantics beyond that
<sm2n> cool, I learned something today, thanks
<moon-child> :)
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<sm2n> or actually, moon-child, do you happen to have a reference that discusses this? I'd like to read more about it
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<lukego> Thanks everyone for the rigorous discussion of datatype definition styles yesterday. I reread the Serapeum docs from beginning to end to try and update my mental model. For really ad-hoc internal data structures I need to experiment with DICT/MATCH and with DEFUNION.
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<lukego> Maybe DEFCLASS verses DEFCLASS-STD (etc) is a false dichotomy and really there are a lot of different contexts for defining datatypes that each call for a separate mechanism. kinda like IF and WHEN and UNLESS and so on.
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<lukego> I notice though that all this obsessing about how to define datatypes has not actually caused my broken program to start working and maybe I should try a different approach to that problem...
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<Josh_2> just use lists, simple az
<beach> I think we heard all the arguments around half a day ago.
<beach> I completely misunderstood the context and thought lukego and jmercouris were talking about the use of these operators in more-or-less final code, but it became clear that they meant the use in code that is highly likely to change, to be rewritten, or to be deleted entirely.
<lukego> beach: I am feeling less provoked by your "if you don't care about X" comments when I read that as "when you are not immediately concerned about X in your present context" rather than "when you are a bad person because you don't give X due respect" :)
<fiddlerwoaroof> iI see I missed all the fun
<beach> lukego: Sure, that's a good interpretation in your case. Not so with many others who come here and who have no idea about elementary software engineering.
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<no-defun-allowed> fiddlerwoaroof: Yes, you're supposed to use generic functions, i.e. no defun. Cancel out the two negatives, and you have only fun.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I personally really dislike non-extensible conditional constructs
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<lukego> it's a new revelation to me now though that there are a bunch of other macros, e.g. DEFCONSTRUCTOR from Serapeum, that actually capture the context i.e. that is something that you only use for a quick and simple local representation of immutable structures.
<fiddlerwoaroof> e.g. I almost always use generic functions instead of case/cond and friends
<fiddlerwoaroof> And, what I've noticed, is that almost all "functional" programming languages use constructs that are OOP in CLOS's sense
<fiddlerwoaroof> Clojure's multimethods are just a bad version of CLOS and Haskell has typeclasses everywhere, which basically are a compile-time version of generic dispatch
<lukego> and that puts me off defclass-std as being "yet another defclass" rather than something complementary that's tailored to a more specific use case.
<beach> fiddlerwoaroof: You must have missed the general consensus here in #lisp that you should avoid generic functions since they are bad for performance.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I don't worry about performance until I have to
* beach hasn't finished his coffee yet, and feels cranky still.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I guess I'm a bad programmer
<Josh_2> beach: that was the general consensus? Folks must have gone mad ;)
<beach> I guess so.
<beach> Josh_2: I am joking.
<Josh_2> :P
<lukego> I liked splittist's comment that the rest of the world is built in Javascript these days so there's nothing particularly indulgent about using all the generics and indirections you please. Chrome has reset the bar on what is appropriate resource utilization by software and we can all rejoice in our relative thrift :)
<fiddlerwoaroof> JS is pretty fast, though
<fiddlerwoaroof> Like, I think it's probably hard to right a compiler for a dynamic language that comes close to V8
<beach> lukego: Facts like that don't seem to prevent eternal discussions about performance. Not to mention the size of executables.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I mean, like 90% of companies run on some combination of Python, Ruby or PHP
<fiddlerwoaroof> If we want to talk about performance not mattering
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<beach> That's very sobering to hear.
<lukego> fiddlerwoaroof: so much the better :) writing slow code is contributing to computer science by stimulating compiler research, just look at javascript...
<fiddlerwoaroof> The great thing about CL is that I find I can just write CL in most situations where I'd use FFI in Python
<fiddlerwoaroof> Not to mention actually being able to benefit from multiple threads of executin
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<beach> The more I hear about Python (the language) the more I think it's a joke, and the more I am totally baffled why anyone would want to use it.
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<Josh_2> its easy and promoted a lot
<fiddlerwoaroof> It's all about the libraries, really
<fiddlerwoaroof> Also, it's relatively quick to go from nothing to a proof of concept in Python
<mfiano> I don't buy the last bit
<lukego> I like that "I must program as inefficiently as possible" mantra. that it's healthy mental exercise to burn CPU cycles and you should strive to do it as much as you can get away with.
<fiddlerwoaroof> :)
<fiddlerwoaroof> lukego: "only optimize problems you can measure" is pretty standard advice
<lukego> or maybe we should fight to get our own code a respectable share of our CPU's cycles relative to e.g. Chrome and the idle loop :)
<fiddlerwoaroof> I don't take a program seriously that doesn't pin at least one CPU core and consume 4GB of RAM
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<lukego> (also my code is working now and it's massively improved compared with the previous messy version so thanks everybody who helped me pick the right color for my bikeshed, it worked out in the end)
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<lukego> I really notice that after a break from Lisp hacking it takes a while to reabsorb all the old idioms and learn new ones. a bit like taking a break from speaking english. big languages full of nuance that are always evolving.
<beach> I am reminded of the remarks by several students in the past when they were given a bad grade on some programs: "But it works!!!".
<beach> lukego: Congratulations to being back!
<lukego> thanks :)
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<no-defun-allowed> beach: From memory, the marking system at my last university was predominantly marking what ran. Who were you teaching?
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<beach> Final year undergraduates and first year masters students. The message was always that a program that works but that is unmaintainable is useless because it must be thrown away when the requirements change, but a program that does not work but is maintainable can be made to work more easily.
<beach> So we read the code of each program and graded (marked) it according to these criteria.
<beach> I am totally sure that this is still the case for the masters students, because I know the person running that course very well, and we share the same values when it comes to software development.
<no-defun-allowed> I see.
<beach> For the undergraduates, I haven't kept up, so I don't know.
<beach> It was a lot of work, of course. But more to the point, this kind of grading requires the teachers to be competent in software development, and that is typically not the case when they are hired, as I have already explained. So these teachers had to invest a lot of time reading and writing code, books, and articles about software development.
<beach> And that time was not explicitly paid. In fact, by spending that time on teaching rather than on some narrow research, their careers were often delayed.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I've always thought that the way universities have seemed to unified research professors and teaching professors is bad for everyon
<moon-child> fiddlerwoaroof: I think the theory, at least, is to avoid 'those who can't do teach'
<beach> fiddlerwoaroof: Not usually. Take mathematics or the sciences (physics, chemistry). The undergraduate teaching doesn't require them to keep up, or to acquire skills from industry. The material is the same from one year to another.
<beach> The problem is that the computer science programs accepted to take on the teaching of programming and software development.
<lukego> I approach software development more like the way people advise writers to write. lots of drafts and rewrites and darlings and murders and so on. but desired end result is still the same as people who do things right first time.
<beach> If they had stayed with theory, like computability, complexity theory, etc. There would be no problem.
<lukego> I often don't even compile my first version of a program before rewriting it - just dump it out into emacs to organize my thoughts - so I really don't want to spend cycles thinking about optimization or maintainability or even syntax errors in that context.
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<beach> lukego: What's the context?
<beach> lukego: As in, what prompted you to say that?
<fiddlerwoaroof> So, my background is mostly in the humanities (grad school and undergrad): but, my experience there was that the professors who were really good at research often weren't great to have as a teacher while the ones that you wanted to teach you often weren't the people who are famous for their ideas
<no-defun-allowed> beach: I think lukego is continuing with the discussion on performance.
<beach> Oh!
<beach> fiddlerwoaroof: I can imagine that, sure.
<lukego> beach: mostly just reflecting on friction in the discussion yesterday, specifically realizing that when I'm in "rough first draft that won't even compile" mode I'll naturally be at odds with your advice about how to write clean code that will pass formal review.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Anyways, I'll go back to being on-topic
<beach> fiddlerwoaroof: The problem in software development is that we have no good way to select knowledgeable teachers.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah, measuring "teaching" as such is always the challenge
<beach> fiddlerwoaroof: And in software development, there is the problem of competence.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Research has measurable outputs in a way teaching doesn't
<no-defun-allowed> (...to which I think Joe Armstrong nailed the apparent decision between performance and good design with "Make it work, then make it beautiful, then if you really, really have to, make it fast. 90 percent of the time, if you make it beautiful, it will already be fast. So really, just make it beautiful!")
<beach> fiddlerwoaroof: Not many people have it, and there is nobody to determine who does.
<moon-child> imo 'make it fast' is a misnomer. There is no fast code. There is slow code, and if code is slow then it bears to make it not slow
<lukego> beach: and I guess that there are different kinds of advice about how to write good code. one kind focuses on what the result should look like - clean interfaces, etc - and the other focuses on the process - should have been rewritten at least N times and be only 1/Mth its original line count
<fiddlerwoaroof> lukego: I generally write the code you're talking about as drafts in the repl
<fiddlerwoaroof> After I'm fairly satisfied with a solution, I copy it into a file and generalize
<lukego> fiddlerwoaroof: I'm becoming more extreme over the years. I can easily spend several weeks writing draft code that never compiles. I wouldn't do that in the repl
<no-defun-allowed> Or at least, I think my "fast code" is relatively nice, because it uses the right data structures and algorithms and whatever else that quiche-eater Nicholas Wirth probably said was good.
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<lukego> maybe I'm progressing in my career towards drawing useless UML diagrams all day in some senior role at an IBM-alike.
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<fe[nl]ix> lukego: something to live for
<fiddlerwoaroof> lukego: my career started out with Delphi and, ever since that was taken away, I've found it really annoying to write GUI software
<lukego> fe[nl]ix: die a hero, live a villain, etc, i guess :)
<fiddlerwoaroof> And by "career", I'm starting when I was about 7
<fiddlerwoaroof> But, I just find most of the modern development tools annoying
<fiddlerwoaroof> CL in emacs, so far is the least bad
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<moon-child> fiddlerwoaroof: have you seen fpc/lazarus?
<fiddlerwoaroof> moon-child: yeah, I've even used it a bit here and there
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<fiddlerwoaroof> It's annoying to setup on a Mac and relatively unstable (at least, the Cocoa port is), but the experience of using it still is so much better than the React stuff that pays the bills
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<lukego> I'm really impressed with GToolkit for Pharo Smalltalk as a development environment. I started off using it for this project before switching to lisp
<fiddlerwoaroof> It's something I think about every once in a while: as an industry, I've begun to think our memories are so short that we just forget everything that happened more than five years ago or so
<fiddlerwoaroof> lukego: yeah, I've always been interested in that ecosystem, but I've found it hard to get started
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Like, I'm working on a react native application and everyone's talking about how "X doesn't work for mobile apps because of how much harder it is to deploy mobile apps than websites", completely ignoring that X was practiced when shipping an update meant shipping CDs in boxes
<lukego> I think that my memory is becoming more of a "high-pass" filter, seems to just ignore anything that happened _less_ than five years ago and assume it's a passing fad
<fiddlerwoaroof> :)
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<no-defun-allowed> Most of the references in the book I sometimes write are from 2010-2019 or 1990-1999. Did people just not have ideas in 2000-2009?
<fiddlerwoaroof> no-defun-allowed: what was the Web 2.0 era, right?
<fiddlerwoaroof> It's all XML
<fiddlerwoaroof> And Java applications glued together using XML
<no-defun-allowed> Now that you mention it.
<fiddlerwoaroof> XSLT and XPath get an honorable mention (both of which I actually secretly like)
<fiddlerwoaroof> It's also notable for the ascendancy of Ruby on Rails and the rise of Agile
<aeth> no-defun-allowed: for programming? in the early '00s "everyone" got laid off and left the industry because of the dot-com bust.
<aeth> you can also look at some interesting stats like enrollments in university comp sci departments.
<no-defun-allowed> aeth: Well, mostly programming. Though if I redraw the histogram with 5-year bars, I see that 2005-2009 was strangely quiet.
<fiddlerwoaroof> The last time Haskell was a language with a specification and multiple viable implementations :0
<aeth> no-defun-allowed: web 2.0 era?
<no-defun-allowed> Appears like it, as O'Reilly popularised the term in 2004.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Hmm, V8/the JVM's tracing JIT dates to about then too
<fiddlerwoaroof> I think
<fiddlerwoaroof> I guess I'm wrong about the JVM's JIT, but V8 is then
<no-defun-allowed> The 90s brought about Squeak, the end of Self, the Unix-Hater's Handbook and the second edition of SICP.
<no-defun-allowed> Yes, the Self compiler people moved to Strongtalk and then the JVM.
<fiddlerwoaroof> The 2000s were basically the years when Microsoft was at the height of its power, afaict
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<fiddlerwoaroof> The Unix vendors were basically irrelevant for most people, the Web was still being held back by IE6
<fiddlerwoaroof> And smartphones weren't yet around, really
<fiddlerwoaroof> (sorry, Blackberry users)
<fiddlerwoaroof> lukego, you just showed up in a Google search: https://github.com/lukego/blog/issues/5
<fiddlerwoaroof> (via a hackernews result for "JVM tracing JIT")
<fiddlerwoaroof> lukego: I'm also curious why you're rewriting from gtoolkit to lisp
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Does anyone happen to have a VNC server written in CL?
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<lukego> fiddlerwoaroof: the ultimate reason that I switched from gtoolkit to lisp is for the language. in Lisp I feel free to write basically pseudocode and gradually massage/rewrite it into something the compiler understands. in smalltalk I can't even Save code that doesn't have correct syntax, isn't organized into classes, doesn't adhere to the rules about inheritance and traits, etc.
<lukego> but I've used gtoolkit a lot in a previous project and the big problem then was that they were constantly rewriting it and it was very difficult to build from source (which i spent weeks and weeks fighting and ultimately gave up on)
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<lukego> but I think that I was unlucky with timing -- I wrote an application based on the "old gtoolkit" that they did at a university and then they immediately formed a company to develop the "new gtoolkit" and there was an awkward period there where the old version wasn't supported anymore but the new version wasn't ready to use yet
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<lukego> bringing this back to lisp -- it's actually a strength that a lot of stuff here is basically the same as it has always been. I don't spend my time trying to keep up with the ecosystem every month -- or even necessarily have to worry about what's changed in the past 10/20 years.
<lukego> maybe I'm getting old but "stability" is a feature to me these days and pretty high on my priority list. I'm glad that Lispers don't "burn the diskpacks" every five years.
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah, I really grew to appreciate that, both in CL and in working with Clojure
<lukego> random follow up of past discussion: I'm super happy with the 1AM unit test framework. it's about 80 lines of code and just the right level of minimalism for me.
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<asarch> If I had: '(:|beer| 10 :|pizza| 4 :|tacos| 8) how could I converted to: (:beer 10 :pizza 4 :tacos 8)?
<asarch> s/to: (:beer 10 :pizza 4 :tacos 8)/to: '(:beer 10 :pizza 4 :tacos 8)/
<no-defun-allowed> Dare I ask why you have the former?
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<asarch> It is a query result
<asarch> If that would be stored in food, doing a (getf food :|pizza|) would gives me only the value
<beach> asarch: Someone must have turned the string "beer" into a symbol?
<asarch> Is there any way to modify the key?
<no-defun-allowed> What did you use to generate that list? I am guessing some parser took every key and did (intern <key> '#:keyword)
<beach> asarch: I think we are saying, don't create a symbol with lower-case letters in the first place.
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<asarch> That's the result of a query with CL-DBI: (dbi:fetch-all (dbi:execute (dbi:prepare *connection* "SELECT * FROM somewhere WHERE flag = ? OR updated_at > ?") (list 0 "2011-11-01")))
<no-defun-allowed> Does cl-json do that? No, that generates alists and converts to upper kebab-case by default -- oh okay.
<White_Flame> I would mapcar, and if a term is keywordp, re-intern it under *package*
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<White_Flame> or probably easier but less robust would be (read-from-string (symbol-name key))
<White_Flame> only if you are certain of the keywords being safe syntax
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<beach> asarch: Next question: Why do you want to convert those symbols to upper case?
<no-defun-allowed> An interesting result format. (n.b. I think you should stash the prepared statement somewhere, if it hasn't been folded in for the example.)
<beach> Aren't they fine as they are?
<White_Flame> oh wait, you did want the result still as keywords
<White_Flame> but yeah, I agree with beach. The canonical names are :|beer| etc, use that syntax
<White_Flame> if the names all of a sudden have other cases, for some reason, or you need to re-assert into the database that those came from, you need to use the same key
<asarch> Well, I have some functions that retrieve data a la (getf food :pizza)
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<beach> Don't do that then. Do (getf food :|pizza| instead.
<beach> asarch: Why would you use a key with GETF that is not one that is in your list?
<asarch> Here in México Dell is selling this https://pasteboard.co/JVwoB5Y.jpg at the ridiculous prices of ~$1,000 USD. It would be great instead of a "normal" laptop, right?
<asarch> Because there are two ways of doing the queries
<asarch> The A method and the B method. This, the :|pizza| is the result of the B method
<asarch> I usually do with the A method, that's why I have all these functions getting data from the list with (getf food :pizza)
<White_Flame> then fix the queries to always return the same form of the keys
<asarch> That's exactly what I am trying to do
<asarch> That is the point of my question
<White_Flame> (intern (string-upcase :|foo|) (symbol-package :keyword)) => :FOO
<asarch> WOW!!!
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<asarch> One last question: how do you get automatically the keys (:|beer| 10 :|pizza| 4 :|tacos| 8)?
<White_Flame> or from alexandria, (make-keyword (string-upcase :|foo|)) => :FOO
<White_Flame> I'd just mapcar it
<White_Flame> if you have any values that need the same treatment
<White_Flame> else, LOOP can handle 2 elements at a time pretty easily
<White_Flame> there's also doplist in alexandria, where you can PUSH your own result list
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<silasfox> (defun upcase-keyword (x)
<silasfox> (if (keywordp x)
<silasfox> (intern (string-upcase x) (symbol-package :keyword))
<silasfox> x))
<silasfox> (mapcar #'upcase-keyword '(:|beer| 10 :|pizza| 4 :|tacos| 8)) => (:beer 10 :pizza 4 :tacos 8)
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<beach> silasfox: Please use a paste site for code longer than a single line.
<silasfox> OK, I'll do so in the future.
<asarch> Yeah, I was this close to the result :-P
<beach> Also, it's not so great to apply a function named UPCASE-KEYWORD to numbers.
<beach> silasfox: In particular, if the value is a keyword, that should perhaps not be altered.
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<asarch> Nice, isn't it?
<beach> Furthermore, INTERN takes a "package designator", so you can say (intern ... "KEYWORD")
<White_Flame> UPCASE-IF-KEYWORD maybe
<beach> And (symbol-package :keyword) is a bit strange anyway.
<asarch> You should write an æncyclopedia about this snippets
<White_Flame> yeah, i always forget about package designators and always just grab a package quickly
<beach> (find-package "KEYWORD") would be better.
* beach now fears getting the "but it works" treatment.
<silasfox> beach: Not at all, thanks for teaching me something.
<beach> Pleasure.
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<White_Flame> beach: actually, I think it started off as more a performance thing. (find-package ...) is a function call but (symbol-package ..) just reads a slot from a read-time-interned symbol ;)
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<White_Flame> (as in, nitpicky cycles that don't really matter but dangit this is more direct :) )
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<beach> In that case, I would do #.(find-package "KEYWORD").
<beach> Or (load-time-value (find-package "KEYWORD"))
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<beach> White_Flame, on the other hand, SYMBOL-PACKAGE may very well be a generic function in some implementations, and everyone knows how slow a call to a generic function can be. :)
<asarch> Yeah! It worked! La vie in rose gentlemen! Cheers! o/
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<asarch> Thank you guys
<asarch> Thank you very much :-)
<asarch> Have a nice day
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Well, I've solved one problem I had with lisp graphics
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Rather than figure out how to interface with my OS, I've discovered it's relatively simple to write a VNC server that serves a framebuffer over the "network"
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<fiddlerwoaroof> This lets me let the VNC client figure out how to display the framebuffer
<fiddlerwoaroof> And when I say "write a VNC server", I mean "fix a code sample I found online"
<fiddlerwoaroof> Now, I just need to figure out how to teach McCLIM how to write to this server
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<scymtym> fiddlerwoaroof: for a McCLIM backend, you have to decide on the frame management model: should the VNC server expose some sort of virtual desktop with multiple windows ("frames" in CLIM terminology) and window management or should the VNC server correspond to a single window and always show the content of that window?
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<scymtym> this is an example of the former, that is multiple frames with decorations, etc. in a browser tab: https://techfak.de/~jmoringe/mcclim-broadway-7.ogv
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<Krystof> wow.
<Krystof> Are you round-tripping to the server for each input event?
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<fiddlerwoaroof> That's a cool demo, the issue I always have is the "window in window" paradigm there always feels a bit odd
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<scymtym> fiddlerwoaroof: yes, there is a websocket connection that sends input events from the javascript client to the server and sends display commands from the server to the javascript client
<scymtym> Krystof: sorry, that was meant for you
<scymtym> fiddlerwoaroof: i agree. that's why i brought up the issue
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<lukego> silasfox: did you just write an irc message that included newlines and indentation? is that possible? <mind-blown.gif>
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<silasfox> lukego: I copy-pasted from my slime-repl... Apparently that is possible.
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<SAL9000> lukego: "newlines" in IRC come through as multiple messages, and more than 3-4 such lines usually cause the server to rate-limit you
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<splittist> scymtym: <mouth open in stunned admiration emoji>
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<jmercouris> reccommendations on expert systems in CL?
<jackdaniel> clips ,)
<jackdaniel> (that was a joke, clips is written in c, but it supports sexpressions)
<jmercouris> I'm not interested in using C
<jmercouris> maybe if it is really good I could make a plugin
<splittist> jmercouris: how much do you need beyond the toy mycin in PAIP?
<jmercouris> I need something extremely performant
<jmercouris> I want to identify logical fallacies in documents by extracting rules from them
<splittist> Where's the expert part?
<jmercouris> there are rules, and there are questions
<jmercouris> the questions will be created by the user to determine if a piece of text is logically sound
<jmercouris> the rules are created by the program analyzing the text
<jmercouris> as such, there may be many many rules
<sm2n> that sounds more like a model checker than an expert system
<sm2n> with some nlp magic
<splittist> jmercouris: to help my understand, why can't the user read the document?
<splittist> s/my/me/
<sm2n> I'm assuming this is some fake news detection thing
<jackdaniel> it is the full automatization - you don't need to read the document to browse it
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<jmercouris> sm2n: correct
<jmercouris> the user should read the document
<jmercouris> I want some ways to help identify BS on the internet
<jmercouris> a BS metric if you will, that the user can use to make informed decisions
<jmercouris> this is one of many models I have in mind...
<jmercouris> so I wanted to play around with some expert systems
<jmercouris> see if they could identify logically inconsistent documents
<splittist> The correct heuristic is, presumably: if it is on the internet, it is BS
<jmercouris> splittist: I'm afraid that is not useful, or true
<jmercouris> the very fact that you said that, on the internet, is a fallacy on of itself
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<splittist> jmercouris: as sm2n says, this is sort of the opposite of what I understand an expert system is
<sm2n> I don't think using automated nlp is a good idea... it suffers from similar issues as the misinformation generating processes
<jmercouris> sm2n: how would you tackle this problem?
<sm2n> I think the general idea is decent though, say you have a document open, maybe you could have a "pane" or something that displays a formalized logical inference tree, in natural deduction form or something
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<sm2n> the reader could fill it out as they read
<jmercouris> what is a formalized logical inference tree?
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<sm2n> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_deduction , though you don't need the fancy deduction
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<sm2n> if it's sufficiently formalized, you can even pass it to a proof assistant like Z3
<sm2n> and generate some logical consequences
<jmercouris> I see what you mean
<sm2n> *fancy notation, whoops
<jmercouris> I don't think someone susceptible to 'fake news' will have the rigor to complete such an exercise
<jmercouris> I could very well be wrong, but I have a strong intuition
<sm2n> yeah, that is the issue
<jmercouris> that there is an inverse relationship with intelligence...
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<splittist> I'm not seeing how computers help here. Take this text: "The LaTeX sources were converted to html using the latex2html program. We fixed many of the glitches by hand, but may have missed some. When in doubt, check your copy of the original paperbound version." What is supposed to happen when I'm browsing that?
<jmercouris> LaTeX sources were converted to html using the latex2html -> latex2html converts latex to html
<jmercouris> that's probably about all it could realistically extract
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<jmercouris> there are only two assertions in the above text
<jmercouris> well, maybe three
<sm2n> if you are going to try nlp, I would make it optional
<jmercouris> _death: :-D always good for a laugh
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<splittist> Hmm. If I'm reading an article that says "All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore global warming is [insert conclusion here]" a big red cross appears saying "incorrect inference"?
<jmercouris> sm2n: of course, all the NLP we have is already optional
<sm2n> use some nlp feature extraction algorithm to initially populate a deduction tree
<sm2n> it can then be manually tweaked etc
<jmercouris> splittist: I should hope so!
<sm2n> no black boxes
<jmercouris> no black boxes indeed...
<sm2n> at least, that is my take, error prone automated processes should augment human reasoning, not replace it
<jmercouris> absolutely, that's why I have this article I wrote
<jmercouris> our clustering for buffers in the buffer list view is OPTIONAL!
<jmercouris> and completely configurable/understandable
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<sm2n> nice
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<jmercouris> "Computationally augmented browsing"
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<jackdaniel> minion: spec with-snake-oil macro
<jmercouris> jackdaniel: what are you saying?
<jackdaniel> I am saying that I see plenty of buzzwords that are not ontopic on this channel and could be categorized as a deceptive marketing
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<jmercouris> jackdaniel: are you saying that I am engaging in deceptive marketing?
<jackdaniel> no, I am saying that "I see plenty of buzzwords that are not ontopic on this channel and could be categorized as a deceptive marketing"; I'll put an emphasis on the offtopic aspect of that statement
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<VincentVega> With a macro's lambda list &key, is it possible to identify the order in which the keys were supplied?
<phoe> no
<phoe> if you need that, do (&rest args &key ...)
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<VincentVega> phoe: great, thank you!
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<jmercouris> phoe: the implementation should know though right?
<phoe> jmercouris: what do you mean, the implementation?
<phoe> with &key, the order is absolutely unimportant unless you have duplicates
<jmercouris> SBCL would know exactly the lambda list passed into a funcall
<phoe> :foo 1 :bar 2 is the same as :bar 2 :foo 1
<jmercouris> Sure, SBCL should know what I sent
<phoe> jmercouris: this isn't really a SBCL issue
<jmercouris> Wouldnt it be possible though?
<phoe> every Lisp implementation does know exactly what you send, because it can make it available if you pass &rest
<jmercouris> I’m not making much sense
<jmercouris> Forget what I said lol
<phoe> okay
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<Josh_2> Ello ello
<phoe> heyyyy
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<Josh_2> What crazy thing are we gonna talk about today? How about the performance of CL? jk jk
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<contrapunctus> Anyone here use redshank? It sounds quite cool but I've not heard much about it.
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<contrapunctus> It's a bunch of commands for performing some common insertions and modifications in CL code.
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<ck_> I have used it sometimes in the past, yes. Some functions more than others, mostly the moderately simple stuff like extract-defun
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<ck_> it didn't feel like a significant improvement over manually (par-)editing; maybe I didn't spend enough time with it
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<attila_lendvai> is rpav of c2ffi fame around?
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<mfiano> attila_lendvai: He stopped lisping a few years ago
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<mfiano> You can find him in our gamedev channel, #bufferswap if you need him immediately though.
<Xach> stopped?
<attila_lendvai> mfiano, much appreciated, thanks!
* attila_lendvai is trying to compile c2ffi on nixos
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<Josh_2> Shinmera: have you used Chirp recently?
<Shinmera> I used it approximately a day ago to post a drawing.
<Josh_2> Okay
<Shinmera> Why does this matter? What is your actual question?
<Josh_2> I'm getting an error trying to quickload it
<Josh_2> "don't know how to REQUIRE sb-rotate-byte"
<Josh_2> but it worked when I attempted to quickload in a fresh image
<Shinmera> that's an ironclad issue.
<Josh_2> I guess I will just redumping this image with chirp as a dependency, see if that works
<Shinmera> whatever the case the issue is not with chirp.
<Josh_2> Okay np
<Josh_2> new image worked anyhow
<jmercouris> I've noticed when loading my own code which depends on other libraries, slime compilation will report their warnings, any way to get rid of those?
<jmercouris> I'm not interested in stuff like: Unknown location: redefinition: redefining CL-PREVALENCE:GET-ID in DEFGENERIC
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<shka_> jmercouris: yes, you can rebind the error stream
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<Josh_2> Shinmera: when using (complete-authentication <pin>) pin is supposed to be the url returned by initiate-authentication?
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<Shinmera> no, the pin you get from visiting that page.
<Josh_2> well
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<Josh_2> that makese sense
<Shinmera> it says that in the readme.
<Josh_2> oh yeh :P
<jmercouris> shka_: ?
<Nilby> jmercouris: My advice is always wrong, so you definitely shouldn't do this: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/2380#2380
<jmercouris> Nilby: true true, you and me give wrong advice
<jmercouris> we should be ashamed, really
<jmercouris> lol, I like the macro name
<Nilby> mini DTWT posse (*8
<_death> you could also fix the warnings.. but that advice is the wrongest
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<Nilby> (ql:system-apropos "") | wc -l ⇒ 4491 , so that might take a while. My systems have no unintentional warnings
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<Josh_2> Yay I tweeted using Chirp
<_death> Nilby: hah! (length (ql:system-apropos-list "")) => 4726
<Xach> (length (ql:provided-systems t))
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<Nilby> I think I have a lot of stuff I forgot about in my local-projects
<Josh_2> Shinmera: do you have any example code showing how to upload an image?
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<shka_> jmercouris: sorry, was afk
<shka_> notice *error-output*
<shka_> however, this will muffle ALL conditions
<shka_> or rather: warnings
<shka_> which is perhaps not exactly what you want
<jmercouris> right, I'm only interested in other libraries
<jmercouris> it's OK
<jmercouris> I will just have to live with it for now
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<Josh_2> yay I did it!
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<Nilby> I still have a CL twitter client with a TUI back from when you had to send your password in cleartext over http, but then I never looked a twitter again.
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<Josh_2> Probably for the best
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<Nilby> I'm simultaneously atounded at how hard it is now, and by Shinmera's productivity.
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<Shinmera> Aw, thanks
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<Josh_2> Shinmera: the fun (statuses/update-with-media ..) says it takes either a pathname, usb-8 array or a base64 encoded string (in the docstring), I have just given it a usb-8 array and I get the error "Wanted one of (FUNCTION FILE-STREAM STREAM PATHNAME)."
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<Shinmera> Oh well.
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<Josh_2> I will just use a temp file
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<jmercouris> Josh_2: what is a usb array?
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<sm2n> unsigned byte
<jmercouris> I see
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<Josh_2> I got it working by just writing to a tmp file
<Josh_2> obviously this is less than ideal but whatever
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<Josh_2> Shinmera: once I have my pin and I've verified, do I ever have to do it again?
<Shinmera> Please just read the docs.
<Josh_2> *sigh*
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<Nilby> Every minute we distract Shinmera is like an hour of normal Lisper time.
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<contrapunctus> Uh, what's going on here :\ (ql:quickload :mcclim) => System "mcclim" not found 🤔
<phoe> contrapunctus: ql:update-all-dists?
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<contrapunctus> Same goes for, say, alexandria
<phoe> huh
<phoe> do you even have the quicklisp dist?
<contrapunctus> phoe: yup, tried that. Although rather suspiciously, it said "1 dist to check"
<phoe> (ql-dist:dist "quicklisp")
<phoe> what does this return?
<phoe> and asdf:*central-registry* - what is the value of this?
<contrapunctus> phoe: #<QL-DIST:DIST quicklisp 2021-02-28>
<Bike> "1 dist to check" is what it usually says.
<phoe> so the dist is there, okay
<phoe> can ASDF find quicklisp systems though?
<contrapunctus> phoe: asdf:*central-registry* => (#P"/home/anon/quicklisp/quicklisp/")
<Shinmera> Josh_2: oAuth tokens don't expire unless they're manually revoked. You have to actually save the info though.
<phoe> huh
<phoe> so (asdf:find-system :alexandria) should find the system
<mfiano> First check (ql:where-is-system :alexandria) to see if Quicklisp even has it downloaded
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<contrapunctus> phoe: Component "alexandria" not found
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<Bike> have you done anything weird lately? deleted systems.txt or something?
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<contrapunctus> mfiano: nil 🤔 but I have a /home/anon/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/archives/alexandria-20200925-git.tgz
<contrapunctus> Bike: upgraded from Debian Stable to Testing, if that's weird 🙂
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<Bike> do you have cl-asdf or anything installed? maybe your global asdf configuration is something odd now
<mfiano> but do you have a quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/alexandria-20200925-git/
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<phoe> right, do you have any cl-* packages installed from apt?
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<contrapunctus> Oh. I did install cl-asdf, because before that, SBCL was not seeing ASDF 🤔
<phoe> SBCL should have ASDF bundled
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<contrapunctus> My thoughts exactly 🙂
<phoe> and quicklisp should load it automatically via #+sbcl (require :asdf)
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<phoe> and if for some reason it isn't available, quicklisp has its own fallback asdf that it uses for such situations
<phoe> but this should never happen because SBCL has its ASDF bundled, like, in general
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<contrapunctus> Removed cl-asdf
<phoe> remove the fasl cache, restart, let's see if this works better
<contrapunctus> ASDF is being detected now, but the Quicklisp issue persists
<phoe> does it still not see alexandria?
<contrapunctus> phoe: Where's the FASL cache? O.o Did restart, it does not.
<phoe> contrapunctus: any other cl-foo packages on your system?
<phoe> contrapunctus: ~/.cache/common-lisp/
<mfiano> Normally $XDG_CACHE_HOME/common-lisp/
<contrapunctus> phoe: cl-quiclisp :o
<phoe> listen to mfiano, he is wise in the ways of the XDG
<phoe> contrapunctus: oh shit
<phoe> well, remove that too!
<contrapunctus> * cl-quicklisp
<mfiano> Well, (typep *debian-testing* '(and still-older-than-crap unstable) ; => T
<phoe> mfiano: likely not a testing issue
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<contrapunctus> phoe: removed cl-quicklisp, deleted the cache, restarted Emacs, still the same Quicklisp issue x-P
<mfiano> I assume the stacktrace doesn't have any meaningful locals?
<phoe> well, hmmmm
<phoe> do you have the alexandria asd file anywhere in ~/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/?
<contrapunctus> mfiano: http://ix.io/2VqF
<mfiano> Yes I asked that
<phoe> yes, but I did not see the answer
<mfiano> No expanded frames
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<contrapunctus> phoe: there's a /home/anon/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/alexandria-20200925-git/alexandria.asd
<contrapunctus> Maybe I can nuke ~/quicklisp and reinstall? 🤔
<phoe> so for whatever reason ASDF does not see this
<phoe> contrapunctus: I think you could try
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<phoe> back your local projects up, nuke, reinstall from quicklisp.org
<contrapunctus> Ah, finally \o/
<contrapunctus> Thanks everyone ^_^
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