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<beach> Good morning everyone!
<Oddity> hello
<hegz> morning!
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<beach> Oddity, hegz : Are you new here? I don't recognize your nicks?
<Oddity> I've lurked on and off for a few years
<beach> I see.
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<hegz> beach hehe, I'm a newbie lisper :)
<beach> Great!
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<beach> hegz: #lisp is not really for truly basic questions, but they are tolerated. If it gets too lengthy, you might be redirected to #clschool. What are your plans with respect to Common Lisp? Write applications? Just play around? Something else?
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<beach> Thought I guess there are some questions that are "truly basic" but where the answers won't hurt to be repeated here, like the semantics of argument passing and how lists are represented.
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<hegz> beach I'm still not sure whether I will dig deeper into CL or not tbh, my journey with lisp was mainly me reading SICP and I was kinda surprised this channel is specific to CL but not lisps in general haha
<beach> I see. Well, SICP is a nice textbook for genera ideas about programming, like encapsulation, etc. But the style of object-oriented programming in SICP is not as practically useful as CLOS.
<beach> *general
<beach> hegz: There is ##lisp for general Lisp discussions, but since there is no widely agreed-upon definition of "Lisp", I imagine the discussions can become strange. That's part of the reason I am not in that channel.
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<hegz> beayeahch yeah, the main reason that drove me into starting with SICP was the approach to programming in general and you get to learn scheme as a bonus haha.
<hegz> There were these MIT lectures of the book authors which I found brilliant.
<Nilby> hegz: One of our lispers has written a Scheme in CL in case you want to do both at the same time - https://gitlab.com/mbabich/airship-scheme
<beach> hegz: I understand.
<hegz> <Nilby "hegz: One of our lispers has wri"> Lispers seem to love porting stuff don't they haha
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<no-defun-allowed> Just wait until someone ports Common Lisp to Common Lisp.
<Nilby> Yes they do, myself included. Once you have a CL environment that you like, it's hard to go back.
<raeda> no-defun-allowed: Are you saying that nobody's made a self-hosting CL interpreter yet?
<no-defun-allowed> A self-hosting interpreter? SBCL has an interpreter written in Common Lisp, but there aren't any full Common Lisp systems written entirely in Common Lisp (including garbage collector, operating system interface and so on).
<beach> raeda: Modern Common Lisp systems don't have an interpreter at all, so it is entirely possible that nobody did that.
<moon-child> you can use iota to run ecl
<hegz> but now what makes CL superior to other lisps.
<hegz> does it have something to do with the application or is it just entirely opinionated tastes.
<beach> hegz: The condition system is unique, as is CLOS. But, again, there is no widely agreed-upon definition of "Lisp", so it is unclear which these "other lisps" might be.
<Alfr> Isn't sbcl mostly there? Aren't the missing crucial bits only the loader and the gc?
<raeda> A self hosting CL interpreter sounds like a fun lockdown project :D
<Alfr> I don't think they intend to change that any time soon, but still.
<no-defun-allowed> Common Lisp is a programming system, most other Lisp languages are just that.
<Alfr> Hm ... i guess, getting away from C also would mean to implement handling systems calls.
<beach> I believe Mezzano is written entirely in Common Lisp.
<moon-child> Alfr: system calls are not difficult. The challenge is that few systems have a stable syscall interface
<moon-child> linux is a rare exception in that respect
<Alfr> beach, good to know, thanks.
<beach> raeda: I suggest a compiler instead. It will take a bit longer, but it will be more useful.
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<Nilby> linux doens't have stable syscalls, it just pretends
<no-defun-allowed> My personal opinion is that CL has more in common with Smalltalk or Self than some other Lisps (though it is hard to make a case with Scheme, I dunno).
<Alfr> moon-child, handling errors is a pita though.
<moon-child> not moreso than when calling the same functions through a c wrapper
<moon-child> *more so
<Alfr> no-defun-allowed, in scheme you have call/cc and thus you can easily get green threads. (I think you were complaining the lack thereof recently.)
<no-defun-allowed> The language is designed around interacting with an image, and there are facilities to make it work nicely in the language and its implementations.
<beach> Alfr: System calls are messy either way. I have a long-term project for defining an implementation-independent protocol for POSIX and Linux system calls.
<no-defun-allowed> Alfr: But then you also have call/cc and apparently if you breathe on it hard, you get performance problems. Don't get me wrong, I find it fun, but everyone else seems to think it's a bad idea.
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<no-defun-allowed> All that is necessary is a one-shot undelimited continuation, not multi-shot. And that is basically just a copy of all the registers of the thread, which is what operating systems use already.
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<Nilby> Even C isn't always exactly self-hosting as people thing. Ironically a popular C compiler has some tricky bits in a Lisp-like language.
<no-defun-allowed> "Lisp is when you do (()) and the more ((())) you do the more Lisp it is"
<beach> Nilby: You mean GCC? That's no surprise, since it was initially written by RMS.
<no-defun-allowed> There is a .pd file with some S-expression stuff (pd for pattern dispatch?) and it is used for partial evaluation of C code.
<Nilby> beach: Yes :)
<beach> Nilby: RMS opted for a free version of Unix, rather than a free version of Genera, for political reasons. And he was right. If I had been in the position of RMS at the time I would have made the wrong decision.
<no-defun-allowed> https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/master/gcc/match.pd Hm, yes, this is Lisp.
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<moon-child> beach: did he not also make emacs? ;)
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<no-defun-allowed> Funny how I say that so-and-so clearly isn't Lisp, but then say I don't care because a language which just passes the definition doesn't interest me.
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<beach> moon-child: Indeed. But he was not the first one to write an Emacs in Lisp.
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<moon-child> no-defun-allowed: is that really lisp? I see quite a lot of c syntax, which would seem to indicate that's an sexp shim
<no-defun-allowed> moon-child: That is what I was trying to get at.
<Nilby> beach: I think it was also that he already had Emacs running on unix, and finding people who could write unix utilities is much easier than finding people to replicate Genera.
<beach> Nilby: Yes, that's what I meant by "political reasons". His idea would have been a failure if he had chosen something other than Unix to copy.
<Nilby> Indeed.
<beach> Nilby: But that must have been a very hard decision to make. Knowing that there is something better, but choosing the worse alternative anyway. I remember his phrase "Unix is not great, but it is not too bad".
<moon-child> well, that's 'worse is better' in general
<Nilby> Exactly. I guess that's why we're still using Emacs as the top half of most of our current CL environments.
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<Nilby> Also GCL was probably assumed to go further.
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<beach> Nilby: It seems RMS did not like Common Lisp at all. "Common Lisp is HUGE!"
<beach> Of course, it is not that big compared to other languages today.
<no-defun-allowed> I thought he didn't like keyword arguments at least, and this was from a presentation at some Lisp meeting in 2005.
<beach> Do you remember the reason for not liking keywords arguments?
<no-defun-allowed> https://www.gnu.org/gnu/rms-lisp.html is a transcript of RMS at ILC 2002 rather.
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<no-defun-allowed> "I don't mind if a very complex and heavyweight function takes keyword arguments. What bothers me is making simple
<no-defun-allowed> basic functions such as “member” use them." Fine, write a simple definition of object equality first.
<Nilby> beach: Yes. It's interesting to see his votes and opinions on the CL committee. And funny that only after he's backed off does Elisp get nice things lexical scope.
<beach> no-defun-allowed: I see, yes.
<beach> Nilby: Interesting.
<Nilby> And funny that Gosling doesn't get more credit for writing most of the C code in the first versions of GNU+/Emacs, even if he made the worst lisp ever.
<no-defun-allowed> It should be called "debit" or something like that.
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<Jachy> I'm still amazed at how prolific Stallman was just in keeping up with a dozen already prolific Symbolics hackers in duplicating so much of their functionality for LMI.
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<Nilby> Jachy: It's quite impressive, but it's sad that LMI eventually got hopelessly behind, and maybe it more explains why rms ragequit to work on unix.
<no-defun-allowed> Yeah, sure.
<Nilby> it's cool when you can ragequit in a way that seems to benefit humanity
<no-defun-allowed> Yeah, sure.
<White_Flame> the complaining about heavyweight arguments is certainly one of a snapshot in time, before compilers could do a whole lot more to statically eliminate things
<Jachy> Xerox indirectly spawned many things. Imagine if they hadn't pissed rms off by not giving them its source code
<White_Flame> always leave room for the Sufficiently Advanced Compiler of Tomorrow™
<Nilby> I'd like to peek at the alternate universes without a pissed off rms, or with a sucessful Symbolics.
<White_Flame> if Symbolics and Commodore had merged to bring lisp machines to the masses, I'd be quite a happy camper
<no-defun-allowed> I read they were supposed to have a cheap Lisp chip in 1985, but that didn't happen.
<Nilby> Heh. Symbolics seems to have had a something close to Video Toaster.
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<beach> I think we can do something better than Genera. In today's world, we need more security anyway. And Lisp runs just fine on stock hardware today.
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<beach> We have better garbage collectors, and better compilers. And we now have a great native GUI library.
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Shinmera: do you happen to have documentation about issues with PARSE-NAMESTRING?
<fiddlerwoaroof> I've found that using parse-namestring and a combination of MERGE-PATHNAME and MAKE-PATHNAME, I can get pathname behavior that's consistent enough across-implementations for most of my purposes
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<fiddlerwoaroof> I've slowly come to appreciate CL's pathnames
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<fiddlerwoaroof> I'd still like to see URLs specified the way PLNs have been, and for them to subsume most of the pathname stuff
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<Shinmera> fiddlerwoaroof: parse-namestring is hairy due to wild pathnames. So stuff like [], *, and others (implementation dependent!!) may need escaping.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Interesting
<fiddlerwoaroof> That's good to know :)
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<Shinmera> implementing an analog to uiop's parse-native-namestring is on my todo for pathname-utils (and has been for years)
<fiddlerwoaroof> I think it'd be useful to take the CLOSER-MOP approach with pathnames, really
<fiddlerwoaroof> Specify the edge cases of the standard, and provide a package that implements that specification and a package that shadows the appropriate CL names
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<pjb> fiddlerwoaroof: or, having identified the edge cases, and specified them, patch the open source implementations so they behave the same on the same platform, and push so that commercial vendors implement the same.
<pjb> fiddlerwoaroof: we have a strong position here given there are more free implementations than commercial ones.
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<pjb> fiddlerwoaroof: but remember: pathnames depend on the platform and the file systems that are mounted (depending on how the platform deals with them, check the mount options!)
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<pjb> fiddlerwoaroof: in general the problem is not so much that CL leaves things up to the implementations (there are a variety of platforms), but that there have not been defined a set of substandards specifying things for specific platforms. eg. how to deal with pathnames on MacOS, on Unix, on MS-DOS, on MS-Windows, on VMS, on Multics, etc.
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<Nilby> fiddlerwoaroof: The outputs of check-pathname for the various systems is very detailed answer to your original question.
<Nilby> pjb: Thanks for the excellent resource.
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<Nilby> Now we just have to pipe the output from check-pathname on all systems to the automatic implementation fixer and we're nearly done.
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<Nilby> But my opinion is that the CL pathname stuff is written for a world which doesn't exist anymore, if it ever did, and there is a much simpler protocol that will cover all filesystems currently in use.
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<pjb> Nilby: granted. But AFAIR, only for soft specifications items. Eg. the specification mentions the customary case, but this customary case doesn't depend on the platform but also on the file system mounted, and platforms that can mount different file systems can (or could) deal with different customary case. In the same pathname! (ie, per component).
<pjb> Nilby: but for hard features, such as the structure of paths in components, the hierarchic directory structure, etc, it's about good.
<Alfr> I don't think pathnames support forks. (Not that it's a good idea to use them in the first place.)
<pjb> Nilby: eg. the distinction between directory and file pathnames, even if it's not so clear-cut in POSIX pathnames, is still enforced in POSIX (eg. opendir vs open, or rmdir vs rm for files).
<pjb> Alfr: what do you mean with forks here?
<Alfr> pjb, it's called alternate data stream in ntfs.
<pjb> Oh, I see.
<pjb> Well it's unrelated to pathnames. It'd be a parameter for OPEN. Since OPEN takes key arguments, it's already ready for an extension to specify what fork you want to open.
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<pjb> Alfr: the only place where it could be visible in pathnames, is when you map file systems with forks on unix (thru a mount), and they're translated in the path /mnt/fs-with-forks/example-file/data-fork when example-file is a file with fork, not a directory.
<Alfr> Hm ... that'd be a solution, but conceptually I'd still think it rather belongs to pathnames.
<pjb> Alfr: but in practice mounting Apple file systems on unix can use the apple-double or apple-triple format, which use alternate files with extensions: /mnt/apple-triple/example-file{.data,.rsrc,.info} /mnt/apple-double/example-file{,.rsrc}
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<pjb> This can be dealt with relatively easily with CL pathnames (the only thing to specify is how to deal with multiple dots in the file name.
<pjb> )
<Alfr> pjb, or some directory which also can store data, would be an other interpretation.
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<pjb> That could be used when forks are user specifiable, indeed.
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<pjb> But in reality, aren't files with forks exactly that: directories? Like "file packages" on NeXTstep/OpenStep/Cocoa/macOS/iOS ?
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<pjb> So again, but depending on the target filesystem and platform, this can be dealt with by CL pathname without difficulty.
<splittist> Nilby: I would expect all manner of competing CloudFS in the near future
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<Nilby> splittist: Yes, there's already a lot of CloudFS things, an they seem to usually use URLs or even more complicated things. I personally dread having URLs a file names. But there seems to be an opportunity for a more encompassing "resrouce locator"/filename library.
<Nilby> pjbj: I'm pretty sure old MCL (and probably ccl now) could open resource forks, even on pre-unix MacOS.
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<Nilby> I think ms-windows is an example of how the more complexity you put into file names, the more problems you'll have.
<Alfr> pjb, hm ... maybe name and type being :unspecific? I don't think there's anything in 19. prohibiting this.
<flip214> At a first glance, I'd guess a subclass of PATHNAME that includes eg. a SCHEME (like :HTTPS) and a PORT (443) might be a reasonable approximation for many uses....
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<flip214> Though, as soon as LOAD can OPEN such beasts directly, we're back at square one (security-wise - see https://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.php)
<Nilby> I wonder has anyone made something like a cl-tramp ?
<flip214> trampolines on the stack?
<Nilby> like the emacs tramp package that allows very extensible url-like filenames
<pjb> flip214: granted, we have enough places to run code in lisp, not to add one in file names…
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<Nilby> Yes, internet file names seems quite scary and insecure. I would wish it would be something that the operating system could manage in a more secure way.
<engblom> In the first chapter of Practical Common Lisp there is a simple database made out of lists. In it remove-if-not is used for quering the database. If you know there will always be only one occurence, it seems to be a bit wasteful to filter the whole list instead of just finding the first (and only) occurence. What could I use instead?
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<Shinmera> find
<no-defun-allowed> here it is →
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<pjb> LOL
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<pjb> engblom: also, sometimes you will want position (position-if vs find-if), so that you may mutate the slot.
<engblom> Thanks!
<contrapunctus> no-defun-allowed, pjb: I didn't get that 🤔
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<engblom> In my case I have a list of lists. Each sublist is a keyed list like this: (:ip x.x.x.x :port xx :user x :password x). Given an ip I need to find the rest of the settings.
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<engblom> As IP is unique there will only be one occurence.
<jdz> engblom: Those are called "property lists," or "plists" in short.
<engblom> Okay!
<jdz> engblom: There's GETF for those.
<pjb> (find ip lol :key (lambda (entry) (getf entry :ip)) :test (function ip-equal-p))
<engblom> jdz: I will getf for getting each of the settings out, but to find the right plist I still have to use find?
<pjb> Yes ^
<engblom> Thanks!
<pjb> (let ((entry (find ip lol :key (lambda (entry) (getf entry :ip)) :test (function ip-equal-p)))) (getf entry :password))
<engblom> Is ip-equal-p already existing somewhere or do I have to write it myself?
<jdz> engblom: You can use STRING= until you actually parse the IP addresses.
<engblom> jdz: I was thinking to use string=, but as you put there ip-equal-p I was just wondering if a such function actually already exists.
<jdz> engblom: I've started writing an IP address library, but it lacks IPv6 support, and I'm undecided about many implementation aspects: https://github.com/jdz/ip.
<jdz> engblom: You should define IP-EQUAL-P as (declaim (inline ip-equal-p)) (defun ip-equal-p (a b) (string= a b)) until you have something better.
<no-defun-allowed> contrapunctus: I should admit to not having read the question, and I had assumed Shinmera typed find into the wrong buffer. Maybe "found it!" would have been a more direct response.
<engblom> In this case I am sure the string= is enough thou, because the ip that is looked for is actually originally from the same plist, so there will never be cases where I need to handle comparing to
<jdz> engblom: My library also does not "correctly" parse "127.1".
<no-defun-allowed> That's easy enough then.
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<flip214> well, IMO any IP comparision has to be done in the binary (or integer) representation, and should take optional netmasks anyway.
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<pjb> IP address comparison may be complexified by the fact that there exist 2 kinds of IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) and several representation variations. So it's better to abstract it away with a function.
<pjb> You could also define classes to represent IP addresses in a normalized way.
<pjb> engblom: In some programs too, domain names can be used interchangeably with IP addresses (DNS resolution being performed automatically).
<pjb> But since a domain name may correspond to several addresses, the comparison is not a mere =, but rather a set intersection…
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<phoe> pjb: I think that DNS lookups and comparisons are a slightly different topic; munging IPs on their own is easy because they can be treated as ub8 vectors, and mapping between IPs and domain names already sounds like something that a DNS library would do
<phoe> IP versus DNS, that's already two distinct protocols from distinct OSI layers
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<phoe> if a program accepts domain names, then I guess that it should call into a DNS library, which can then in turn accept actual domain names and bare IP addresses alike and do the necessary munging before passing the resultant IP addresses into the IP layer
<phoe> but that's already general separation of concerns and nothing really lisp-related
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<pjb> phoe: granted. It depends on the layer of this data structure. I mentionned domain name, because at the user level (eg. configuration file) we will often accept domain names as well as IP addresses. But you may want to retain the domain name internally. The question is when you want the resolution to occur.
<pjb> phoe: in general, the resolution is performed the latest possible, ie. when connecting.
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<flip214> there are S3 client libraries for CL... has someone written or started a minimal S3 server that uses the filesystem as backend?
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<engblom> I wish to run an external command and as the command is generating lines after lines I want to use them, rather than waiting for the program to terminate before using the output. Could someone help me with this?
<phoe> engblom: uiop:launch-program and bind the program's stdio
<splittist> remove-if-not takes a :count
<phoe> splittist: huh? yes, it does
<phoe> s/stdio/stdout/
<engblom> phoe: Thanks
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<pjb> flip214: IIRC, somebody has some stuff with AWS, indeed. Perhaps Zach (of quicklisp)?
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<flip214> pjb: I only found client libraries
<flip214> thanks anyway
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<pjb> flip214: oh, you want a server. Yep, only amazon has that AFAIK.
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<engblom> I have been also playing a bit with uiop:run-program. When called with :output :string it will return all the output, except for when the process is killed. Is it possible to get it to return everything (output + error messages) in a single string regardless of how the process ended?
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<engblom> For example: (uiop:run-program "ping" :force-shell t :output :string)
<engblom> And then when I run in a terminal "pkill ping" I do not get anything returned, instead I end up in the debugger
<phoe> engblom: invoke the first restart
<flip214> pjb: no, there are quite a few S3 servers - even open-source. but nothing that "just" uses an existing local filesystem.
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<phoe> engblom: (handler-bind ((uiop:subprocess-error (lambda (c) (invoke-restart (find-restart 'continue c))))) (uiop:run-program "ping" :force-shell t :output :string))
<phoe> that is to do this programmatically
<no-defun-allowed> Would (invoke-restart 'continue) suffice?
<jackdaniel> how about (handler-bind ((uiop:subprocess-error #'continue)) …) ;?
<no-defun-allowed> Even better.
<phoe> oh right, I actually forgot about #'continue
<jackdaniel> given that uiop does something sensible there and returns a string ,)
<phoe> yes, it returns a string - I have just checked it
<splittist> phoe: I have a book you could read about this stuff (:
<phoe> no-defun-allowed: it would, but I'm nitpickish in the code above and want to only select continue restarts that are visible for the condition
<jackdaniel> (defmacro foolhardy (() &body body) `(handler-bind ((serious-condition #'continue)) ,@body))
<phoe> #'continue does all that though so it's by all means better
<phoe> jackdaniel: what about silly conditions though
<jackdaniel> ignoring them is not foolhardy
<flip214> jackdaniel: name the macro ON-ERROR-GOTO-NEXT, please
* jackdaniel waves the stick; the macro name changes on-error-goto-next
<jackdaniel> s/changes/changes to/
<jackdaniel> alohomora
<Nilby> continue-until-an-interesting-condition
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<splittist> (with-insouciance () ...)
<no-defun-allowed> I assume someone made a joke like (deftype silly-condition () '(and condition (not serious-condition)))
<engblom> I am trying to understand what the conscencus is from the question I answered. How would you write the full line in this example?
<scymtym> no-defun-allowed: phoe, twice :)
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<scymtym> btw, one has to be careful with CONTINUE in SBCL since the restart for trying again to call an undefined function is called CONTINUE instead of RETRY for historic(?) reasons
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<sabra> jackdaniel: I have a question on ecl and octets (different behavior from ccl and sbcl)
<sabra> https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/2405#2405 why does the result change
<mfiano> You are modifying a literal?
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<mfiano> Ah no
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<beach> sabra: Why the weird symbols like LEN-ARRY, OCT-ARRAY, ARRY?
<beach> LEN
<jackdaniel> sabra: you don't seem to initialize the array
<mfiano> You should be using :initial-element
<jackdaniel> consequences of using uninitialized array are unspecified
<jackdaniel> s/using/reading/
<sabra> ah. As expected. Something obvious. Thank you.
<no-defun-allowed> All of the padding of the new vector isn't initialized to anything. And COUNTING X INTO Y is a funny way of saying FROM Y FROM 0
<jackdaniel> (sbcl and ccl take their time to initialize them when they know how to initialize a specific type)
<sabra> Appreciate all the comments. Thank you
<no-defun-allowed> It can also be written much nicer with REPLACE: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/2406
<beach> Also the docstring is wrong.
<no-defun-allowed> What should PAD-OCTET-ARRAY do if the input vector is longer than the given length? And it would not work on any array, only vectors.
<sabra> ok. Now all I can do is laugh at myself
<beach> no-defun-allowed: I would use an IF rather than WHEN + RETURN-FROM.
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<no-defun-allowed> Sure, I had expected to write a longer else-form. But REPLACE returns its first argument, so it could even be written without a LET. One moment...
<no-defun-allowed> I updated the previous paste.
<beach> Much better!
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<flip214> no-defun-allowed: now it _sometimes_ returns the original data, and sometimes a newly allocated copy... that might make a difference if the vector is mutated later on.
<Shinmera> sabra: Did you ever get the time to look at Parachute?
<flip214> perhaps you should return a copy?
<no-defun-allowed> Still I don't like to nest e.g. LET in IF. I don't know why, it just does not look nice to me.
<no-defun-allowed> flip214: Yes, and so did the original function. But you have a point.
<flip214> and (- length (length vector)) could only be calculated once, and used with PLUSP or so in the IF
<jackdaniel> would that make the program more readable?
<flip214> jackdaniel: (IF (MINUSP padding-entries) (COPY-SEQ input) (REPLACE ... :START1 padding-entries))
<flip214> only depends on names, which are easy, as we all know ;)
<mfiano> What makes it jarring to me is the arguments are split up oddly. I would move the :start1 keyword arguments to a new line.
<flip214> or perhaps better (PLUSP ...) so if (ZEROP padding-entries) the original (or a copy) is returned
<no-defun-allowed> Okay, you all keep working on this slightly-better-than-before code I wrote, and I'll head to bed.
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<sabra> Shinmera: Just restarted that project. I need to look at the reporting objects and figure out how to output successful test results and failures to files.
<Shinmera> sabra: Cool. Any reason for the file output desire?
<Shinmera> if it's useful outside of the comparison project I could be convinced to add the functionality directly into it.
<sabra> Shinmera: audit reports
<Shinmera> I'm not sure I know what that means, really?
<sabra> Someone wants to blame someone 6 months later. You can pull a file proving the data and test results worked at time A. So any failure now is from subsequent development.
<Shinmera> Ah, I see. Hmm. Makes me wonder whether having metadata in git would be useful for that.
<sabra> Lawyers or, in our case, a question of reproducibility of research results.
<Shinmera> I suppose one could make a file report with all the detail that parachute captures being output to file.
<sabra> I expect that to be relatively straight forward. I just want the success and failures to be separate files.
<sabra> Of course, I just thought I could make an array and forgot to initialize it in public ;)
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<Shinmera> Sure.
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<engblom> Is there any tool for tidying up lisp source code that does a bit more than just indention? With a bit more I mean splitting long lines and such.
<flip214> engblom: (PRINT (READ))
<Shinmera> engblom: Not to my knowledge. The syntax rules for forms are complicated and often even need user input, for indentation alone.
<jackdaniel> wasn't that the pretty-printer purpose?
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<Nilby> Since I've been trying using the pretty-printer to indent code in an editor, without a level of tweaking that I haven't yet achived, as you may know, it's sometimes better than nothing, but usually not.
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<engblom> (print ...) apparently also changes the case.
<jackdaniel> once when I've used the pretty printer it complained about a syntax error, so I've called it a petty printer
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<sabra> I think there are now 29 testing frameworks in quicklisp, not counting 2am or various helper libraries.
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<Xach> sorry so few
<Xach> i will try to add more soon
<sabra> lol
* jackdaniel has a local wrapper around 5am written in clim- the directory has a proud name 7am ;) but I'm not going to spoil you by publishing it!
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<flip214> jackdaniel: so there'll be a few 7am libraries, all with incompatible extensions...
<jackdaniel> there won't, because I'm not going to release such half-baked effort
<Shinmera> sabra: you can count Parachute 4x due to its emulation layers :)
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<flip214> jackdaniel: well, how are you gonna stop me from doing my own 7am? (1+ (1+ 5am)), a.k.a. 5am++
<flip214> rather ++5am++
<pjb> engblom: (let ((*print-right-margin* 72)) (loop for sexp = (read source nil source) until (eq sexp source) do (pprint sexp))) ;-) but you lose comments, and some () will be printed as NIL.
<flip214> which makes my 7am a double-plus-good (constant) verification library ;)
<pjb> engblom: you can set *print-case* too.
<pjb> and others…
<sabra> pjb: Thank you
<pjb> sabra: perhaps you want (<= size length) instead of (= size length) ; depends on whether you want an error on (> (length vector) size) or not.
<sabra> pjb: want an error on (> (length vector) 32). Something would be wrong in that case.
<pjb> ok. Then replace should give it, if compiled with (optimization (safety 3)).
<pjb> but it may be better to signal your own error condition.
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<pjb> sabra: errors such as Array index -8 out of bounds for #(0 … 0) . may be cryptic. Better provide a condition with an error message such: vector too long for pad-octet-vector.
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<pyc> I am going to form a large string by appending to an existing string iteratively inside a loop. Is this a good approach from performance perspective? In other languages, I normally append to a StringBuffer or a list and then convert it to a string in the end. Do we need to do something similar in CL too?
<Shinmera> clhs with-output-to-string
<flip214> pyc: you can use (with-output-to-string () ...) and allocate a big(-enough) string beforehand.
<pjb> pyc: not really. You can use with-output-to-string that'd be the equivalent of a StringBuffer.
<pjb> pyc: it is assumed that with-output-to-string is at least asymptotically O(n).
<pjb> pyc: an alterlative, is to manage it yourself: collect your string in a list, then compute the total length, and copy them in a newly allocated string of the right size.
<pjb> s/rla/rna/
<pyc> Shinmera, flip214, pjb: Thanks! Is with-output-to-string definitely a better approach than concatenating iteratively to a string or it does not matter whether I concatenate or use with-output-to-string?
<pjb> pyc: it is expected that it will definitely be better for long resulting strings.
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<kevingal> Would (format nil "~{~a~}" list-of-strings) be blasphemous?
<pjb> It would do too.
<pjb> Probably similar to with-output-to-string.
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<pjb> pyc: note that it is dependent on the implementation too. You may want to benchmark and see what works better for your (application cl-implementation) pair.
<pjb> pyc: notably, asymptotic behavior doesn't say anything about the constants, and that's just expectation we have on implementations. Sometimes we may have surprises… (for example, on an unrelated note, reader macros are put in a sequential list in ccl, so when you have a lot of them (say on each unicode character) it becomes very slow to read stuff).
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<pyc> pjb: thanks!
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<pyc> Is there an equivalent of 'continue' of other languages in CL dolist loop?
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<pjb> (dolist (x '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) (block continue (if (oddp x) (return-from continue)) (prin1 x))) #| 246 --> nil |#
<Bike> no. usually you just use conditionals instead.
<Colleen> Bike: drmeister said 1 hour, 9 minutes ago:
<Colleen> Bike: drmeister said 59 minutes, 50 seconds ago: Are you making an assumption about what the output from backtrace_symbols looks like?
<Colleen> Bike: drmeister said 1 hour, 9 minutes ago: I'm getting a cascade of errors when generating backtrace...
<Bike> oh, sorry.
<heisig> pyc: The body of dolist is like a tagbody, so you can simply introduce labels and go to them.
<pjb> (dolist (x '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) (if (oddp x) (go continue)) (prin1 x) continue) #| 246 --> nil |#
<pjb> We often forget that some bodies are tagbodies indeed…
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<pyc> heisig: pjb: Thanks! that works great
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<engblom> I made a tool for tidying lisp files based upon (pprint (read)). I run it on itself and here is the result: https://pastebin.com/16QCHEw0
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<engblom> As I am new to lisp, please comment what I should have been doing differently
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<phoe> you can (let ((*print-case* :downcase)) ...) instead of a SETQ
<phoe> this way (main) will have one side effect less
<phoe> also, (loop ... do (pprint form) (terpri)) - unnecessary progn, and an explicit newline operator
<theseb> In SICP, authors implement eval and make a point of saying to actually INVOKE functions, you need a special form called "apply". However, in Paul Graham's "Roots of Lisp" which I've always liked he does NOT make a point of saying you need a special extra operator like apply to implement eval...why?
<phoe> also (read in nil) is going to be buggy if the file contains a literal () (which is possible)
<theseb> http://www.paulgraham.com/rootsoflisp.html < -- Roots of Lisp paper
<heisig> engblom: You should use some library for handling command line options, at least once your programs grow larger. Something like https://github.com/didierverna/clon
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<phoe> theseb: likely because the syntax of RoL's lisp allows for ((lambda ...) ...) style which is an implicit APPLY
<engblom> Thanks!
<Bike> is that an explicit apply? that doesn't seem like an explicit apply.
<heisig> engblom: Apart from that and the use of SETQ, that's a neat little program. Welcome to Lisp, try not to get too addicted :)
<Bike> implicit
<Bike> bleh
<phoe> Bike: oh wait
<Bike> also, apply is not a special form or operator, it's a function
<phoe> does RoL allow for functions as values?
<Bike> not sure
<theseb> phoe: nice....i like that better...thanks for pointing that out
<phoe> because it doesn't seem so; that would explain the lack of APPLY
<Bike> i don't see it in the definition of eval
<phoe> Bike: but then, EVAL. has a case for LAMBDA
<Bike> yeah, but just a lambda form, isn't it?
<Bike> like it handles ((lambda ...) ...)
<phoe> so in theory you could pass the list form of a lambda and then call eval on it
<phoe> yes
<Bike> i think mostly roots of lisp is a sloppy (or, more charitably, simplified) article that shouldn't be relied on for details
<phoe> and, if a list '((lambda ...) ...) is your function call, then evaling it is the implicit APPLY I meant
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<theseb> Bike: i suspect RoL made a lot if Lisp fans...I've personally been more fascinated with the RoL than I'd care to admit
<pjb> Bike: "article" you're generous. Nothing like that. It's a mere "memo", two dactylographed pages to let know fellow searchers of the AI Lab what John was up to. Namely, AIM-8: http://informatimago.com/develop/lisp/com/informatimago/small-cl-pgms/aim-8/index.html
<pjb> (AI labs Memo #8).
<phoe> except for one thing I guess - we need the environment
<jcowan> You can write aa simple APPLY-EVAL pair that constitute a classical Lisp interpreter. Needless to say, few Lisps around today actually provide this.
<phoe> eval. accepts the form to be evaluated and the environment - do we have access to it inside RoL itself?
<phoe> because if we have that, we don't really need an application operator
<Bike> theseb: simplicity over accuracy is helpful for that kind of article
<Bike> if it laid out denotational semantics or something you would have slept through it
<phoe> and since it's just Lisp data, I guess we can make a special form that returns the current environment that can then be passed to eval. again
<engblom> I did not go for the libary for parsing arguments at this point, as this tool will probably never grow. I fixed the rest: https://pastebin.com/TuZrmfn2
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<phoe> if the only argument is just a single namestring, then simplicity's gonna work well
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<phoe> my nitpick would be using FIRST instead of CAR but that's a nitpick
<theseb> phoe: i know right?....i vote we bury car and cdr forever
<phoe> also SYNTAX-ERROR is a slight misnomer because it does not really signal a CL error; maybe name it PRINT-HELP-DIALOG instead?
<phoe> theseb: actually when you have stuff like ((1 . 2) . 3) I'd be scared to use first/rest on it
<phoe> first/rest kinda imply that the structure being operated on is a proper list
<theseb> phoe: i also think lists should be vectors
<phoe> whereas car/cdr don't
<phoe> theseb: begone, heretic
<theseb> phoe: and never expose the cons side of things
<theseb> phoe: heh
<phoe> :D
<shka_> theseb: lol
<Bike> lists being vectors makes some kinds of processing more annoying
<phoe> well, clojure sort of went this way
<phoe> but that's already ##lisp material
<pjb> theseb: APPLY is not a special operator, it's a primitive function. FUNCALL can be implemented calling APPLY but the reverse cannot be.
<engblom> pjb: Thank you very much!
<pjb> engblom: cf *print-right-margin*
<pjb> engblom: and yes, since they are global variables, you don't want to mess with the code in the other threads, or to mutate them for the rest of the REPL session. So use LET.
<theseb> pjb: wow....i was assuming primitive function == special form == special operator....didn't know people here distinguished between those terms
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<phoe> theseb: people, d'oh
<phoe> even CL recognizes it
<phoe> (special-operator-p 'cl:apply) ;=> NIL
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<phoe> but, yeah, the fact that some CL operators are functions does not mean that they can be expressed in terms of anything else
<pjb> theseb: (if (= a b) 'yep 'nope) is a special form. IF is the special operator. APPLY is a "primitive" function in that it cannot be implemented in lisp without using metalinguistic abstraction. In the case of Common Lisp, all the functions in CL can be open-coded, which means they could be considered like special operators in a way. But special operators are a more specific set of 37 operators in CL. Note that macros in CL ca
<pjb> implemented as special operators technically, but the implementation still has to provide an equivalent macro for users of MACROEXPAND.
<phoe> APPLY is a prime example of that
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<Bike> "special operator" means an operator with special evaluation semantics. apply has the same evaluation semantics as any other function: in (apply a b), a and b are forms to be evaluated. so it's not special.
<pjb> in any case, that doesn't mean that you cannot implement everything in CL. It's just that there's one level of metalinguistic abstraction required (ie. a compiler or an interpreter).
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<_death> pjb: 37? is that from CLtL3?
<phoe> clhs
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<pjb> _death: or 35? I'm confusing odd numbers…
<_death> (let ((c 0)) (do-external-symbols (sym "CL") (when (special-operator-p sym) (incf c))) c) => 25
<pjb> (let ((n 0)) (do-symbols (s "CL" n) (when (special-operator-p s) (incf n)))) #| --> 25 |#
<pjb> yep.
<pjb> 25.
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<pjb> Don't worry, it's just a cosmic ray flipping a bit in my memory.
<_death> (hamming 25 37) => 4 ;)
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<jcowan> Vectors are just lists with mutable cars and immutable cdrs. :-)
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<pjb> adjust-array
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<jcowan> okay, okay, simple vectors.
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<Josh_2> Good afternoon
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<Josh_2> I tell you sometimes I end up baffled that I didn't know I could do certain things
<Josh_2> I'm sat here thinking I wonder if there is a destructuring-plist, turns out you can just destructure a plist using &key ...
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<Bike> http://ix.io/3cvy here is how i would do a roots of lisp thing. makes the difference between a special operator and built in function clearer. would be more involved to make it self hosting, though
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<pjb> pyc: note how concatenate-string is faster when you have more than between 50000 and 100000 strings to concatenate. (may also depend on the length of the strings).
<pjb> pyc: but when you have 100 strings, with-output-string is faster (in ccl);
<pjb> pyc: but when you have about 1000 strings, apply-concat is faster (in ccl, and given that call-arguments-limit #| --> 65536 |# );
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<copec> speaking of destructuring plists, a snip from the project I'm working on Josh_2 https://unaen.org/pb/1ym
<copec> I wonder if there is a better way to do uri->string
<phoe> can't destructuring-bind with &key help here?
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<phoe> (d-b (&key (scheme (scheme uri)) (userinfo (userinfo uri)) ...) uri-keys ...)
<copec> hrmm
<Josh_2> well from what I just learned you can use (destructuring-bind (&key <your keys> &allow-other-keys) <your plist> <body>) to destructure a plist
<phoe> yes, that's what I was thinking of
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<copec> perhaps if I just make uri a plist
<Josh_2> plists are great :D
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<phoe> plists are the last step before defclass/defstruct
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<jackdaniel> hash tables are the last step because they always preserve identity
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<flip214> copec: do you know the puri and quri libraries?
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<pjb> About SBCL 2.1.3, I wonder why I get "Control stack exhausted during signal emulation: PC: 52077ee2" crashes, when call-arguments-limit is 4611686018427387903 ?
<pjb> Pfft!
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<MrFantastik> TIL grammarly uses lisp
<jackdaniel> I believe that also roomba robots use/used it
<MrFantastik> oh man imagine being able to attach to a roomba repl
<MrFantastik> I wish the article went a little more in depth on there proccesses though
<MrFantastik> seems like mostly fluff :/
<pjb> pyc: more benchmarks: https://termbin.com/l68o
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<dieggsy> does anyone have a syntax-highlighted slime setup they can share?
<White_Flame> slime has syntax highlighting by default, doesn't it?
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<dieggsy> White_Flame: not the repl AFAIK, no
<White_Flame> ah, ok
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<copec> anything more then one line I dump in a file in another buffer and ctrl-c-c each form anyways
<copec> I wish I was a movie-haxor
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<copec> for quick playing around from a shell I like clisp because gnu readline
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<copec> Even though for most of my programming I use sbcl, I wish clisp would have been the python
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<copec> I hadn't, thanks flip214
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<dieggsy> copec: i've just installed sbcl-readline and it works well
<copec> I'll give that a try
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<copec> #osdev is pretty popular, there should be a #lispdev, where people hang out who have reached the phase of trying to bootstrap their own lisp
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<White_Flame> #clasp and #sicl have gotten their own
<White_Flame> but enough of lispdev chatter does happen here & in ##lisp when it comes up
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<White_Flame> not enough to be overwhelming
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<dieggsy> i changed it to lisp-font-lock-keywords instead of keywords-2... not really sure...
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<dieggsy> oh, it's for the highlight level. interesting
<dieggsy> it's also best to use lisp-cl-font-lock-keywords intsead
<opcode> if i specify a literal as #o00 is that the null byte \00? coming from the C-family and finding lisp's type system very unintuitive
<moon-child> opcode: in cl, characters and numbers have different types. So #o00 is another way to get the number 0
<moon-child> if you want to make a character from a number, use code-char. e.g. (code-char 0) ←→ #\nul
<moon-child> (and use char-code to go the other way)
<opcode> i'm fiddling around with ironclad, and I want to make an initialization vector for AES that's just 0x00's. Is #\nul what I want?
<Xach> opcode: no. 0 is what you want.
<Xach> or #x0, or #b0, or #o0
<opcode> okay thx
<Xach> if you want a vector of 0, (make-array <size> :initial-element 0) would make it.
<opcode> ah ha, well that brings me to my next question
<opcode> can i do #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...) ?
<opcode> because ironclad wants simple-arrays of unsigned bytes
<opcode> but it's not clear to me from reading the hyperspec what exactly is equivalent to what
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<moon-child> (make-array 10 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
<moon-child> possibly substitute '(unsigned-byte 8) for 'unsigned-byte
<Xach> moon-child: yeah, UNSIGNED-BYTE is unlikely to be useful, as it upgrades to T
<moon-child> right
<Xach> opcode: #(...) will not produce the specialized array you need.
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<lotuseater> ha yes thought the same ^^ just like with 'STRING
<opcode> k. i find the docs very dense, but perhaps that's just because I have no formal CS training :/
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<opcode> appreciate the help
<lotuseater> opcode: i think that's one thing that is left to the implementation
<Xach> opcode: i think ironclad is probably most useful if you already know generally how the algorithms are set up and used and you just need a reference for use
<Xach> i don't always know how to give it what it wants, and i've used it a lot
<opcode> yeah it's very, uh, particular about how it wants inputs haha
<opcode> not just ironclad's docs though... the hyperspec itself is pretty dense
<opcode> i read portions of it and I feel like it's not even english
<moon-child> standards documents are frequently like that. You have to learn to read standardese ;)
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<pjb> opcode: (make-array 4 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\null) #| --> "
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<pjb> opcode: (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\null 0 nil "nope")) #| --> #(#\Null 0 nil "nope") |# ;-)
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<Xach> i find the hyperspec to be a fantastic reference, but it helps that i've spent a long time getting used to how it presents info.
<Xach> there are nice documents that are more tutorialistic
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<copec> It is fantastic after you get it :-P If I don't understanding something, it's like it falls on deaf ears until I already understand it
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<Josh_2> Has anyone here used #0A before?
<Josh_2> zero dimensional arrays
<White_Flame> only briefly to test out some weird identities
<ebrasca> Is there a way to compile the faster version of some fuction in compile time?
<Josh_2> a compiler macro?
<moon-child> Josh_2: in apl, a scalar is a 0-dimensional array
<ebrasca> If you have multiple versions of some funtion for diferent cpu architectures.
<White_Flame> I made a (defmacro fast-body (&body body) ...) which just wraps the body in a locally declare optimize
<White_Flame> wrap that around a defun
<ebrasca> Or if you have hardware sopport or not.
<White_Flame> ah, yeah that sounds like a compiler macro
<ebrasca> How can you make sure the bens algorith is chosen?
<ebrasca> bens->best
<White_Flame> I don't understand the situation. Where are the algorithms listed?
<Josh_2> maybe you could use #.<some hardware feature> <my compiler macro for that hardware>
<Josh_2> wait sorry #+ not #.
<White_Flame> If you have multiple versions for different architectures, there will probably be #+ based compilation or file inclusion somewhere to select between them
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<White_Flame> so only 1 version is probably in existence? the other thing affecting it would be optimization declarations
<White_Flame> s/in existence/manifested/
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<ebrasca> I am just implementing CRC in CL. Probably overthinknig it.
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