hey gurus - im pluggin along, trying to get more utilities in my rootfs, but every time i customize the config the system hangs on 'waiting on /dev/ram0...'
my hypothesis is that im trying to upload an image too big for the mem area? still need to confirm that. hoping someone's worked around this one before
customize the buildroot config & upload via lxterm***
bonzibuddy: What's the size of your ramdisk in .config and the image size?
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Maybe a silly question : is it possible to make a Vivado project manually which would be similar to what LiteX scripts do ? (I was expecting for a simpier code when looking at the Verilog generated by LiteX)
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_florent_, daveshah: the litedram native port width on the trellisboard is indeed 256, so I'm inclined to bump the hard-coded mem_axi width on Rocket to 256, and downconvert for boards with narrower litedram ports (e.g., ecp5versa at 128, nexys4ddr at 64) but use full unimpeded width where available
futarisIRCcloud: i'll check that this evening, that's likely the issue
daveshah: trying to build litex+rocket for the trellisboard, and I usually get to 60MHz easily (no need for -nowidelut, plenty of room), but consistently fail to meet the 125MHz for '$glbnet$eth_clocks_rx' (getting in the neighborhood of 115MHz, typically)
Possibly the larger chip makes placement worse
or just different Ethernet pin placement or something
I haven't noticed this with VexRiscv when I've tried previously though
I am now trying with a lower (55MHz) cpu clock, to see if that has some second-order effect on the ethernet timing
but I'm just basically throwing rocks at it :)
if that doesn't immediately make a difference, I'm just going to let it loop
not sure if it's worth trying with the "unmet" ethernet fmax, using --timing-allow-fail
Yes, definitely
Another thought is to remove abc9. I think I've seen it reduce Ethernet Fmax in the pat
ok, forgot about abc9, thanks for that.
Hmm, looking into this myself and I got 124.63MHz on a first try
yeah, it's all probabilistic... asked for 58MHz, got 62.60 for main, 128.55 for eth... Wish I'd just asked for 60 like earlier :)
I want to get to the good bits, where I use an unhindered point-to-point 256bit axi channel between litedram and the rocket chip :)
find out what that does for my benchmark measurements...
daveshah: any plans to add a trellisboard.cfg to /usr/share/trellis/misc/openocd (in prjtrellis) ?
This one is pretty old but has always been reliable
FWIW, there seems to be some hardware variation too. On the other board you sent me, and a board from my own batch; the bitstream you sent seems to work 100% of the time
"memtest ok" \o/
note there are two ways to try a reset - reloading the svf or pressing SW2, might be a difference between the two
Possibly something a bit marginal in the controller then
gets wobbly when the main clock gets too low
Tweaking the +1 and +2 to either +0 and +1 or +2 and +3 might increase reliability
I'm not physically close to my stash of alternative boards, so I'll try the hacks first, see what shakes loose...
daveshah: just for a sanity check: my reset switch is the leftmost of the group of four; if I hit the "standalone" one on the left of the board, I have to reload the svf
Yes, that's right
can't read the labels on the pcb, my glasses are "tuned" for 20-inch focal distance, i.e. my computer monitor :D
it *never* fails at 75MHz with the vexriscv bitstream
Yeah, I've never had issues with that bitstream or any other 75MHz bitstream on any board
OTOH, the same PHY works fine at 55MHz or 60MHz on a Versa
yeah, rocket seems happy on a versa anywhere north of 55MHz
But, different PCB layouts, double chips might mean longer routing and less margin, ...
Let me just try a new 75MHz vex bitstream to make sure it isn't a regression
ok, in the mean time I'll try getting a proper 60MHz rocket bitstream, maybe more if I turn off abc9...
seems to pass memtest for me as well (there's a weird delay before I get the "ok" prompt, and "no boot medium found", but it *is* "memtest ok" nonetheless, each time I kick it...
That's because picorv32 is slow :)?
I was alarmed by it too at first
ok, so I'll try to figure out how far I can tweak fmax and the litedram cl_sys_latency offsets
65MHz seems alright here too, but that might be a bit ambitious for Rocket
seems to be 60MHz where it fails
As it seems to either work or not (either a lot of failures or none at all, never just one or two failures), it might be a problem with the startup FSM
of course, if any of that tweaking actually turns out to help in a reliable way, we'd have to regression test on the versa, to make sure the modifications aren't mutualy exclusive between the two boards...
Title: Imgur: The magic of the Internet (at imgur.com)
Hmm, no idea then
was this with a modified 't' (guessing s/8/12/) in ecp5ddrphy.py line #56 ?
I'll eventually work my way up to trying the offsets on line #442, but I'm hoping I can push fmax a few MHz above 60, into "maybe works most of the time" territory :)
You could try an even higher 't' perhaps, it definitely improved reliability for me
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daveshah: used --timing-allow-fail, requested 65MHz, officially got 57, passed the ethernet clock timing
running it at 65MHz now, booted linux just fine
not sure whether *not* using abc9 helped, I'd have to test that a bit more thoroughly (right now I've been haphazardly trying whatever sticks)
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if that turns out to matter, I'll make it an optional build flag rather than a hardcoded thing
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