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daveshah: I've finally grabbed my other board, and programmed it with the 65MHz rocket bitstream I finished with yesterday afternoon
this board appears to pass memtest without any failures, on a reliable basis
whereas the other board failed about 50% of the times I used the reset switch, but mostly worked reliably when pusing the bitstream anew via openocd
so, I'm inclined to assume a manufacturing/tolerance issue
now, out of curiosity, I need to figure out what the slowest clock speed is that I can use on this "better behaved" board :)
daveshah: your "old" picorv32 75MHz bitstream fails both at openocd push and at reset about 4/5 times; the "new" one (second one you gave me yesterday) succeeds 4/5 times
my own rocket bitstream also succeeds almost every time I reset, or push, haven't had it fail on my yet
_florent_, daveshah: on a semi related note, making rocket's mem_axi port 256bit wide, to perfectly match the tellis board, will also cause it to no longer fit on the versa :(
so, I'm thinking, leave the standard/linux/full variants as-is for now (full won't fit on the trellis board either, only on the nexys, whose litedram port width is 64)
and *add* a new rocket variant, linux-trellis (I'm happy to take suggestions on a better name for the variant :)
with 256bit mem_axi, and a bit more L1 cache (which also won't fit on the versa, but for which there seems to be some room left on the trellisboard)
of course, I'll have to wait for the rocket folks to fix the firrtl emitter yosys synthesis bug I found yesterday, before I can officially push an update to litex-rocket-verilog
but, as much as I didn't want to add yet-another-variant, I think it only makes sense...
fresh board also mostly stable at 60MHz (one reset memtest failure in about 10 attempts)
now trying at 55MHz (this is with the rocket bitstream)
daveshah: fails memtest consistently at 55MHz
but 60 and up is pretty reliably OK, so given that the "official" number is 75, I wouldn't call it "unreliable"
ok, now back to fiddling with Linux :)
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