sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
<GitHub18> [smoltcp] whitequark created new_checked (+1 new commit):
<GitHub18> smoltcp/new_checked 4be0c8b whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<GitHub84> [smoltcp] whitequark opened pull request #254: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked` (master...new_checked)
<GitHub87> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #252: ```...
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1096 (new_checked - 4be0c8b : whitequark): The build failed.
<GitHub-m-labs> [rust-managed] whitequark pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub-m-labs> rust-managed/master 1aa1cd6 whitequark: Bump version.
<GitHub-m-labs> rust-managed/master aeafe85 whitequark: Update to track changes in liballoc.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1102: One advantage of the current behavior is, if you're running an artiq tool from a script, you can tune the verbosity level again by adding -v/-q to any of those flags that the script may already have used.
<travis-ci> m-labs/rust-managed#67 (master - 1aa1cd6 : whitequark): The build passed.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1101: > ONLY significant change is forcing AsyncioServer to inherit from AbstractBaseClass (ABC) to force its _handle_connection_cr() method to be implemented by subclasses....
<GitHub187> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu try
<GitHub147> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu created try (+1 new commit):
<GitHub147> smoltcp/try 077a0dc whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<GitHub170> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #252: @m-labs-homu retry
<GitHub67> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :hourglass: Trying commit 4be0c8b8fb7c8feb62236e54fb7e69b92937cb2a with merge 077a0dcbc7b26121baaaf8cdd418c03f1e8fb6b6...
<GitHub27> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu force-pushed auto from b35e72c to a871625:
<GitHub172> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #252: :hourglass: Testing commit d27cc2d2c72248a76fa7edadc31dd7185aa5127a with merge a8716251f4eefbbfab510085a35dcc4c5976d803...
<GitHub27> smoltcp/auto a871625 Dan Robertson: Add MLDv2 Repr support...
<travis-ci> m-labs/rust-managed#68 (v0.7.1 - 1aa1cd6 : whitequark): The build passed.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] whitequark commented on issue #1100: This looks like the culprit:...
<GitHub35> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #186: I'm sorry for the delay in review....
<GitHub93> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #186: I'm sorry for the delay in review....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] whitequark commented on issue #1086: There should be debug information in IR and LLVM should extract line numbers from that. If it doesn't I think there's some option that does it, we might need to expose it in llvmlite though.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] whitequark commented on issue #1088: Function pointer lists should be explicitly skipped, just like functions currently are. I'll take a look.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] whitequark commented on issue #1089: Implementing genericism through eval seems quite depressing. We already implement monomorphization (it's required for handling Python inheritance; superclass methods are polymorphic on the self argument), so why not simply expose it? To aid inference, polymorphic methods will require an explicit type annotation, something like:...
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1098 (try - 077a0dc : whitequark): The build failed.
<GitHub142> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #253 18391f6: I think `self.rx_buffer.window() >> self.remote_win_shift as usize` ought to exist as a function. This would also make it easy to verify that the unscaled window is not used anywhere it shouldn't be.
<GitHub185> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #253: LGTM, looking forward to the unit tests.
<GitHub166> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu retry
<GitHub6> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :hourglass: Trying commit 4be0c8b8fb7c8feb62236e54fb7e69b92937cb2a with merge 87ec5fa59ebc4f8adcc276e3902aae460c4c34c1...
<GitHub175> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu force-pushed try from 077a0dc to 87ec5fa:
<GitHub175> smoltcp/try 87ec5fa whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1099 (auto - a871625 : Dan Robertson): The build is still failing.
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #794: > IMO sinara-hw/sinara#567 should be the top Sayma priority because (a) it's making it hard for @sbourdeauducq to work on Sayma and (b) it seems like it's probably a relatively straightforwards hardware issue that can be solved quickly, unlike the other issues which involve complex parts of the software stack....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1080: @hartytp Does it make sense that you get a board that doesn't behave crazy like that, for running your experiment?...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1080: @hartytp Does it make sense that you get a board that doesn't behave crazy like that, for running your experiment?...
<GitHub184> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #252: @m-labs-homu retry
<GitHub169> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu force-pushed auto from a871625 to 5d8e33f:
<GitHub169> smoltcp/auto 5d8e33f Dan Robertson: Add MLDv2 Repr support...
<GitHub120> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #252: :hourglass: Testing commit d27cc2d2c72248a76fa7edadc31dd7185aa5127a with merge 5d8e33fdf3d103bd0354c28b0d794e2b422f8f2d...
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1100 (try - 87ec5fa : whitequark): The build is still failing.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1101 (auto - 5d8e33f : Dan Robertson): The build is still failing.
<GitHub199> [smoltcp] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub199> smoltcp/master 7b08b65 whitequark: Update to track changes in liballoc.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1102 (master - 7b08b65 : whitequark): The build passed.
<GitHub29> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu retry
<GitHub103> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #252: @m-labs-homu retry
<GitHub30> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu force-pushed try from 87ec5fa to c13ceef:
<GitHub46> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :hourglass: Trying commit 4be0c8b8fb7c8feb62236e54fb7e69b92937cb2a with merge c13ceef2cf64059440d44192468ab13674690e8d...
<GitHub30> smoltcp/try c13ceef whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<GitHub99> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #252: :hourglass: Testing commit d27cc2d2c72248a76fa7edadc31dd7185aa5127a with merge 9871955e1f598aff0a99255ef23487e824e37a03...
<GitHub117> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu force-pushed auto from 5d8e33f to 9871955:
<GitHub117> smoltcp/auto 9871955 Dan Robertson: Add MLDv2 Repr support...
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<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1103 (try - c13ceef : whitequark): The build was fixed.
<GitHub187> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :sunny: Test successful - [status-travis](
<GitHub77> [smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on issue #254: Looks good! I like how explicit `new_checked` and `new_unchecked` are.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1104 (auto - 9871955 : Dan Robertson): The build was fixed.
<GitHub28> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #252: :sunny: Test successful - [status-travis](
<GitHub37> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu merged auto into master:
<GitHub88> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu closed pull request #252: Add MLDv2 Repr support (master...mldv2)
<GitHub37> [smoltcp] dlrobertson closed issue #103: Processing of IPv6 packets
<GitHub199> [smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on issue #103: Still a lot more to be done, but #252 was the last issue that was part of this.
<GitHub108> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu r=dlrobertson
<GitHub62> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :pushpin: Commit 4be0c8b has been approved by `dlrobertson`
<GitHub132> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu pushed 1 new commit to auto:
<GitHub132> smoltcp/auto 2a5be8d whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<GitHub70> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :hourglass: Testing commit 4be0c8b8fb7c8feb62236e54fb7e69b92937cb2a with merge 2a5be8dccf4ea8d021db3f6c9f8e0eac9d481728...
<GitHub73> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu r-...
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<GitHub51> [smoltcp] whitequark force-pushed new_checked from 4be0c8b to 23acdf5:
<GitHub51> smoltcp/new_checked 23acdf5 whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<GitHub63> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu r=dlrobertson
<GitHub110> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :pushpin: Commit 23acdf5 has been approved by `dlrobertson`
<GitHub176> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :hourglass: Testing commit 23acdf572d5540ddecb7c20299915c5290bb6907 with merge 72070c952fb6ed61743a82da9b08eb818ff3b2fd...
<GitHub22> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu force-pushed auto from 2a5be8d to 72070c9:
<GitHub22> smoltcp/auto 72070c9 whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1106 (auto - 2a5be8d : whitequark): The build has errored.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1105 (master - 9871955 : Dan Robertson): The build passed.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1107 (new_checked - 23acdf5 : whitequark): The build is still failing.
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<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1109 (auto - 72070c9 : whitequark): The build was broken.
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<GitHub129> [smoltcp] whitequark force-pushed new_checked from 23acdf5 to 9cb7e18:
<GitHub129> smoltcp/new_checked 9cb7e18 whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<GitHub158> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu retry
<GitHub86> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu r=dlrobertson
<GitHub47> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :pushpin: Commit 9cb7e18 has been approved by `dlrobertson`
<GitHub23> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :hourglass: Testing commit 9cb7e1895ad397cd668daa15cf6c7bd8ae417e50 with merge 4d7b43f2fa9336f651038830a824684b69fc2690...
<GitHub132> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu force-pushed auto from 72070c9 to 4d7b43f:
<GitHub132> smoltcp/auto 4d7b43f whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1110 (new_checked - 9cb7e18 : whitequark): The build is still failing.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1112 (auto - 4d7b43f : whitequark): The build is still failing.
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<GitHub132> [smoltcp] whitequark force-pushed new_checked from 9cb7e18 to 680f675:
<GitHub132> smoltcp/new_checked 680f675 whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<GitHub198> [smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #254: @m-labs-homu r=dlrobertson
<GitHub184> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :pushpin: Commit 680f675 has been approved by `dlrobertson`
<GitHub174> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu force-pushed auto from 4d7b43f to 4a253fe:
<GitHub174> smoltcp/auto 4a253fe whitequark: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked`....
<GitHub163> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :hourglass: Testing commit 680f6751c9562e2362d56e7e6428e9502c18462b with merge 4a253fecdf21a1eacb33ad38b730c06e26f18d5f...
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<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1115 (auto - 4a253fe : whitequark): The build was fixed.
<GitHub93> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu merged auto into master:
<GitHub122> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu closed issue #195: Use new_checked by default
<GitHub9> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu closed pull request #254: Rename `new` method on Packet types to `new_checked` (master...new_checked)
<GitHub90> [smoltcp] m-labs-homu commented on issue #254: :sunny: Test successful - [status-travis](
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1116 (master - 4a253fe : whitequark): The build passed.
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<rjo> bb-m-labs: force build --props=package=artiq-board,artiq_target=kasli,artiq_variant=luh artiq-board
<bb-m-labs> build forced [ETA 38m48s]
<bb-m-labs> I'll give a shout when the build finishes
<bb-m-labs> build #1708 of artiq-board is complete: Failure [failed conda_build] Build details are at
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #1080: > Does it make sense that you get a board that doesn't behave crazy like that, for running your experiment?...
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #794: > David seems to be making good progress with ADI forum archaeology and tests on the HK board....
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #1102: That's also why I like it the way it is. I'd only make it mutually exclusive if it really causes confusion.
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<GitHub-m-labs> [migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub-m-labs> migen/master 1ec3ea9 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: sayma_rtm: add hmc7043_gpo
<bb-m-labs> build #296 of migen is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 29e5c95 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: sayma_rtm: minor cleanup
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 88fb9ce Sebastien Bourdeauducq: sayma_rtm: add hmc7043_gpo monitoring
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 7f05e0c Sebastien Bourdeauducq: sayma_rtm: remove UART loopback...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1088: Great, thanks!
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 4843832 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: hmc7043: check phase status on init. Closes #1055...
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 9397fa7 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: hmc7043: unstick SYSREF FSM (#1055)...
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1086: There are probably line numbers; my eyes might have just skipped past the !metadata....
<bb-m-labs> build #1709 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1089: Oh, string eval is only ever going to be a way to fill in the gaps between language features. Still, this can be very useful....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1089: By the way, regarding your earlier example, my code looks somewhat more like this:...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1089: By the way, regarding your earlier generics example, my code looks somewhat more like this:...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1089: By the way, regarding your earlier generics example, my code looks somewhat more like this:...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1089: By the way, regarding your earlier generics example, my code looks somewhat more like this:...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1089: By the way, regarding your earlier generics example, my code looks somewhat more like this:...
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1089: Oh, string eval is only ever going to be a fallback to fill in the gaps between language features. Still, this can be very useful....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1089: Oh, string eval is only ever going to be a fallback to fill in the gaps between language features. Still, this can be very useful....
<bb-m-labs> build #895 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #2505 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #1055: Thanks.
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<bb-m-labs> build #1710 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
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<bb-m-labs> build #896 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #2506 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp opened pull request #1105: [NFC] Sayma: hmc7043 add explanation of input buffer configuration, and do … (master...master)
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1105: Did you test this?
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #1105: Building atm, but should not have any functional change (the register write I removed only set the default value).
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1105: Sure, but HMC chips have a track record of registers not being set to their documented default values upon reset, among other examples of awful behavior.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #1105: AKC. There is no hurry to merge this, just wanted to change the docs while it's fresh in my mind. I'll let you know when I've tested it.
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot opened pull request #1106: worker_db: Only warn on repeated archive read if dataset changed (
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] philipkent commented on issue #1012: It looks like the issue was that the bus channel of the first dds bus changed from 50 to 27 in the latest gateware. Changing the bus_channel to 27 in device_db fixed the IndexError.
<mithro> FYI - This might be interesting to people in this channel -> written mostly by Bunnie
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