but if you modify it after you index into it, you silently get a big
rjo: IMO Array should inherit from collections.abc.MutableSequence, and disallow mutation after being indexed into once
whitequark: pong
sb0: already figured it out (bit width of <</>> result)
whitequark: so when there is a FSM, what gets flattened eactly?
sb0: FSM into its parent submodule
the reason is that e.g. in an UART I have a timer that ticks independently but is reset from the FSM
so, both UART container module and TX FSM drive that signal
this is now automatically detected and resolved for all cases, with three selectable levels: silent, warn, error (on conflict)
default is warn
/home/whitequark/Projects/Glasgow/software/glasgow/gateware/uart.py:231: DriverConflict: Signal '(sig tx_timer)' is driven from multiple fragments: top.dut, top.dut.tx_fsm; hierarchy will be flattened
tx_timer = Signal(max=bit_cyc)
looks like this
because otherwise each FSM would have its own module?
yes, because compat FSMs are submodules
it's just the old migen implementation
okay, but with the "new" FSM this isn't the case?
the new FSM will lower directly to the yosys $fsm cell
it is not a submodule, although the details are a bit fuzzy
it works more like an instance
can that be exported to verilog in a nice way?
should be
if not I'll just expand it in a pass
sb0: btw I am implementing arrays now, any wishes?
other than fixing the hazard with mutation
not really
by mutation you mean changing the array itself? I guess there is no way to prevent mutation in the elements of the array to
of course there is
inherit from collections.abc.MutableSequence and forward 4 methods
to the actual array inside
then, once you create the first proxy, flip a flag.
but if you have a reference to some object that becomes part of the Array, you can still mutate that object via the reference, right?
what I wanted to do is to make ArrayProxy lazy
but not completely lazy
it would check that __getattr__ or __getitem__ succeeds
and then remember the path
now there is only a hazard of substituting an incompatible object by mutating an array element
you need python 3.7 for nmigen?
it's like one function, but I haven't bothered to change it
3.6 is definitely doable
3.5 might be not doable if we decide to go with asyncio in the simulator
because 3.6 introduces async generators
3.7 should be fine, just checking
python asyncio is slow and a bit messy
so I've been using asyncio and migen simulator together extensively in glasgow
it is really useful
what does asyncio bring to the simulator that generators/"yield from" don't?
convenient syntax additions and some error checking?
error checking is already done in back.pysim
nmigen pysim should never give you an obscure error with a broken backtrace now.
actually it will interleave frames of pysim and user generator
oh I mean stupid errors like "x = foo()" instead of "x = yield from foo()"
ah, no
you would still use yield and yield from for migen simulator
but you could *also* use asyncio
so in glasgow, imagine there is an SPI applet that talks to the SPI core in the device via a FIFO
when running the applet, it is done by an asyncio wrapper around python-libusb
but when simulating this together, you do not want to change the applet just for simulation
so, it is good if in the same function, you can interleave calls to asyncio that put data into the "host" side of FIFO, and calls to migen simulator that pull data from "device" side of FIFO
verilator module style
this way, you can run e.g. actual SPI flash applet code against the actual applet gateware, and see it all in gtkwave, with zero sim specific changes
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sb0: what is the intended behavior of a 3-element array proxy being indexed with index 3?
I am tempted to make it output x's
[m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 3 commits to master [+5/-5/±4] https://git.io/fpNLC