parazyd: please look at my comment
freemangordon: Yeah I suppose at least devices with keyboard should have it.
parazyd: why we shall keep separate configs for them? I think it is more simple like - enable it for all devices, no matter HW kbd or not.
if currently h-d cannot support more than one shortcut per function, well, lets implement that
but I think you should not merge that commit but instead have a discussion how to best handle that
* freemangordon
is going afk for a while
ok, let's see what uvos says about that
Multiple shortcuts per function sounds good.
* parazyd
afk too
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freemangordon: we had this discussion before, yes ctrl-backspace should work everywhere, no hildon cant assign more than one shortcut per action atm, yes this is a planed improvement
also other shortcuts should work everywhere like alt-f4 same as mapphone "back"
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good morning
I had to start from scratch, reinstalling the chroot Maemo image
I had a problem. I can do ping to IP but "apt update" get the error "could not resolve host". I resolved this problem last time trying many thing but now I don't know what solution I used.
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uvos: do we have an issue about that(multiple shortcuts)?
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freemangordon: No, I don't think we even considered it until now
hmm, uvos said it has been discussed...
( 9,21,18) uvos: freemangordon: we had this discussion before, yes ctrl-backspace should work everywhere, no hildon cant assign more than one shortcut per action atm, yes this is a planed improvement
I wonder who is 'we' here, as I don;t remember such discussion as well, but that could be my aging memory and lack of Fe
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parazyd: anyways, we shall have an issue for that, to not forget to fix/implement it
I am going to open one
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I think he meant discussion for what should the shortcuts be
for boot.cfg, i'm using multiple partitions too
"is there a way to test the charging mode yet, btw?" sure add softlevel=charge-mode to the kernel cmdline
tmlind: we will have to break it once (the maemo boot.cfg) after that you should be able to restore your changes and have it be fine from there on out
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uvos: ok no problem with the file on my maemo partition, it only has maemo stuff
uvos: fwiw I'm looking at the location-status crashes, will update later today
freemangordon: what is a good way to debug hildon-status-menu applets again?
gdb and maemo-invoker or something?
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yeah finally I got the droid4 running with leste don't know if the files where corrupt or if the usb port is laggish. So booting the latest image and connecting it to usb makes the droid4 crazy with repeating messages from usb connection. Could you recommend an image which is most stable?
hmm is there an droid4 image where usb network should work? I get a Multifunction Composite Gadget which vanishs when going pc suite mode..
what kind of messages from usb?
halftux: the default mode should be network
don't select mass storage or pc suite
you cant boot the device with usb plugged in atm or ever
with messages I mean charging and disconnect charger and drain more power that it get ... now took other image and it looks like it is a bit less. I will try without mode and see.
your usb cable has to high imedance
charging fails and reconnects when the voltage sags to mutch
okay so I used original Nokia N900 cable will see if I have another one.
its finiky no doubt
[20:44] <gemiller1> If 80mW is your budget, then gpsd is not for you.
they're not friendly it seems
freemangordon: so I think I should use maemo-summoner to use gdb on programs
yet gdb just shows the raise() from maemo-summoner
im telling you guys this mameo launcher thing is more trouble than its woth it saves around 150ms application startup time over readahead-replay
for being a pretty big pain in the but
and thats absolute best case too
most of the time it saves 0ms
now using different laptop same cable and the droid4 is not crazy any more. So Sony sucks HP rocks. But still not able to get a usb network.
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its just the d4 being picky atm
we hope to solve this
the sony is very likely in spec
uvos: I think we benchmarked it to save quite a bit more, in any case, that's not the painful part per se tbh
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Wizzup: sorry, don;t get the issue. What is the backtrace?
freemangordon: I am trying to debug a problem with parazyd's location-status applet
It crashes every time when invoking something with osso, and I am pretty sure the code somehow doesn't set up the private struct, or it overrides the osso data somehow
Wizzup: is that hildon-status-menu applet?
so I'd really like to run valgrind on it, or gdb, but the only way I've been able to do it so far is to run it via dsme tool and attach with gdb
so, just attach gdb to the second hildon-status-menu process
or, start HSM with maemo-invoker
so maemo invoker is the thing?
sorry, maemo-summoner
so if I do that, I still don't get the useful bits
bencoh: invoker starts it under launcher
but we don;t want that
Wizzup: also, maybe it needs to be started as user, by using run-standalone.sh to start gdb
I did try various combinations of that, hang on, let me try
of course now it doesn't segfault, sec
most annoying thing about hildon-status-menu which annoyingly also makes sense: if it exits with non-sigint or non-normal, it disabled loading most plugins on next start
but in principle the problem is solved for me it was something with the lock screen and screen saver together that no input was recognized
so now when I push the virtual acpi power switch the black screen goes away and when I press it again the power button menu shows up like before