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<diejuse1> Hello. I am testing the chroot on another phone following the same steps that I already did. However on the new phone I have problems opening the "worldclock". I get "unable to find an X11 visual which matches EGL config 1. Segmentation fault". Any suggestions to solve it?
<Wizzup> does opengles work?
<diejuse1> I don't know. How can I check it?
<sicelo> Heh, so Alpine isn't exactly happy with opened, so they're working on a new init system (s6)
<Wizzup> sicelo: opened, openrc?
<Wizzup> I thought that openrc can work with s6 or something
<Wizzup> but nih will always happen
<sicelo> Yes, openrc. Sorry for typo (autocorrect being helpful)
<Wizzup> idk, I'll place my bets on openrc for now, it's been working for me for 10+ years in gentoo
<Wizzup> 'Extremly reliable' seems ... idk
<sicelo> :-P
<Wizzup> but if they make it work, great, we can use it
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<diejuse1> The cause was a different configuration in the different mobiles in the android application XSDL XServer.
<diejuse1> So problem solved.
<diejuse1> I will try to document what I have done on github. It's my first time.
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<sicelo> The wiki might be a better place to document it, diejuse1
<Wizzup> sicelo: gh is not a bad place to start if it also needs scripts etc
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<Wizzup> uvos: when you're around, maybe we can chat some libsdl, and also ofono mce
<sicelo> heh, just looked for the droid4 camera datasheet - funny that the first hit for the camera has a picture of a Nokia,
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<Wizzup> all 14 droids look in good shape
<Wizzup> tmlind: ^ :)
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<uvos> Wizzup: please test if automatic rotation and audio works in the latests image on pp
<uvos> Wizzup: we have had a report that is dose not
<uvos> parazyd: i noticed that in "GPS recorder" the speed "SPD" tab displays a speed that seams to be in m/s whilest claiming km/h
<uvos> Wizzup: these are the 14 droids of US ebay?
<uvos> Wizzup: happy to awnser any questions you might have
<Wizzup> uvos: it worked for me, but I did dist-upgrade
<Wizzup> uvos: yes, from US ebay
<uvos> Wizzup: ok
<uvos> Wizzup: im thinking the image might be missing a package in the metapackage or so
<uvos> we could also check by hand i guess
<uvos> also no pp variants changed anything about the sensor setup right?
<kek> IMbackK opened an issue: (in QT5 applications the stacked windows work right only on the first open of a stacked window)
<Wizzup> uvos: I will get back to you, I have a visitor atm
<Wizzup> I did see that @ stacked, thanks for filing the bug
<uvos> np
* enyc meows
* enyc grumbles abotu flat n900 battory and puts on charge ;p
<parazyd> uvos: ah ok
<parazyd> I left it as a comment because I wasn't sure what gpsd is doing :)
<parazyd> oh it's m/s not knots
<parazyd> So just *3.6, right?
<uvos> parazyd: that is correct
<uvos> parazyd: gpsd in SI mode outputs m/s
<uvos> parazyd: however it also checks LANG
<uvos> and will output imperial units if this is US
<uvos> so watch out
<uvos> i think you can override this behavior
<uvos> sec
<uvos> nvm it ouputs si only now
<uvos> :)
<parazyd> okay
<uvos> current mapphone-kexecboot-config loks fine to ship
<uvos> imo
<parazyd> Already compiled for -devel but didn't get around to testing it in real-life usecase yet.
<parazyd> I want to test this, and then also the upgrade for charge-mode
<uvos> parazyd: you probubly want to patch the kernel as disscussed before activating charge-mode
<parazyd> mhm, I'm keeping that in mind
<mighty17> tmlind: any updates on twl603x?
<Wizzup> let's to -devel testing first for this stuff
<Wizzup> let's do* sry
<parazyd> Wizzup: We are
<Wizzup> :)
<uvos> Unable to locate package mapphone-kexecboot-config
<uvos> parazyd: ^^^
<uvos> oh duh
<uvos> its -droid4
<parazyd> Yeah it builds two packages, droid4- and bionic-
<parazyd> To avoid confusion :)
<parazyd> Also they're each in their own repo section
<parazyd> Though, the bionic will see both, but we will handle this with hildon-meta
<uvos> parazyd: ok
<parazyd> I will rework the sections to mapphone+droid4+bionic later on, it's not really a priority and it's a bit of annoying work and thinking.
<uvos> goes to show we should change the sections so that we have mapphone+bionic sections and mapphone+droid4
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> later is fine :)
<parazyd> My plan is to do all this repo management through HAM
<parazyd> But I need to find time to hack on HAM
<uvos> hmm
<uvos> i dont like this (maybe)
<parazyd> It still creates entries in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
<parazyd> But we can then control them
<uvos> i run devices without the maemo stuff but with the low level leste packages
<uvos> how would this affect me in this case?
<uvos> also i dont like ham
<parazyd> uvos: It shouldn't matter really. You can still maintain your own repo lists.
<uvos> ok
<parazyd> But let's defer this for later. It's not happening anytime soon :p
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> it'd still be like files, iiuc
<parazyd> Yes, they go in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
<uvos> i also find ham really terrible as a pacakge managment interface
<uvos> maybe thats because its so slow
<parazyd> But if he doesn't use HAM then they wouldn't be generated
<Wizzup> uvos: is it slow for you?
<Wizzup> it used to be slow on the n900, but I think it's not slow now
<parazyd> Wizzup: The problem is that it doesn't really scale
<parazyd> Wizzup: I had it show all possible Debian packages and it became slow af
<uvos> its pretty slow and vauge while installing
<uvos> you never know whats happening or if its making any progress
<uvos> also the scrolling sucks
<uvos> i constanly select apps and its jerky as hell
<uvos> on all devices i have
<Wizzup> well, I am not sure if we want to show all debian packages
<Wizzup> uvos: I don't have that problem I think
<Wizzup> this is just caused by lack of 2d accel I think
<Wizzup> but I'll give it another look (still have a guest)
<parazyd> Wizzup: Probably not, but there should be a way for system upgrades. This is already possible via some magic package that gets generated.
<Wizzup> I'm also just used to it for ~10+ years
<uvos> i honestly can scroll the short list of apps we have now without accidentaly clicking at least one entry
<uvos> s/can/cant
<parazyd> Show magic system package
<parazyd> This will include the "magic:sys" package in the list of packages. Updating that package will do something similar to "apt-get upgrade". It is not yet fully defined what it will do exactly. This feature might become available in blue-pill mode at one point.
<Wizzup> uvos: yeah on the d4 it's jerky
<Wizzup> the scrolling anyway
<uvos> speaking of witch can i hide trojita-data in ham?
<Wizzup> how about the debug symbols :D
<parazyd> uvos: Make it go into a section that doesn't start with "user/"
<parazyd> Wizzup: Needs code changes
<Wizzup> on the pinephone the 2d scrolling is fine
<Wizzup> parazyd: yeah I understand
<uvos> parazyd: droid4-kexecboot-config turned boot.cfg/ boot.cfg.leste/ boot.cfg.orig-before-leste-config/ into directorys
<uvos> and my config is gohne :P
<parazyd> wat
<uvos> in /boot/boot/boot.cfg i have boot.cfg.droid4
<parazyd> oh then the .install doesn't work like I thought :(
<parazyd> I thought it'd install it as a file
<parazyd> nvm we can use a makefile
<uvos> ls -l boot.cfg*
<uvos> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 May 9 20:51 boot.cfg -> boot.cfg.leste
<uvos> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 May 9 20:49 boot.cfg.orig-before-leste-config -> boot.cfg.leste
<uvos> boot.cfg.leste:
<uvos> total 1
<uvos> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 439 May 15 08:22 boot.cfg.droid4
<uvos> so boot.cfg.orig-before-leste-config also turned into a link to the boot.cfg.leste dir
<uvos> thats really wrong
<parazyd> Yeah because the .install made a mess
<uvos> parazyd: ok
<uvos> parazyd: how to i stop debhelper from runing a dh_* command on a package again? specificly dh_dwz
<parazyd> Add an empty target in debian/rules: override_dh_dwz:
<parazyd> Fixing the package now
<parazyd> Also fixed liblocation btw to report km/h
<uvos> parazyd: thanks that worked, thanks and thanks
<parazyd> :)
<parazyd> Where is dh_dwz bugging you though?
<uvos> the greeter it just silently fails with -1
<uvos> dwz that is
<parazyd> Weird
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<parazyd> uvos: I think the boot.cfg package is fixed now
<parazyd> Seems to have made the right layout on my device
<uvos> anyone know where hildon-home saves the icons on the desktop?
<uvos> parazyd: ok will try
<parazyd> Wizzup: btw, my Droid couldn't connect to wifi in wpa2/wpa3 mixed mode
<uvos> parazyd: kexecboot config worked fine here
<parazyd> It still saw the network
<parazyd> uvos: Great!
<uvos> ill try xt875 in a sec
<parazyd> So if you link your own now, it should stay unchanged on further upgrades
<Wizzup> parazyd: I have wpa3 at home and it works
<Wizzup> what makes you think wpa3 is the problem?
<parazyd> ah maybe I'm wrong then
<parazyd> Could it be the OpenWRT KRACK setting then?
<Wizzup> what do you observe?
<parazyd> I disabled it at the same time when I switched to WPA2-only
<parazyd> I connect through icd2 applet, but it just says it failed
<parazyd> Repetitively
<Wizzup> ok
<parazyd> Let me try again with KRACK and WPA2
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<uvos> parazyd: bionic-kexecboot-config worked fine on xt875
<parazyd> Awesome
<uvos> parazyd: it dident warn me
<uvos> parazyd: and it dident create a orig file
<parazyd> Wizzup: It works with wpa2+krack; but it doesn't with this config:
<uvos> parazyd: that is correct the file was unmodifyed
<uvos> ah wait its not
<parazyd> uvos: There is no need for an orig file if boot.cfg is left unchanged. The new file has the .leste extension.
<uvos> /boot/boot/boot.cfg is not a link
<uvos> /boot/boot/boot.cfg.leste exists now
<uvos> but no link
<uvos> (old file is in its place)
<parazyd> Can you see any logic error?
<uvos> parazyd: hmm
<uvos> no
<uvos> and i just ran that script on the deivce
<uvos> and it did what it is supposed to
<parazyd> hmm
<parazyd> It's as if it didn't run when you installed the package
<uvos> yes
<parazyd> Let me check the debs, maybe dpkg is screwing with us
<uvos> yeah it wont run
<parazyd> hah
<parazyd> Only the droid4 pkg got it for some reason.
* parazyd spits on dpkg
<parazyd> uvos: Ok should be fine now
<parazyd> Upgrade again
<uvos> parazyd: yes worked
<parazyd> Good
<uvos> apt purge bionic-kexecboot-config is supposed to copy the old file back right?
<uvos> it dose not
<uvos> and it leaves a dead link
<parazyd> I didn't add that yet.
<uvos> ok
<uvos> at least the dead link needs to go
<uvos> it breaks reinstalling it
<parazyd> My plan was to check if the backup is existing and restore it
<uvos> ok
<uvos> sounds good
<parazyd> And otherwise delete the link and inform again
<uvos> ok
<uvos> actually reinstalling works ok
<uvos> and rming the link would break the upgrade path for modifyed links
<uvos> changing the link to point to boot.cfg.uvos and reinstalling worked as expected
<parazyd> ok
<parazyd> Compiling a package with the postrm script now
<parazyd> So this should only trigger when the package is removed or purged, and not on upgrades.
<uvos> apt resintall counts as upgrade?
<parazyd> No clue
<parazyd> :D
<uvos> ok
<parazyd> If you're into a world of pain, check this:
<uvos> thats ok, this is why we enjoy that you are the main packager around here :P
<parazyd> :p
<parazyd> ok, postrm seems to work
<uvos> parazyd: no
<uvos> parazyd: it dose not
<uvos> parazyd: it claims that /boot/boot/boot.cfg.orig-before-leste dosent exist
<uvos> even when it dose
<uvos> apt remove works
<uvos> but apt purge dose not
<uvos> as the boot.cfg.orig-before-leste file is deleted befor postrm runs
<parazyd> oh
<parazyd> Yeah I guess then "remove" is ran, and then it runs "purge"
<parazyd> ok, then we only need the switch to run on "remove"
<parazyd> Thanks for testing
<uvos> well the consiqences of getting this package wrong are severe
<parazyd> :)
<parazyd> uvos: purge worked for me with latest revision now
<uvos> parazyd: ok also upgrade works with modified link
<uvos> parazyd: purge works
<parazyd> Awesome
<uvos> parazyd: i think i tested everything now
<uvos> parazyd: so i sign off
<parazyd> o/
<uvos> i think we can add this to the devel meta package now
<parazyd> Have a good weekend, whatever's left of it
<parazyd> Yeah
<uvos> thanks
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<Wizzup> uvos: wrt mce and ofono, maybe we can just start with a plugin that onlines the modems, and offlines them (but power on) when offline mode is set
<Wizzup> It should act to new modems showing up and such, of course
<Wizzup> pin entry is a separate problem to that I think
<uvos> Wizzup: sure
<uvos> Wizzup: ill implement that, but we would have to deal with the fairly hard fork i have going between your and my mce
<Wizzup> uvos: some more PRs we'd need to look at?
<uvos> the diff is all the prs on the repo right now, then the cmake move that also changed the file structure and then some more stuff on top of that
<uvos> anyhow good night
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<Wizzup> I forgot about cmake
<Wizzup> And I was so happy I finally understood autotools