uvos - [ GitHub - IMbackK/greeter: greeter app for mameo leste ]
for the first boot part i just created a self deleting script in xsession
ill package it some other time
We have some firstboot initscript
I don't recall from which package it comes atm
i dont think gui applications are apropriate in an initscript
it needs to be run by the session manager not openrc
I meant it could be set up using the initscript
Like, copy the xsession in place
sure that would be fine
maybe it can an icon on the desktop, or a widget, like in fremantle
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uvos: parazyd: here's a thought I had: what if we allow the location status applet to keep location on if there are no clients, in some special mode
that way we could have libgps clients work if the user has location-status do that
(ofc that is assuming we stop gpsd once the last liblocation client is gone)
We aren't stopping gpsd once it's started.
Hello, I am checking start commands to find out why tapping over "Internet Connection" is not responding. I have seen that I wasn't starting "hildon-sv-notification-daemon". How do I launch it? I get "segmentation fault".
which I think makes sense - what if someone turns off location services and gpsd is still running?
wo also dont have to
parazyd: I know we're not atm ^
Wizzup: why would we want to stop gpsd
Wizzup: execpt if the user turns off gps in settings?
That button can have a callback to stop it
that feels incredibly hacky to me
but ymmv
diejuse1: well, are all the required services running?
To me it's a button that says enable/disable GPS
And logic says it should
parazyd: so we'd do what, pkill gpsd as sudo from a button in cpa?
this seams reasonable to me to
Wizzup: it would ask openrc to stop it
OpenRC yeah
Wizzup: I don't know what are the required services
uvos: how about setting the gconf key to disabled and having location-daemon figure that it should no longer relay info and stop gpsd?
since it's all the one to start gpsd
It could just monitor for the gconf key change
Wizzup: i would avoid using gconf as ipc when possible
What if location-daemon isn't running?
And gpsd is
parazyd: then gpsd won't be running, per my logic
but not in the current situation
It's a bit complicated
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I think it's weird that location-daemon starts on demand, but gpsd does not
Wizzup: we could start gpsd as soon as something uses its soccet
And this is fine as long as you have GPS-enabled in gconf
well, that's not what I mean by on demand
Wizzup: like location-deamon or anything else
Wizzup: idk how to do this with openrc but systemd can do this
maybe you cant with orc
uvos: xinetd probably
Wizzup: This problem is why I initally wanted to have the control panel control this behaviour
uvos: I don't want gpsd to start unless location-daemon wants it to start, essentially
Wizzup: why
Wizzup: i want navit to just work...
gpsd is disabled in runlevel
becaus them we have to patch gpsd to read the gconf val
Wizzup: no
And the initscript checks gconf
Wizzup: so if this where systemd i would do this
If you want to start gpsd with a root shell, you're on your own
Covering these edge-cases is counterproductive
Wizzup: wirte a service.soccet that runs gpsd if something uses its soccet but only if gconf dosent have gps disabled
parazyd: I am responding to uvos saying that we should use socket activation on the gpsd socket
that is not 'root shell'
I don't like that either
You could simply add your gpsd to a runlevel if you want it autostarted
I think the edge cases are important fwiw
It has zero cost to be running with no clients
but I think I'll go for a walk or something, give it some more runs
parazyd: some ram
I've already seen the gpsd starting fail in various a few cases
openrc forgot gpsd was running
but it was running
and location-daemon failed to start (I fixed that in master)
but still it won't help if we want to stop gpsd and openrc forgets about it, however it happens
Then let's port the initscript to supervise-daemon rather than start-stop-daemon
And we're good
This way openrc can't "forget" about it
I really don'r see why we need to keep gpsd running once we no longer need it, but I'll go for a walk and try to see your side of it
i also dont see the point of having it run after location-deamon exits and not starting it on boot
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either it should allways run
or only with lcocation-deamon
or soccet activation
yes, that's what I meant
but really i want gpsd only clients to work
so allways running gpsd or soccet activation is the only thing that would work for me
gpsd caches useful data, like skyview
If you stop it, you often slow down getting a future fix
parazyd: ok thats fine
parazyd: but why not start it at boot then?
Because the disclaimer has to be accepted.
the init scrpt checks the disclaimer
So you only raise this with a liblocation client
so the current behavior could be before the first gpsd client is run and sets it
and then on every other boot gpsd just runs
did you benchmark if keeping gpsd on helps? just wondering
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(I know this is all pretty hard to benchmark)
(or runs with the first client via soccet activation)
Wizzup: Not specifically, but I get a (maybe placebo) faster fix with subsequent cgps runs
uvos: Well, the initscript will simply fail if the disclaimer is not accepted or gps is disabled.
Which can also be fine, and keep it in the default runlevel.
Anyway, to sum up my thoughts:
I think gpsd should always be running as long as GPS is enabled in control panel, and should be disallowed to run if it's disabled in control panel
disallowed by initscript
If someone wants to start it as root in a shell, this is a case we can't cover.
And we shouldn't IMHO, it would be feature creep and platform lockdown
trying to controll what people do in root shell is silly anyhow
(jfyi I wasn't talking about root shell anywhere)
Wizzup: I'm using it as a metaphor for user starting gpsd outside of the environment/ecosystem
sure, agreed
Further, personally I see nothing wrong with the control panel applet button + Save would stop gpsd via initscript when pressed/saved.
stop when GPS is chosen to be disabled I mean. It shouldn't be starting anything.
This is basically the only interface the user has to "control" GPS, and I think one would expect it to stop and disable after the user chooses to.,
i would be fine with this, i have no strong optinon except that plain gpsd apps must work with no additional work.
Maybe ask some of your friends, what they would expect when this button is pressed.
The three of us just thinking about our cases isn't often the correct solution :p
I am trying to start hildon-sv-notification-daemon like "/usr/sbin/dsmetool -t /usr/bin/hildon-sv-notification-daemon" but I get "dsmesock_connect: connection refused". Any orientation?
You should start dsme first
There's two initscripts
/etc/init.d/dsme-dbus and /etc/init.d/dsme
Also see their dependencies
they are both already started: "WARNING: dsme... is already starting"
maybe you could give me an ordered list of starting commands to boot normally? Because I think that is the problem.
Run the commands inside manually
diejuse1: try to figure out how to use openrc and the x session scripts from within the chroot
that's likely the only way to really do thi
iirc openrc can run in a chroot
parazyd: if you keep it always on, how is it started on boot?
sicelo: The checkbutton "GPS Enabled" in ControlPanel->Location
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parazyd: so if I check it again, is gpsd re-added to the runlevel? idgi
or do you want to attempt to start it and fail on boot?
btw, I think I can live with gpsd running independently of liblocation/location-daemon, but I think it provides a very suboptimal ux, since you cannot see when gps is active if it is through libgps
effectively nuking all control and visibility
my solution with then status applet to control gpsd when there are libgps but no liblocation clients I think is more clear
and it would provide insights through location-daemon as normal as well (wrt fix, blink or not)
so if the location status button is always visible and has a UI to say 'keep gps on' and 'open control panel' I think would be a fair middleground
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so the 'keep gps on' button would effectively turn the status applet into a normal location-daemon client, keeping gpsd alive
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it should work for uvos his usecase
if it is just about the work required, I am happy and motivated to do it
btw, gpsd and modem are happy together for a bit now, so the reset seems random
Wizzup: mutch better would be for the location status icon to monitor the gpsd soccect and pop up if its in use
then the user dosent need to care about if an app uses liblocation or gpsd
and it all just works
I do not think gpsd can do that
unless you wamt to ptrace gpsd
Wizzup: you can check with the kernel if the soccet has connected users
feels like a hack tbh
this is true
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but gpsd flok wernt very open to the idea of adding something better
liblocation and the location-daemon dbus signals provide useful info to maemo components, usiong that path seems better
yeah, gpsd folk are not helpful
sure we should use that path aswell
but the logic could be something like: check liblocation status and apply unless gpsd has a client thats not location-deamon, then display the icon
like I said, I think a simple way to keep loc-daemon and gpsd on for libgps clients makes sense, and then if gpsd *stops* with loc-daemon we also have possibility of no backgrou nd libgps clients
so the UI is leading and always source of truth
not really you have to think about if a client you want to open is libgps or liblocation
thats terrible ux
Not really
the user should not need to know about implmentation details
I agree about that, that is not ideal
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There's a reason why stuff like geoclue was invented and is in use
but I think it is not too bad compared to the alternatives
Basically it's what libloc is
sicelo: can you elaborate?
geoclue is gnome tech
for location
dose the same stuff as location-deamon
just more and better
(no offense)
how does it manage gpsd<
good question
14:55 <Wizzup> parazyd: so if I check it again, is gpsd re-added to the runlevel? idgi
Forget the runlevels
Just consider gpsd initscript is enabled and in the default runlevel
The gpsd binary wouldn't start until the disclaimer is accepted + GPS is enabled.
what state will openrc think gpsd is in? start requested but failed to start?
I think the states are more complicated than that
Wizzup: is like a deamon that exits sucessufly
parazyd: so how do you think we should handle libgps clients wanting to use gps, and how do we show it in the UI?
That's the next step.
Let's solve this.
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please also look at my proposal above wrt that
I don't like it because I don't think the status applet should be any kind of control for this.
We have the control panel.
It's called "control" for a reason.
Easy enough to expand on that.
e.g. suboptions
well, it's only control is that it asks for gps data
just like 'maep' controls it
no more, no less
status applets also switch wifi and profiles
those are not cpa
I can't win this argument really
So I'll move on to other stuff, I'm sorry
Got too much to do
Nothing personal, it just starts becoming a bikeshed
Wizzup: parazyd: how about we just delgate it to parazyd to do what he thinks is best?
since he implmented most of this
parazyd: ok, I'll chdeck with fmg, see what he thinks?
And I can't really discuss UX with just the three of us
Please ask physical people around you
Get insights
It's not just the three of us
Show the UI and ask "what do you expect this and that does"
Let's then come to a conclusion
ill just abstain from here on out.
I will try to phrase some questions
it would be good to have alternatives to handling libgps and ux though
What does "alternatives" mean?
How we would handle a libgps client from Maemo perspective: (1) gpsd just runs and user in unaware (2) location-status does hacks to determine if gpsd has clients and acts appropriately (using libgps backend) (3) clients require gps+gpsd to be enabled specifically, ui implicit (4) ?
Wizzup: your mixing 2 problems anyhwo
I think some of questions boil down to how we want to handle that
uvos: care to split it out further?
Wizzup: We started this discussion in whether gpsd should autostart from init or not, and who should stop it.
Wizzup: Having userspace/GUI reporting of gpsd clients is a different problem
Wizzup: problem 1. when to start gpsd (we must enforce "gps enabled" and "disclamer accepted" in all cases, even malicious clients) 2. how to show gpsd is in use form a source other than location-deamon
problem 1 we can deal with by only starting gpsd when those are accepted by the user and setting permissions on gnss0 adequatly.
those are the problems
parazyd: ok, the only solutions I could come up with combine them, but if you have other solutions to the UI?
id just lett parazyd find solutions he likes
uvos: problem 1 is more complicated
the disclaimer does not relate to location being on whe nit should not
right the initscript works perfectly fine as is
question is just when to run it
and ill defer to parazyd on that
My proposal is to have it always running as long as privacy is accepted, and gps is enabled in settings
which is fine by me
This same place (where you change the GPS enabled/disabled setting) should then STOP GPSD when the user chooses to disabled GPS and save the setting.
and how its implmened that ill also defer to parazyd
Via initscript
That's all.
There is no more to problem 1.
If anyone thinks it's more complicated than this, then something's not right.
parazyd: /dev/gnss0 is world readable
parazyd: atm
parazyd: we need to enforce that gpsd is the only thing that can read it
parazyd: but thats details
Easy, initscripts often fix permissions.
we can run gpsd in some group
and assing gnss0 via udev
gpsd really needs root, as far as I've been told by the devs. It then drops privileges asap.
can we have it drop privlages to a gpsd user?
and just have /dev/gnss0 owend by that?
"Otherwise various permission bugs happen"
or dose it open() as root?
It does root and group dialout
So we can group own gnss0 as dialout
and remove o+r
sounds good
I think the one of the questions we should answer to move forward is: how do we think we should handle libgps clients when liblocation is not active? I think we seem to have different opinions on that specifically
Regardless of init script, what runs when, I think being able to answer the above questions help with figuring out how to continue
They should be able to use gpsd if GPS is enabled in gconf and gpsd is running.
So the user would not be able to tell from the UI, corret?
Until we implement something in location-status, yes.
I'm trying to not let the technical parts (what is running when) mix into the answer
And this is not related to location-status in any way
I don't think anything else makes sense when it comes to user's control over gpsd
I think that personally, I would prefer that libgps does *not* work, unless the user knows that he/she started a client that uses gps. And if that means the applications don't work unless gps is enabled (through one way or another, not just a disclaimer), then I think that is entirely acceptable, what I think is not acceptable is clients using gpsd without the user knowing
As for location-status telling you when there are libgps clients, that's an entirely different problem.
Wizzup: from a birds eye view yes libgps should work and yes the user should be informed when it is used
Wizzup: but for now we can only do 1 and we will do 2 later
I want to discuss both, since I don't think we can sensibly do (2) if we do a specific (1) now
Yes we can
here im in the just let parazyd do what he wants camp
uvos: I think that's a non-argument and also parazyd asked me to do some work on this
(2) is a completely different thing
Wizzup: yes it is explicetly a non-argument :)
i lack the detailed knowlage that parazyd has on this subject to even think about trying to tell him what is better
For me 3 hours of this talk today is enough.
parazyd: ok, for (2) how will you let users know libgps clients exist?
Wizzup: for this there are several solutions that need investiagtion
Wizzup: we can check what gnome/kde do
Wizzup: we can try to submitt some patch to gpsd
sicelo: i know
uvos: ok, so we should do more research before continuing?
Wizzup: we can patch libgps
uvos: one of solutions being 'gpsd does not run'
Wizzup: First thought is to watch gpsd's fds in /proc for $DEVICE. Second, look @ geoclue, Third, convince gpsd devs
Wizzup: we can ask the kernel
uvos: yes, that also came to mind, to patch libgps
There's many solutions
All unrelated to (1)
parazyd: watching implies polling
Wizzup: we can just have the status bar check with the kernel if gps is in use directly
parazyd: gpsd *not* running is related to (1)
I don't care, I'm just giving examples of problem relations
Wizzup: via the gnss interface
uvos: that implies polling and wakeups, does it not?
Wizzup: no
Wizzup: There shouldn't be gpsd clients if GPS is disabled in control panel.
Because gpsd wouldn't be running
Wizzup: all of the solutions i offerd above are totaly indipendant of problem (1)
uvos: yes, and I think most of them are not great solutions
maybe I just need to research them some to get a better sense
ok Wizzup
its clear there is no consensus here
please wirte up how you would mangae the whole location stack
and link to it here
if you want something different than what parazyd wants
Backlog became too messy
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Ah just want to also add
If we patch gpsd, I'd prefer if we then drop location-daemon altogether
Because we can just modify the dbus export to be what we want.
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fixed one typo
feel free to add other downsides/upsides that I missed
Wizzup: So how do I use foxtrotgps with this stack implementation?
Wizzup: Or whatever other libgps client
parazyd: Wizzup wants you activate "active liblocation" mode
so that the location-status becomes a liblocation client
that just keaps the interface open
and then open foxtrotgps
basicly: "start gpsd by hand" (via gu_
basicly: "start gpsd by hand" (via gui)
So I need to open the status menu, then click the button, and then open the control pannel applet and enable permanent gpsd?
uvos: what you said is almost correct: I suggest that (1) location-status is always visible in status menu (2) you can use it to 'Activate GPS' (not enable, that is different)
(2) would then allow libgps clients to work directly, as it has the effect of starting location-daemon via dbus
which starts gpsd
"start gpsd by hand, via gui"
And then with the same action in reverse, you kill all the libgps clients
uvos: If you phrase it like that, yes, but it does not require CPA interaction
ok, do it :)
Assuming I can forcefully put gpsd into the default runlevel and I can always have it run
thats what i would also do if this is implmented
And we can keep the current behaviour of it not being in a runlevel by default upon installation.
yeah, that should not be a problem
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we could make that a configurable option, too, to have it start on boot
depending on how confusing it gets for the user
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how about we shim libgps to location-deamon
libgps is really trivial
then maybe we can also just ditch gpsd entirely
and rely und linux gnss subsystem
I think I have located the problem: "[FAIL] eudev requires devtmps support, udevd did not start ... it failed!"
I am trying to mount /dev with that "devtmps support" and looking for other solutions
any idea is appreciated :)
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uvos: liblocation uses libgps
Wizzup: sure
diejuse1: if you document how we can reproduce what you have, it might be easier to help / figure out what you have / what is wrng
to make reproduction easier
Wizzup: but not directly
we could staticly compile a libgps with liblocation
yeah, we could
and then replace system libgps
I also thought of this, but I feel like this is a potential next step
one other thing I forgot to mention
I think android has a 'enable location' button, and iirc it just keeps gps *on* all the time
so the status button could be seen as analogue to that
Wizzup: no
it dosent
are you sure?
my brother has an android and his phone always knows his location (google too, etc)
maybe google has some android app that does that in the background, then?
yeah that keeps _network_ location on
and real android dosent even have that
something I also saw is that geoclue uses a-gps by just looking up the approx location (in delta km) by looking up the lac etc
this is a google services addition
it doesn't seem to feed it back
uvos: ok
Wizzup: yeah thats a good way to do agps
well, it doesn't help the modem get a more accurate lock, though?
(was mostly my point)
but I suppose it's nice if there's a use for granularty of kilometers
the point is to have the location interface
provide the best possible location at all times
sometimes that means accuracy of killometers
ofc it needs to report this uncertenty
location-daemon seems like the place that could eventually support that
(or geoclue if we end up using it.)
bonus points to using geoclue
its the companion to iio-sensor-proxy and lets it provide true north via the magnetometer
Can I launch the "profile" UI with a command?
btw Wizzup
i have had it multiple times now that dbus-scripts will just stop working for no reason
it just stops updating the ts rotation untill i restart it
no errors or anything and the process is alive
uvos: hm, that is worth investigating, I just ported it from fremantle mostly
can you install the dbg symbols and gdb attach?
diejuse1: I think you should launch it from controlpanel
Wizzup: sure when it happens next time
Wizzup. I would know if I could launch from terminal
diejuse1: ok, let me take a look for you
try 'mameo-invoker controlpanel.launch'
or just 'controlpanel'
But controlpanel launch "settings"
is there not a profiles applet there?
I would want to launch "select profile"
I don't know how to do it directly, that's code in status applet
From panelcontrol I don't see any access to "select profile". I see "themes", "date and time", "language & region", "display", "notification light", "text input", "internet connections" and "device lock"
right, there should be one in the application manager
I forgot do we don't have the original one
I saw that is associated to "profiles_status_menu_item.so". Then is not possible to launch directly a .so file? excuse my ignorance
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no you have to dlopen it
diejuse1: do you not have the status bar on your hildon desktop?
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* enyc
tmlind: gps has been solid for 7 hours now
no modem resets
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Wizzup: Yes, true, it is there.
diejuse1: ok, and you can do it from there, but want to do it directly? (launch)
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looks like it broke about 10 mins after my msg (gps)
[Mon May 10 23:25:27 2021] phy-mapphone-mdm6600 usb-phy@1: modem status: 0 off