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wolfspra1l: So I heard back from my FAE
the Artix-7s on digikey now are first-round engineering samples and are CSG324 and FGG676 only, in -1 and -2 speed grades only
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Second round samples will include FGG484 (I think probably the whole range of packages) and be -1 and -2 only
those are expected to be out some time next month
then early Q1 2013 volume production starts
azonenberg: nice
how about ftg256?
wolfspra1l: i didnt ask but it was implied that the second round samples will include all package combos
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well I have really a lot of good features in the slx9 to work on anyway
currently back in the logic blocks and luts
this time I'm going to add much more including all slice types (m/l/x), o6/o5 lut pairs, carry chain, latches, etc. etc.
one thing is for sure, all of the work i am doing for my research is resulting in me getting really good at mental logic synthesis
after this round the only thing missing will be ram/rom and shift-registers
I will put that aside until the next round
as in, i can give pretty much exact netlist and resource estimates for a module given just a pencil and paper
can't exhaust myself in one tiny thing, have to go back to clocks, bufg, jtag, and an infinite list of other missing things :-)
and even synthesize to primitives given enough time
since primitives are the only thing you can feed to fpgatools anyway :-)
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azonenberg: next time I need a bitstream I'll just come to you ;)
larsc: If you want bitstreams talk to wolfspra1l :P
my brain only goes to netlist level
well ok, i can map and PAR to some extent too
but once you have the netlist you can use wolfspra1l tools
His tools want a fully placed and routed netlist atm
so i'd have to map and par manually too
yes :-)
Not that i cant do it, but its a little bit of a pain to do
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on the other hand, mental synthesis i find is a very good way to santiy check how big some module is going to be
and how long the critical path is
Dont worry about details like exactly what the logic function implemented by some LUT is
I just think about what decisions need to be made with what data
dataflow level, pretty much, as well as storage requirements
and i usually end up with a slice-by-slice model for what the thing is going to look like before i write a single line of RTL
then i just write the code and the synthesis tool usually generates pretty much exactly what i expect
A lot of times i just write RTL without thinking much about what goes on under the hood but if i have any doubts as to how things are going to work i find this is a good way to sanity check
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