but since .save_all routine saves all the registers afterward, I won't be able to make this change (ea -= 4) after save_all is called
because it won't do anything
at the end of the exception_handler there is the .restore_all_and_eret routine which restores all registers (and would then overwrite my ea) and then do "eret"
eret does jump to "EA"
* Fallenou
is not sure if he is clear enough
I understand it
or maybe I need to add detection of TLB miss source in "save_all" routine, to make it do the job on EA before saving it
or in restore_all
just before the eret call
would be a better idea indeed
so my question would be, what's best : doing this hack (a check on tlb miss origin in .restore_all_and_eret)? or keeping 2 exception vectors (calling the same C function)?
hard to say
I don't quite remember in the first place why we wanted to only have 1 exception (vector? or handler?) for misses (and another one for permission faults)
as far as a i remember, i didn't favour any of the two choices. if separate vectors are more convenient, then i don't see a need for trying to have just one
but then we need to have exception vector as well for permission faults
can ITLB issue permission fault ?
dtlb can issue permission fault for read/writes ...
ITLB ... I don't see what permission fault it can generate ... either the page is mapped (and then we can say it's executable) or either it is not mapped (and it's a miss)
right ?
or I am missing something ?
am I*
so can we say permission fault is just about DTLB ? (and then i's easy for this problem)
i think itlb and dtlb should have the same page tables. otherwise you get a lot of duplicate work. so "not mapped" to indicate "not executable" would require that the software does the checking, increasing the execution path of the handler
oh, the same page tables ???
hum I think lekernel was thinking about the contrary
this kind of decision is a big change in the code of the mmu
so this deserves an email to the mailing list :)
so that anyone can give his opinion
so that I don't change everything for nothing :p
for now each TLB has it's own "blockram" page table
which simplifies as you said the case of itlb miss which indicated the page is not mapped and then not executable
well no, not exactly
itlb miss just indicates it's not in the "tlb" , it could be mapped, that would need a check in linux internal structures
to check if there is a mapping
wait .. the tlb shouldn't really know about page tables. the mapping page table -> tlb is done in the handler.
yes sure
I just mixed up things :)
oh ok you were talking about the page table ...
indeed the same page table
* Fallenou
must be tired ...
and in the page table you have the permission rwx, if the permission x is present and itlb misses, then we update the itlb line with the correct mapping
* Fallenou
needs to think about this a little bit more
I will shoot an email soon about that :)
need to go, thanks !
np ;)
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