wow they waited for 14.1 to fix such a thing ...
but that still doesnt fix my problem ;)
i already removed the the -1 from all clog2 calls
ah ok I was not understanding why you still have the "-1" in your commit
so now you got rid of it
so now you should have addr_offset_width == 2 , right ?
probably, tried it yesterday, cant remember ;)
Fallenou: could you send me a vcd (isim parameter -vcdfile out.vcd) from the first few cycles, where the icache is filling and some later instructions loads hit the cache?
Quartus II 9.1 supports the built-in $clog2 function from Verilog 2005
so altera should be fine too
and nobody uses lattice *fg*
mh does lattice even have an own synthesizer?
or do they always use synplify?
mwalle: don't use 'x', it only allows for minor synthesis optimizations and can easily waste your time with weird bugs and/or simulation/synthesis mismatches
lekernel: that was found in the lm32 source ;)
and i wondered what the reason could be to assign 'x' to a register when it is reset
what it means for the synthesizer is it will reset that register to the value/equation that causes the least logic to be used
since S6 flip-flops have a dedicated reset pin, I guess this disables reset completely
lekernel: and if i dont reset that at all?, eg omit the line in the reset case?
that's fine if you don't have any code that depends on the reset value (and you probably don't, since it works with 'x')
mwalle: will try to send you the VCD this afternoon
mh so i still have no reason why lattice put that into the source code :|
maybe a coding style rule such as: "all registers should have a reset section"
well it works for me using ISim
oh and
ah you mean the 'x', yeah I don't know
lekernel: yeah that would also be my guess
isn't there a risk that latches be generated when LM32 is configured for asynchronous reset and that line is not present?
hmm, no, I guess that works. so it's probably just coding style.
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mh, sensitivity on posedge rst, is a noop, so should be the same like there is just 'posedge clk' as sensitivity list, shouldnt it?
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* Fallenou
just had lunch with Alarm
he's a teacher in a French electronic high school
he would like to set up a workshop for his students using the M1 :)
that's pretty cool
he already has two complete Milkymist One box (with DMX spot, camera etc)
I was first confused a bit, because I though you had a firealarm during lunch ;)
but, yea I should have noted the capital A
hey, is there anyone for whom http://ehsm.net/ doesn't work?
(the website)
works fine here. 'exceptionally hard and soft meeting *2012 December 28-30 Berlin'
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Is navre abandoned?
it serves it purpose, which is to control the M1 USB ports (and not be a friendly full avr softcore)
its purpose
it's not abandoned, if you send a patch to the list i'll review it
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the website works fine for me lekernel (ehsm)
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lekernel: also the opencores svn browse goes nowhere useful. This isn't your fault/responsibility but I was wondering if the solution was well-known
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lekernel: A few days ago ehsm.net did not work, now it works fine though
Grievre: all milkymist source is on github, not OC
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lekernel: oh, where's the navre code hiding?