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is there anything i should be very careful with when using nmigen for ASICs? i'm considering using nmigen for a skywater 130/efabless project and so far it seems to work fine with the simulations i've done. i know that reset is mandatory, that registers and memory can't be initialized. are there other things i should know about?
you might encounter issues with negative polarity reset
but they shouldn't be show-stoppers
that's all i can think of
okay good to know. in this case, the reset is controlled via a management risc-v core so i should be able to use any polarity through firmware. does negative polarity reset mean that the design is held in reset when reset is low?
just wanted to confirm.
right now there's no direct support for that, you have to put an inverter somewhere
ok that i can do. i instantiate the nmigen design through a verilog wrapper
if you don't directly drive reset from a pin it probably just doesn't matter what you do
i guess i could register it through a clock just to be safe?
as in "always @(posedge clk) nmigen_rst <= ~rst;"
the primary reason you might want an active low reset is so that during power rampup your circuit is held in reset and doesn't glitch
but if everything is controlled by a management core it doesn't matter
that's how i see things here, anyway
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ah that makes sense, haven't thought about that at all. i guess that's one the reasons inverted control signals are so common.
yeah. i've hit some issues with these on Glasgow
though in the other direction. the FPGA has pullups
basically you want the "default" state to be a nop
or a safe state or something like that
[nmigen-boards] vmunoz82 opened pull request #153: panologic g2 board support added - https://git.io/J39lh
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