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Anyone have a minute I'm knew to OCaml and having some trouble understanding something.
I'm trying to develop a recursive function that takes an adjacency list and converts it to pairs. For example the function should take a list such as [(1,[2;3;8]);(2,[4;5;6])] and generate a list of pairs like [(1,2);(1,3);(1,8);(2,4);(2,5);(2,6)]
I keep getting stumped on how to handle the list part of the pair. I use fst head to get the '1' but not sure how to loop over the snd head list and combine them in the function
let conv list = let rec loop acc = function [] -> List.rev acc | (a, blist) :: xs -> loop (List.fold_left (fun acc b -> (a, b)::acc) acc blist) xs in loop [] list
* hello_test
The loop loops over the pairs and the List.fold_left goes over the inner list and adds them to the front of acc. And at the end you invert acc to get the order you specified.
I have to look at the manual I am not familiar enough with how these List operations work. I get the general idea though. Thank you.
pattern matching is your friend hello_test.
hello_test: let fold_left fn acc = function [] -> acc | x::xs -> fold_left ((fn x)::acc) xs
aeh, fn acc x
mrvn: why [] -> acc?
I usually [] -> [] as first thing in pattern match
It folds the elements of the list into acc using fn from left to right. At the end (at []) it returns acc
I just have a lot of difficulty understanding this list module.
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yo, where can i find examples on sexplib?
the aux function in pairup should probably be turned into a one liner using an anonymous function
AxleLonghorn: List.concat is slow and I bet not tail recursive.
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it isn't
tail recursion is overrated - as long as you don't bust the stack, tail recursion's overhead isn't worth it.
thelema_: a graph with maybe 100 nodes will overflow it
tail recursion has overhead?
thelema_: and quadratic speed instead of linear makes a difference
kaustuv: not neccessarily.
for basic List operations?
Actualy often tail recursion will have less overhead because it doesn't have to allocate stack frames.
when you say "often", do you mean "always"?
thelema_: concat has to go to the end of the list and then reuild it on the way back. With n nodes with m vertices that takes O(n * m) time, worst case O(n^2).
m vertices each
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Actualy more, O(n * n * m) or something.
n concats of a list that grows by m every run.
two possible overheads to make basic list operations tail recursive: 1) reversing the list at the end, 2) cheating with a mutable list and Obj.magicing it into a proper list.
thelema_: or 3) not caring about the order
Some list operations are just naturally tail recursive
The second obviously has less overhead, but I benchmarked extlib's list functions and found them not as fast as stdlib up to the point that stdlib broke stack
like rev, yes.
Isn't 2 bad for the GC?
I don't think so - no reallocation
just type-system trickery
interferes with the ageing.
even the authors of extlib went through pains to try 1000 steps of non-tail recursion before switching to a tail-recursive algorithm
thelema_: tail recursive is always safer,
thelema_: the cheat with a mutable list makes the algorithm tail recursive too
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yes, that's why they do that cheat. But they do 1000 steps of straightforward looping on the stack before switching algorithms
They actualy switch in the middle if the list becomes too long?
well, they can't do a List.length beforehand to know what algorithm to use...
And how exactly does that help if you have 3 or 4 of them stacked together? The innermost will overflow the stack
so yes, they do normal recursion with a counter, and when that counter gets high enough (1000 by default, IIRC), they switch to a tail-recursive algorithm.
The counting probably costs more time than reversing the list at the end.
it's not perfect, but I don't see maps stacked that deep often. And my computer blows stack around ...
* thelema
Do it perfectly O(n), doing it with counting and reversing O(3n), overflowing the stack O(1)? :P
sanguinev: It tends to overflow the stack just when thesize becomes interesting. :)
So you write your code with simple, small test cases and everything works and then when you use it for real *BOOM*
mrvn: It wouldn't be fun if things just worked the way they were meant to...
If you are working with such algorithms, you should use a better data structure than vanilla lists. Join lists have O(1) concat, for example.
sanguinev: reversing is worse than 3n - GC overhead of allocation
thelema: I wasn't being serious...
especially when your list is larger than the size of the small heap
thelema_: GC overhead is const. allocation is verry fast
not allocation - deallocation.
thelema_: still const
but yes, when you overflow the small heap it becomes more expensive
maybe... but a big enough constant that I'd rather not.
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Then again, if your list is that big then non-tail-recursive will overflow the stack.
thelema_: and mutable lists don't need the List.rev and no extra allocations.
of course there's reasons people use the built-in List.
And don't forget that a List.concat will allocate as well. If you can eliminate a List.concat from the loop by doing a List.rev at the end you will always win.
if you're working with a lot of data, it's usually not the right data structure.
I wouldn't say that. You just have to be carefull what you do.
Extlib's List.concat only re-allocates its first argument
thelema_: which is usualy the bigger one.
but if it's not... I wouldn't want to rev.
If it is not then you can move the concat into the inner loop where you build the smaller list, turn that tail recursive and append the elements as you build them one by one.
which is why the first one is usualy the big one. :)
Just use a double-ended queue if your algorithm involves repeated snocing
I agree that it sucks when your code dies at an unpredictable N size of input, but it's important to note that especially for the situations where List is actually the right data structure, it's often not worth the extra costs of tail recursion.
I just don't see the extra cost. I usualy havesomething that runs in O(n^2) or O(n^3) and then the cost of O(n) for List.rev at the end is irelevant.
Or n is so small that it doesn't matter either way.
There are many cases where you know the list will be ~10 items and then just do whatever reads best.
But if I know the list will be O(n) big then I take some pain to make it tail-recursive. I hate when the stack overflows.
If that means not using lists then that is an option too. :)
I just CPS transform my whole program because I am deathly afraid of the stack
kaustuv: hehe.
kaustuv: good call
kaustuv: at university we did that when learning to write a compiler. Makes code generation quite simple.
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hey is there any build-in type that have method toString ????
What are you looking for exactly paul424?
I am looking for an object which would meeet my specification ;) i.e. it must have the method toStyring
as far as I look over there isn't any ready to use objects .........
so best would be to write a wrapper around Int32 containning toString method
objects do exist in the language, but most people don't really write programs using objects
AxleLonghorn: lecture assigment ;)
val to_string : int32 -> string
Return the string representation of its argument, in signed decimal.
there's a function in the Int32 module that takes an int32 and returns a string
"PING of int*int" is "PING of int and int" ?
no, I think it wouldn't work - you'd need [with PING a,b -> (a,b)]
or maybe not...
(slightly offtopic) There is an odd inconsistency in the ocaml pattern syntax that I've always hated: you can say [function Some(a,b) -> (a,b) | None -> (8,8)] even though Some is a unary constructor.
* thelema
looks up his code
itewsh: yes (first version in the regular syntax, second version in the revised syntax)
Yoric[DT]: he's probably not in revised syntax.
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thelema: sure, I'm just using the revised syntax to show that it's a syntax oddity.
The issue is that there is a difference between a constructor with two parameters and a constructor with one parameter that is a tuple
Yoric[DT]: and to utterly confuse a newbie. :)
thelema: that's a bonus :)
paul424: are you a refugee from SML? If so, you should note that .mli is not quite the same as .sig. In the .mli the signature should be there nakedly, without the name and the sig ... end delimiters.
and in the module there should be no module name and struct ... end.
The module name is inferred from the file name (by capitalizing the first letter of the file name), and the signature is unnamed.
kaustuv: they didn't told me that , thanks ;(
Yoric[DT]: do we have an identity function anywhere in batteries?
thelema: Standard.identity .
(or just identity)
would you expect higher order functions for manipulating 2D/3D vectors ?
(I mean mathematical vectors)
Alpounet: in a library dealing with vectors, I'd expect some higher order functions
ok big thx to everyone, now works ;)
cool :)
thelema, what kind ?
one that would have a functional argument and 2 vectors, then applying the argument two the two vectors ?
to the two vectors*
hmmm... probably not - too easily done with standard syntax
maybe a HO dot product
A HO dot product?
What's that?
Isn't that a [fold] or [fold2]?
higher order dot product, so you can work in a different field...
hmm... yes, that'd be a fold3
err fold2
Ah, ok.
thelema, can you give an example of use ?
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dot plus_mod7 times_mod13 v1 v2
I dunno what you would use that for, though...
maybe for non-int vectors, you'd want to combine and reduce in interesting ways.
dot Matrix.add Matrix.mult v1 v2
for getting the dot product of a pair of vectors whose elements were matrices
I guess we would need someone who actually uses matrices to answer this kind of questions.
wouldn't it be better to define a Vector.Make() functor that takes add and mult arguments?
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kaustuv, actually I plan to parametrize the module by a module defining the operations my module needs for doing operations
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however, there are 2 points of view... One seing vectors as tuple of coordinates, i.e floats, complex numbers, ...
the other being whatever-we-can-put-in-a-vector-space
I'm done with Vector2D and Vector3D, with floats but soon parametrized by a module for operations on floats/complex numbers/...
using things already done in Batteries
Alpounet: is efficiency a top priority?
thelema, I assume it must be efficient, but not necessarly super-efficient
ok. you'd need to defunctorize floats and use a record of floats to get super-efficient
defunctorizing would be a lot nicer if ocamldefun worked :)
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Don't worry, until now, everything is in records
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Thats why I'm wondering if it's necessary to define the generalistic notion of vector
(i.e element of a vector space)
If you want super efficient vectorized FP code, you need to write it in SSE2 assembly. No C compiler is clever enough to do it right.
not even intel's?
if it does, it might require you to write in the exact pattern it recognizes
That's not the goal... The goal is to provide something efficient enough for real world use, not for the quickest-real-time-application-seen
because iirc I've seen C-code that magically gets converted to SSE ops
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I don't know this firsthand (cue salt shaker) but my friends who write games for a living tell me that they routinely get 15x speedup over compiler-generated FP code by writing it by hand.
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Floating-Point or Functional Programming?
Yoric[DT]: I bet Floating Point
Well, gottago, though.
Talk to you later.
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* thelema
finds it distasteful that IString and IRope are duplicated between extSet and extMap
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thelema: don't hesitate to export these into String.IString and String.IRope
* thelema
is doing that now
you mean Rope.IRope
* thelema
is adding his numeric_compare function as a basis for sets and maps
to have "abc32" < "abc210" ( useful for filenames )
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Good idea.
Still, gottago :)
Bye Yoric[DT]
(actually, *very* good idea)
now the big question: ExtString.IString or ExtString.String.IString?
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I'd say the first...
of course the difficult part of all this is how it comes out for the user...
I think ExtString.IString would have to be referenced as that, while ExtString.String.IString would come out as String.IString
The last option is Interfaces.IString
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There's some build problem with test_string - I don't think I broke it, but I can't finish now - gotta get on plane.
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any batteries committer around?
just realized that iter f (PMap.enum x) doesn't yield the elements in the same order as PMap.iter
same for PSet, Map and Set
Can you file a bug?
I'll try and take a look this evening or tomorrow.
... untested because conditional compilation is failing
w/ GODI -section 3.11 the redefined Gc.control record doesn't match INRIA's
the conditional compilation magic for mutable allocation_policy : int; is failing
Hi. when compiling I get a Fatal error: exception Failure("Ocaml and preprocessor have incompatible versions"). How can I check the versions of ocaml and of the compiled syntax extension I'm dealing with?
if I do build/optcomp/optcomp_o.byte src/core/extlib.mli in _build (ocamlbuild's), the output doesn't have allocation_policy in Gc.control, even though the version is version 3.11.0
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yziquel____: as a workaround, you can try to add pr_o.cmo to the camlp4o command you're using
so that it goes through the textual representation, instead of a serialized AST
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Uhh... how do insert pr_o.cmo in such a statement: ocamlfind ocamldep -syntax camlp4o -package pgocaml.statements *.mli *.ml > makefile-depend
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mfp: it would be nice to have a testcase we could add to our testsuite.