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<beneroth> Good morning
<beneroth> Sounds like pilCon Online will not be an pico event
<beneroth> :-)
<rob_w> good morning .. hey about that jisti .. seems there is online "mobile" clients ? not a linux client available ??
<rob_w> s/online/only
<Regenaxer> Hi beneroth, rob_w!
<Regenaxer> Sorry, I can't talk here for a while, busy in phone calls
<beneroth> rob_w, no client needed for linux
<beneroth> just a modern browser
<rob_w> ah isee .. nice
<beneroth> on mobile jitsi meet actually denies to work in the browser and wants the app (which is FOSS, too)
<beneroth> but the web version has actually more features
<beneroth> both can be used with self-hosted instances
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<beneroth> Good morning mtsd
<mtsd> Good morning beneroth!
<mtsd> How are you?
<beneroth> Fine, thanks :)
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<beneroth> [security] OpenSSL needs an update, unclear if patches are available yet:
<tankf33der> void and archlinux already pushed.
<beneroth> ubuntu/debian currently missing, afaik
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* beneroth facepalms about the ML discussion...
<beneroth> yes type-bits within pointer values is probably a pretty advanced topic, but still...
<Regenaxer> Yeah, sigh
<Regenaxer> Though I would not say advanced. But it is perfect for PicoLisp because it has only so few types
<Regenaxer> Kashyap is OK, he is just experimenting around, playing. But Guido talks as if he's serious
<Regenaxer> I should not answer, don't feed the trolls, but could not stand it
<Regenaxer> bbl
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<beneroth> I think it was good you answered
<beneroth> the important people in such open discussions are not the people directly involved, but the silent audience
<beneroth> especially as the ML archive is an important part of the available picolisp documentation
<beneroth> years later people will stumble upon this writings. better if their is a correction nearby.
<beneroth> s/their/there
<tankf33der> offtopic:
<Regenaxer> beneroth: right
<beneroth> tankf33der, nice, so another lisp feature makes it into mainstream ;-)
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<Nistur> still working my way through gtypist with Penti.. I'm getting better, still missing some of the alphabet but I'm getting more comfortable with the shapes etc... I have a couple of thoughts... None are suggestions for change, just observations... The first, it's particularly awkward to type English with it. While, to some extent it doesn't matter what the chords are as long as you can remember them, the
<Nistur> most used letters in english are, I believe, in rough order, ETAONRHS... three of those are single press chords. T, the second most common letter, requires 4 touches. The second thing is that, while I am still having to do each exercise multiple times to get under 3% error on gtypist, almost all of my issues are related to the touchscreen, either me slipping, or misjudging and doing an arpeggio instead
<Nistur> of a chord... issues that would be solved by physical switches
<beneroth> yeah the arpeggio issue I'd too. got better, but I don't use penti as often as would be good
<beneroth> the most annoying one I had in the beginning that I wanted to the backspace arpeggio, but touched wrong or got the timing wrong, writing many llllllllllllll instead
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