Lofty changed the topic of #prjmistral to: Project Mistral: Yosys (and hopefully nextpnr) on Cyclone FPGAs - - logs:
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<Lofty> Sarayan: lmao
<Sarayan> :-)
<Lofty> Also, small announcement
<Lofty> Symbiotic have donated a C10GX board
<Sarayan> wow
<Lofty> Or, more specifically
<Lofty> *the* C10GX board
<Sarayan> "the"?
<Lofty> The $1200 one from Terasic
<Sarayan> ouch
<Lofty> Hey, if they can afford it, why not :P
<Sarayan> at some point I really should buy the nano :-)
<Lofty> That you should
<Sarayan> do you know cmake?
<Lofty> I know enough CMake to intensely dislike it
<Sarayan> do you know something better than can do windows so I don't have to care about it?
<Lofty> Meson, I believe
<Sarayan> urgh
<Sarayan> I've seen meson
<Sarayan> I'm... not convinced
<Lofty> Well, let's put this a different way
<Lofty> What do you actually need either for?
<Sarayan> compile the library, fmaker and the tools
<Sarayan> if it can use ninja, even better
<Sarayan> ok, latest version pushed
<Sarayan> nodetypes.ipp and are why I don't want that public yet fwiw
<Sarayan> also, I suspect the "PI" of "RPI" is "Physical Implementation"
<Lofty> Sarayan: meson uses ninja
<Sarayan> also, cmake looks like it's become as stardard as make, which is a point in its favor
<Lofty> Mmm
<Lofty> Hope you asked WQ before inviting her :P
<Sarayan> Actually no, but she'll tell that she's not interested if she isn't
<Sarayan> +me
<Lofty> Mhm, fair
<Lofty> Wonder who else might want to be in the private repo. mwk and daveshah come to mind.
<Sarayan> sure, I've put you owner too so that you can add the appropriate people
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<trabucayre> I've the answer of my interrogation. It's a private repo. :)
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<Lofty> If you did, I missed it
<Sarayan> missed what, the fact that you're co-owner?
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<Lofty> [12:51:54] trabucayre: I've the answer of my interrogation. It's a private repo. :)
<Lofty> [14:42:37] Lofty: If you did, I missed it
<trabucayre> ah ok! It's for me :) In fact the answer has been done before I ask. :)
<trabucayre> i'm interested with prjmistral but not seen evolution in corresponding repo. This why my interrogation.
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<awygle> > Wonder who else might want to be in the private repo
* awygle waves
<awygle> i will be unhelpful, but i am interested
<trabucayre> idem. But I've missed the ultimate doc: how to start...
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<Sarayan> altera is weird
<Sarayan> most of the n:1 routing is muxes, where an active link is one or two bits set
<Sarayan> no active link is *all* bits set
<daveshah> That is very typical
<daveshah> Full decoding is more expensive logic wise, one hot is more expensive SRAM wise
<daveshah> So usually they do a tradeoff
<Sarayan> sure, but all *set* for no link?
<daveshah> Probably to do with stopping signals floating
<Sarayan> would that induce a risk of short-circuit?
<daveshah> In the typical implementation, yes
<Sarayan> if two potential sources are active, for instance
<daveshah> Have you confirmed this happens where the sources are active?
<Sarayan> I'm not sure how I could do that, but otoh the code sets the bits if the link is not used, no other test there
<daveshah> Are you sure about that? Looking at an empty Cyclone V bitstream, it is mostly zeroes
<Sarayan> you have a method to generate a full empty bitstream?
<daveshah> Not technically empty, but it was a design containing a single wire or something
<daveshah> so 99.99+% of muxes should be unused
<Sarayan> ok
<Sarayan> yeah
<Sarayan> hmmm
<Sarayan> almost empty firmware has ~355k bits set, while I have 12.7M bits of mux
<Sarayan> so yeah, something else is going on
<Sarayan> I just confirmed I have no collisions on the 12730264 bits, that's good
<Sarayan> (that's for the sx120f)
<Lofty> Since I don't know when y'all are going to sleep
<Lofty> Tomorrow's my birthday >.>
<Sarayan> hey cool
<Sarayan> mine's the 9th
<awygle> oh awesome
<awygle> what do you want for your birthday? lol
<Sarayan> moar fpgas! ;-)
<Lofty> <awygle> what do you want for your birthday? lol <--- friends /s
* awygle glances around room=]