should hopefully have clocks and FFs working in the next few days and then blinky, and then hopefully not much further to attosoc!
also if anyone knows a better way of programming RBFs without Quartus than sitting as an RNDIS gadget and flinging them over ssh, then I'm all ears
you'll need pll too, I'm starting to understand things about them though
for blinky?
for attosoc
fabric clock divider should be good enough to start with
in any case, attosoc might meet timing at 50MHz even without timing driven PnR
true, you do have enough information to get the clock input to anywhere you want at this point, which is rather cool
is the cmuhg doc understandable btw?
the other cmux are going to be similar if it's ok
yeah, it should be enough to get a basic clock routed which is the main thing
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it got much clearer once I got the schematic down
the other thing that'd be really great to document at some point is the mlab & m10k pin mappings for their different modes; and how the config bits should be set as well
I suspect m10k is more interesting than mlab at the start
yeah, that seems reasonable
note that for mlab, m10k and friends there is no information that I have that is not in mistral
iow, we're going to have to do fimwares with a specific config, and see how it looks like through decomp
so I think the main thing I need for those is the mapping from cell pins to pnode (which I suspect varies depending on width mode, etc)
yeah, that will probably have to be traced
somebody has to do it :-)
it might be worth making a tool that can trace these pin mappings; based on routing to fixed IO or location locked DFFs
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I think routes2 does some route resolution alreadu
I think routes2 does some route resolution already
or maybe it's routes without a 2
yeah, it does, and it's been very useful already :)
the remaining part is the bit that sets up the constrained pins/dffs and does the tracing
*correlates the traced routes
we probably could whip up some python for that
tbh, the most annoying part is building a list of pins we can use :-)
and an example verilog of whatever with an explicit instancing we can connect to the pins
it's very much in my todo list but I put the priority on what other people couldn't easily do
sure, that's very reasonable
I need to nerdsnipe you into adding Arria 10 support too, so I can use those cards I bought :p
(dw I've got plenty of work to do scaling up nextpnr's performance first...)
gatecat: I believe trabucayre has support for Cyclone V in openocd?
you mean openFPGALoader?
it looks like it needs an svf file, and I don't think we have a tool to generate those yet
gatecat: Depends, are you going to pay to get me a quartus pro license?
There is no non-paying quartus for arria10 afaict
Sarayan: no, but we could ask rombik_su nicely.
ah excellent, the readme only mentions svf
and given buying an arrai10 board in the first place is fucking expensive, I'm not that attracted
Sarayan: can I twist your arm into Cyclone 10 GX instead for my obnoxiously expensive dev board
(that one *is* free)
Lofty: quartus pro has as extra compressed/encrypted perhaps-xml stuff in addition to the ddb that describes the configurations of the blocks that's real annoying
Well, failing that, we already have the databases for Arria V, somewhere
tbh, I'd love to solve timings before I go in-depth in qpro
That I can help with ^.^
mostly I'm trying to trace how quartus_sta works on a toy project
It's fucking complicated
Sarayan: I think you're looking at that wrong
As we understand it, STA uses the spice models, right?
For routing it's impractical to actually use SPICE for timing
mostly yeah
So they've probably got a database of timings somewhere already
oh, they do
That's what we need :P
find out of the get quartus_fit to dump per-step timings and I'll get you the db
at that point I can only do that with sta
find a way to get something better that maximum usable clock out of fit and sure, I'll avoid spice
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Well, it's interesting to note you can call the quartus_sta functions from quartus_fit
the dmf files are the within-block timings, the fdi files are the routing timings (both are seriously annoying to use mind you), when spice is activated it also uses the ddb_cyclonev_*_model.ddb files with have the internal block descriptions (they're hell)
so if you can get timing outputs *without* the model files being used (you can check that with PDB_ASCII_DUMP) you win
a normal run of fit doesn't use the model files
only dmf and fdi
must admit I'd be really curious to see what the spice models looked like
although given they contain probably quite detailed and proprietary process information, might be best not to make too much noise about them either
mwahahaha no
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they contain a connection network, r*c measurements, distances, and probably some driving power info
no transistors?
didn't look like it much
that sounds more like the model Xilinx use (drive strengths, Rs and Cs)
I'd barely call that SPICE
afaik that's kinda the model VPR uses too
There might be a reason for that :P
but I'm not 100% certain, because I'm nowhere near understanding everything yet
really feels like that though
Now to try to remember the magical PDB_DUMP_ASCII invocation