also, apropos of nothing and if you're bored, you can do a nm libccl_xml.so | fgrep _ZL15xml_basics_of_e
which gives you an address
Now I need to find a command line AES decoder so I can fail to decrypt the Quartus XML files
then do an objdump -s libccl_xml.so and look at that address
I'm sure there's some python that can do it and do the unpacking after
Sarayan has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Ah, the copyright police got to Sarayan already?
you wouldn't steal a..... AES key
gatecat: the funniest bit of that is that it's an anti-piracy video with no license for the music, so it's pirating the music, and that's why it disappeared suddenly
I hadn't heard that part of the story before
Sarayan has joined #prjmistral
ECB, no chaining
Damn, they're all dead ;-)
In the same vein, quartus pro is not at all using the exact same format and encryption key, of course not, no siree
Hi Sarayan
I'm alive
Good :-)
For real though, there's no timing information in these as far as I can see
Descriptions, but no timing data
Which is a touch frustrating
Sarayan: have you checked the .sin files?
dmf has precalculated in-block timings, fdi has a combination of rc and actual timings, model has in-depth description of the inner of blocks with r/c and friends
sin files are pile-of-numbers iirc
Hmm, okay
there's rough block-block delays used by synthesis, things to do with mtbf and some "aiot" stuff I'm not sure what it is
MTBF analysis is used for checking clock crossing stability
So that's why you're looking at fdi?
fdi has the routing delays and the routing rcs
so it's reather necessary
I *think* fit uses the delays and sta the rcs
I'm going to keep hitting on the fdi, if you find information in the xml or anywhere else that allows to validate/complete the block schematics it would be cool
gatecat: which do you think we should use, given that nextpnr basically *is* the STA tool
Sarayan: as for the XMLs, I think they at least make good reference points for diagrams
nextpnr is the fit tool too :-)
It is, but I think we'll do better if we have the more accurate timings in nextpnr
It's not like we're gonna be slower than Quartus ;)
If there was a magic signoff tool then we could consider giving nextpnr something faster
But right now I think RC delay is the primary objective
this morning you were saying it wasn't :-)
yeah RC delays are ideal
These things are complicated ^^;
we can always use a simpler RC model for routing than for signoff
I might need to add support for something like that for the interchange stuff anyway, depending on how it goes
Sarayan: personally I never said RC delays weren't what we wanted, BTW, it was full SPICE models that would be too slow
RC values are definitely not the same as SPICE models and certainly won't involve any kind of full circuit simulation
basically the way the model works is just adding and multiplying things to determine time constants
not at all sure how spicy their spice is
og.kervella.org/quartus.ini gives you an amusing amount of debug dumps when running sta
the big question is whether anything is actually modelling transistors, or just RC delays
Can't tell yet
trying that ini the only thing I can see that looks like a spice netlist is for IO timing (which nextpnr doesn't really do much with yet in any event)
etrig has quit [Quit: leaving]
which file do you identify as a spice netlist?
the jsp files, created for each output pin