not sure how it interacts with latexmk though
Okay, built and pushed
so.... that means you can FF the same lut output on two different clocks/enables
that's interesting
makes having two ffs per lut possibly more interesting
Sarayan: I mean, I suspect that the only time it gets used in practice is if the same LUT is used with two different enables
Lofty: Yeah, that's pretty much the only way that makes sense in practice, even if I suspect there potentially other funky cases, like clocks with the same frequency but different phases
Sarayan: in the CMUXHG diagram (for now I'm only considering the general routing inputs, a tiny bit of general routing in the clock path isn't generally a big deal to start with), do you know why CLKIN feeds both 27 and 33?
I'm not entirely convinced it makes any real sense no
you could use the direct clock pin -> cmux path
yeah, they need to be added but I started with clocks from fabric because that's most general
gatecat: I kinda suspect that between the clock pin and pll counters direct links they're not that used in practice
they would be useful if we want to divide a clock in fabric, which we might need for testing before plls are working
but yeah, a good design and a correct PCB layout* shouldn't need them at all
Sure, but I mean eventually in real designs :-)
* gatecat
has never messed up a pcb layout and not used a correct clock pin, definitely never :p
I suspect wherever the clock is coming from, you want to plonk it in a pll anyway
I presume there is some dedicated IO to PLL routing, too ?
clock pin yes, otherwise it's the usual DCMUX
right, that makes sense
there's pll-pll direct links too, to cascade them
are these in mistral already?
Not yet
I've started studying the plls, they're interesting
9 counter ouputs + m, bunch of direct links all over the place
they really worked their clocks
of course, given how important they are, they better
are there a bunch of weird analog parameters for the PLL, too?
I don't think so
good, that makes things easier
for sure
lattice have them, but ecppll kinda fudges them and probably isn't giving optimum loop bandwidth in all cases