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<TimMc> Yes, definitely Etherpad, not Sandstorm.
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<TimMc> I ran into a bug trying to combine someone's accounts, and I'm not sure if it's already filed. #1383 looks similar.
<TimMc> She had an account with a bunch of grains and a Google login, and another with no grains and an email login.
<TimMc> I deleted the email-login account, and she was able to log in via Google and then link the email account... but when she tries to log in using the email address, it says "invalid token" or something.
<TimMc> I suspect that while the credential linking succeeded because the old account was deleted, the email login is finding the old, deleted account first and denying a session on that basis.
<TimMc> From the Admin screen, it shows both the email and google credentials as Verified and Can log in.
<TimMc> Presumably the situation will resolve in 7 days when that deleted account finally gets processed...
<isd> Etherpad is also incredibly out of date, so probably updating it should happen before hunting down specific bugs.
<CaptainCalliope> OpenCollective let's you set up webhooks for when things happen on the platform. Is there like a bot situation we could set up so we can get notifications here whenever someone makes a donation?
<CaptainCalliope> kentonv: I keep forgetting to ask you. What's the history of the brand design and visuals? The sandcat mascot, all the purple stuff, etc, and this friggin' beautiful work of art:
<CaptainCalliope> And was the Sandstorm logo created before the rest of all that?
<kentonv> CaptainCalliope, I made the logo based on an idea described by Jade. The sandcat and that artwork were made by Nena, who was Sandstorm's designer.
<kentonv> (I think I created the logo some time before any code at all had been written for Sandstorm itself...)
<CaptainCalliope> Just found this: I love her style so much!
<CaptainCalliope> If we ever get to the point where we're doing new marketing visual design type stuff, do you think she'd be willing to come back for an encore or two? :D
<kentonv> probably
<CaptainCalliope> When migrating a bunch of grains to another instance, do collection grains migrate over and keep working without a problem? Like, I imagine collections know the capabilities they hold, but do they also somehow know the new locations of the grains in the collection?
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<TimMc> CaptainCalliope: If you want to approach it empirically, I can give you access to my instance (
<dckc> not I want to learn that trick <>
<TimMc> dckc: The core of it is hooking up certbot to some mechanism for setting DNS records with your domain provider:
<dckc> thanks!
<kentonv> CaptainCalliope, no, collections don't migrate correctly. Mass transfers are implemented in terms of backup/restore. If you try to download a backup of a collection, you'll actually see some UI that warns you that all the capabilities will become broken. The mass transfer UI doesn't have any chance to tell you that but it's also true there...
<dckc> ouch
<kentonv> it's a complicated problem. Does the transferred collection point to the original grains, or the new grains? What if only some of the grains in the collection are transferred as part of the same transfer? What if some of the grains belong to different people?
<kentonv> not that I don't believe we could come up with answers that usually work, but... it's hard
<TimMc> Grains don't have universally unique IDs?
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<kentonv> TimMc, backup/restore and mass transfer create copies of grains, so they can't have the same ID.
<CaptainCalliope> I've been creating the office hour notes by treating the previous week's notes as a template by downloading uploading, so doesn't make sense in this case.
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<CaptainCalliope> Do grains know anything about the environments that live in? If grains kept a history of where they've been that could maybe be useful for this question.
<kentonv> I think what's needed is when making a backup of a grain, the backup metadata needs to record all of the outgoing capabilities the grain holds, with some information about what each of these capabilities is. On restore, something needs to decide what to hook up each of those capabilities to. This would likely be a heuristic process and maybe even human-guided.
<kentonv> if it's restored by the same account on the same server then it could perhaps be hooked up to all the same existing grains. If it's restored in the context of a mass transfer, it could check if the target grains were part of the transfer, and if so hook up to the transferred grains.
<kentonv> I guess another thing we could do is, when making a backup of a grain that links to other grains, we ask the user if those other grains should be part of the backup. In that case, restoring the backup restores the whole bundle, with the same connections....
<isd> captaincalliope: For SandMD I usually just copy & paste, since the whole state of the grain is just that blob of text.
<CaptainCalliope> Oh. Huh.
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