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<dckc> wishing for a sandstorm microblogging app
<isd> Right now working on a calendar.
<isd> Apparently there are iCalendar implementations out there that will wrap lines IN THE MIDDLE OF A CODEPOINT
<isd> It'd be interesting to play with "single-user" activitypub apps
<isd> Maybe it would make sense to have a driver app for activitypub.
<CaptainCalliope> <isd "Maybe it would make sense to hav"> I've been thinking that, but haven't had a chance to bring it up yet.
<CaptainCalliope> There's a notion in my head that combining ocaps with some features of activitypub could make for some interesting socially driven systems programming.
<CaptainCalliope> Like, forget microblogging and newsfeeds, the social web can start with tools for managing capability security and building up from there.
<CaptainCalliope> I don't know if I'm making any sense. I might be friday night loopy. It's been a week.
<CaptainCalliope> But like, has anybody explored using activitypub for machine to machine communications? I think there's a there there.
<CaptainCalliope> I really need to send an intro to Christopher Webber at some point here.. been meaning to talk with him about this stuff.
<dckc> ah. so you know about Christopher Webber already (IRC nick: dustyweb, FYI).
<CaptainCalliope> I've been involved with the internet identity crowd a bit on and off over the years. We've shared space together but I didn't know anything about his work until a few months ago. His work is part of what led me back here.
<isd> It'd be nice to have a protocol that would make it possible for a driver app to keep the capabilities in a message opaque to the app. URIs make that a little difficult.
<dckc> the #indieweb in me is itching to upgrade my blog using one of these jamstack things... gatsby is pretty scary... maybe gridsome (vue.js rather than react). Then I get thinking about reason. I did some ocaml dev a few weeks ago and loved it.
<isd> (building on top of capnproto is a fairly obvious possibility here, especially if we someday get multi-party protocol support)
<isd> OCaml is great.
<CaptainCalliope> Hehe. Jamstack makes me laugh because I'd thought that was the ideal we were working back to all along. lol But no, it's this nEw TrEnDy ThInG.
<dckc> I suspect you just missed Christopher Webber on Friam this morning:!msg/friam/n2CtGDSbqRw/764hjp-cBAAJ
<dckc> it might be recorded
<dckc> meanwhile, I think the RSS feed on my web site doesn't even work. basics.
<isd> My website is still jekyll. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
<dckc> oh. actually, I guess my site isn't _that_ broken.
<dckc> flask frozen pages, here
<isd> Basically the same setup since 2013.
<dckc> "MadMode goes from fried to baked with Frozen-Flask"
<CaptainCalliope> <dckc "I suspect you just missed Christ"> Yeah, I'm not on that list. Also, I don't track him very closely. Got like 600 mastadon posts of his queued up in my rss reader. lol
<CaptainCalliope> <isd "It'd be nice to have a protocol "> Could you explain this a bit more?
<dckc> yeah... please... what is it that URIs make difficult? Capability URIs (webkeys) work pretty well in my experience.
<isd> dckc: I guess the thing is I'd like to be able to have apps be able to follow capabilities in messages, without otherwise granting them network access. For that to work, the caps really need to be "out of band" from the rest of the message.
<dckc> huh? the capabilities should grant exactly the relevant rights: read rights, for example. seems a natural fit.
<dckc> there _is_ a problem of making links to things where some people following the link are authorized (once they "log in") and others are not. tricky rights amplification scenario. big confused deputy risk.
<dckc> e.g. in Tahoe-LAFS, you can derive an ID capability from a read capability... that would let your browser know whether to turn the link purple.
<dckc> "don't separate designation from authority" is one of the main ocap mottos, no?
<isd> By "out of band," I mean they're not just secret bits from the perspective of they app. I guess the key thing is that the driver would need to be able to distinguish between caps and "data," so that it could mediate interactions properly
<dckc> CaptainCalliope, what I meant about Chris W. and friam is: in 1 hour, you might have caught up on years of his work.
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<CaptainCalliope> Gotcha. 👍🏼
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<dckc> I'm getting a blank page and "OFFLINE" on the agenda for Tuesday office hours
<dckc> didn't have a link to sandstorm-dev? did somebody take it out?
<CaptainCalliope> I may have accidentally. I revamped it a couple weeks ago.
<dckc> as to agenda, I'm still interested in help with backups ( ) and my own domain ( )
<dckc> it's pretty clear that the details are available, but not in a package that I feel confident using. It could be beyond what office hours is good for; it could be that I need to sit with a sysadmin friend.
<dckc> where "sit" mostly means "share screen" and not necessarily physical proximity
<dckc> what _is_ within what office hours is good for is: hearing experience reports
<isd> dckc: It seems to be working for me, weird. Is anyone else having this problem?
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