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<isd> Most fo what's on the website, I feel like if someone asked me about, I'd be able to say "yeah, that's more or less the case, but you should be aware that it's a bit less product-y than the website makes it sound, because it hasn't really been updated since the business shut down"
<isd> I don't think I could honestly present blackrock as a serious part of sandstorm. I might feel differently if anyone was even talking about actually working on it...
<xet7> Is it possible to add blackrock features be added to self-hosted Sandstorm?
<xet7> Would it in some way make sense
<CaptainCalliope> I was under the impression that the org features had been added to self-hosted. Speaking of which.. I should turn that on in my instance to play with them..
<CaptainCalliope> But I imagine there are seperate scaling features that we're talking about here?
<xet7> Yes. Scaling, self-healing if some instance dies, storage at S3 or elsewhere, encrypted grains.
<xet7> incremental backups to other grains at cluster
<CaptainCalliope> Oh, yeah. I want that.
<isd> I'd kinda rather work towards solutions for that that are useful to individuals. Ideally folks would be able to use each other's server for backups without having to 100% trust them. Blackrock is very much a "single admin" design, rather than a more federated approach.
<isd> Also, I've only skimmed bits of the code, but it seems like a lot of bits are wholly separate implementations (e.g. the whole grain-storage-on-nbd thing), and I don't really want to maintain those in parallel.
<xet7> Mass Transfer is a nice beginning. It would be nice to schedule mass transfers as a backup from my cloud sandcats server to my home computer.
<xet7> And then trigger some diffing so that only incremental changes would take disk space
<isd> This is whetting my appetite more for the "system grains" ticket I opened earlier today:
<isd> I think it would make experimenting with designs easier.
<isd> And, per the issue, chasing after a bunch of ambitious features without that makes me nervous
<xet7> Yes, system grains could simplify implementations
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