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<TimMc> kentonv: Oh true, it's really the capabilities that need to be identified.
<TimMc> Incidentally, it looks like we might be using my Sandstorm server for some neighborhood preparedness stuff, in light of covid-19. :-)
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<CaptainCalliope> Meeting in 15 minutes!
<abliss> i'm on the phone bridge and can't hear anyone. net split or empty meeting?
<CaptainCalliope> I'm talking. Hm.
<CaptainCalliope> You can't hear me?
<abliss> nope. lemme redial
<CaptainCalliope> I was playing with my audio drivers. Let me reboot. May take me a minute.
<ocdtrekkie> I couldn't hear anyone either, dialed in via phone.
<CaptainCalliope> Feel free to get started without me if y'all can hear each other.
<abliss> i still hear nothing :(
<abliss> i'll try the web call i guess
<ocdtrekkie> I can hear background noise now.
<abliss> ok jake and i are connected on the phone bridge now
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<CaptainCalliope> If someone could read out my update that'd be awesome. :)
<abliss> i will
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<CaptainCalliope> For those who weren't on the call, last night I got notification that our fiscal sponsorship request with the Open Source Collective has been accepted! Which means we're one step closer to raising funds!
<CaptainCalliope> Something I did not mention is that I now have this form to fill out.
<CaptainCalliope> Which has some details in need of figuring out.
<ocdtrekkie> is my example milestone for "Improve self-hosting experience (2020)". I threw a couple core issues on there, and a couple bite size ones I noticed I feel are worthwhile.
<ocdtrekkie> If there are other issues that people think should go on that milestone, let me know. And if there's another group of issues you'd like to define as a milestone, let me know that too.
<CaptainCalliope> This is great. I like the idea of framing milestones this way rather than having big timeframe-based milestone that touch every part of the product/project.
<CaptainCalliope> At least for where we are right now.
<CaptainCalliope> Also, framing milestones this way affords us opportunities to coherently communicate work being done to the wider community.
<CaptainCalliope> As part of the priorities discussion we -could- use the milestones list as a starting point. Evaluating each one, if they still make sense, if they have all the issues they need, etc.
<ocdtrekkie> It also gives contributors a clear todo list that's a little more focused than the whole issues list.
<ocdtrekkie> I didn't put anything particularly aggressive on that milestone either, I wanted to keep it to stuff I am sure we can knock out quickly, except for backups, which I think we all agree needs a clear story in the short term.
<ocdtrekkie> If isd gets a chance, I'd love him to define the specific issues he considers on the "this year ideally" milestone for the Powerbox/API area, since that's an important milestone too.
<CaptainCalliope> That's so exciting to me. The powerbox is the part sandstorm that made me look at it again and realize I wanted to commit some time to the project.
<ocdtrekkie> My self-hosting experience milestone is very focused on server admins, but I may also throw together a quick one for user-side UI, like duplicate grains and dark mode and the like.
<CaptainCalliope> Don't you mean..... light mode? ;)
<CaptainCalliope> It'd be cool to pass light/dark mode switch from os into the browser into the shell into the apps.
<ocdtrekkie> Well, much like Microsoft Windows default, Sandstorm's UI features dark bars/menus and light windows/screens.
<CaptainCalliope> It's crazy how fast this concept solidified and got integrated into platforms.
<ocdtrekkie> specifically cites using the way browsers have started to signal to websites the user prefers dark/light modes.
<ocdtrekkie> When there's a browser that's a monopoly that can ignore any standards committee it disagrees with, change can happen pretty fast.
<ocdtrekkie> Google: "This is a new feature for the web." Firefox/Safari: "Okay, I guess?"
<CaptainCalliope> Heh. I share your saltiness.
<ocdtrekkie> Honestly, the weirdest thing to me about iOS, Android, etc. now going all-in on dark modes, is that I'm like "it took you this long?"
<ocdtrekkie> I was on Windows Mobile until last month, and full system-wide dark/light UI configuration has been a thing since 2012.
<CaptainCalliope> I'd make fun of you for that, except windows mobile was hella cool.
<CaptainCalliope> I wish there had been room in the market for it and FirefoxOS.
<ocdtrekkie> What really gets me is that Microsoft gave up on Windows Mobile one version prior to supporting PWAs in Windows 10.
<ocdtrekkie> Web apps is the only way minority OSes are going to get well-known apps.
<CaptainCalliope> Which could have made the difference. Yeah.
<ocdtrekkie> I am excited about my PinePhone though. I haven't had much time to play with it. (Especially since in my rare hobby time, I try to spend it on Sandstorm.)
<ocdtrekkie> But until it's daily driver ready, my iPhone will have to suffice.
<isd> kentonv: in web-publishing.capnp, is there a reasont that get{,NotFound}Entities returns an assignable, instead of having setEntities that accept entities as arguments? I'm not sure what the indirection buys us.
<isd> I guess it lets you attenuate more easily. I'd had assignable == setter in my head, but it does a bit more than that.
<kentonv> isd, it's been a long time since I wrote that, but my guess is (1) I wanted to factor out getter/setter pairs for DRY reasons (especially in implementation), and (2) I felt that being able to subscribe to change notifications would be an important feature
<kentonv> maybe I also cared about the ability to detect races in read-modify-write
<kentonv> but I dunno, it's also possible that I got carried away with over-engineering