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<xet7> It uses old meteor and node
<isd> cool, glad you got it working. At some point I'll find time to mess with updating meteor-spk.
<xet7> :)
<ocdtrekkie> isd: Can you look at ?
<ocdtrekkie> Upon which I can merge down all the non-release-related stuff.
<isd> Sure, give me a minute.
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<ocdtrekkie> Thanks for your help, isd. I'll probably wrap up the actually release this weekend. While I'm testing my updates, I want to have it check a couple more things are accurate prior to publishing a release. Especially before we put an Action on it and let it run off and play on it's own.
<isd> No problem
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<ill_logic> Huh. I guess freenode doesn't like Matrix?
<isd> I've been getting kicked occasionally
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<ocdtr_web> I am having fun with fonts.
<ocdtr_web> The way is setup, where you can grab is really handy for websites. Except for Docs (for now), we use a single location for all of the fonts on the website, so they cache well.
<ocdtr_web> I think I would want to reorganize this a bit: mostly to not have layered WOFF/OTF subfolders for not any particular good reason, but also to add WOFF2, which is newer/better for browsers that support it.
<ocdtr_web> But my thought was: If we keep a good clean set of fonts in each Sandstorm server's /fonts directory, perhaps we add Source Serif Pro and Source Code Pro (which are serif and mono fonts meant to compliment Source Sans), and ensure any client sandboxing in the future permits apps to access them, apps could use Sandstorm's "system font" without any
<ocdtr_web> significant performance impact, right?
<isd> Yeah, I think that's a good idea.
<isd> I'd been thinking it would be a good optimization generally for apps to be able to host static assets in a location that's grain-independent, so they can be cached across sessions and between different grains.
<isd> That's slightly fiddlier though, since you need to decide how access control should work; e.g. do we need to block access to assets for an app that the user doesn't have any accessable grains for, to avoid leaking what apps are installed?
<isd> But I think some common stuff that all grains can use under /fonts or such makes sense
<isd> Maybe a specific subdomain so we can still control access to those resources via CSP separately.
<ocdtr_web> It's very simple though in the case of stuff Sandstorm brings with it to every server.
<ocdtr_web> I kinda was thinking about like, your todo app in it's glorious Times New Roman on my system, and combined "a little style wouldn't hurt" with "well, would it though?"
<ocdtr_web> Presumably though you could match Sandstorm's own font style with no additional download.
<isd> Yeah, I think it's a good idea, and easy enough to do.
<isd> Is there an issue for it?
<ocdtr_web> Not yet, but I'll make one. I also want to revise the fonts folder first. Probably format it like to be less verbose and nested in the world's most useless manner.
<isd> I think something like maybe, just so we can control all the approved assets via CSP.
<isd> ...maybe we should go farther than fonts at some point and provide a standard set of styles that "matches" sandstorm. Something for apps to use instead of bootstrap.
<isd> so developers like me who don't really want to spend time picking out colors and such can just include that and have something that blends in
<ocdtr_web> That's where I'm leaning, at least for fonts for now.
<isd> Starting with fonts is I think the right thing.
<ocdtr_web> If you include Sandstorm's sourcesans.css in your app, and then set your font-family to use it, it should look like it fits in Sandstorm's UI.
<ocdtr_web> I want to say Nena wanted to create a style guide for apps to use including colors and the like at one point.
<isd> Tangentially, I kinda would like to re-work things so that sandstorm actually injects (the current version of) sandstorm-http-bridge into the grain at runtime, so it doesn't have to actually be included in the package.
<isd> This would make shipping fixes easier, and make spks a bit smaller.
<ocdtr_web> I like small spks.
<ocdtr_web> There's a strong goal of not breaking existing SPKs going back forever, but I don't think sandstorm-http-bridge has had a breaking change that would kill old apps, has it?
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<isd> Not that I know of.
<isd> Opened an issue about it.
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