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<abliss> ooh, the usage display looks like a perfect bite-size task for me to explore a change to core. if I ever get it to build.
<isd> abliss: if you're just working on the javascript parts (which is all you should need for that), you can run `sandstorm dev-shell` from the root of the repo and it will replace the UI on a local dev server.
<isd> So you don't need to get the C++ building for that.
<abliss> is there already an HTTP api for hitting the database column with the grain size?
<isd> You may have to publish an appropriate subscription, not sure.
<isd> Are you familiar with meteor?
<ocdtrekkie> The grain list has grain sizes, so I presumably it's all stored in the Mongo DB.
<ocdtrekkie> But yeah, everything with the shell should be done the Meteor way of doing things.
<isd> Yeah, the size info is in the grains collection in the db
<isd> shell/packages/sandstorm-db/db.js
<isd> Mongo doesn't have formal schema, but the "schema" is documented.
CaptainCalliope has joined #sandstorm
<CaptainCalliope> I keep trying to name a label on the wekan board but it's not letting me. Is this a permissions thing or a bug? Could someone add the label "comms" or "communications" to the red tag?
<ocdtrekkie> abliss can do it. You don't have the rights.
<CaptainCalliope> And maybe also add a "Platform" label?
<CaptainCalliope> ocdtrekkie: Where did you send me your vagrant 1.0 blog post draft?
<CaptainCalliope> Ah, found it.
<abliss> added
<CaptainCalliope> ocdtrekkie: "All vagrant-spk stacks now work correctly with the Debian Stretch box we’ve currently standardized on." <-- is there any more information we can share about this for anyone that might be curious?
<ocdtrekkie> What sort of information might they want to know?
<ocdtrekkie> Like, we could add a link to maybe?
<CaptainCalliope> "the debian stretch box we've currently standardized on" is the part that made me want to click for more details.
<CaptainCalliope> Not sure if there's anything substantial to share about that, but the way it's written makes it seem like a relevant thing I might want to know about.
<CaptainCalliope> I've done a pass tightening up the text. Made a few substantial edits to the "Why go to 1.0 now?" you might want to check out.
<ocdtrekkie> It's not super substantial. Just the version of Debian we currently use. *shrug*
<CaptainCalliope> abliss: Could you also add a "Documentation" label?
<abliss> sure
<ocdtrekkie> As a note, CaptainCalliope, we never refer to vagrant-spk with a capital V.
<CaptainCalliope> Thx!
<CaptainCalliope> Not even at the beginning of sentences?
<ocdtrekkie> ...I mean, I don't.
<ocdtrekkie> It looks weird to me because we never do.
<abliss> <CaptainCalliope "abliss: Could you also add a "Do"> done
<ocdtrekkie> Other than my love of lowercasing vagrant-spk, which I just fixed, I am happy with your adjustments.
<CaptainCalliope> Great!
<ocdtrekkie> I actually had to go look at the diff to see what you changed, which is good, it means it still reads to me like my voice. :)
<CaptainCalliope> Success. That's what I was going for.
<ocdtrekkie> \o/
<ocdtrekkie> Thanks for your help!
<CaptainCalliope> I just realized the reviving sandstorm blog post was never tweeted from the project twitter account.
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<CaptainCalliope> Maybe a tweet like: "Community member Ian Denhardt writes about recent community efforts to revive the Sandstorm project."
<CaptainCalliope> A little redundant. "Ian Denhardt writes about recent community efforts to breathe new life into the Sandstorm project."
<isd> I do have a twitter account too, probably makes sense to tag me if we're going to put something up. username is zenhack_net
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<CaptainCalliope> Ian Denhardt (@zenhack_net) writes about recent community efforts to breathe new life into the Sandstorm project:
<ocdtrekkie> Maybe email Kenton and ask him about it. He owns the Twitter account.
<CaptainCalliope> For sure. Just wanted to draft something first so he doesn't have to think about anything.
<CaptainCalliope> ocdtrekkie: I just found the reddit thread on the blog post and looks like you've already been rocking it! lol You're a natural at ambassadorial type stuff.
<ocdtrekkie> <- Handy way to see where the blog post has ended up across various subreddits. :D
<CaptainCalliope> Huh. Super useful.
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<CaptainCalliope> jkuester: "This is great, it’s one of the showcase tools that highlight what can be achieved using Meteor. I am not acitvely using it but it’s on our consideration list. Would be great to read some experiences here."
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ocdtr_web has joined #sandstorm
<ocdtr_web> So one thing I find myself getting caught on is "what things still have stuff to do" in the PR list, in particular.
<ocdtr_web> I am trying out a "ready-for-review" label, that suggests that AFAIK, everything that has been already discussed with a PR is resolved. Presumably if Kenton looks at it and finds an issue, we can drop the label back off it.
<abliss> I'm so angry at CORS... sometimes I wish we could go back to the "bad old days" where incompetent web devs got XSS-hacked on the regular, but competent ones could still do cool things with the web platform without doing hours and hours of ridiculous hand-stands
<abliss> It's so condescending and paternalistic. If I control the client and the server, I can tell the client to set xhr.withCredentials=true, and I can tell the server to set Access-Policy-Allow-Origin: *, but the W3C committee Knows Better and forbids it wildcards with credentials .
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<ocdtr_web> Heh, there I went. o/
<ocdtr_web> We have a completely new app submission! \o/
<CaptainCalliope> \o/ What app?!
<ocdtr_web> I did hit an issue, but I am pretty excited, it looks like the developer has done some decent integration work. It use Sandstorm roles/permissions and such.
<CaptainCalliope> Oh dang. That app's cool as shit.
kentonv has joined #sandstorm
<CaptainCalliope> It's interesting to see what ElementaryOS is doing with their app store:
<ocdtr_web> "Pay what you want" is a model I think Sandstorm explicitly wanted to support in the app market, IIRC.
<ocdtr_web> "Indie App Market: We will develop and run an app marketplace, allowing other indie and open source developers to sell their apps on a “pay what you want” model. This will encourage development of more apps, making Sandstorm itself more useful."
<ocdtr_web> ^- Right from the Indiegogo.
<ocdtr_web> As a newbie Linux user, I will say the disparate pile of app stores and repositories and package managers makes me cry. When I find out an app I want to use should work on my computer, but isn't on my distro's package manager, and I have difficulty installing some other distro's package manager, and...
<ocdtr_web> Do we have any existing apps with Django that we know of?
<kentonv> pretty sure there are some but I do not remember which
<ocdtr_web> Our new app submission is hitting CSRF issues, that sound like they probably have to do with Django defaults. I am wondering if we are looking at a good reason to have a stack for Django, but also just wondering if there's any apps we can see what they did.
<ocdtr_web> It's also an interesting one because it works fine on vagrant-spk... and now that browsers are starting to disable features if you don't use HTTPS and this seems to be possibly something that only happens when using the app over HTTPS, we should perhaps figure out how to let people test.
<kentonv> most features that are enabled only under HTTPS are also enabled for `localhost`. We should update docs and default configs so that dev environments use `*.localhost` instead of `*`
<kentonv> * is obsolete these days since browsers all support *.localhost
<abliss> oh man, i was just thinking bout how much i need that baby buddy app! super excite!
<abliss> "Last update: December 31, 1969" oops
<kentonv> regarding the specific issue, it's likely other app developers simply disabled CSRF protection... which is kind of bad but not as bad as it sounds since Sandstorm randomizes hostnames (but DNS is not encrypted...)
<ocdtr_web> There's an open issue for transitioning to localhost. I think at the time it was discussed Chrome definitely supported it. I mostly just care if Firefox supports it. And then... yeah. We can try to get that addressed.
<ocdtr_web> I'll put it on my 1.1 milestone.
<ocdtr_web> abliss: Experimental market does that, lol.
<ocdtr_web> Date is set when the app is published, I believe.
<ocdtr_web> I'd love to see the experimental market and app index/review UI improved a bit. But as I am the person who sees it 95% of the time, I consider it "not a big deal". And I assume that's why Kenton never spent a lot more time on it either.
<abliss> ocdtr_web: the "source" link appears to point to the upstream repo. any idea where the sandstorm fork lives?
<ocdtr_web> Add -sandstorm
<ocdtr_web> I mentioned that in review, I think it is going to be changed.
<abliss> awesome thanks
<abliss> (i am literally having a baby this week and need this app! let me know when the next version is uploaded! or if the dev needs any help!)
<ocdtr_web> \o/ Sandstorm is here for all your selfhosted app needs, it seems. :P
<ocdtr_web> I provided an invitation to my Sandstorm instance for testing, since vagrant-spk dev isn't demonstrating the problem.
<abliss> same csrf issue on my host fwiw
<ocdtr_web> Email in the pkgdef works if you want to reach out. I assume the fix is somewhere in
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<ocdtr_web> abliss, isd, you have mail
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