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<ocdtrekkie> I have an old 17.04 VM that happily installed the correct WINE.
<ocdtrekkie> If I seriously have to use this for vagrant-spk releases more than once, I am going to be angry.
<ocdtrekkie> So I think I've made vagrant-spk.exe, but now Inno Setup is mad at me.
<ocdtrekkie> I hate everything now but exists
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<codecowboy> Hi. I am interested in updating the port of WordPress at Is 'Jamborjan' still involved or can I somehow take over that port?
<codecowboy> I thought it might make a good first project for me
<isd> He hasn't been active in a little while, but he may be responsive if you send a pr. That's how we've been dealing with things; send a pr with updates, if he doesn't respond get in touch and we can maybe transfer ownership.
<xet7> codecowboy: I do have access to sandstormports repo and I also have publishing key for wordpress. I can look at your pr when you have sent it.
<codecowboy> so fork that repo first? It might be useful to contact him too to see if he might be willing to give me a few pointers? Otherwise I'll just walk the code and try following the sandstorm docs.
<codecowboy> xet7 thanks
<xet7> codecowboy: Yes, fork first, it's a normal way to make a pull request. Just look at previous commits how updates have been done.
<codecowboy> cool thanks
<xet7> :)
<codecowboy> what clients are people using with davros if the owncloud clients are broken? Maybe just Finder integration on Mac and the equivalent in windows / linux?
<isd> I don't think there are any working clients right now.
<isd> I'm not sure there were ever any other options.
<isd> The trouble michael ran into is that webdav on it's own doesn't really cover all the functionality you need for file syncing.
<isd> Owncloud has a bunch of it's own extensions to cover this, and he got frustrated trying to replicate those due to poor documentation, and the owncloud developers not really thinking of it as a public interface.
<isd> ...and thus not being super receptive to helping
<isd> Probably if we want to get file sync to be reliable in the long term, we ought to do something other than webdav.
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<codecowboy> people are saying that they are hosting static sites from Davros though?
<codecowboy> I guess they are just uploading files from the web interface
<codecowboy> perhaps the nextcloud docs are better
<codecowboy> still, running before I can walk
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<ocdtr_web> codecowboy: I use the web interface of Davros. There's an upload button (and drag/drop support), and a download button.
<ocdtr_web> I have never been super fond of clients that sync my files automagically in file explorer to begin with.
<ocdtr_web> I also have access to the sandstormports repo as well. And I think the signing key.
<ocdtr_web> isd: My honest impression is that fixing ownCloud/Nextcloud file sync shouldn't be that hard. I believe the client started enforcing an expectation of properties they said ownCloud had been providing years prior.
<ocdtr_web> And most of that was after Michael had stopped pushing Davros releases.
<isd> I'm not terribly familiar with the internals; your guess is as good as mine.
<ocdtr_web> Honestly, I think the biggest issue I had which was why I didn't stick to using the ownCloud client I thought had to do with the range requests thing with Sandstorm or something like that. But I'm not positive.
<ocdtr_web> When I tried doing the auto-upload from my phone's camera, on bad connections, the top part of a given picture would successfully upload.
<ocdtr_web> But I still heavily use Davros as a general file box for sharing files, which it almost seemed like people were not aware it was useful for in the email thread?
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<codecowboy> i wasn't aware mostly because I started using sandstorm last week
<codecowboy> :)
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<xet7> I also heavily use Davros when transferring files between computers and VMs
<xet7> With webbrowser
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<isd> I wonder why freenode keeps kicking the matrix folks
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<ocdtrekkie> One thing I thought was weird was when I got my iPhone, the IRC app I installed worked fine. And then a couple weeks later Freenode said I needed SASL to connect to it, which my app doesn't do.
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<TimMc> I sometimes use Davros for kicking files to myself on a different machine, or for handing someone a large file. But I'm also experimenting with using it as a publishing method for a new social media protocol I'm working on.
<TimMc> (It's a quick and dirty way of having an HTTP file server with a straightforward upload protocol.)
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<isd> It's the most mature "misc. files" app we have.
<isd> It'd be nice to get sync working again. I'd also like to figure out how to get it to start faster. It's not horrible, but it's a little slow to start.
<isd> (as are most, but not all apps)
<ocdtrekkie> I honestly just don't think anyone's tried to fix it.
<ocdtrekkie> xet7: Did you ever look at the Davros code for this? I know you got the actual details from ownCloud client's repo about what was missing.
<xet7> In that GitHub issue is details what is missing
<xet7> file permissions
<xet7> I did not go so far to modify Davros code