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<xet7> kentonv: I don't know why Sandstorm does not find new TXT record for domain where I use HackerCMS
<xet7> For other domain it did not work
<xet7> And when I try with dig, it does that TXT record
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<TimMc> isd: Oh hey, you're in Boston! So am I. (Well, Somerville.)
<isd> (Well, Malden on my end)
<isd> but yes.
<isd> So is Lyre Calliope I believe.
<isd> There's been vague talk about trying to get the local group doing stuff.
<TimMc> ah neat
<xet7> Anyway, I did send email to kenton. I don't know why it did not work.
<xet7> I had to use AWS S3 instead for static website hosting.
<isd> I was sick the past week or two, so just haven't really been thinking much about organizing. But I'm feeling better now.
<isd> Staring at header files trying to understand what the lifetime semantics of things are is a good step better than just being a snot monster.
<isd> I've mostly implemented the powerbox passthrough stuff for the bridge, but it's segfaulting because I'm doing something bogus with object lifetimes (I kinda suspected this when I wrote it) and am trying to pin down the right thing.
<isd> ...boss music from undertale is like the best thing ever to listen to when hacking on stuff.
<michaeln3> davros's start time could likely be improved
<michaeln3> it's using a now-ancient node version, one of the things I'm doing now is bringing it up to latest node, which may have some performance improvements on its own
<michaeln3> anyone know why an app would work locally but fail when packaged, with: sandstorm/sandstorm-http-bridge.c++:2534: failed: execvp(argvp[0], argvp): No such file or directory; argvp[0] = /opt/app/.sandstorm/
<michaeln3> opt/app/.sandstorm/ is listed in sandstorm-files.list
<isd> Hm. if you spk unpack, is the file actually there?
<isd> (and is it executable?)
<michaeln3> good idea, let me see
<michaeln3> oof, some weirdness on unpack: sandstorm/util.c++:100: failed: fstat(fd, &stats): No such file or directory
<isd> Are you building this with vagrant-spk?
<michaeln3> yeah
<michaeln3> I also notice that it seems that vagrant-spk dev doesn't add files to sandstorm-files.list
<isd> It should.
<isd> that's weird.
<michaeln3> (same thing running `spk` directly within the vagrant vm)
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<michaeln3> ok, I just published davros 0.24.0, a modest changelog here:
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<ocdtrekkie> michaeln3: \o/
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<codecowboy> I've been through What is special about 'dev mode'? Does it bypass some sort of code signing mechanism which is required to actually publish to the app marketplace?
<codecowboy> or required to run within sandstorm
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<ocdtrekkie> codecowboy: Apps do have signing keys which if you are modifying someone else's app, you will not have. "dev" doesn't check them but "pack" does.
<ocdtrekkie> is the documentation you may be looking for!
<ocdtrekkie> If you are looking to update an existing app, we probably want to reach out to the previous packager.
<codecowboy> ok, i was expecting to see build and launcher scripts in the wordpress port but don't see any
<codecowboy> so if i install it in dev mode, it wants to install it which didn't happen when i installed it on a real sandstorm server
<codecowboy> by install it i mean go through the usual WordPress installer
<codecowboy> have to head out. will try and explain better later!
<ocdtrekkie> Okay, no prob, I need to head out too.
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<ocdtr_web> Since it's a core app and it's been a long time since it's been updated, I'd like a little more testing before I approve.
<ocdtr_web> I didn't lose data upgrading a grain from 2016, which is a good sign, IMHO.
<ocdtr_web> Also, with the new preview features, I found that docx works pretty well, but xlsx doesn't work at all.
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<isd> It's certainly not a bad sign.
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<ocdtr_web> isd: The Wekan is on Alpha.
<ocdtr_web> It's kinda updated sometimes?
<ocdtr_web> I'd like to get to the point where we have some clear milestones/goals established, mind you.
<codecowboy> i could take a look at it. You might want people who know their way round davros already though? What have you changed?
<isd> codecowboy: michaeln3 posted a link to the changelog last night:
<isd> I think the more eyes the better.
<ocdtr_web> I'm mostly just interested in checking that nothing new broke in the release.
<codecowboy> Right. And then someone else will be taking over Davros? The author sounded like he was going to unpublish it
<codecowboy> Anyway, I will try and take a look tomorrow
<ocdtr_web> Michael released this update. I think he mostly didn't want to chase down ownCloud compatibility anymore, and this release explicitly states that ownCloud isn't supported.
<ocdtr_web> Whether or not he accepts PRs or makes further releases, only he would know. :P
<ocdtr_web> I know he has very low free time, which unfortunately, seems to happen to a lot of us sooner or later.
<codecowboy> btw, the WordPress confusion stemmed from there being both and
<ocdtr_web> Both are needed, AFAICT.
<codecowboy> Looks like it - I just didn't know the existence of the latter one. Looks like it has some helpful instructions :)
<ocdtr_web> wordpress contains the modified version of WordPress which functions on Sandstorm, and then wordpress-sandstorm contains the vagrant-spk files and all needed to package it.
<codecowboy> is that the case for other ports too?
<ocdtr_web> It can be in some cases. The app's source link does point to the -sandstorm repo.
<ocdtr_web> I try to nudge app developers to ensure the source link in the Sandstorm package manifest points to the repo where the sandstorm-pkgdef.capnp file resides. Since whether it's all in one repo or not, that one's likely to have the Sandstorm build instructions and be updated when the Sandstorm app is.
<codecowboy> where is the source link located? or which is the manifest file?\
<ocdtr_web> If you view on app on the app market or in Sandstorm, it has a source code link.
<codecowboy> ah ok
<codecowboy> cool thanks
<ocdtr_web> Generally speaking that should always get you to the repo which has the Sandstorm package code/config.
<ocdtr_web> There may be some cases like where the Sandstorm package code lived in the main repo and they deleted it at some point because they don't still support their Sandstorm package or the like.
<codecowboy> i probably just did a search in github and landed on the wrong one - can't remember now
<codecowboy> rookie mistake
<ocdtr_web> No worries. And from old recollection or whatever, happy to help point you in the right direction for any given thing.
<codecowboy> cool. thanks for all your help. Will try and dig in a bit more tomorrow
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<ocdtr_web> I can't make Office Hours, isd, but I put my milestone thoughts on the notes for tonight.
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<isd> Ok.
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<ocdtr_web> So, there's an admin panel page on Sandstorm I don't understand at all.
<ocdtr_web> I have no idea what /admin/networking is preventing.
<isd> Yeah, that could be much better described
<ocdtr_web> I know I use my Sandstorm server while both it and my client machine lives in an address space on that tab.
<ocdtr_web> I have no idea what it does. Or why one would edit it.
<ocdtr_web> Perhaps I should open an issue for it.
<isd> It's there to address a problem where users could potentially use a sandstorm box on an internal network to get access to that network.
<isd> Hence why everything is private ip ranges by default.
<isd> But yes, open issue about the usability of that page.
<isd> The section about server side request forgery.
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<CaptainCalliope> Just a reminder that we have an office hours meeting in a little over 2 hours at 9pm est/8 central.
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<ill_logic> Well I'm pretty sure it's writing successfully to Postgres. I haven't gotten to reading. I'm having trouble debugging the applciation that does the reading. I feel like I'm close though.
<ill_logic> oh. "database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress" that's just from a grain restart, not very good.
<isd> Yeah, sandstorm is designed to shut down apps "improperly," to make sure recovery actually works
<isd> There's a school of thought that argues for the notion of "crash only software." The idea is if you add a "clean shutdown" command or the like to your software, all you've achieved is ensuring unclean shutdowns never get tested.
<ill_logic> So it sounds like we're hoping every databes we use has the same philosophy. And I suppose it shoudl.
<isd> databases in general should be resilient to crashes.
<isd> I'm not worried about postgres.