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<ocdtrekkie> Well, ill_logic, you said trying and failing. Are you seeking help? If so, probably the mailing list.
<ocdtrekkie> I am afraid of things getting lost in the wiki a little.
<ocdtrekkie> If you just want to reference that these things have been tried and failed, but have moved on, maybe open an issue against vagrant-spk, since that's where we often figure out packaging, and we should probably figure out how to handle Apache2 someday?
<ocdtrekkie> I don't want to put it in Docs unless there's, you know, success. ;)
<isd> Some context, since IIRC ocdtrekkie you weren't on the call where this was discussed: ill_logic spent some time fighting with apache, and we came to the conclusion that nginx is actually probably fine for what he's working on, and for most things, so maybe continuing to mess with apache isn't the best use of his time.
<isd> But we figured we should jot down "here's where I got" somewhere in case someone else decides to give it another whack at some point.
<isd> 100% agree docs is the wrong place. I guess I don't have a strong objection to the issue tracker.
<isd> I always feel a little awkward when someone stars one of my repositories that contains a not-yet-usable thing that I haven't touched in years.
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<michaeln3> is anyone building their apps as part of a CI process?
<isd> I made a grain for the next office hours meeting, and updated the wiki page:
<isd> michaeln3: I've done it with a few experiments, but just build & test of the code, not the app package. And these have been "raw spk" apps, so there's kinda nothing interesting there wrt. sandstorm
<michaeln3> ah, cool. the build process for davros is a little tedious and was thinking of automating it at some point down the road
<isd> Is davros using vagrant-spk?
<michaeln3> yes
<isd> Yeah, so that might be a bit more annoying because of the VM in the way.
<isd> One of these days I want to start using nix to package sandstorm apps, to get better reproducability without having to throw a VM at the problem.