<ant> Hi I am looking for a explain like i'm five Gateway explanation for cash transactions sending to an african country preferably completely with curl or command line or https://www.stellar.org/laboratory/ 1) I have compiled and installed stellar-core on a ubuntu box 2) Create hotwallet cold wallet Create hotwallet (stellar-core --genseed) Create coldwallet ( stellar-core --genseed) 3) Fund wallets? 4) New client c
(Comores) Create stellar account for client? stellar-core --genseed create transaction (xdr) sign transation submit? (/tx?blob=Base64) - Is there anyway to do this using curl? Or do we need the javacript app? 5) Client can see asset on thier wallet? 6) Receiving side - What is their workflow?
<jed> 4) you can't create transactions using just horizon. You can use the js-stellar-sdk or one of the other libraries. You will be able to use https://www.stellar.org/laboratory/ soon to do this also
<jed> Are you wanting to be a gateway or use a gateway?
<ant> be the gateway I guess - using py-stellar-base
<jed> ok so py-stellar-base will allow you to create transactions that you can submit to the network either with horizon or your own stellar-core
<mr_selenio> with that i can hold rvl in the future?
<sacarlson> mr_selenio: I think you should be looking at create a trustline
<sacarlson> you would also need a valid gateway or issuer address to enter in it
<mr_selenio> Yeah but that optuion asks for an amount, so what the heck? XD
<mr_selenio> Option*
<mr_selenio> And how do i know the issuer?
<sacarlson> on testnet I can issue you funds of any type if you add GAX4CUJEOUA27MDHTLSQCFRGQPEXCC6GMO2P2TZCG7IEBZIEGPOD6HKF as an issuer and provide me the address and currency you would like on testnet
<sacarlson> those are no longer valid accounts
<eva> @mr_selenio: I think Reveal is still working on their integration, last I heard. @josh can confirm though. So until Reveal is ready, you won’t be able to set a trust line to them.