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<stellar-slack> <datou> Thank eno. Generous eno give us a big gift of 1225.0 Lumens
<stellar-slack> <lab> is there anyone from India?
<stellar-slack> <lab> what is the best way to send INR to a Indian person (who doesn't know cryptocurrency) from china?
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<stellar-slack> <victorgrey> Please forgive if this is a dumb question or has been asked before, but I've read through the docs and can't find an answer. We want to bootstrap a gateway issuing account that will issue our own asset type on the Stellar network. Do we need to buy the minimum 20 Lumens somewhere and create a new account with it? And then how do we fund the new asset type to our issuing account (i.e. where does that transac
<stellar-slack> gateway account is set up, we want to create user accounts and fund them with our asset type. Do these accounts also need the 20 Lumens minimum to be created, or can they be created and transact in the private asset type without it?
<stellar-slack> <jed> every account needs at least 20 lumens
<stellar-slack> <jed> if an account trusts an issuing account for asset A, then the issuing account can just send the account asset A
<stellar-slack> <jed> It is just a normal payment transaction
<stellar-slack> <jed> the asset comes into being when the issuing account sends the payment
<stellar-slack> <victorgrey> OK thanks, that helps.
<stellar-slack> <mr_selenio> @datou: how did you get that? awesome! thank you very much
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