nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
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<tweetergal> n-iCe
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<DuperMan> thanks tweetergal
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<n-iCe> tweetergal: yes?
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<dhillon63> hey please help me install cm10.1 on gt n71100
<dhillon63> i hav rooted 4.1.2 stock rom
<dhillon63> do i need to flash gooapps aswell? is it necessary?
<dhillon63> im about to use mobile odin!
<dhillon63> shud i?
<dhillon63> ??? an 1 here?
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<DuperMan> why can't midrange receivers switch the headphones lineout thingyamadjoodle on/off remotely?
<DuperMan> pulling the 10mm plug is sux
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<Toxiik> Hello everybody, I'd like to ask one question. If I am about to flash CM10 on my Galaxy S22 I9100 that is already rooted and is currently running jaboo kernel, do I have to change the kernel for a different one?
<Toxiik> SII*
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<ThaRippa> hello
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<lolwat> hello 2u2
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<ThaRippa> just got my first andriod device, already considering CM. are there any real bad problems with todays i9100 nightly?
<ThaRippa> *android
<ThaRippa> i'd rather use a stable or RC, but apparently there aren't any
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<ztrikker> fyi , that forwarding thing should be fixed. I tested it on Sunday night and I was able to forward my phone and have it connect from openUC
<ztrikker> lolz!
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<elior2410> can someone help me with modem update?
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<datagutt> flexd: tried bomball?
<datagutt> i hate football and football-related games
<datagutt> but this
<frankdrey> datagutt, I GOT A NEW GPU
<frankdrey> BE HAPPY WITH ME
<datagutt> was awesome
<datagutt> sofun
<datagutt> NICE
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<scook9> so I am sure this will be a silly question, but have developers tried reaching out to meizu or lenovo to get more detail on how to debug exynos quad processors? since they also used that soc in their designs?
<scook9> exynos 4 quad I should specify
<scook9> the problemc hild
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<addi> nebkat,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dodo
<Baskey> !dood addi
<frankdrey> addi, what's up d00d
<Baskey> @dood addi
<Daryl_> Can i do the pristine method before i flash Cm 10.1 on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0? Formating System/Data/Cache using CWM?
<addi> frankdrey,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> not sure what the pristine method is, but no need to wipe cache. wiping data takes care of that
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<Daryl_> i see.. .. tnx
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<datagutt> [19:40:09] <scook9> so I am sure this will be a silly question, but have developers tried reaching out to meizu or lenovo to get more detail on how to debug exynos quad processors? since they also used that soc in their designs?
<datagutt> meizu isn't exactly developer-friendly
<datagutt> they took 9 months to release source for one of their older phones
<datagutt> and the current mx2 doesn't have any form of kernel source yet
<datagutt> So i doubt they want to help
<datagutt> and there is a language barrier as well
<scook9> no problem, did not know if this had been looked into was all
<scook9> i am still naively hanging on to hope for stable CM10.1 on my note 2
<datagutt> Well, i am not aware of anybody asking Meizu
<datagutt> But i had one of their phones and they didn't treat their users that good
<scook9> well then it would make sense to not expect much cooperation from them
<scook9> what about lenovo though?
<scook9> they are much more or a "real" company I would think
<datagutt> Not sure about lenovo
<datagutt> The devs themselves do need source from samsung i think
<datagutt> doubt lenovo can help
<scook9> i thought they just needed to know how to debug the issues they ran into
<scook9> lack of documentation
<datagutt> true
<scook9> lenovo would have that stuff :)
<datagutt> either that or the code itself
<scook9> and assuming not strong armed by samsung, may share
<datagutt> oh, i bet they have a good amount of nda on their socs
<datagutt> :P
<scook9> cant hurt to ask, worse thing they can tell us is no
<scook9> maybe they are just being difficult and do not actually care of lenovo helps us out :)
<datagutt> doubt you will get more than a standard response
<scook9> <- hopeless optimist haha
<datagutt> Meizu did a "Like our facebook page for news"
<datagutt> on like
<datagutt> every question except pricing
<datagutt> i can't stress how bad my meizu experience was
<datagutt> xDD
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<flexd> datagutt: ooh.. nope I haven't.. ice bash was cool though
<flexd> or whatever it was called
<flexd> 1vs1 ice hockey :-D
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<moustache> hello
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<moustache> I' would like to install Cyanogen on my Samsung Galaxy S2 (GT-I9100, Android 4.1.2, Baseband I9100BULS1, vodafone in the UK). I'm quite scared to fuck it up so I'm looking for advice to know if it is safe or not
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<moustache> The Wiki being full of warning, I'm not sure whats safe or not
<moustache> any help appreciated thanks
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