nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
<frankdrey> altendky, grab files from both?
<frankdrey> Give priority to CM files
<altendky> neither have the thermal.conf[_F,_N,_S] files. i could adjust the script and build a list and see what all is missing. it just seemed a bit odd with such a step by step walkthrough
<altendky> and seeing as there is an official release of 10.1.2 for my phone (that's what i've been running for a few weeks) it would seem that the repository should be right? perhaps i will wipe and recheckout the repo to be sure i know what i'm getting
<altendky> thanks for the thoughts though. i'll keep beating on it. i've built a bunch of kernels... but it's been about 15 years now. gonna have to dust off some of them skills.
<frankdrey> I don't think I've ever built a kernel :-P
<altendky> i'm thinking i've got the branches/tags mixed up. i probably had some 10.1 other than 10.1.2...
<frankdrey> Think I popped in a custom IMG into the one G1 ROM I built :-D
<frankdrey> Speaking of G1, I have it near me right now
<altendky> other than rom installs and a bit of experimental programming, i don't have much android experience (other than running a g1, g2, and now s3).
<frankdrey> Working very hard... to load a Google play search
<altendky> me too :] it's on the table (with the g2). and it's a google original with the crystals or whatever on the back :]
<frankdrey> Think I'm about to run out of RAM...:-D
<frankdrey> Lol nice
<frankdrey> Mines a mix of a Roger's and a T-Mobile
<frankdrey> Restarting Play got it going
<frankdrey> First time I've picked this up in months
<altendky> heh, i need to start cycling the battery and keeping it alive
<frankdrey> Running my WinZip'd ROM
<frankdrey> Cycling battery is actually bad for it
<altendky> once or twice a year?
<bbqbot> [Link] Advantages & Limitations of the Lithium-ion Battery - Battery University
<frankdrey> Somewhere on that website
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<frankdrey> Is an explanation of why those crazy "recondition"procedures are BS
<frankdrey> man, Google optimized play pretty nicely for 2.2
<frankdrey> Feels nicer than even original market
<altendky> yeah, at some point it's as much about keeping it from going way dead and learning about issues when they come up rather than 5 years later when nothing can be done
<frankdrey> I got a new battery like a year ago
<frankdrey> Some off brand on Amazon
<nebkat> frankdrey: 2:35 yay
<frankdrey> Actually works well
<frankdrey> nebkat, wat
<nebkat> its 2:35
<frankdrey> And? :-P
<frankdrey> Man... I kinda like the G1 more than my 3GS xD
<altendky> other than the fact that you run out of ram somewhere around when it's done booting? :]
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> Nah, seems to be fine so far
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<OrangHaircut> I'm having trouble flashing clockworkmod recovery, is there anyone around that can lend a hand?
<jomp16> CM wiki can help you =P
<OrangHaircut> Understood. I don't get any errors when I use heimdall to flash the recovery.bin file, but no progress bar appears on the screen and the default recovery is still on the device.
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<OrangHaircut> Feedback on ACS suggests using ODIN, going to try that.
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<frankdrey> HI GUYS
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<jomp16> I'm ded...
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<newbie101> hi there i've got a problem with my jackplug... is it possible to load drivers from the SGS2 AT&T I777 into the i9100 phone? i accidently bought the wrong jackplug :(
<newbie101> anybody here?
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<peterperfect> GIEF 4.3
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<newbie101> Hi there anybody here know anything about phones?
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<newbie101> Is it possible to load different audio drivers for a international galaxy s2 phone?
<newbie101> I've got a AT&T sound jack part, and i pushed it in my international 91900
<newbie101> i9100
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<|Night|> why would you even want to
<|Night|> then you would have to compile your own CM
<|Night|> better fork out and buy new part
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<n-iCe> hi
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<scorpio50> Hey guys
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<scorpio50> I have issue with my S3 I9300, I had 4.0.1 rom nstalled in it after updating it to latest firmware mobile signals has gone now.. i have rebooted and reinserted sim card several time also did reset device but still no solution, it do detect networks but says fail to register to network...ANY IDEA..???
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<scorpio50> I have issue with my S3 I9300, I had 4.0.1 rom nstalled in it after updating it to latest firmware mobile signals has gone now.. i have rebooted and reinserted sim card several time also did reset device but still no solution, it do detect networks but says fail to register to network...ANY IDEA..???
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<xplodwild> scorpio50: so you were on stock 4.0.1 and updated to cm?
<scorpio50> Yes.
<scorpio50> now I even tried to restore from Kies but still no signals
<xplodwild> is your IMEI shown?
<scorpio50> yes
<xplodwild> and Baseband
<xplodwild> in About phone
<scorpio50> Baseband in seeting>about?
<xplodwild> yup
<scorpio50> let me check
<scorpio50> yes
<scorpio50> I9300NELK2
<xplodwild> then either your simcard went wrong or you have a network problem
<scorpio50> its working fine on other phones
<xplodwild> if even with a stock rom now it doesn't work, then it's not our fault
<scorpio50> oh comeon
<codeworkx> try a newer modem
<scorpio50> kindly provide me a link
<scorpio50> i am searching internet from last couple of hourse now..
<codeworkx> no
<xplodwild> !google i9300 modem
<bbqbot> xplodwild: [REF] Galaxy S3 Modem / Radio Collection (I9300 &amp; I9300T ONLY) CWM ...:
<xplodwild> so hard
<xplodwild> took hours
<scorpio50> my head is bursting now.
<codeworkx> lazy users
<frankdrey> Ohai Cody and s'ploder
<xplodwild> ohai frankdrey
<frankdrey> Cody, I'm lazy and I'm sorta a dev...sorta
<frankdrey> I make PSP games :p that's dev enough
<xplodwild> frankdrey: I did a few PSP stuff quite some years ago
<xplodwild> pspsdk ftw
<frankdrey> Eh, I'm using LUA right now
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> Wtf I can't clear my download list
<frankdrey> Like 300 items making it lag
<frankdrey> Can't clear data for it either
<frankdrey> Android sux. iOS doesn't do this because iOS doesnt have downloads so its better and faster and WORSHIP APPLE
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<frankdrey> Hmm
<frankdrey> I need a widget for safe remove sd
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<scorpio50> @ <@bbqbot> xplodwild: I have tried all 4 modems of 4.1.2 there through Odin...but not working.. still no signals
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<Fissurez> Nebkat
<nebkat> Fissurez: FISHY
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<happy_> i have galaxy tab 2 p-3100. my problem is dial-er layout
<happy_> any idea how fix this problem
<xplodwild> is galaxy tab meant to be able to place calls?
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<happy_> in call logs
<xplodwild> the Phone app wasn't designed for tablets
<happy_> ohhh
<Fissurez> the more you know
<Fissurez> Also
<Fissurez> If you use your tablet as a phone
<Fissurez> You can burn in the section of hell reserved with those people who take photos with their ipads
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<xplodwild> +1
<happy_> i think problem is resolation
<Fissurez> Have a nice day, satan. And if you are using your tablet as a phone. Im going to be under your bed.
<happy_> which rom better for galaxy tab 2 p3100
<frankdrey> CM
<spY|da> cm 12
<frankdrey> Yeah
<happy_> lol
<Fissurez> WHERE IS HE BTW?
<Fissurez> After he came on this channel to call us a bunch of kids and i pissed him off, he ran away
<spY|da> nebkat, dobro vece
<Baskey> Fissurez: HE DIED
<Baskey> I HOPE SO
<nebkat> spY|da: dobro vece
<spY|da> kako si mi
<nebkat> dobro, igrao sam kosarku sa caletom
<happy_> how can i fix layout problem pls tell me?
<spY|da> koscharka :D
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<nebkat> spY|da: :D
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<nebkat> spY|da: kako si ti?
<spY|da> very good, just set the date for my bachelor thesis
<nebkat> great
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<spY|da> got 2 month and im already half through :D
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<bbqbot> [Link] Unlocked GMS Nexus S Google Phone 16G Used
<frankdrey> What do you guys think?
<bbqbot> [Link] Samsung Nexus S unlocked
<nebkat> frankdrey: nexus s?
<nebkat> I suppose for $50/60
<Fissurez> I hope you like wasteing money
<Fissurez> Itll go in a cupboard
<frankdrey> Dude
<frankdrey> I Find my G1 usable
<frankdrey> I don't need to have the latest
<frankdrey> My current phone is iPhone 3GS
<nebkat> oh right
<Fissurez> Heh
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<Fissurez> Try for a gnex
<Fissurez> Or even a palm phone, theyre cheap
<frankdrey> Palm?
* frankdrey needs Android
<frankdrey> Oh, and I'd like SD card slot
<nebkat> does maguro have one?
<Fissurez> In that case
<nebkat> I gave mine to my sister in november
<Fissurez> Buy an old dual core phone
<nebkat> but its still great
<Fissurez> A sony or somethung
<frankdrey> Even nexus s doesn't have that
<frankdrey> I like lg g2x
<nebkat> frankdrey: how much is s2
<nebkat> s2 is still great
<frankdrey> Had one for a bit
<frankdrey> But my dad sold it :p
<frankdrey> And it only ran 2.3 well
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* frankdrey searches s2
<Fissurez> Dont
<Fissurez> Popu
<Fissurez> Popular phones cost more
<frankdrey> Like $150
<frankdrey> Hmm
<frankdrey> Any suggestion?
<nebkat> frankdrey: s2 was the best at the time
<nebkat> but if its $150 then
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<Fissurez> No
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<Fissurez> 150 now
<frankdrey> No decently priced Sony
<frankdrey> Xperia Play for $60?
<frankdrey> dad is crazy
<frankdrey> Sold G2x for $170 in like March
<frankdrey> :-P
<Fissurez> G2x?
<frankdrey> LG G2x
<nebkat> frankdrey: dont get xplay
<nebkat> its horrible
<frankdrey> Nice phone but 2.3
<frankdrey> Lolok
<nebkat> ns much better
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<Fissurez> frankdrey code it up
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<frankdrey> Fissurez: it's not easy to"code up" proprietary drivers
<frankdrey> There's partially working 4.1
<Fissurez> B-b-b-but
<frankdrey> Lol
<Fissurez> Everything can wirk with good enough code!
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<Fissurez> You can even code yourself anything you want if you are good enoufgg!
<Fissurez> Toasters, ferraris
<frankdrey> Lol
<Fissurez> Hot bitches
<nebkat> Fissurez: proof
<bbqbot> [Link] tom3q/spica-3.0 �� GitHub
<frankdrey> Last update was 3/24
<bbqbot> [Link] Samsung I5700 Galaxy Spica - Full phone specifications
<nebkat> has better kernel than 99% of our devices
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<frankdrey> How's infuse?
<nebkat> frankdrey: i'd stay away from that stuff
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<frankdrey> Ok
<frankdrey> Then fuckk there's nothing :p
<nebkat> frankdrey: if you must, go for ns
<nebkat> does it have 4.2?
<frankdrey> 4.1 stcok
<frankdrey> Cm10.1 though
<nebkat> if it has cm then its ok
<frankdrey> If it doesn't, I can flash it :p
<nebkat> frankdrey: then go for it
<frankdrey> But no SD is kinda bummer
<frankdrey> I wonder if I can sell my tablet
<frankdrey> Then again, no SD isn't that bad
<frankdrey> 16gb is plemty
<nebkat> frankdrey: what do you need it for really?
<nebkat> dont think i've ever managed to fill 16gb
<nebkat> brb shower
<bbqbot> frankdrey: That link is old! It has been linked 1 times! First used by frankdrey 33 minutes ago.
<frankdrey> Think this one them
<frankdrey> *then
<frankdrey> Dunno, copy between tab and phone
<frankdrey> Does S support OTG?
<frankdrey> Any way, I doubt my parents will let
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<frankdrey> My dad says my 3GS is good enough
<frankdrey> "OK dad, I'll trade you for your nexus 4 then :-) "
<waratte> lol
<Schnabeltierchen> Mhm, is it right my SGS2 does need a special hardware for miracasting? or is miracast only needed as software?
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<altendky> @frankdrey: thanks for the thoughts yesterday on building cm. digging back through my command history it turned out that i had synced the jellybean branch (10.0 iguess) rather than cm-10.1... :[ looking much better now though.
<frankdrey> Lol oh, cool
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<Akik> hi :x
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<frankdrey> Hi
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