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<psusi> from what I can tell efforts to bring cm to the sprint galaxy s2 have been abandoned so I am looking at the new unlocked google branded s4 variant. Does that run an unmodified aosp out of the box, and is there an effort to port cm to it?
<frankdrey> yes, unmodified aosp
<frankdrey> no idea about CM, but...
<frankdrey> !google cyanogenmod s4 google edition
<frankdrey> dumb bot is broken :/
<frankdrey> oh, but why would you get it :P
<frankdrey> as cody said, "they didn't fix the cheap plastic"
<psusi> what?
<frankdrey> the s4 is made of cheap plastic as always
<frankdrey> but w/e
<frankdrey> your choice
<frankdrey> i'm betting it'll run CM just like the other S4's
<psusi> hasn't been a problem with my s2... seems solid enoguh to me... but with no official cm support ( still running an outdated beta of cm9 ), and I'm thinking of switching carriers, I thought I might go for this new google s4 since I figured porting cm to it would be easiest and hardware specs look nice
<psusi> that and it comes unlocked and I guess if it is unmodified aosp, none of that bs kies/heimdall stuff
<frankdrey> i'll bet it still uses heimdall/odin :/
<psusi> just straight fastboot, right?
<frankdrey> i don't know though
<psusi> hrm... it shouldn't if it is really straight aosp should it?
<psusi> I thought about getting the nexus s almost two years ago but its hardware specs were a bit crap compared to the s2...
<frankdrey> Android system and bootloader are separate things
<frankdrey> Nexus 4 is pretty great...
<psusi> hrm... I thought that the regular samsung phones used a custom boot loader, but that aosp had a base one that used fastboot... figured the google branded phones would use that for sure
* frankdrey is trying to find xda forum for it
<psusi> nexus 4 doesn't have a microsd slot though does it?
<frankdrey> don't see one
<frankdrey> nope
<frankdrey> try ask some stuff in #cyanogenmod too
<frankdrey> they're often more active in there
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<frankdrey> <- I'm thinking this is the device
<frankdrey> really not sure though
<laen|fawk> I'm attempting to desperately install the latest nightly, but my damn recovery on the SGS2 says (neither Samsungs own or Clockworkmod) that it couldn't verify the cm- file and the model check in it, and fails :/
<frankdrey> oh yeah...i remember that
<frankdrey> something about model numbers changing
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, you have a customer
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> he better not be asleep :P
<Jiangyi> ?
<Jiangyi> laen|fawk: Which S2?
<laen|fawk> international version unbranded
<Jiangyi> laen|fawk: There are two international versions heh
<Jiangyi> I9100 or I9100G?
<laen|fawk> without the G i suppose, bought in the Netherlands
<laen|fawk> Never seen a G behind any model name in the device either
<Jiangyi> Ah ok
<Jiangyi> Gotta be sure, those two are completely different devices.
<Jiangyi> laen|fawk: What are you running right now?
<laen|fawk> Stock with root (thanks to Framaroot)
<laen|fawk> Just flashed Clockworkmod 4 again with Clockworkmod's app.
<laen|fawk> And i'm fed up with stock, it keeps freezing all the time, and i wish a pure CM again.
<frankdrey> Amen. take that, Touchwiz fanbois :P
<laen|fawk> Well, i mean really freezing in the way that i have to do a hard reset or take the battery out, regularly.
<laen|fawk> Jiangyi: any hints on how to convert from galaxys2 to i9100 in the model check?
<laen|fawk> frankdrey: and yes, the first thing i usually do with stock is disable about 30 shipped apps i really don't give a darn about ;)
<Jiangyi> laen|fawk: You'll need to flash CWM6
<laen|fawk> Trying to figure out how ;p
<Jiangyi> And which version of stock?
<laen|fawk> 4.1.2
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<laen|fawk> Is it possible to install CWM6 with a zip via the current CWM (4)?
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<frankdrey> not a good idea to flash random stuff tho :P
<laen|fawk> Ya, awaiting orders :)
<psusi> what is this touchwiz thing I keep hearing about?
<frankdrey> psusi, the default samsung UI
<laen|fawk> Stay away from it and forget about it this instant!
<frankdrey> the one with the ugly colors and crap apps and useless features
<laen|fawk> =)
<laen|fawk> Well..
<laen|fawk> Some are usefull, but not on the s2.
<laen|fawk> Jiangyi: fell asleep? :P
<psusi> I mean *what* is it? is it a shell that is different than the one in aosp?
<frankdrey> yes
<psusi> so is there a specific program or something? what's the name of the one it replaces?
<laen|fawk> !changelog galaxys2
<frankdrey> no more bot and no more changelogs D:
<laen|fawk> Oh i see i need to ping Cody?
* laen|fawk hides
<frankdrey> psusi, it's a whole framework :P
<frankdrey> laen|fawk, lol
<psusi> I don't understand... to me a framework is a library an application is written to use, like GTK
<psusi> or MFC in the microsoft world
<jomp16> Why on my P3110 with stable CM, logcat doesn't work (debug enabled), log is disabled by default in stable CM?
<frankdrey> jomp16, su first
<frankdrey> ?
<jomp16> logcat really need su?
<jomp16> "Unable to open log device '/dev/log/main': No such file or directory"
<frankdrey> jomp16, *shrug*
<frankdrey> i know i get *more* stuff in logcat with su
<frankdrey> psusi, style of whole UI, launcher, dialer and other apps like gallery, camera
<jomp16> No, doesn't output nothing, only this
<frankdrey> some floating apps
<frankdrey> stuff like that
* laen|fawk cries
<frankdrey> laen|fawk, don't cry D:
<laen|fawk> Well, the help kinda stopped ;p
<frankdrey> Entropy512 looks online and I think he knows s2 :D
<jomp16> Let's try stock cm and new nightly to see logcat
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<laen|fawk> frankdrey: I'm just gonna try something. And you know what happens when i brick my phone right?
<frankdrey> laen|fawk, what?:P
<laen|fawk> I won't be able to make phone calls :P
<jomp16> frankdrey, kernel disabled logcat, stock cm kernel show logcat o.O
<psusi> does the nexus 4 support USB OTG? that's one of the other things that has annoyed me about my sprint galaxy s2... OTG doesn't work even though it apparently works on every other s2
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<Jiangyi> psusi: Needs custom kernel and an external power source
<Jiangyi> Sometimes carriers ask Samsung to disable it, even though the phone does support it :-P
<laen|fawk> CWM6 installed, lets see if i can now install the zip file because.. the stock no longer works :P
<Jiangyi> laen|fawk: Sorry, I went to play Red Alert 3 xD
<Jiangyi> Should still work
<laen|fawk> Yeah looks like i've found the correct threads on xda among the mass amount of data ;)
<laen|fawk> Yush, it installed.
<laen|fawk> Jiangyi: Red Alert 3? Waaait, isn't that quite old and a real good classic?
<Jiangyi> laen|fawk: You're thinking Red Alert 2 probably
<laen|fawk> Oh ya
<laen|fawk> Aaaaaaand
<Jiangyi> I'm lame, that's why I'm playing RA3 xP
<Jiangyi> I do play RA2 too
<laen|fawk> The latest nightly is booting, thanks man :)
<Jiangyi> laen|fawk: You remembered to flash gapps and wipe data right?
<laen|fawk> Yeah always do cache, data, dalvik, cm10.1, gapps.
<laen|fawk> I'm happeh now :D
<Jiangyi> Cool
<laen|fawk> ..that was what i've found
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<psusi> Jiangyi, so the cm kernel doesn't have the USB OTG support?
<Jiangyi> psusi: No, it's a hack more than anything
<Jiangyi> N4 doesn't supply enough voltage for proper OTG
<psusi> Jiangyi, right... but using a powered usb hub should take care of that right? question is whether the driver support is in the cm kernel or if I then need to run the cm rom wtih some other kernel?
<Jiangyi> You'll need some other kernel
<jomp16> GRRRR, for some unknow reason, intent doesn't pick nothing in putExtras() in second activity for third activity, already declared the activities on manifest
<jomp16> Error always is null pointer exception
<jomp16> Maybe I need to declare the intent in manifest too?
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<laen|fawk> omg
<laen|fawk> I thought the cable/connector was broken, which is why the phone wasn't charging.. but it wasn't the case, it was apparently.... yep, the stock ROM.
<jomp16> facepalm, the null pointer is because I forget to put a setContentView()
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<laen|fawk> Alright, succesfull install and reaaaaally like it. Nice fonts, way better sound.. i'm fine!
<laen|fawk> So i'm gonna fawk off now ;). Thanks all!
<Kishidan> You're welcome.
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<spY|da> guten morgen :D
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<mosespl> hellol is anybody here?:)
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<St4nnn> Hello, any advice to fix the GPS issue on a nightly I9100 build?
* QuinnLion kerflops
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<bhanupratap> knock knock...anyone here ? i could use some help in compiling cm 10.1 for i9100 from sources.
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<codeworkx> bhanupratap: read wiki
<bhanupratap> @codeworkx : i did follow same instructions in them....when i run brunch i9100 otapackage , i get a error stating that you have to download smdk4412 kernel sources
<bhanupratap> @ codeworkx : does i9100 also need smdk4412 kernel sources ?
<codeworkx> bhanupratap: yes
<bhanupratap> thank you cody <3
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<chieftex> cody what phone do you use as your main phone?
* chieftex waits for someone to say "iphone"
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<Mahoru`Tsunemi> hello
<Mahoru`Tsunemi> i'm going to ask the forbidden question :)
<Mahoru`Tsunemi> why samsung galaxy s2 international did'nt get his stable or RC release ?
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<spY|da> codeworkx, GE griff ins klo? hab ich das bisher alles richtig verfolgt? das es nur ein paar änderungen am kernel gebracht hat?
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<codeworkx> spY|da: versaut ohne ende. hat nichts mit google oder aosp zu tun
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<pw> :)
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<Mahoru`Tsunemi> !supported
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