nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | Nemesis APK |STATS AT
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<n-iCe> h
<n-iCe> hi
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<tweetergal> Hi anyone can explain how apps move to sd card works on application manager? I actually moved all the apps from device storage to sd card and it does free up space from the device manager, but I don't see the moved apps located on my external sd-card, where did it go?
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<krzee> tweetergal, in a subdir in your sd-card
<tweetergal> sd-card you are reffering to external sd-card?
<krzee> find /path/to/sdcard > /tmp/file
<krzee> yes
<krzee> find /path/to/sdcard > /tmp/file
<krzee> *move app to external*
<krzee> find /path/to/sdcard > /tmp/file2
<krzee> diff /tmp/file /tmp/file2
<krzee> of course you have to adjust paths, but that would show you the changes in /path/to/sdcard
<tweetergal> I don't get it.. shouldnt it be moved to extSdCard instead?
<krzee> tweetergal> sd-card you are reffering to external sd-card? <krzee> yes
<tweetergal> I actually open up my extSdCard, but I do not see any stuff being moved there.. The drive is empty
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<Trajka> .
<Trajka> hey
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<jumoog> hey gusy
<jumoog> *guys
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<xintron> Where can one find the latest unofficial 10.2 nightly for I9100?
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<goodboy> hello from germany
<goodboy> i have a galaxy tab2 p5110 and want to use cyanogenmod 10.2 but i have read that there is a root problm.can so help?
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<GuineaPiet> Hey guys, just a quick question
<GuineaPiet> When flashing CM10.2, should I flash the 4.2.2 GApps?
<Hoi> Can any1 tell me where I can find the known issues fot S3 10.2?
<Hoi> Cant find it anywhere
<GuineaPiet> W/E, will just flash 4.2.2. What could possibly go wrong
<Hoi> just pick the latest
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<Gaelos> any news for the internal memory fix ?
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<sgs2connected> Anyone here using Android 4.3?
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<n-iCe> hi
<Fissurez> No u
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<chadizta> good evening to all..i installed Mysterious_i9100_PAC_JB_4.2.2-v20.0.0 on my samsung problem is when i click the camera it says no external storage available and the same in Gallery.. but when I go to cwm recovery i can install from my external and then i tried to mount /emmc but its says error mounting / to fix this??
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<chadizta> anyone knows the solution to this?
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<irimi> Hi all
<irimi> Does anyone have a lot of bugs with the Cyanogen 10.2 on a S3 GT9300 ?
<irimi> (I know this is a really experimental version :D)
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<TechnoCat> hey guys, i picked up a big bucket of crickets at the pet store. Why are there so many bugs in it?
<nebkat> TechnoCat:
<nebkat> !wat boogey
<nebkat> stupid bot
<nebkat> <codeworkx> CAUSE BOOGEYMAN
<bbqbot> nebkat: <codeworkx> CAUSE BOOGEYMAN
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<n-iCe> hi nebkat !
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<GuineaPiet> Has anyone tried the unofficial CM10.2 i9100 build? My AOSP Keyboard keeps crashing, just wondering if anyone has a fix
<TechnoCat> GuineaPiet: have you tried clearing data?
<TechnoCat> app data*
<GuineaPiet> yep, and force stopped it and disabled it and reenabled it
<TechnoCat> try getting the google keyboard from the app market
<GuineaPiet> the google keyboard is not available in south africa -_-
<TechnoCat> :\
<GuineaPiet> got an APK from xda, will see if it works
<GuineaPiet> TechnoCat are you using it?
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<TechnoCat> GuineaPiet: no
<TechnoCat> i'm on 10.1 on my i777
<GuineaPiet> Just wondering, because it also flashes red around the edges whenever I unlock the device
<GuineaPiet> its minor, just wondering if someone knows what it means
<TechnoCat> oh, i saw people talking about that in the i9100 xda forum for 10.2
<TechnoCat> they fixed it i believe by updating to an unofficial build
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<GuineaPiet> okay google keyboard APK seems to work
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<GuineaPiet> well i can honestly say this feels fecking smooth
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<pbecks1963> Hello, i need some help with updating an i9300 from cm10.1 (20130721-nightly-ii9300) to nightly 20130730, Can somebody assist?.
<pbecks1963> i have the zip on both the sd and internal memory. But in the recovery i can't flasg the zip
<pbecks1963> i am not running a mod or a different kernel
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<pbecks1963> installation aborted ((bad)
<TechnoCat> you need a recovery mod to allow installing unsigned things
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<pbecks1963> i can't flash nightlies with the stock kernel?
<skeptonomicon> pbecks1963, did you enter recovery by volup+home+power or voldown+home+power?
<pbecks1963> via andoid, powerbutton, .men
<pbecks1963> menu
<pbecks1963> reboot -> recovery
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<n-iCe> pbecks1963: what?
<n-iCe> pbecks1963: flash your recovery with a custom one, and flash a custom android zip rom
<pbecks1963> i got into the cwm using the powerbutton menu in the User interface
<pbecks1963> I recentlty rooted my i9300 and flashed cm10.1
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<skeptonomicon> pbeck, try hitting volume up + power + home buttons all at once and hold them until the orange menu comes up.
<GuineaPiet> I love you guys, this really feels smooth
<skeptonomicon> err, blue menu, they must have changed that.
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<Diomoron> holla
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<Diomoron> got a question about flashing cm10.1: can i format my sd card in the same process without any problems after i installed the and gapps?
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<Diomoron> anyone there to answer the question?
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<Hatim> Hi !
<Diomoron> holla
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<Hatim> hope you well
<Diomoron> do you know if i can also format my sd card after installing cm10.1 and gapps from it without a problem?
<Diomoron> sure, i´m fine. no rain. how´s you?
<Hatim> i'm fine ,
<Hatim> thank's
<Hatim> so u can format it using a computer , Via FAT32
<Diomoron> i heard some time ago that you have to copy a folder or something if you do it that way. i thought to do it just in CWM after installing cm10.1
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<Diomoron> and in our german android-forum i haven´t found something about it
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<Hatim> i dont think so
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<Diomoron> allright, will check that again. or search in xda-forums. might find there something. don´t wanna crash my sd card :D
<jomp16> Diomoron: maybe you can format your SDcard/internal SDcard from CWM * AFTER * flashing CM10.1 and GApps to not lose the .zip, or you can format before and pass from ADB push /sdcard
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<Diomoron> yeah, was my plan AFTER flashing cm10.1 and gapps. but in the same process without restarting the phone
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<jomp16> Not need to restart phone, after flash the .zip, go to advanced -> format /sdcard (or whatever like that, but not /system)
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<Diomoron> i already checked where i have to do it. just thought about "what if cm10.1 needs the zip" and some like that. and i read a few weeks ago that if you change your sd card, you have to copy a folder or something to the new sd card. so i was thinking about that i might have to save the folder befor formating the sd card
<jomp16> CM doesn't need of the .zip, some day I format my internal storage after CM/GApps
<jomp16> When I need to do
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<Diomoron> good to know. then my change to cm10.1 will get in process later. just wanted to be sure. thank you very much.
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<rengor> hi all
<rengor> If you have news samsung one day release the source?
<rengor> for exynos
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<frankdrey> rengor, good joke :)
<t3chw00di> !supported
<bbqbot> t3chw00di: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<t3chw00di> !device N7105
<bbqbot> t3chw00di: Unknown device N7105
<frankdrey> !device n7105
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Unknown device n7105
<frankdrey> hmm
<frankdrey> !supported samsung
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<t3chw00di> !device t0lte
<bbqbot> t3chw00di: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
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<LuizAC> Hi!
<frankdrey> hi
<LuizAC> the cyanogenmod 10.2 for GT-i9300 have any know issue/bug?
<LuizAC> i´m finished to install now... and it´s installing my apps
<LuizAC> appear to be FAST
<frankdrey> yeah, CM is always faster than stock
<frankdrey> not sure about known issues/bugs
* frankdrey blames nebkat
<chadouming> teamhacksung isn't anymore
<chadouming> so no reason to keep teamhacksung website anymore
<frankdrey> lame
<frankdrey> CM Wiki needs Known Issues
<|Night|> why is not teamhacksung anymore
<chadouming> cause they decided to disband
<datagutt> [22:31:46] <LuizAC> the cyanogenmod 10.2 for GT-i9300 have any know issue/bug?
<datagutt> 1. internal storage not working
<datagutt> 2. graphical glitches
<Fissurez> #blamesamsung?
<|Night|> where did you find 10.2 for i9500
<Fissurez> Or #blamechadouming
<datagutt> internal storage broken - can't download from play store
<datagutt> also
<|Night|> no 10.2 for 9505
<datagutt> 3. You can not take screenshots
<datagutt> 4. ????
<|Night|> hehe datagutt vær snill mot podden nå da
<datagutt> haha
<frankdrey> wait, datagutt, are you joking?
<datagutt> Nope
<frankdrey> ._.
<|Night|> Vikings never joke
<frankdrey> how is that even usable?
<|Night|> only the swedish sicne they were fake vikings
<datagutt> well
<frankdrey> i thought many people used 10.2 on i9300?
<datagutt> i use a build where internal storage works
<datagutt> but the latest build is broken
<|Night|> many use 10.1
<datagutt> so i dunno why xplodwild posted the 30th july build
<datagutt> The previous build you can use play store on
<datagutt> But going into Settings -> Storage crashes
<datagutt> so yeh
<datagutt> fuck samsung
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> only exxonys
<Fissurez> Lol
<|Night|> with broadcom it works
<|Night|> snapdragon
<LuizAC> damm samsung =/
<Fissurez> Hey, my nexus 10 has an exynos
<Fissurez> Isnt too bad
<datagutt> well, samsung phones still suck imo
<|Night|> what do yo have then data
<datagutt> Fissurez: exynos 5 is good
<chadouming> keyword is nexus
<datagutt> exynos 4 is shit
<Fissurez> Apart from the dumbass mali memory leak
<|Night|> no SD card
<datagutt> Nexus 10 uses exynos 5
<Fissurez> Huehuehue
<Fissurez> Ik
<datagutt> |Night|: i use i9300.
<datagutt> and i hate it
<Fissurez> #ballin
<frankdrey> waaat
<frankdrey> nexus 10?
<datagutt> plastic
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> 9505 here
<datagutt> i would rather have nexus
<datagutt> or oppo
<datagutt> or sony
<Fissurez> What franjy
<|Night|> i did not even boot it up before wipe + CM
<Fissurez> *frank
<|Night|> fuckin bloatware from telenor
<datagutt> i buy my phones unlocked
<chadouming> datagutt: stop lying, you would buy a meizu
<frankdrey> but did google release all sauce for nexus 5?
<frankdrey> * EXYNOS 5
<frankdrey> err
<frankdrey> nexus 10 w/ exynos 10
<datagutt> chadouming: ahahahhaha
<datagutt> frankdrey: yes.
<|Night|> datagutt: they only had the teelnor branded left in store
<datagutt> pretty sure
<|Night|> :(
<Fissurez> Ye frankdre
<frankdrey> then that's good
<datagutt> nexus is open
<Fissurez> Dual core 5250 iir
<datagutt> #HOLOYOLO
<Fissurez> Only thing using it
<Fissurez> Nothingnelse uses the n10 processor XD
<frankdrey> and i'm trying to watch netflix :D
<|Night|> try to port android 1.5 to 9505
<|Night|> :P
<Fissurez> nexus 10 is still best android tab out
<|Night|> nop
<Fissurez> What then
<|Night|> no 3G/4G
<|Night|> if it had celluar it would be awsome
<Fissurez> I have a phone
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<datagutt> frankdrey: Linux works like crap on my laptop
<frankdrey> there
<datagutt> i can't use bluetooth if wifi is enabled
<datagutt> well
<|Night|> i have 3
<frankdrey> datagutt, linux works awesome on my PC
<datagutt> i can, but it disconnects every 5 min
<frankdrey> oh, arch sucks with bluetooth
<datagutt> i use elementary os
<Fissurez> Why does a tablet need mobile Internet
<frankdrey> but so does my tab so it might be the keyboard :P
<datagutt> based on ubuntu
<datagutt> and it still has crappy support
<frankdrey> ewwww
<datagutt> :P
<frankdrey> ubuntu
<frankdrey> Ubuntu sux
<datagutt> frankdrey: ehhh
<datagutt> this is ubuntu without the ubuntu
<datagutt> replaced all the apps, ui
<datagutt> and such
<datagutt> But it is still meh
<datagutt> frankdrey: SUPERTUX AND TETRIS
<frankdrey> nah :P
<datagutt> LETS DO A LAN PARTY
<Fissurez> Sort of says how bad android tab market is if nex is still best specced tab almost a year later
<frankdrey> more than that
<datagutt> (i know about steam)
<datagutt> (and humblebundle)
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<datagutt> (and all that)
<frankdrey> nope, not even steam
<Fissurez> Also
<datagutt> all teh indie games
<datagutt> and that fps
<datagutt> nexuiz?
<frankdrey> look at dat list
<Fissurez> Could i boot ubuntu in android, and use usb otg to fastboot another android device?
<Fissurez> Nexuiz was dissapointing
<frankdrey> oh, and on desktop 6, steam is downloading :P
<datagutt> how is cube?
<datagutt> sauerbraten
<chadouming> Fissurez: never thought about it, but that coulod be awesome
<chadouming> flashing other phone from your phone :D
<frankdrey> Fissurez, pretty sure you can use adb in android
<frankdrey> it has adb binaries
<frankdrey> i think i used it once that way :D
<Fissurez> frankdrey i tried
<frankdrey> tablet - otg cable - G1
<frankdrey> hmmm...i don't remember how it ended for me
<Fissurez> Couldnt flash my nexus with my nexus
<frankdrey> though i think i was trying to do fastboot
<Fissurez> Yes
<frankdrey> fastboot is very diffferent
<datagutt> well, i know ubuntu touch supports heimdall
<datagutt> mr. outler tried that
<datagutt> But dunno about fastboot
<Fissurez> I was trying to reflash my nexus 4 with my nexisn10
<Fissurez> How do i get otg to work that way frankdrey
<frankdrey> i was trying to "rm /* -rf" my g1
<frankdrey> idk
<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> Dammit
<Fissurez> I want to kniw
<Fissurez> And google is just google, completely unhelpful
<frankdrey> lol
* frankdrey is watching Lost, btw
<frankdrey> also, i never knew heroine was powder you ate... i thought it was injected
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<Fissurez> I started watching lost at thenlast series
<Fissurez> And only the odd episode
<Fissurez> Needless to say
<Fissurez> I was confused
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> you should watch from beginning
<frankdrey> it's really good
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<LuizAC> have any build or "patch" to make external SD work?
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* frankdrey is about to start on an aosp 2.2 rom
<frankdrey> JUST CAUSE
<frankdrey> for G1
<frankdrey> i wonder if it'll finish downloading before 4.3, which has been downloading for several hours
<frankdrey> man i should learn git...
<frankdrey> i wonder if 2.2 is touched anymore
<frankdrey> because then i wouldn't have to worry about merging after i fork
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: No it's not
<frankdrey> kewl
<frankdrey> I HAZ PLAN
<frankdrey> BACKPORT APIs INTO 2.2
<frankdrey> ALL TEH NEW APPS
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