nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
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<budmang> n-iCe: no.
<budmang> very very weak, max volume, dsp boosters on.
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<n-iCe> budmang: try other kernel
<budmang> which one do you recommend?
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<n-iCe> budmang: well what's your model
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<ruben> question about "failed to verify whole-file signature?
<ruben> att galaxy note 2 wont reboot
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<|Night|> is there a odin cwm for 9505?
<codeworkx> probably not
<codeworkx> btw. no one in here is using s4
<|Night|> why
<|Night|> :P
<codeworkx> cause we love beats
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> heimdall is a pain in the ass to get working properly
<codeworkx> works fine
<codeworkx> get rid of the fucking windoze
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> i agree
<|Night|> crapy 100%
<|Night|> but for some things i lhave to use it
<codeworkx> hmm. only gaming
<|Night|> neah sharepoint/SAP
<|Night|> now i get MSCP110.dll is missing
<|Night|> stupid c++ redistrub..
<frankdrey> codeworkx, but what if you want to game and code because you're ADD like me and can't focus on something for more than a minute xD
<codeworkx> wine
<codeworkx> steam 4 linux
<frankdrey> meh
<frankdrey> wine sucks
<frankdrey> APB Reloaded isn't on Linux is it?
<frankdrey> !google apb reloaded linux
<bbqbot> frankdrey: APB Reloaded linux/ubuntu Installation - YouTube:
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> it already runs like crap on core2duo 4300
<frankdrey> would run worse in wine :(
* frankdrey is coding squirrel animation
<frankdrey> :D
<bbqbot> lolwat
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<hashem> ma dad is ded
<frankdrey> :(
<hashem> hello
<hashem> qwerty2000
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<frankdrey> ok...
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<hollowman> Hello. I just flashed my SGS with CM 10.1 and now it doesnt boot. Can anyone help me?
<frankdrey> that's a lot of details you've given
<hollowman> Whatelse do you need to know?
<hollowman> Its an I9000. With CWM. It booted up two times and then it refuses to boot into either recovery or download mode.
<nebkat> hollowman: put it in the bin
<nebkat> ;)
<hollowman> :/
<hollowman> why?
<hollowman> Don't tell me its bricked
<hollowman> Please.!
<nebkat> hollowman: its bricked
<nebkat> if you cant get into download mode
<hollowman> Can't I do anything?
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<hollowman> Even a JTAG?
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<nebkat> hollowman: maybe
<xello3> sup nebkat
<nebkat> hello xello3
<xello3> i need nubhelp
<xello3> went from a 4.1 rom to 4.2.2 yesterday, having trouble with sd mounting
<xello3> seeing some folders that werent there in 4.1, /mnt/emulated/ and shiz
<xello3> any idea what default mount point i should be lookin to use? (4.1 was like /storage/sdcard1)
<hollowman> hmm. CAn you please provide me with a link to some good place having info on JTAG?
<nebkat> google it
<nebkat> I know nothing
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<hollowman> help
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* frankdrey throws life ring
<n-iCe> hollowman: ask
<hollowman> i just flashed my SGS with CM 10.1 after which it booted 2 times.. Now it doesnt boot up either into Recovery or Download Mode.!
<hollowman> What do i do?
<n-iCe> you bricked it?
<n-iCe> does it turn on?
<hollowman> No. It doesn't.
<hollowman> Neither does it boot into Recovery or Download Mode.!
<n-iCe> you bricked your phone
<n-iCe> hollowman: So . . . last thing to rescue your phone is buy on e-bay or in other place JIG if it isn't help you then try in phone service and say you tried install new ROM with Kies and your phone is brick (maybe it'll work).
<hollowman> How did it get bricked but?
<n-iCe> Pretend as if you dunno anything about root or ROM
<n-iCe> hollowman: you did not flash the correct recovery or rom
<n-iCe> or unplug when was loading flashing
<frankdrey> hollowman, are you sure the battery is working?:P
<hollowman> Yes!
<frankdrey> the phone boots normally?
<hollowman> I tried using another battery.
<hollowman> Nope>..
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> ;o;
<hollowman> And yeah n-iCe, the phone did boot up two times after flashing.
<n-iCe> what file did you flash
<hollowman> I used a "" file from official CyanogenMod site.
<n-iCe> and what did you use to flash it
<hollowman> ClockWorkMod
<hollowman> after which a custom CM-based recovery was installed i guess.
<n-iCe> o.O
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<budmang> flashing the next nightly... if that doesnt work ill find a new kernel and report back n-iCe
<n-iCe> budmang: sound issue?
<budmang> yes.
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<n-iCe> budmang: headphones or speaker
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<budmang> speaker.
<budmang> is my concern currently. I guess the headphones is a little less too but not a big concern.
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<budmang> you got some trick :)
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<davjohns> I have been looking for info on BlueTooth low energy support, but haven't seen anything. Are there any ROMs out there that support this currently?
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<eiki> anyone experience N7000 CM10.1 nightly gallery3D FC when try to edit a photo?
<budmang> n-iCe: bleh sbrisson just pointed too me the ADVANCED settings
<budmang> you can drag the bar for louder volume.
<budmang> m-fer seems to be working
<eiki> anyone experience N7000 CM10.1 nightly gallery3D FC when try to edit a photo?
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<eiki> anyone experience N7000 CM10.1 nightly gallery3D FC when try to edit a photo?
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<chieftex> guys do you know of a more powerful processor in a smartphone/tablet than a qualcomm snapdragon 800?
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<SWAGMaster420> Hi
<frankdrey> ew
<frankdrey> Swag, oh gosh
<frankdrey> change your nick D:
<TechnoCat> !help
<bbqbot> TechnoCat: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !tts}, {!imdb}, {!math}, {!money}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<TechnoCat> !device i777
<bbqbot> TechnoCat: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II (ATT):
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<|Night|> peeps alive?
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<|Night|> im trying to re a wipdata/ factory reset from cwm, i keep gettins errors, e: cant mount /cache/.... and many more
<TechnoCat> might be obvious, but have you tried mounting them?
<|Night|> indeed, when i try to wipe again the device just reboot
<TechnoCat> are you able to get into an adb shell and see if the directory structure still exists?
<TechnoCat> i'm assuming your phone is unable to boot into cm at this point
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<|Night|> lol
<|Night|> when i try to mount cache it poops out error
<|Night|> error mounting cache
<|Night|> which commands to use in adb
<TechnoCat> adb shell
<TechnoCat> cd /
<TechnoCat> ls
<|Night|> installing adb now
<|Night|> cwm keeps rebooting for no reasons
<TechnoCat> i'm sure it has reasons
<|Night|> i did a fix permissions ow
<|Night|> it just rebooted
<|Night|> now its a softbrick on boot anomation
<TechnoCat> does adb work?
<TechnoCat> you can adb push your files
<TechnoCat> then install that way
<|Night|> its extracting
<|Night|> adb shell says no device found when i downlaod mode
<TechnoCat> try adb devices
<|Night|> none
<TechnoCat> go back into recovery
<TechnoCat> and go to storage
<TechnoCat> and say mount usb or whatever
<|Night|> none such option
<TechnoCat> hmmm
* TechnoCat boots into recovery
<|Night|> E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/command
<|Night|> E: Can't open /cache/recovery/log
<|Night|> E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log
<|Night|> E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/log
<|Night|> E: Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log
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<TechnoCat> in Mounts and Storage Menu I see mount USB storage at the bottom
<jomp16> fstab messed?
<jomp16> Or maybe the partition is "dead" =(
<|Night|> i have unmount /system||data month /cache||external_sd and some formats
<|Night|> but not usb
<TechnoCat> yeah, his filesystem has gone haywire
<|Night|> so flash stock
<|Night|> and restart
<|Night|> right`?
<|Night|> anyone have hotfile premium account? this is slow as shit, to dl
<bbqbot> [Link] jomp16 �� GitHub
<TechnoCat> is that a picture of you jomp16 ?
<jomp16> TechnoCat, what reason you posted the link?
<jomp16> A old pic (2010), but is my pic
<TechnoCat> you're young
<jomp16> 2010 or 2011
<nebkat> TechnoCat: EVURIBODY YUNG
<jomp16> Currently I have 15 years
<|Night|> TechnoCat: it that correct thing to do? install stock rom from sammmobile and restart
<jomp16> nebkat, +1
<TechnoCat> |Night|: i guess i would try with odin or heimdell to flash stock yeah
<|Night|> dl now
<|Night|> been dl from 2 horus now
<|Night|> fuck hotfile is slow
<|Night|> i have faster upload that it dl to mme
<nebkat> TechnoCat: how old are you?
<jomp16> Dunno if is possible to flash stock sammy rom with clockworkmod
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<TechnoCat> that is why i suggested odin or heimdel
<TechnoCat> but beware |Night|. everytime you use odin or heimdell you are doing something dangerous
<|Night|> yeah, i have odin ready for when its done dling
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<TechnoCat> where cwm is generally safe
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<|Night|> TechnoCat: no issue with odin when i used it in on my S3
<|Night|> S4 been a headace
<TechnoCat> i'm on an s2
<|Night|> 44min left to get stock rom from hotfile
<jomp16> I have a super ancient phone: Galaxy 5 (GT-I5500) =P
<|Night|> hehe
<jomp16> My best device is my P3110
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<TechnoCat> i want my next phone to be a nexus device
<|Night|> im flashing google play edition on my S4
<TechnoCat> yeah, that is pretty neat. stock experience offerings
<|Night|> just need to get this working :_P
<TechnoCat> good luck |Night|. i'm heading out
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<|Night|> cheers m8
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<budmang> n-iCe: going to try another rom on my phone
<budmang> see wth if its any loader etc..
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<|Night|> 16min left to DL
<|Night|> zzzz
<|Night|> 2 hours
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<budmang> anyone here have sprint and knwo about prls? do I need an SMR one? whats the difference?
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<Nav_> hi... can anyone please tell me how to copy rom from pc to galaxy note 2 when there is no os installed in note 2. i have twrp installed
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<Nav_> helllllllowww
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<Nav_> hi... can anyone please tell me how to copy rom from pc to galaxy note 2 when there is no os installed in note 2. i have twrp installed