nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
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<Jiangyi> elitewarrior: You don't need to do the init part, repo sync should do the trick
<elitewarrior> Yea its giving me an error tho :x
<Jiangyi> ._. What error?
<bbqbot> [Link] [Bash] Fetching projects: 100% (367/367), done. Traceback (most recent call last): - Pastebin.c...
<elitewarrior> Running repo selfupdate (btw what is the difference between sync and self update) gives me "fatal: Invalid gitfile format: /home/prime/android/system/.repo/repo/.git/clone.bundle
<elitewarrior> fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
<elitewarrior> "
<Jiangyi> Well uh, that doesn't look good ._.
<Jiangyi> I have no idea how to solve that, sorry
<elitewarrior> Haha np :P
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<elitewarrior> Jiangyi are you there?
<Jiangyi> elitewarrior: Yep
<elitewarrior> Do you think you can check a file in your source really quick?
<Jiangyi> Sure
<Jiangyi> Which one?
<elitewarrior> sweet
<elitewarrior> uh
<elitewarrior> android/system/bionic/.git/HEAD
<Jiangyi> elitewarrior: ce133c000a8eb44f6f1ea1a3006d57c55c1876e5
<elitewarrior> Thank you
<elitewarrior> Something is really fked up with my source lol
<Jiangyi> Well, that's supposed to change depending on whether your source is up-to-date or not, no?
<elitewarrior> I think the HEAD file in each folders .git is corrupted or something :|
<elitewarrior> Because the very first folder, which is android/system/android
<elitewarrior> it gave the same error and I replaced the head file and re ran sync
<elitewarrior> that folder no longer gave an error... but the next folder did :P
<elitewarrior> which is /bionic
<Jiangyi> Well uh, that's not fun :-|
<Jiangyi> Maybe you should just nuke the whole thing and start over heh.
<elitewarrior> that would take ages!
<elitewarrior> lol
<elitewarrior> Well I think I can post in the github forums or something
<elitewarrior> Since this is a git error right?
<Jiangyi> I think something just got corrupt along the way
<elitewarrior> Um dont laugh... could it be timestamps?
<elitewarrior> Like when I copied it over the timestamps got changed
<elitewarrior> and that is messing with with it?
<Jiangyi> ._. I don't think so...
<elitewarrior> Haha ok
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<elitewarrior> Hm k so my backup of .repo/project is 19556 items and and then one I am using for sync is 22666 items.. how is that possible :O
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<koz_> hi all
<koz_> just installed the latest version nightly build oc cyangenmod 10.1 and gapps for 10.1 but cant seem to get google apps to work.
<koz_> anyone having the same problem or know a fix for this?
<elitewarrior> Which google ap?
<koz_> pretty much all of them
<koz_> play, youtube etc.
<elitewarrior> Whats it say
<koz_> unfotunately google play store has stopped
<koz_> did a clean wipe install
<koz_> got the gapps from
<bbqbot> [Link] Downloads - Browsing gapps
<elitewarrior> You got the 4.2.1 apps?
<koz_> 20130301
<elitewarrior> ok
<koz_> yea really strange.
<elitewarrior> Um try clearing app data of google play store/services
<koz_> cant seem to get it to work
<elitewarrior> did you clear the data?
<koz_> just tried that..doesnt work :(
<koz_> yea
<koz_> settings - apps - all - google play store - clear cache
<koz_> doesnt seem to have any data in there
<koz_> 0.00b for data
<koz_> but i cleared the cache and defaults
<elitewarrior> Um
<elitewarrior> Dont really know what the problem could be
<elitewarrior> You can try posting on Xda but you would have to post some logs
<koz_> ok thanks.
<elitewarrior> yayy finally fixed it
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<thekid> Hello
<thekid> I had a quick question, if someone would be so kind as to help me
<thekid> How can I fix the issue with an emulated SD card...where it makes a 2nd copy of my internal SD?
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<bbqbot> elitewarrior: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Didou> !device i9505
<bbqbot> Didou: Unknown device i9505
<elitewarrior> I think Steve Kondik is working on the S4
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<elitewarrior> Anyone here?
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<spY|da_> hello
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<Bert_> It's been a while since I lurked here.... In regards to i9100 + CM 10.1, has there been any news regarding the need to backup and restore et EFS partition on soft-unlocked devices? I don't know why, but I want to upgrade past 20130217
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<tapiov> I installed cm-10.1-20130719-NIGHTLY-jfltexx and tried camera. Normal pics are ok but HDR produces about 25M size files, with exactly same size. What format are they, raw? Can I view those large files somehow? They have .jpg extension but they are not JPEG
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<Thiagovfar> Anybody up for draining a nexus 4's battery?
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<spY|da_> evening
<nebkat> spY|da_: vece
<spY|da_> nebkat, dobro vece
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