nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
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<Onixs> guess who
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<hulazero1> hi lol this is kinda of funny but i need some help. I picked up a galaxy tab 3 today and I was just exploring the stock recovery option when i happened onto odin mode. I tried to cancel out of it but the damn volume rocker on the unit is backwards from any other samsumg device ive messed with. so i got tossed into odin mode and its awating a firmware update. I've tried to hold the power button down for up to a mi
<hulazero1> has anyone here run into a problem like that?
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<Durrie> hi guys
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<Durrie> I need little help with my phone, so i am i9100 user but recently (maybe two patches back) my gps won´t run anymore .. including runkeeper, endomodo, my tracks and even navigation ..
<Durrie> tried to look on the forum but i need some clarification about that ..
<Durrie> currently running latest nightly
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<datagutt> SmileyNumber of UsesLast Used by
<datagutt> 1:P150datagutt
<datagutt> ahahha
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<nondikos> hello
<nondikos> i have a simple but noob question
<nebkat> nondikos: cool
<nondikos> which is easy to develop aosp rom? exynos4412 or rk3188
<nondikos> :D
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<Alex____> i9300
<nondikos> so you're telling exynos4412
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<Alex____> how to change my cwm
<Alex____> ?
<nondikos> ping cody
<nebkat> nondikos: are you crazy?
<nebkat> never ping cody
<Alex____> I already have root, but the version of cwm is 5.0 and need to upgrade to 6
<nebkat> Alex____: just flash it again?
<nondikos> nebkat please answer my question :
<nebkat> nondikos: i dont know the answer
<nondikos> ok then talk through one's hat
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<Alex____> I downloaded version 6, the file is. img
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<Alex____> how to update my cwm? I downloaded the latest version
<Alex____> @nebkat how to update my cwm? I downloaded the latest version
<nebkat> heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img
<Alex____> just rename the file to recovery.img and put on the root of sdcard?
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<padde> hey, since yesterday's nightly (n7100) the clock in the notification bar only updates when I rotate the screen
<padde> it stays the same even when the hour changes...
<Jiangyi> padde: Reboot
<padde> Jiangyi: ok, so it's a known issue?
<Jiangyi> Well, it happens at random sometimes
<Jiangyi> If it happens often, then it's one of your apps doing something
<padde> ok
<Jiangyi> It's very rare
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<padde> I see. yeah, didn't notice it before today, using cm10.1 for 3 weeks now
<Jiangyi> Since it's so rare, it's so damn hard to track down
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<padde> the most nasty of bugs ;)
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<sunri5e> Can anyone tell me how the @ system/lib/hw will be created if i build for myself?
<Jiangyi> sunri5e: There hasn't been changes made to it, if you were wondering
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<sunri5e> Did you follow the gps bug?
<Jiangyi> Following news on it, yes
<sunri5e> I wonder, if I use a version from an older nightly gps works fine...
<sunri5e> maybe the file is corrupt?
<Jiangyi> Doesn't make sense
<sunri5e> or jenkins add some control character to it while compiling ... idk
<Jiangyi> sunri5e: is a blob that just gets copied over, it's not compiled
<sunri5e> but from where did jenkins get the file?
<sunri5e> I cant find it in any repo
<sunri5e> if something getting wrong while copying the file it could cause a corrupt file
<nebkat> sunri5e: themuppets prop vendors
<nebkat> github themuppets
<sunri5e> strange ...
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<IRaepOnDe1stDate> hi
<IRaepOnDe1stDate> Is anyone on here?
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<IRaepOnDe1stDate> Any hot bitches up in this shit?
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<xello> crap sandwich
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<nebkat> !help
<bbqbot> nebkat: Available commands: !help, !plugin, {!8ball}, {!userlevel}, {!bomb}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!exec}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !tts}, {!imdb}, {!js}, {!math}, {!money}, {!ban, !deop, !devoice, !invite, !join, !kick, !kickban, !message, !mute, !nick, !notice, !op, !part, !quit, !raw, !topic, !unban, !unmute, !voice}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}, {!timer}, {!url}
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<singo> hello
<singo> i need a link to know wat is the main problems to make it stable version foe i9100 cm10.1
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<hlywrath> Hey, can I get some help with CM10.1 on my S3?
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<hlywrath> Hello?
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<n-iCe> hi
<nebkat> n-iCe: hey
<n-iCe> sad day :(
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<gschanuel> hello :)
<gschanuel> folks, I have a non samsung related question but I guess someone from here can help. heimdall flashes the files (recovery kernel etc..) to which addresses?
<gschanuel> I want to flash some img to 0x00010000
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<MoReNitO> what's up guys
<nebkat> NOT MUCH MoReNitO
<MoReNitO> im going to root soon for the fist time. GS4 on ATT, using casual to root. then looking forward to join the CM team
<MoReNitO> sounds good?
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<|Night|> any idea of SGS4 will get CM10.2?
<|Night|> as i undertstood it SGS3 wont get it
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<|Night|> which recovery does SGS4 GOogle play edition run?
* QuinnLion flops n' sprawls
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<datagutt> nebkat: where is bbqbot
<nebkat> thar
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<datagutt> !op
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<budmang> n-iCe: hi :)
<budmang> the volume still seems low/off compared to my buddys note2 on regular note2
<n-iCe> last nightly?
<budmang> i think im one nightly behind ... but hehe
<budmang> thats always your answer :0
<budmang> downloading 8 now
<n-iCe> yeah, because we need to see if it was fixed in the last nightly otherwise will be stupid trying to fix a bug when it was already fixed.
<budmang> kk
<n-iCe> budmang: did you compare with other same device? running cm as well?
<budmang> no hes not rooted etc.. though i guess i could.
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<budmang> n-iCe: you dont have the device yourself?
<n-iCe> no, n4 here
<budmang> bastard k.
<budmang> way better?
<n-iCe> love it
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<budmang> did you have issues/constraints with the n2?
<budmang> still seems low
<budmang> unuseable ha.
<budmang> damn it, it wasnt always like this, people clown on it... I see that manual volume boost thing(editing some file)..
<n-iCe> uhm
<n-iCe> did you check the dsp manager
<n-iCe> for boost?
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<budmang> bas boost thing?
<n-iCe> anything that can boost the sound
<n-iCe> should help
<budmang> ha
<budmang> i guess it does a little
<budmang> i just know it used to be so loud on speaker phone
<bbqbot> [Link] Replacement power supply for Cisco CP-79XX series IP Phones, CP-PWR-CUBE-3=
<bbqbot> [Link] DroidViews | How to Boost/Increase Speaker Volume on Rooted Samsung Galaxy S3, Note & Note 2
<budmang> ignore that other link.
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<budmang> I dont seem to have a default gain.
<n-iCe> budmang: nothing?