nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
<iveks> Hi I have Samsung S II (i9100) phone, I install but GPS don't work, any have idea how to fix?
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<iveks> Hi I have Samsung S II (i9100) phone, I install but GPS don't work, any have idea how to fix?
<Thiagovfar> iveks: have you tried an older build?
<iveks> Thiagovfar: cm9?
<Thiagovfar> not that older
<Thiagovfar> cm-10.1-20130709, for example
<iveks> Thiagovfar: I try but same problem with GPS.
<Thiagovfar> Does it work on stock?
<iveks> Thiagovfar: I don't have idea with witch version cm-10.1-* gps work
<Thiagovfar> Does it work on samsung's roms?
<iveks> Thiagovfar: GPS work on 4.1.2 (tested)
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<Thiagovfar> Then, we sit and wait for someone to give us any clue, because I ain't got that device.
<iveks> Thiagovfar: tested with GT-I9100_FOP_I9100XWLS8 <-- samsung image but I wont cyanogenmod image
<iveks> Thiagovfar: I try (don't work gps,bluetooth and wireless) :-(
<Thiagovfar> Keep stock. Its fine
<iveks> Thiagovfar: If wont try for fun :-)
<bbqbot> [Link] Replicant project
<iveks> Thiagovfar: I wont to use CyanogenMod (no google apps, and google repository)
<iveks> Thiagovfar: Clean and fast phone work without "mega" google apps
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<jomp16> I heard about GPS problem on interwebs, current workarround is copy old file from working CM10.1 build
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<|Night|> GPS works for me in 4.2.2 GT9505
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> even works in 4.2
<|Night|> 4.3
<jomp16> |Night|, "i9100"
<|Night|> it worked on i9305 aswell
<|Night|> i skiped the i9100
<|Night|> 9000 -> 9305 -> 9505
<jomp16> My question is: The security hole of Android patched on CM10.1 will be patched for CM7 too?
<|Night|> CM7 is depreachiated
<jomp16> For me, any project can be upgraded if find a security hole
<jomp16> Examples: CM said will update CM9 only when found a security hole
<jomp16> find *
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<|Night|> that is true
<|Night|> CM9 is now stable
<Thiagovfar> It's fixed on the source. You can build it
<|Night|> +1
<jomp16> Thiagovfar, for all branch?
<|Night|> which device you on?
<Thiagovfar> cm7, cm9 and cm10.1
<Jiangyi> jomp16: All branches, yes
<|Night|> i9100 should support 10.1
<jomp16> Good
<bbqbot> [Link] BBQLog, a Changelog for CyanogenMod 7, 9 and 10, the Android distribution!
<|Night|> its on nightly
<jomp16> CM download too slow!
<|Night|> CM10.1
<|Night|> your slow
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<|Night|> i dl from CM at 100mbit
<jomp16> No
<|Night|> ....
<jomp16> Downloading from = 40KB/s
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Use another mirror
<|Night|> 11,553 KB/s here
<jomp16> Jiangyi, what mirror?
<|Night|> so your slow
<jomp16> The pic say what?
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Which build are you downloading?
<|Night|> your slow
<jomp16> |Night|, cm most slow than real speed
<|Night|> talk to me when its says 100Mb/s
<|Night|> ie gig
<jomp16> 10MB downloaded =(
<|Night|> mine is done
<Jiangyi> Take your pick
<|Night|> 5.4MB/s
<|Night|> on that mirror jomp16
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<|Night|> take a tracert
<|Night|> and its done
<|Night|> should it put it on my local box and oyu can grab?
<|Night|> 10mbit upload
<jomp16> |Night|, doit
<jomp16> To see
<bbqbot> [Link] Index of /cm
<jomp16> Good speed
<|Night|> i dont monitor speeds on that
<|Night|> so you tell me
<jomp16> + - 7 min
<jomp16> 400 KB/s
<|Night|> shit slow
<jomp16> I live at Brazil...
<|Night|> i ntoiced
<|Night|> tracert is all over the place
<|Night|> wtf
<jomp16> Is better than a dial up interwebs
<|Night|> ohh the good old days
<|Night|> back in 1998 i used 28.8k
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> oh no then it was 128kbit ISDN
<jomp16> =P
<|Night|> i used 2 lines :P
<|Night|> 12 jumps to get to you
<iveks> |Night|: Hi, in next update gps will work ? (for )
<bbqbot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<|Night|> what you on now
<iveks> |Night|: Samsung S II (GT-I9100)
<|Night|> which cm
<iveks> |Night|:
<|Night|> what error do you get ig logcat
<|Night|> what abotu gps does not wor
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<iveks> |Night|: how to open "ig logcat"? if write in console "logcat" I got Permission denied
<|Night|> su
<iveks> |Night|: sec
<jomp16> |Night|, tryed to check md5sums in your side?
<iveks> |Night|: lot message from logcat...
<|Night|> well grep works
<jomp16> My side: 71215b5ba05bd91e771b2804ee8d7a0 != real = 31b136d931acacba7fc7d3f773ecf5c9
<iveks> |Night|: ok sec
<jomp16> Downloading again to see...
<|Night|> 31B136D931ACACBA7FC7D3F773ECF5C9
<|Night|> is md5
<jomp16> so, my side faulty
<|Night|> what did you get
<jomp16> 71215b5ba05bd91e771b2804ee8d7a0
<|Night|> sure thats m5
<|Night|> i check agaisnt every normal hash, and its not a match
<jomp16> "<jomp16> Downloading again to see..."
<jomp16> |Night|, maybe your server drops the connection?
<jomp16> download stopped at 130MB
<|Night|> should not
<jomp16> first and second download stops with 130MB
<|Night|> other users have grabed TBs
<|Night|> from that server
<|Night|> it should not drop
<jomp16> let's use purist mode = wget!
<|Night|> grab torrent file in same dir
<|Night|> and use that
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<jomp16> I love torrents
<|Night|> then i dont have to explain how to use them
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<jomp16> Really bro?!
<|Night|> some i do
<|Night|> :P
<jomp16> =D
<|Night|> you disconnted?
<|Night|> nvm
<|Night|> there you are back
<jomp16> #blameBrazilConnection
<|Night|> been a long time since ive seen that slow
<|Night|> usaly im at a few MB/s
<|Night|> 400KB/s
<|Night|> getting there
<jomp16> For me: torrents > http downloads
<iveks> |Night|: I write logcat | grep gps, and got lot logs...example I/com .cochibo.gpsstatus.GpsStatusActivity(115786): NMEA Data: $GPGSA,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*79
<|Night|> well thats raw gps data
<|Night|> which menas your gps works
<jomp16> use GPS Test to see ir
<jomp16> it *
<|Night|> indeed
<|Night|> there arnt any raw gps data app out there that i know off
<|Night|> thats why i use logcat
<jomp16> |Night|, GPS Test = test gps connection
<|Night|> it does not show raw gps data
<|Night|> like timestamps
<jomp16> no need to use Maps, Sygic, Waze or whatever
<|Night|> depends on what you use gps for
<|Night|> :)
<iveks> |Night|: witch is command for start gps test from command line?
<|Night|> you get gps status
<|Night|> NMEA data is gps data from satatlties
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<jomp16> |Night|, GPS Test = see the lat/log, sattelites and whatever without maps
<|Night|> GPS Test shows satatlites and connection strengt
<|Night|> does not however show raw data
<jomp16> I'm talking about raw data?!
<|Night|> no
<jomp16> Soooooo
<bbqbot> [Link] BASH tutorial - Reading RAW DATA GPS continued - YouTube
<|Night|> thats raw data
<jomp16> Too bad I don't have enough money to upgrade my interwebs
<jomp16> For me: around 10MB/s in Brazil, 2MB/s in rest of world
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> talk to my server
<|Night|> 10gigabit
<jomp16> Your server lives at....?
<|Night|> leaves in a datacenter in Paris
<|Night|> homeline is 200mbit
<iveks> |Night|: I got only empty respond from gps, no data ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
<jomp16> Bingo, France has a good economy (PIB), services are cheapers
<|Night|> ecnomicls has little to do with it
<jomp16> +1
<|Night|> Paris/France is in the middle if europe
<|Night|> so lots of fiberoptics
<|Night|> and many palces to hoock onm to
<jomp16> Brazil has a good PIB, but services costs much money
<|Night|> since its the end of the line
<jomp16> And doesn't have a fiber cable yet
<|Night|> iveks insall latest nightly
<jomp16> he isn't in latest nightly?
<iveks> |Night|: I have installed cm-10.1-20130710
<|Night|> when did it work last?
<jomp16> |Night|, dude, thanks for seed =P
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<jomp16> You can remove the file
<|Night|> gone
<|Night|> + server closed to public again
<jomp16> =(
<|Night|> df
<|Night|> free space: 4314.76/30272.75 GB (14.3%)
<jomp16> server is for private use?
<|Night|> might explain why its closed
<iveks> |Night|: I install cm-10.1-20130706 but also not work (that is my first try)
<|Night|> iveks: check xda forum for that model
<|Night|> see if it is a bug
<jomp16> I heard about it on interwebs
<|Night|> about
<jomp16> solution is copy some file from working nightly
<|Night|> just makes sure its currect driver
<|Night|> or softbrick
<jomp16> about gps not working (dunno about the model, I think is i9100)
<|Night|> i had a isse with NFC on my 9305
<jomp16> CM10.1.1 is only a security fix, without an feature?
<|Night|> correct
<|Night|> not even 10.2 willl bring much new
<|Night|> if based on 4.3 base
<jomp16> Google released 4.3?
<|Night|> leae
<|Night|> lake
<|Night|> leake
<jomp16> source leake or binary leake?
<jomp16> leak *
<|Night|> binary
<|Night|> for 9505g
<|Night|> and htc one
<jomp16> What new feature?
<|Night|> nothing majo
<jomp16> Google Edition?
<|Night|> indeed
<|Night|> i had it on my 9505
<|Night|> but revertet to c10.1
<jomp16> Because CM is better than lot of bloat of Sammy roms? =P
<|Night|> more stable
<|Night|> 4.3 is abit buggy stil
<jomp16> It will be only one stable CM10.1 or will have more?
<jomp16> What is the security hole?
<jomp16> Reading
<EgotisticalElf> zip files allowed 2 entries with the exact same name. Thus, you could fake it by adding a new file w/ the same name as another confusing the validation engine
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<bbqbot> [Link] Obama administration urges federal employees to spy on each other to avoid leaks ��� RT USA
<Jiangyi> Durh
<Jiangyi> This feels awfully communist to me.
<jomp16> |Night|, how google employers don't notice it?
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<|Night|> notice what
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<|Night|> Jiangyi: reminds of of nazi germany
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<|Night|> Jiangyi: which devcice are you on
<jomp16> |Night|, the exploit
<Jiangyi> |Night|: N4 and I9100G
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<|Night|> jomp16 they knew jsut did not bother to fix it
<|Night|> since it effects only ike 2% of userbase
<|Night|> 70% of them has the brains to fix it
<|Night|> rest would be effected even if they used a bric
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<|Night|> Jiangyi: i have an issue with 9505
<|Night|> when i install something from roommanger device crashes and reboots
<|Night|> i get "android unfortunately has stopped" error
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<Jiangyi> |Night|: Why you using ROM Manager :-|
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<|Night|> why shouldent ei
<|Night|> wb codeworkx
<|Night|> Jiangyi: ??
<Jiangyi> Cause it's kinda bleh
<Jiangyi> |Night|: What do you use it for?
<|Night|> flash different things
<Jiangyi> :-/
<|Night|> ??
<Jiangyi> I got nothing for ya
<|Night|> same thing is in CM updater
<Jiangyi> Oh really?
<Jiangyi> That's messed up
<|Night|> when ever i try to get to recovery from system
<|Night|> i get that
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<|Night|> unfortunately settings has stopped
<|Night|> is error
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<Jiangyi> Hmm
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<Jiangyi> idk what to tell ya
<Jiangyi> Reflash all teh things?
<|Night|> yeah im consdering that
<|Night|> ive set up helium now
<|Night|> so should be back-up fast again
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<Soupkentang> hello?
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<Soupkentang> on build cm-10.1-20130708
<Soupkentang> slides lock doesnt work
<Soupkentang> slide*
<Soupkentang> and everytime i turn on vibrate when ring
<Soupkentang> it turns off after a while
<Soupkentang> normal?
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<noregret> i have the galaxy i9100g and having issues with cyanogenmod 10.1 where the phone gets disconnected from the mobile network and I don't get any notification if someone is calling me, any ideas?
<QuinnLion`> I lose data on xt897 regularly, POssibly related... but I still can get calls and SMS
<QuinnLion`> Have to cycle mobile data and generate some traffic to get it bacl
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<whoppie> q: trying to flash a cm nightly on my I9100 through cwm but getting an error, assert failed (blah), status 7.
<whoppie> any ideas on what I can try next? :)
<Espenfjo> Then you are flashing the wrong nightly for your device
<whoppie> quite sure i am flashing the correct one, but let me doublecheck that.
<Espenfjo> And you are certain that your device is an i9100?
<whoppie> yup.
<whoppie> model number says gt-i9100
<whoppie> right now running version 4.1.2
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<whoppie> dunno about the baseband version though... I9100XXMS2
<whoppie> afaik its not listed on the website
<whoppie> but maybe thats not important.
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<whoppie> or do i need to flash a radio first?
<Espenfjo> no
<noregret> i have the galaxy i9100g and having issues with cyanogenmod 10.1 where the phone gets disconnected from the mobile network and I don't get any notification if someone is calling me, any ideas?
<whoppie> just gonna install some file explorer and check the props...
<QuinnLion> Sleeeep... getting dragged to gym today after two straight days of wrenching on cars x.x
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<codeworkx_> whoppie: you're simply running a fucked up recovery
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<noregret> anybody ?
<nebkat> noregret: nobody
<whoppie> codeworkx: sorry, was afk, out doing installations in an ambulance.
<whoppie> hm, a fucked up recovery, that might actually be correct.
<whoppie> do you know where i can get a "non-fucked-up" recovery?
<whoppie> :)
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<whoppie> hm, using cwm
<whoppie> flashing using odin or heimdal doesnt work so im forced to do it by recovery and also flashing cwm from recovery...
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<codeworkx> whoppie: cwm 4? that's pretty old. how about reading the official cm wiki?
<bbqbot> [Link] How To Install CyanogenMod Android for Samsung Galaxy S II ("i9100") - CyanogenMod
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<CoreISP> Hai, running release candidate on tab2 10, the "cyanogen update" keeps crashing. Is that a known bug? :)
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<robtow> Anyone else here have a AT&T Skyrocket, and doing their own local build of CM 10.1?
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<robtow> Recently I cannot build for grouper or skyrocket - the problem seems to be related to the NETWORK_TYPE_DCHSPAP tag in Removing the @hide above it causes a failed compile with a canned warning from Koush about changing APIs. Anyone know what's going on with this?
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<robtow> How can I duplicate a nightly Cyanogenmod build? Is there a manefest included in the zip of the build that I can copy into my build tree somewhere? I ask because my local build after repo sync does NOT succeed, instead failing on a method in TelephonyManager that is subject to an @hide directive.
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<HippyTed1> Hi, is there a trick I'm missing to see the gerrit reviews for changes on ?
<HippyTed1> sometimes the GERRIT link is empty, sometimes it leads to a blank page