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<mach20x> Greetings all
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<mach20x> Anyone know the best adb string to delete my smdl2tmp1.asec file. I read that this file is the culprit when Tutu get an error in the market saying that there is no USB or SD storage available
<mach20x> You not Tutu, i wish the word Tutu were purged from my KB
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<mach20x> Anyone got info on this?
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<mach20x> No response, I'll come back when the vampire's (I know you are out there) wake up.
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<Abi_> anyone have a solution for status 7 message for 10.2 installation?
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<pat43> hi, using 20130808 buile of cyanogen 10.2 i cannot use playstore and camera crashes after the first use. can someone look at this ?
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<p5110> Hello everyone!
<p5110> Any help for install clockwork on my tab? i have rooted it, flashed clock , odin says PASS but no clock on the tab!
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<thomas2044> ftahi @all
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> good evening
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<Starholdest> @jomp16
<Starholdest> so guess what
<Starholdest> I just wiped all, formatted /system, reinstalled CM10.1 and everything...and guess what...no lock screen again
<Starholdest> lol..............gotta be freaking kidding me
<Starholdest> man this is starting to piss me off
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<jomp16> Why EUA's carriers loves to mod their devices? On Brazil, carrier mods their devices only on software parts (add carrier apps), but the hardware as is is the same as international version, only flash a stock no modded ROM, or flash a custom ROM
<codeworkx> jomp16: isn't the i9000p a brazil model with tv tuner instead of fm tuner?
<jomp16> codeworkx: true =P
<codeworkx> owned
<JulianXhokaxhiu> lol
<jomp16> But is ancient device, now actual device isn't modded =P
<jomp16> Except the old Galaxy X (GNexus), it is modded by legal issue, but only flash the stock and you have a international version
<jomp16> Nexus 4 is the stock international, no mods =P
<JulianXhokaxhiu> [i9100] do anyone knows where can i found an electronic sheet or photo or something where bus are connected to chips? from point A to B?
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> oh god, thanks @spY|da
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<spY|da> JulianXhokaxhiu, i think thats about every information you can get :D
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> it's helpful spY|da :) btw i need the last part which it seems cannot be found...the mapping of registries on the chip with components
<JulianXhokaxhiu> for example which component is GPX3 bus?
<JulianXhokaxhiu> and so on
<codeworkx> JulianXhokaxhiu: might the GPIO config at kernel help?
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<codeworkx> JulianXhokaxhiu:
<codeworkx> ./arch/arm/mach-exynos/include/mach/gpio-u1.h:#define GPIO_OK_KEYEXYNOS4_GPX3(5)
<codeworkx> ./arch/arm/mach-exynos/include/mach/gpio-u1.h:#define GPIO_DET_35EXYNOS4_GPX3(2)
<codeworkx> ./arch/arm/mach-exynos/include/mach/gpio-u1.h:#define GPIO_EAR_SEND_ENDEXYNOS4_GPX3(6)
<codeworkx> ./arch/arm/mach-exynos/include/mach/gpio-u1.h:#define GPIO_BT_WAKEEXYNOS4_GPX3(1)
<codeworkx> ./arch/arm/mach-exynos/include/mach/gpio-u1.h:#define GPIO_HDMI_CECEXYNOS4_GPX3(6)
<codeworkx> ./arch/arm/mach-exynos/include/mach/gpio-u1.h:#define GPIO_HDMI_HPDEXYNOS4_GPX3(7)
<codeworkx> ./arch/arm/mach-exynos/include/mach/gpio-u1.h:#define GPIO_ACC_INTEXYNOS4_GPX3(0)
<codeworkx> ./arch/arm/mach-exynos/include/mach/gpio-u1.h:#define GPIO_USB_OTG_ENEXYNOS4_GPX3(3)
<n-iCe> hi
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> lol
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> cody
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> i know already that
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> but lets just say
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> GPX3(6) is GPIO_HDMI_CEC
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> but is also
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> GPIO_EAR_SEND_END
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> so, two devices in the same bus?
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> yeah, it's 32 bit so we can read 7 groups of devices in the same time
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> but in which of the seven parts is for example the jack audio?
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<JulianXhokaxhiu_> GPX3(6) also, is the 6th group or just a flag? (from 0x0 to 0xF)
<codeworkx> JulianXhokaxhiu_: is ifdefed. different across variants
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> yeah but the one i'm mentioning are declared both no matter what ifdefs
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> it would be interesting to understand that little difference because i would like to know if i'm reading the 6th group of GPX3 and after i have to set a flag to understand what i'm reading, or if it's already a flag so in some other part of the code it is just read
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> this because that damn define is used as an IRQ
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> and i would like to understand how many other lines i have to so i can listen
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> the maximum defined in gpio-u1.h for GPX3 is 7
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> so i can think for it as a group, but if you see (for example) GPIO_EAR_SEND_END has an opposite flag called GPIO_EAR_SEND_END_AF which is just 0xF (a flag to tell it's WAKEUP Interrupt)
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> so, if GPX3 is just a flag i can also (for example) declare GPX3(7) and it would be the 7th flag (0x7) right?
<JulianXhokaxhiu_> or if it's zero based it would be 0x6
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<Mytos> if i switch to cm on my note 2 what functionality will i lose with nfc and the pen etc
<n-iCe> all touchwiz
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<nebkat> Mytos: nfc works fine
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<nebkat> Mytos: all s pen stuff
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