nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT
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<hackworks> Any exynos gurus here (xplodwild or codeworkx)?
<hackworks> or Entropy512
<hackworks> Has there ever been an attempt at building the open source mali driver source code from ARM and getting AOSP on Samsung S3(S2) phones?
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<Dibblah> Hmm. Odd. Just installed - and got stuck on the Samsung logo on boot.
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<Dibblah> Everything was fine until the second boot.
<Dibblah> Wiped cache, rebooted and waited - now seems to be booting okay.
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<Nstant> Hey is anyone alive in here
<hackworks> I am, not sure if I can be of any help though
<Nstant> word
<Nstant> alright so I love jellybean and was using it for like 5 months but recently switched back to ICS because tethering doesnt work (4G) for the nexus s 4g
<Nstant> ive been back on ICS for about 2 months now and want to make the switch back to jellybean but im only going back in 4g tethering works
<hackworks> ok, I use S3 and never had 4g where I live. 3g is luxury
<Nstant> i cant find anything with searching and when ever i ask on on a NS4g Board no one seems to want to respond
<hackworks> Nstant: you can always take a nandroid backup and test it yourself. If it works, bonus. Else, you restore from nandroid and you are back in business
<hackworks> Nstant: I agree nothing like getting a quick answer though, sorry, I do not have one
<Nstant> yea thats what ive been doing, I had a nandroid back up of ics just for tethering but to come home switch to ICS and then go out and switch to jellybean just seems like such a pain
<Nstant> alright well thanks for answering.. its more then anyone else has done
<hackworks> Nstant: least I could do :-)
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<hackworks> Nstant: i did not mean you keep switching. try if the new builds support it once
<hackworks> there is tethering app from koush in play, not used it. could that help?
<Nstant> kk ill try, Thank you :D
<Nstant> yea ive been using Wifitether, ill download a couple of roms and see if tethering is working in them
<hackworks> Nstant: if it is AOSP, test with CM rom. If it does not work there, I very much doubt if it works on others
<Nstant> yea i only really like CM roms anyway
<hackworks> yup. if they fix it, others get it. it is like a solid base with fast paced development
<Nstant> ndeed thank you again
<hackworks> welcome
<hackworks> ping xplodwild
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<xplodwild> hackworks: pong
<hackworks> hello xplodwild , how are you doing
<hackworks> i had a n00b question for you
<xplodwild> pretty good
<xplodwild> sure?
<hackworks> has anyone tried building open source mali driver code from ARM and putting the AOSK rom on top of with with no sammy blobs?
<hackworks> i know camera will not work (and other peripherals)
<hackworks> Would the core/basic AOSP work with no graphic glitches?
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<hackworks> xplodwild: I think I lost you, some other time
<xplodwild> hackworks: ah sorry, hmm I don't think someone did, but I don't think it worked
<xplodwild> we might have tried once
<xplodwild> but it's too different from shipping code
<hackworks> okay
<hackworks> if we are not going to use any blobs, would it be possible to be something up and running. I am sure all optimizations if any will be lost
<hackworks> Assuming sammy has done hw level optimizations to exploit their HW best - which they would have
<hackworks> thanks xplodwild
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<Dr0ne> Hi from france :)
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<Dr0ne> !supported
<bbqbot> Dr0ne: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Dr0ne> !download samsung
<bbqbot> Dr0ne: Unknown device samsung
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<Dr0ne> !download I9305
<bbqbot> Dr0ne: Unknown device I9305
<Dr0ne> !device
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<mjkyut> sup
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<n-iCe> hi
<nebkat> hey n-iCe
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<n-iCe> :*
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<frankdrey> Hi
<nebkat> hey frankdrey
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<smw> Hi all. Why is CM 10.1 experimental for the i9300? Is there a list of bugs or missing features that make it not stable?
<smw> same thing with 10.2 (nightly)
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<TheMadness> hi
<TheMadness> i want to translate cm10.2 strings to turkish
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<frankdrey> !google cm help translate
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Google Translate:
<frankdrey> >.>
<frankdrey> !google cyanogenmod wiki help translate
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Doc: Translation Guide - CyanogenMod - CyanogenMod Wiki:
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<frankdrey> TheMadness, ^ :)
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<TheMadness> :S
<frankdrey> ?
<TheMadness> settings strings
<frankdrey> noones working on it
<TheMadness> i can work on it
<frankdrey> if you know Turkish and have a decent computer, help work on it
<frankdrey> ok
<frankdrey> that wiki link has all you need
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<TheMadness> which wiki link
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<TheMadness> aff, you cant open Crowdin project?
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<TheMadness> frankdrey
<frankdrey> i'm not in charge
<frankdrey> ask in #cyanogenmod-dev
<frankdrey> why they haven't
<frankdrey> *shrug*
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<TheMadness> okay, thanks for help
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<TheMadness> [21:43] == #cyanogenmod-dev Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
<TheMadness> aff
<TheMadness> i'll look it tomorroy
<TheMadness> tomorrow*
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<spY|da> nabend
<spY|da> frankdrey, hows you dual boot working?
<frankdrey> spY|da, haven't booted into windows after installing linux xD
<frankdrey> and i'm not planning to
<frankdrey> This is my server now
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<Mani_> Hi guys, I'm having an issue with Samsung Galaxy 2. Can anyone help me please?
<Mani_> I have CM10 installed on it. I would really appreciate any help.
<Mani_> I keep getting that "Storage space running out" message. But when I go into Storage Settings, and the graph there shows there should be enough space, because Apps are taking only 400 MBs.
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<Mani_> Out of 2 GBs, I only have 80 MBs available now. But can't seem to find anything taking this much space
<nebkat> frankdrey: r u thar
<frankdrey> nebkat, yeah
<Mani_> Can anyone advise about it?
<Mani_> Please
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<frankdrey> Does cm9 have ssh-keygen?
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