nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | Nemesis APK |STATS AT
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<ernie`> well, just flashed the 0108 build for i9300 and titanium backup can't get su rights
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<RossWell98> why you flashed 10.2
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<bouno> i want to ask if installing Cyanogenmod 10.2 safe or not? (I have Omega 4.1.2)
<jomp16> "<jomp16> CM10.2 still in merge, and depends of the maintainer of your device to build/port/adapt... | <jomp16> Short response: for now: NO!"
<bouno> is paranoid halo rom better to install now as im bored of my old 4.1.2, i want a 4.2.2 or 4.3 upgrade, what do u recommend?
<jomp16> Never tried other custom roms, except CyanogenMod on my three devices...
<jomp16> On my Nexus 4 I have CM-10.1.2 (4.2.2)
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<Bouno_> is paranoid halo rom better to install than CyanogenMod 10.2 now as im bored of my old 4.1.2, i want a 4.2.2 or 4.3 upgrade, what do u recommend?
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<jomp16> CyanogenMod 10.1 (4.2.2) for now, until start the nighly builds of CM10.2...
<jomp16> Or test every ROM until you find a good especially for you, is personal opinion...
<Bouno_> just from ur experience: Paranoid Rom or Omega or u mention if there's better please
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<jomp16> <-- lolwut!
<Jiangyi> lolwhut indeed
<Jiangyi> ._.
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<hackworks> xplodwild: Did a little more debugging on the surfaceflinger crash
<hackworks> xplodwild: the backtrace is here
<hackworks> xplodwild: since I have 1 phone for daily use and debugging, next debug session will look at when it crashes by looking at args and disassembling the built in memcpy
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<xplodwild> hackworks: the libmali blob crashes, I know
<xplodwild> but that's a blob
<xplodwild> so pray for an update
<hackworks> xplodwild: how about if I just implement a byte by byte copy and call in BpGraphicBufferProducer::connect() instead of memcpy
<hackworks> it is a hack but would that help?
<hackworks> basically, avoid the memcpy with a hand written code
<hackworks> xplodwild: any comments?
<xplodwild> hmm you can try
<xplodwild> not sure it will work though
<xplodwild> in my debuggings, the crash happened in glReadPixels
<hackworks> xplodwild: so it is taking the path of useReadPixels then
<xplodwild> yup
<xplodwild> the NativeBuffer path crashes when initializing the native window
<hackworks> okay
<hackworks> are we both seeing different crashes then?
<hackworks> are, do they all boil down to memcpy?
<xplodwild> hmm I don't have my stacktrace anymore
<xplodwild> but it was definitely due to glReadPixels here
<hackworks> xplodwild: A request, can you dump your stacktrace & troubleshooting in a gist. I can do the same too
<hackworks> xplodwild: I mean, when you have it next
<xplodwild> I'm at work and don't have my i9300 here :/
<xplodwild> last internship day, croissants and party time
<hackworks> xplodwild: no problem, I have taken a day off to learnt to debug this
<hackworks> xplodwild: wow! have a great day and party hard
<hackworks> wish there was a CM source cross reference
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<xplodwild> hackworks: I think has CM too
<hackworks> xplodwild: thanks, will see
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<hackworks> xplodwild: ping
<xplodwild> hackworks: pong
<hackworks> circumventing memcpy did not solve the problem
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<hackworks> I will change your compile time check to runtime so that I need not keep updating the builds
<hackworks> xplodwild: I do not think memcpy is the problem here. I suspect some sort of a memory corruption that memcpy happened to catch
<xplodwild> hackworks: where exactly is the memcpy happening?
<xplodwild> if we're talking about the same bug, again, it's due to glReadPixels
<xplodwild> comment it out, and crash is gone
<hackworks> can you take a look at
<hackworks> that is the diff I tried
<xplodwild> the path is that it goes through captureScreenImplCpuConsumerLocked
<hackworks> where is the call the glReadPixels?
<hackworks> okay
<xplodwild> glReadPixels is somewhere in that method
<xplodwild> basically, instead of re-rendering the screen, it just locks the current screen and do OpenGL calls to grab the screen contents back into CPU memory
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<xplodwild> except that since 4.3 changes, libMali crashes when this happens, for no reason
<hackworks> xplodwild: thanks, I was going in the wrong track since I saw the error in memcpy
<xplodwild> yeah, you were probably looking at a side effect
<hackworks> i will continue debugging on the right track now
<hackworks> xplodwild: Is SurfaceFlinger a singleton class?
<xplodwild> hackworks: it's a service
<xplodwild> so in a way yes, it's a singleton as there will only be one instance of it
<hackworks> okay, I wanted to add some static flags for dirty debugging and not deal with multiple instances of the class within the surfaceflinger process
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<xplodwild> should be fine
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<Ergo^> !supported i9300
<bbqbot> Ergo^: Unknown OEM i9300, supported:Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Ergo^> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> Ergo^: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Ergo^> !supported Samsung i9300
<bbqbot> Ergo^: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Ergo^> so is this polish or english channel?
<xplodwild> english
<Ergo^> half of topic is in polish :-)
<Ergo^> ok anyways, i wanted to ask about i9300
xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: Welcome to CyanogenMod Samsung support channel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | Nemesis APK |STATS AT
<Ergo^> is there any chance we can get "stablish" release for s3?
<Ergo^> !device i9300
<bbqbot> Ergo^: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<Ergo^> ive noticed that there was a "snapshot" - - is that better to use than a nightly?
<xplodwild> Ergo^: no stable
<xplodwild> Ergo^: and 'EXPERIMENTAL' should be fairly explicit - it's just a temp build with a temp patch
<xplodwild> it could work, or it could not boot
<Ergo^> hmm, oh well i'll keep on waiting then
<hackworks> Ergo^: From another user, the CM10.1 is good daily driver. For me, it never failed.
<hackworks> Ergo^: stable is really a state of mind. Is it stable enough for my use case?
<Ergo^> I tried nightly 2-3 weeks ago - had silenced speakers when calling, and camera seemed to make really bad photos
<Ergo^> maybe some of that got fixed (the calling)
<hackworks> Ergo^: Camera on stock is better only in low light. In day light, I notice no difference
<xplodwild> as for silenced speaker, it has been fixed a week ago
<hackworks> Ergo^: codeworkx has fixed the no sound by making a sound during bootup like stock rom from samsung does. However, I have not validated it as I stick to sound on lock/unlock
<Ergo^> hm, might give it a try again then :-)
<hackworks> Ergo^: for battery, disable location reporting in google maps
<Ergo^> one more thing i noticed (that might be not related to cyanogenmod but asop browser), there were some artifacts when browsing my own app
<Ergo^> opacity changing seemed to not work correctly on dom objects
<hackworks> Ergo^: that is a common mistake and people complain about poor battery life
<Ergo^> hackworks: how big is the low light difference?
<hackworks> Ergo^: not sure, I suggest you try. Since I did not find a very big difference - I gave up on stock
<hackworks> Ergo^: if I am serious about the occasion, I better carry a camera instead of a phone (unless it is nokia pure view)
<xplodwild> Focal fixes the camera anyway
<Ergo^> it does?
<Ergo^> its included in nightlies already?
<hackworks> xplodwild: are we still not limited by the sammy blobs and the hardware?
<xplodwild> Ergo^: it's in cm-10.2
<xplodwild> hackworks: we're still limited by sammy blobs
<xplodwild> the hardware isn't that bad
<xplodwild> the software is
<hackworks> xplodwild: so, you make up by post processing
<xplodwild> post processing, setting the proper parameters, etc
<Ergo^> i have old lg p500 with CM9, would love to have CM also on s3
<hackworks> Ergo^: go for it. If you are not happy, you can always go back
<hackworks> Ergo^: the worst is not trying due to perceptions of others
<Ergo^> yeah i did but i moved back same day - but it was late evening when i tried camera
<Ergo^> i have right equipement but wanted to document my baby's first steps ;-0
<Ergo^> so phone was best option for that :D
<Ergo^> i guess ill wait a bit for 10.2
<Ergo^> and then give it a shot again
<hackworks> Ergo^: Well, I am on cm-10.2 kanging and debugging
<hackworks> Ergo^: if only I had another s3 to do all the debugging...
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<Ergo^> if you promise to not brick my device i could send a log or two ;-)
<hackworks> Ergo^: the round trip is too long. I am doing it on my only phone
<hackworks> i have an s3 but when I am debugging, cannot use it as a phone. there are days I simply cannot be unreachable
<Ergo^> right
<Ergo^> - is that the location i should get 10.2?
<xplodwild> yup
<Ergo^> i know its experimental but can i expect it to work for daily use?
<hackworks> xplodwild: between you and cody, can you have a single place to post unofficial builds?
<hackworks> Ergo^: Well, again I am using it without a crash or a random reboot. Graphics are a little choppy
<xplodwild> Ergo^: 10.2 can be used as a daily driver if you can live with some small glitches
<xplodwild> but I'd rather advise you to wait a bit if you're unsure
<hackworks> Ergo^: but, nothing compared to the first CM7 build I ran on HTC wildfire from Jacob Crawley (he ported the android sdk system image)
<Ergo^> the question is what do you consider small glitches ;-)
<Ergo^> since i often run fedora testing shit out - i can probably live with things breaking occasionally
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<hackworks> Ergo^: for me, a phone should work as a phone primarily. The rest is luxury. The graphics glitches are window rendering delays. If you open gmail and open a mail inside that, you will see a black band at top that disappears immediately but noticeable
<Ergo^> ah
<Ergo^> not a dealbreaker then
<hackworks> Ergo^: Let me not sound like I am marketing it. If you can restore from a nandroid when you do not like it, you can consider it
<hackworks> Ergo^: Again, my perceptions may be totally different and biased since I like cm roms & the community
<hackworks> bye for now
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<Henke|MGD> where should you ask if you're having problem building CM10.2?
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<henke002> I get a build error, without any real message, as far as I can understand the output that is
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<fortis> any information on GS3 not connecting to network providers?
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<JoshRadio> Hey friends! Anyone able to help me with CWM recovery unable to mount /sdcard?
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<oink> !download i9100
<bbqbot> oink: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [f738f2]
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<henke|mgd> !download i9300
<bbqbot> henke|mgd: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [cc22c6]
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<smw_> Hi all, I am about to get a galaxy s3. I took a look at and I was wondering if there was a list of known bugs for this build.
<smw_> Also, does anyone know if the build affects battery life?
<datagutt> smw_: known issues:
<datagutt> Graphic bugs
<datagutt> You can not screenshot
<datagutt> Recent apps list do not show preview of the apps
<smw_> datagutt, where is this coming from?
<jomp16> basically: everything... =P
<datagutt> the development thread
<smw_> yeah
<datagutt> in original development
<smw_> that sounds like "everything"
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> it works
<datagutt> but i can't say the experience is good
<smw_> datagutt, a great first step :-)
<jomp16> not everything, but without it, isn't CM
<jomp16> meh, forget it, it can work if you adapt to the "bugs"
<smw_> bottom line, I should stick with the default for now?
<datagutt> smw_: cm 10.1 works nicely though
<datagutt> but you only get 4.2
<datagutt> i would stay on cm10.1 until 10.2 gets more stable
<smw_> ok
<jomp16> With stock Android 4.3 or CM 10.1, I choose CM
<smw_> datagutt, are thos builds official? Is there a known bugs list?
<smw_> datagutt, and does it affect battery?
<smw_> jomp16, why?
<jomp16> smw_: features
<smw_> This is my first android phone, but I have a webos tablet I install cyanogenmod on
<datagutt> Not official as in "made by samsung"
<datagutt> but it is a official cyanogenmod build
<smw_> datagutt, yeah, I mean official cyanogenmod
<jomp16> For me = official = official by CM team...
<datagutt> tvout wont break
<datagutt> wont work*
<datagutt> but other than that, i don't recall any other issues
<smw_> datagutt, the s3 has tvout? lol
<datagutt> yeh
<datagutt> using mhl
<jomp16> datagutt: if Sammy released the sources or docs of Exynos platform, the CM build will really work?
<datagutt> jomp16: won't happen
<datagutt> they will never do it
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> exynos5 is open
<datagutt> and it works on nexus 10 tablets
<smw_> datagutt, then, I guess my last question is battery. Does cyanogenmod use more battery on the s3?
<smw_> datagutt, oh, and do you recommend stable or nightlies?
<datagutt> i barely used touchwiz before installing cm
<datagutt> But battery life is good
<datagutt> i recommend nightlies
<datagutt> they are stable enough
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<smw_> datagutt, cool. Thanks
<waratte> You're welcome.
<jomp16> Does CM 10.1 really has a anti uncle Sam?
<jomp16> #JustKidding =P
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<n-iCe> hi
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<Tizz> greetings folks
<Tizz> i just have a question
<n-iCe> shot
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<Tizz> is there a tabletUI option for the latest CM 10.1 build for the galaxy tab 2 7inch
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<n-iCe> you mean to change the ppi size?
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<Tizz> i mean mostly to not have the notification bar on the top
<Tizz> i like it in the bottom corner
<n-iCe> you cannot change it in cyanogenmod
<n-iCe> not sure about tablets builds though, never tried it.
<n-iCe> But I don't think so.
<Tizz> i have an unofficial ....thing... for 3.0.31-CM does such a thing
<Tizz> but when i ran my CM update it reverted it to the phablet UI
<Tizz> oh well, i figured i'd check here before searching the forums, you know how forum searches can be some times
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<RoGuE> Hello. Is it Cyanogen help center?
<plastikman> if you have a sammy device some one might help
<RoGuE> Its about Samsung Galaxy S 2 i9100
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<plastikman> ask your question
<plastikman> if someone can help they will
<plastikman> as the topic says, dont ask to ask
<RoGuE> I just installed JB 4.3 but it says keyboard error
<RoGuE> I cant type anything
<plastikman> did you wipe?
<plastikman> do you have adb access?
<RossWell98> plastikman, nobody read the topic :')
<RoGuE> Im sorry, what is to wipe and what is adb access?
<plastikman> RossWell98, i knoe
<plastikman> lol
<RossWell98> RoBz, please
<RoGuE> No I read the topic. Im an irc user already
<RossWell98> don't try
<RossWell98> 4.3 is in WIP
<RoGuE> I think its also mIRC based, isnt it?
<RossWell98> IDK if one guy can help you
<plastikman> RoGuE, what rom did you come from?
<RoGuE> [GT-I9100] [Cyanogen Mod 10.2] JellyBean 4.3
<plastikman> RoGuE, what rom did you come from?
<plastikman> not what did you install
<RossWell98> Ahhh :(
<RossWell98> RoGuE, unofficial build?
<RoGuE> yeah! :(
<RossWell98> where ? in placebo world?
<RossWell98> xda ? :)
<RossWell98> or YOUR build
<RoGuE> xda of course
<RossWell98> mhhh
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<RossWell98> no really dude
<plastikman> RoGuE, were you on cm10.1 before?
<RossWell98> plastikman, don't try ...
<RoGuE> no. came directly
<RossWell98> I had this problem too
<plastikman> omg i want to kill you
<plastikman> RossWell98, ll
<plastikman> *kk
<RossWell98> 10.2 is in WIP
<plastikman> im on t0lteatt
<RossWell98> and in S2 it's unstable like a flower pot in a 2µ window
<plastikman> hahaha
<plastikman> RossWell98, sounds good to me
<RossWell98> RoGuE
<RoGuE> mhmm?
<RossWell98> when you'll see a 10.2 build it's ok
<plastikman> haha
<RossWell98> plastikman mhh ?
<RoGuE> There isnt any
<RoGuE> :(
<RossWell98> oh
<RossWell98> !op
<plastikman> RossWell98, sounds solid to me
<RossWell98> OMG
<RossWell98> it wo
<RossWell98> rk :|
<plastikman> RoGuE, what RossWell98 is telling you...the build on XDA is basically broken
<RossWell98> plastikman, XDA and others
<RoGuE> ok. now what?
<plastikman> yyou have to wait for it to hit nightlies before it is more stable
<RoGuE> Where can I download complete link from?
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<RossWell98> RoGuE, now return to 4.2.2 :)
<plastikman> RoGuE, flash a "stable rom" either stock or 10.1
<RoGuE> I was on 4.1.2
<RossWell98> ô.o
<plastikman> download 4.2.2
<RossWell98> why?
<RoGuE> plastikman: any idea where can i get stable one?
<plastikman> that is CM10.1
<plastikman> RoGuE, look atht link
<RossWell98> RoGuE, no stable in S2 for 10.1
<plastikman> use one of the nightlies for 10.1
<plastikman> or go back to touchjizz
<RossWell98> RoGuE,
<RoGuE> thnx Rosse!
<RoGuE> Gonna try it
<RossWell98> I saw "thanks russe xD"
<RoGuE> can you give me compatible Gapps as well?
<RossWell98> ofc
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<plastikman> prepare for a million year download
<plastikman> lol
<RossWell98> plastikman, wut?
<plastikman> for me, is running so slow right now
<RoGuE> The one on the top of the list, I alrdy have
<plastikman> im not complaining, hosting is expensive
<RossWell98> is fast for menow :/
<plastikman> i was trying to pull a rom off there an hour or 2 ago
<plastikman> was taking FOREVER
<RossWell98> plastikman, what rom your use ?
<plastikman> lol
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<plastikman> im running the latest unoficial from codeworkx for t0lte
<RossWell98> unofficial from codeworkx ?
<RossWell98> what change?
<plastikman> 10.2
<RossWell98> and It work ? ô.o
<plastikman> yes
<plastikman> not sure what he is doing
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<RossWell98> yeah :/
<plastikman> when i build for t0lteatt i get softboots
<plastikman> when i run his shizzle its solid
<plastikman> so im happy
<RossWell98> but
<RossWell98> whats new in 4.3 ?
<RossWell98> nothing ? :)
<plastikman> the ONLY think i care about in 4.3 is AVCRP
<plastikman> dat bluetooth metadata
<plastikman> i missed it hard core in 10.1
<RossWell98> AVRCP XD
<RossWell98> AVCRP*
<RossWell98> no it's AVRCP no ?
<plastikman> w/e
<plastikman> that is what i want :)
<plastikman> AVRCP
<RossWell98> mh
<plastikman> well, the ability to control my phone from my car was there
<RossWell98> Me I'm on ICS :|
<plastikman> but now the metadata is shared
<plastikman> so now when im playing music my car will display the media info
<RossWell98> oh
<plastikman> i was stoked to hear slayher and codeworkx are working on t0lte*
<jomp16> Meh, I only need GApps for 4.3 to test on my P3110 and maybe on my Nexus 4
<RossWell98> jomp16, DUDE
<RossWell98> YOU HAVE AOSP
<RossWell98> goto build AOSP !
<plastikman> still like CM better than AOSP
<jomp16> RossWell98: even I build AOSP, GApps will came on dat build? NO!
<jomp16> plastikman: +1
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<jomp16> I love CM than stock/AOSP
<RossWell98> plastikman, but.. jomp16 is ... jomp16
<RossWell98> jomp16, install 4.2.2 gapps on 4
<RossWell98> .3
<RossWell98> you tried ?
<plastikman> that is the 4.3 gaps
<RossWell98> AHHH
<jomp16> Except you want a bunch of FCs, bootloop, and the termonuclear war =P
<plastikman> jomp16, i just installed those on my note 2
<RossWell98> Oh my god If I do this
<RossWell98> I make a blackhole?
<plastikman> with cm10.2
<jomp16> plastikman: the 4.3 gapps or 4.2?
<plastikman> 4.3 gapps
<plastikman> the one i just posted
<plastikman> that is a 4.3 package
<jomp16> Oh, fine
<RossWell98> jomp16, If I flash 4.2.2 GAPPS on 4.0.4
<RossWell98> what will do ?
<plastikman> prolly some FC's
<RossWell98> ...
<plastikman> any app that is old in the gapps will be updated by the play store
<jomp16> RossWell98: FCs, bootloop, third global war, your cat will dead, etc
<RossWell98> OMG MY CAT NOH
<RossWell98> If I have a problem I wipe -_-
<plastikman> if your gapps are busted, just wipe /system
<plastikman> then reflash the rom then reflash the right gapps
<jomp16> Meh, true
<RossWell98> so for you
<RossWell98> gapps're on /system ? xD
<jomp16> Something wrong = DAT WIPE ALL!
<jomp16> RossWell98: yes...
<plastikman> gapps are on /system
<plastikman> yes
<RossWell98> :D
<jomp16> permissions on /system, apps on /system/apps, whatever
<RossWell98> :D
<jomp16> My PC takes more than 5 hours to compile CM =O
<plastikman> i just built it on my laptop in 40 mins
<plastikman> hahah
<RoGuE> will this gapps work on GS2?
<plastikman> no
<plastikman> that is for android 4.3
<RoGuE> Okay! Ty
<plastikman> not 4.2
<jomp16> plastikman: my PC specs: AMD Athlon X2 2.7GHz, 2GB DDR2 (the most lowest speed)
<jomp16> =(
<plastikman> im on an i7 quad core with HT
<plastikman> 8 GB ram
<plastikman> 256 GB ssb
<jomp16> I have 3 HDs =D
<jomp16> Still slow, but is good...
<jomp16> Cody's PC is the best from all world =P
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<plastikman> ...
<plastikman> oops
<plastikman> Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.20GHz
<plastikman> goes nice and fast
<codeworkx> 40 mins... :-P
<plastikman> would be nice to be at like 15 mins
<plastikman> ohai codeworkx
<jomp16> You build fast because i7 has 4 real cores and 8 or 4 virtual
<plastikman> 4 real and 4 virtual
<plastikman> so i haz 8 threads
<jomp16> I think with latest AMD FX of 8 cores, will build more fast
<RossWell98> AHHHI forgot D:
<plastikman> i would like to have more ram
<codeworkx> jomp16: nope
<codeworkx> slower than my quad
<plastikman> codeworkx, since you are alive, are you committing t0lte upstream?
<codeworkx> it is
<jomp16> Cody always hates AMD products
<plastikman> mine keeps softbooting
<plastikman> with t0lteatt
<codeworkx> mali
<plastikman> exactly
<codeworkx> throw away
<codeworkx> and buy qcom
<jomp16> Buy HTC, Sony or a Nexus 4
<plastikman> codeworkx, it works fine with your t0lte build
<plastikman> 8/1
<plastikman> from xda
<codeworkx> dirty woekaround
<plastikman> not commited, i assume\
<plastikman> ?
<codeworkx> gerrit
<jomp16> He hates workaround...
<codeworkx> legacy fb. 2 patches
<plastikman> link me?
<plastikman> searching on gerit is a PITA
<codeworkx> im on phone
<plastikman> n/p
<plastikman> ill find it
<jomp16> Cody: question, you always clean the build before compile again or when is necessary on your PC?
<plastikman> then apply it
<plastikman> then telll utkanos that it was NOT my fedora box
<plastikman> lol
<RossWell98> codeworkx, DUDE! what you done to have 10.2 work ?
<codeworkx> jomp16: mostly
<codeworkx> plastikman: its fedora
<codeworkx> arch or gtfo
<RossWell98> jomp16, i7 sox! don't buy this !
<jomp16> I build CM upside of a Arch chroot on my real Arch box =P
<jomp16> RossWell98: i love AMD products...
<codeworkx> plastikman: theres another on frameworks
<plastikman> codeworkx, kk
<plastikman> ill find that one too
<codeworkx> jomp16: amd is cheap and low end
<jomp16> codeworkx: but is enough!
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> time is money
<RossWell98> what?
<jomp16> I need proof, if someone here has a AMD FX of 8 cores, build CM10.* and register the build start time and the build end time...
<RossWell98> jomp16, a FX take max 12-13min to build
<jomp16> If I remember, cody compiles in ~15 minutes?
<plastikman> codeworkx, that one?
<RossWell98> i7 is good in monothread
<RossWell98> but FX is better in multithread
<codeworkx> dude, the lowbob amd 8 core is slower than old quad 2600k
<jomp16> Builds always is threaded...
<RossWell98> ...
<codeworkx> jomp16: 6 mins
<jomp16> Cody: don't trust in benchmarks...
<jomp16> You has it on your assinature
<codeworkx> i used amd for years and it sucks compared to intel. whole different world
<jomp16> How many of RAM you have? And what is it speed?
<codeworkx> 32gb 1866
<RossWell98> codeworkx, FUCK
<jomp16> lolwat
<RossWell98> why ?!
<RossWell98> It's useless !
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<RossWell98> codeworkx, what mobo
<jomp16> Isn't useless for a man who is always building and fixing errors...
<RossWell98> and 4 of 8 ?
<codeworkx> asrock fatality prom
<jomp16> Sammy errors =P
<plastikman> codeworkx, the frameworks change is merged already
<RossWell98> jomp16, 16GB is needed
<RossWell98> ASROCK ? why not ASUS D:
<jomp16> My mobo is Asrock...
<codeworkx> bad experience
<jomp16> And I love potatoes =P
<codeworkx> rampage formula smoked up 3 times
<RossWell98> codeworkx, what bad ? :)
<RossWell98> OMG HE HAVE 8 SLOT
<jomp16> "Package Complete: /home/android/cm-10.2/out/target/product/p3110/" =D
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<RossWell98> jomp16, time, 6 hours
<RossWell98> codeworkx, OMG you have only USB3.0
<plastikman> i hate make clobber
<codeworkx> yeah, no usb 10.1
<jomp16> RossWell98: "Build start:Sex Ago 2 14:21:53 BRT 2013 Build end:Sex Ago 2 17:33:14 BRT 2013"
<plastikman> i was looking for yours
<plastikman> thanks codeworkx
<jaken> !changelog i9300
<bbqbot> jaken: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<RossWell98> mhhh
<jomp16> plastikman: I use breakfast product, mka bacon, and other day I will test make -jX
<plastikman> jomp16, just use brunch
<RossWell98> codeworkx, what CPU ? ô.o
<codeworkx> i7 2600k @ 4500 air
<codeworkx> 32gb 1866, hd 6970, 3x ssd
<RossWell98> mhh
<RossWell98> your CPU is old ô.o
<plastikman> lol people still use t2?
<plastikman> haha
<codeworkx> damn old ;-)
<codeworkx> but beats amd
<plastikman> my HTPC is running a 2600
<RossWell98> codeworkx, nohh, I'll proof you when I'll have my FX ! :D
<codeworkx> dont waste your money
<jomp16> RossWell98: challenge accepted?
<codeworkx> wanna see my dual xeon?
<RossWell98> johntramp, YEAH
<RossWell98> codeworkx, NO
<jomp16> Basically, cody is a rich man...
<RossWell98> yeah
<jomp16> Due to his job? His parents also is rich? He won at lottery?
<RossWell98> maybe
<RossWell98> or not
<plastikman> also lol codeworkx ZOMG I CANT TAKE A SCREENSHOT
<RossWell98> my next config is FX :/
<RossWell98> I'll see
<RossWell98> codeworkx, I'LL OC TO 5GHz tu beat you ! :O
<plastikman> than your house will burn down
<jomp16> Hehehehe
<plastikman> *then
<RossWell98> Yeah
<jomp16> RossWell98: buy a nitrogen liquid cooler =D
<RossWell98> no ...
<RossWell98> I drink liquid nitrogen
<jomp16> I drink coke, I beat you!
<jomp16> Bet/beat (dunno)
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<Fissurez> Scrubs
<plastikman> instructions unclear
<codeworkx> Roswell98: which fx?
<Fissurez> CODY
<plastikman> was happy that this phone had exynos4 when i got it
<plastikman> kinda hate it now
<plastikman> lol
<Fissurez> Haha
<Fissurez> S2s.
<plastikman> hoping the note3 has Qualcom 800
<Fissurez> plastikman it's fashionable to sell it and get a nexus
<RossWell98> codeworkx, 8350
<plastikman> Fissurez, if only N4 had dat 5.5 inch screen
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<Fissurez> Too big
<plastikman> nowai
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<plastikman> i love the phablet
<jomp16> GTab 2' received 4.2.2 update =O
<RossWell98> codeworkx, really IDK If I can beat you butif I can, omg :D
<jomp16> 5.5 is big!
<Fissurez> Buy a taller
<Fissurez> * tablet
<jomp16> I love my 4.7
<plastikman> Galaxy Note 2 is my favorite phone
<Fissurez> 4.7 is good because of on screen buttons
<Fissurez> Meh
<Fissurez> MEH
<plastikman> the note3 will be my new favorite when it comes out
<plastikman> was loling about motox
<Fissurez> Too big
<Fissurez> Trousers will scream
<jomp16> Screens shots of official 4.2.2 update =O
<Fissurez> Why the lol?
<plastikman> i dont wear hipster pants
<plastikman> so the size is not an issue
<Fissurez> Neither do i
<Fissurez> I wear jeans
<codeworkx> RosWell98: its slower than i5
<Fissurez> Proper ones
<plastikman> right now because it is 100+F i wear cargo shorts
<jomp16> Cody: FX has real 8 cores, ahd will work better on multithreaded apps
<codeworkx> fx 9370 might have a chance
<Fissurez> Is this amd?
<codeworkx> still worse than i7
<codeworkx> trust me
<Fissurez> But how much cheaper cody
<plastikman> intel beats AMD 99% of the time
<plastikman> the only time that AMD was the winner was when they refreshed the P4
<Fissurez> Im not buying amd cpu
<Fissurez> P4?
<plastikman> they == intel
<Fissurez> Amd went through a period of raping intel
<Fissurez> But
<Fissurez> Fx series is crap
<plastikman> around the end of the p4 time
<plastikman> they are always ~12 months behind
<codeworkx> intel is also better at power consumption and on performance per dollar
<plastikman> they being AMD
<Fissurez> Apparently fx would be much better if multithreading was more used
<Fissurez> I doubt it
<Fissurez> But maybe we'll see better stuff after amd reaps rewards from owning all next gem consoles
<Fissurez> Amd gpus are good
<plastikman> agreed
<plastikman> i love AMD GPU
<plastikman> not CPU
<plastikman> :)
<Fissurez> Ye
<jomp16> Good question: why Microsoft and Sony doesn't choose Intel for build the processors?
<plastikman> performance margins are probably not that critical
<Fissurez> Jomp16 probably not as good for games?
<jomp16> AMD doesn't has a crap driver support on Linux?
<Fissurez> And more expensive more likely
<jomp16> Fissurez: so, AMD is the best than Intel =P
<Fissurez> Considering how consoles will be sold at loss
<Fissurez> For consoles maybe
<Fissurez> But i don't think jaguar is up for consumers yet
<Fissurez> So
<Fissurez> Also, more money will be spent on gpus, and if amd can make processor with gpu, things may run better together
<plastikman> TEH APU
<jomp16> Noob question: is possible to mount system.img to see the contents on Linux? mount -o loop always show error about wrong fs
<codeworkx> simg2img system.img sys.img
<codeworkx> then loop mount sys.img
<Fissurez> Btw
<Fissurez> Turns out
<Fissurez> Portable fastboot is best thing ever
<Fissurez> I used android to flash android on another android!
<plastikman> yo dawg
<plastikman> building dat kernel now
<Fissurez> Kernels.
<Fissurez> I never needed one anyway
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<plastikman> its building with android
<plastikman> I have a love hate relationship with building the kernel from source
<plastikman> while building android
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<plastikman> mmm i like the new 4.3 keyboard
<plastikman> it looks a little different
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<jomp16> codeworkx: thanks, it works
<Fissurez> Does it?
<Fissurez> I see no difference
<jomp16> That command will work on all .img of Android?
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<Fissurez> No, just the ones with party hats
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<JohnMac> Evening all
<Fissurez> No u
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<|Night|> hehe
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