nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT
<jomp16> The best host I found is: my PC =P
<alpharendr> @frankdrey, do you have some link to download a kernel for tne note1 ? may be il resolve my probléme.
<jomp16> I love pure WordPress, not the modified one from
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<frankdrey> jomp16, I can host it but can only guarantee like 95% uptime
<frankdrey> And you'll need your own domain
<jomp15> meh, =P
<frankdrey> Wait, for just WordPress...
<jomp15> Anyways, thanks for it
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<frankdrey> Best free host out there
<alpharendr> frankdrey, any link for downolad a kernel for the note ?
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<frankdrey> Cm kernel is best
<frankdrey> Included with cm
<jomp16> frankdrey: but for Nexus 4, the best (in my opinion) is franco Kernel, and maybe the same for other Nexus line
<frankdrey> Sssshhhh
<frankdrey> We don't support custom kernel ;-)
<alpharendr> i need to flash it with odin pc ( nso i need just a kernel )
<jomp16> I know, and I never had a problem with kernelz
<jomp16> And N4 isn't supported here
<alpharendr> if you have a CM one ( tar format)
<jomp16> frankdrey: "Reason: We are not currently accepting new users from your country (Brazil)."
<frankdrey> :-\
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<alpharendr> no CM kernel for me ? :-(
<frankdrey> Don't have it
<frankdrey> jomp16: so my server or x10?
<alpharendr> ok, thanx for all.
<frankdrey> For mine, I'll probably give you a port on that you'll need to figure out how to forward to yourself
<alpharendr> have a good night
<frankdrey> Cause I'll be using 80 for my site on
<frankdrey> Gnight
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<jomp16> frankdrey: if you mean to forward it to my PC, isn't possible, because I don't have access to main router (not wireless), so, because of this, I can't access site with my IP
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Désolé, j'étais en traîn de jouer mon saxophone
<frankdrey> No, you need to forward to
<frankdrey> Jiangyi c'est cool
<jomp16> frankdrey: oh, I understand now
<jomp16> btw, restart the bastard of gnome, mouse isn't handled
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<frankdrey> jomp16, y u use gnome
<Jiangyi> !money 1 USD CAD
<bbqbot> Jiangyi: 1.00 USD = 1.05 CAD
<Jiangyi> !money 1 CAD USD
<bbqbot> Jiangyi: 1.00 CAD = 0.95 USD
<Jiangyi> I missed the days when CAD was worth more than USD :->
<Jiangyi> :->*
<Jiangyi> :-|*
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> jomp16: though my server is so old it has a floppy drive...
<jomp16> frankdrey: lolwat!
<jomp16> how your server serves the contents?
<jomp16> frankdrey: maybe with some proxying I can register to x10?
<frankdrey> It's not build yet
<frankdrey> Dunno
<frankdrey> I'm building it right now
<jomp16> Basically, if I have access to main router, I can modifiy it to foward my IP
<frankdrey> This CPU should take less power than my desktop's core2duo
<jomp16> with my wireless router, any devices can access with
<frankdrey> I can help you forward from my server
<jomp16> I hate sites blocking non US residents
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<jomp16> | that unicorn isn't from AOKP?
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<Jiangyi> jomp16: No, they kanged it from Github
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<jomp16> stock image from Google is pretty stable
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<jomp16> Cya', sleep
<jomp16> frankdrey: anyways, thanks for your hosting (even not complete yet)
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<overload> maybe you guys can help me... i just installed a custom rom on my galaxy s3 int (i9300) but now in some apps when there apparently is something drawn on top of something on the screen (for example certain ads... i.e. in "Guess that Song" i can see the menu for about a second, then the ad on the bottom pops up and BOOM) i can then only see the ad and the rest goes black, until i "force" it to redraw (in buzz launcher i
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<overload> for example moving the screen it is on.... as soon as i let go however it went black again... weird bug and i don't know what's wrong
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<overload> !supported
<bbqbot> Overload: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<n-iCe> hi
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<sudoman> hello. i was using 10.1 nightly wihout a hitch. installed 10.2, booted up, worked pretty nice, camera went offline, then rebooted and now i can only reboot into recovery mode, charge mode and download mode. otherwise, the bootloader screen just displays the logo and goes no further.
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<huru> !supported
<bbqbot> huru: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<huru> !device n7100
<bbqbot> huru: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2:
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<gopi> hi codeworkx and team
<gopi> i update my galaxys2 to 10.2-20130826 but has small glitches
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<gopi> phone app not working and playstore doesn't open
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<beer> spY|da: :|
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<spY|da> beer, :D im @ work
<beer> spY|da: ping me when you back ;)
<spY|da> beer, i have time :D
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<bbqbot> lolwat
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<oddover__> Hi all. I'd like to install CM on my samsung galaxy s2. I was just looking at and was wondering what the big red box at the top is talking about?
<oddover__> how do I know if I have the stock kernel
<oddover__> in "About phone" it says kernel version is: "3.0.15-CL1174199"
<oddover__> is anyone here listening?
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<Jiangyi> QuinnLion`: Ping
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: When did you become op? ._.
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<n-iCe> do you want op Jiangyi ?
<Jiangyi> n-iCe: When did you get op too? ._.
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<Jiangyi> I haven't looked on this channel in ages heh
<n-iCe> it is only your imagination
<n-iCe> no, serioulsy
<n-iCe> your irc client should be wrong
<frankdrey> Jiangyi: :3
<waratte> <@waratte> I have op too
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<oddover__> Hi all. I'd like to install CM on my samsung galaxy s2. I was just looking at and was wondering what the big red box at the top is talking about?
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<frankdrey> Don't wipe data/factory reset while on stock
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<oddover__> so what's the right first step?
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<codeworkx> wipe data/factory while on stock rom and you solved a big problem
<oddover__> what?
<frankdrey> Lol cody
<frankdrey> Follow the install guide
<oddover__> that one?
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<frankdrey> Yes
<oddover__> oh, I think I see. So workaround for that bug is to do the first section there? (custom recover)
<oddover__> recovery*
<frankdrey> In cwm, it won't brick
<oddover__> mmk
<frankdrey> Make sure you don't wipe from stock recovery, only wipe from cwm
<oddover__> what does cwm stand for?
<frankdrey> Clockwork mod
<frankdrey> It's a recovery
<oddover__> gotcha
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<oddover__> should I root my phone before I do that?
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<frankdrey> Just follow the guide
<oddover__> k
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<Guest15839> frankdrey: dawg
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<frankdrey> beer: dawg
<RossWell98> :O
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<spY|da> beer, schnaps!
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<beer> spY|da: back from training
<beer> not tired, amazingly
<spY|da> schnaps!
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<oddover__> so, I just got into stock recovery. what option do I want: "apply update from external storage" or "apply update from cache"?
<oddover__> nvm, got it
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<Risk64> Thanks for fixing the mount bug. :)
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<Risk64> Even though i'm not sure if you changed anything at all. But it works from shell now. CifsManager still has old bug (private mountspace - mounts only seen by itself).
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<Risk64> nvm... nothing has changed. I just figured out that it works globally by built-in SSHd though.
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<frankdrey> jomp16, my wifi is too weak to reach my server in the garage ;_;
<frankdrey> and i don't have anywhere else to put it
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<QuinnLion`> Jiangyi, wat?
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<frankdrey> meh...maybe i shouldn't fork 4.1 :p
<frankdrey> i could always just work on cm10.2
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<frankdrey> man...KDE...y u so pretty yet so bloated?
<jomp16> frankdrey: use a fork of KDE with minimal apps
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<drsn0w> Hello :D
<frankdrey> jomp16, meh...
<frankdrey> i could always install parts
<frankdrey> but then updates could get messy
<Jiangyi> QuinnLion`: I received ctcp-ping requests from you
<Jiangyi> Just wondering what's up
<QuinnLion`> Noting much :p
<Jiangyi> mmkay
<QuinnLion`> I did that to #cyanogenmod
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Check if Youtube's working for you on latest 10.2?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, not on it :P
<frankdrey> i'm on 10.1
<frankdrey> err
<frankdrey> 10
<frankdrey> aka 4.1
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<MarcusBR> I'm having some trouble with bluetooth in CM 10.2. Can anyone help me with that? (I'm sorry if I shouldn't post here)
<MarcusBR> !device I9300
<bbqbot> MarcusBR: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III: